MTL - Dragon Inside-Chapter 35 Interesting rules (fourth more!)

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"Seven products demon?!"

Looking at the circle in the hands of Luo Yang, there was a light and faint demon, and everyone on the entire plain was shocked by the face, staring at Luo Yang’s right hand.

The seven-character beast is the equivalent of the spiritual monk of the human monk, and its value is far more than ten times the ordinary six-product demon! If you get Chengtian Temple to exchange the magic stone, you can get a lot of disciples with this kind of demon, and you will be able to accumulate all the wealth after a few years of hard work.

The most shocking thing is that this demon will actually appear in the hands of Luo Yang! In the face of the seven-character beast, even the elders of the outer gates of the Tianjianzong are also careful to deal with, a little careless, and may even be injured at any time.

Only Luo Yang, who is the strength of the condensate, can kill him and retrieve the demon, which makes everyone look at Luo Yang's eyes, all showing an incredible look.

"Impossible! This can't be your hunts! It must be you..."

Li Qingfeng’s look was shocked, and his mouth screamed, but he hadn’t finished it yet. Luo Yang interrupted coldly and said: “Is it important that I personally hunted?”

Luo Yang’s words made Li Qingfeng’s heart tighten and his appearance became more and more difficult to look at. According to the rules of Tian Jianzong, as long as the task is completed, there is no requirement that the disciple must complete the task with his own strength.

At this point, Li Qingfeng’s look is gloomy, his eyes staring at Luo Yang, and his sharp eyes make people feel trembled.

However, Luo Yang did not have the slightest fear. Instead, he looked directly at Li Qingfeng's gaze and said in his mouth: "I still want to ask Li, how is the person who arranged this sacred mission?" The disciples of the mid-term strength, to hunt and kill the seven-character monsters, is really a slippery world!"

"I rely on, killing seven beasts, these elders are afraid of being crazy?"

"Is this unclear to want to harm people?"

"Oh, if it is the right, you can be willful..."

Above the plains, after many disciples heard the words of Luo Yang, they all shook their heads and sighed, showing the meaning of anger and constantly talking. After all, for these non-influenced outside disciples, what happened to Luo Yang today is likely to happen to them tomorrow.

Li Qingfeng’s face shook and he knew that it was very disgraceful. If you die under the hands of the troll crocodile, or if Luo Yang does not complete the task, he can do his own crimes, and this will not happen.

However, Luo Yang not only came back alive, but also successfully completed the task. As a result, he himself fell into an unfavorable situation. In the face of many angry outside disciples, even the elders of the outer door were shocked. They said in a hurry: "The matter of the Zongmen mission is the responsibility of Chengtian Temple. What do you ask me to do?"

A side of Zhou Yuanxing's brows have been wrinkled, did not expect Li Qingfeng actually dare to conceal the strength of the troll crocodile. Seeing him at this moment, he even pushed his responsibilities to his head. His eyes could not help but get cold, and his face showed a disgusted look.

"Chengtian Temple did not check the grade of the beast. The old man is a deacon and has an unshirkable responsibility. After the selection of the inner disciples, you can go to the Temple of Heaven to receive a device, which is a compensation for you. How do you see it? ?"

Although he hated Li Qingfeng in his heart, Zhou Yuanxing knew that he was a deacon and did not shirk his responsibility. After a moment of indulging, he slowly said.

Luo Yang’s gaze flashed, knowing that even if he continued to hold the Zongmen mission, he would not threaten Li Qingfeng. Instead, he would annoy Zhou Xingxing. It would be better to accept it now and sell him. Human feelings.

At this point, Luo Yang’s face was a bit of a smile, and he said to Zhou Yuanxing’s fist: “The Zhou’s deacon is fair, and the disciples will naturally have no objections. This matter is determined by Zhou’s deacon.”

"Oh, it’s so good, I will accept this demon, and if you have completed the Zongmen mission, go to the selection first."

Zhou Yuanxing’s eyes showed an appreciative look. In the long sleeves, the demon in the hands of Luo Yang was taken into his hands. As for Li Qingfeng, he did not look at it.

Luo Yang nodded, his eyes swept away from the gloomy Li Qingfeng, and he did not stop. His figure flashed quickly and flew away toward the huge beam of light. In the blink of an eye, I stepped into it, and when the light flashed, the whole person disappeared.

Looking at the figure of Luo Yang disappeared, many elders on the stone platform were filled with hearts. At this critical moment of the selection of the inner disciples, if the elders of the outer door are exposed to the disciples, even if they do not know, they are enough to make their faces dull, not to mention an inner door elder on the stone platform. Shangguan is here.

Shangguan Xiu is like not knowing the scene just now. The whole person is sitting on the stone platform and is very calm. Only in those turbid eyes, revealing a fine light, a moment will pass away.


After a moment of whirl, the eyes were dark, and when Luo Yang opened his eyes, he found that he was no longer in the plain before, but in a mountain, it was a strange place. .

Looking into the distance, I can only see the continuous peaks, the bottom of the mountain, a rushing black river constantly flowing, connecting the peaks and spreading to the end of the sky.

Above the sky, there are nine suns and nine moons in the blue sky! Next to each sun, there is a round of a moon, a yin and a yang, emitting a horrible pressure, which makes people feel shocked.

"Nine is the ultimate, since this place can coexist in September 9th, there must be a big horror!"

After the eyes were swept away from the four fields, Luo Yang’s heart was a glimpse, and there was vigilance against the place.

Just as Luoyang was indulging, an old voice echoed throughout the earth, and it appeared in the ears of every foreign disciple who stepped into the place.

"This place is an ancient mystery created by the ancestors of this sect, and your trials will be carried out here. The rules are very simple, and what means are you constantly using, as long as the monsters of this place are killed? I can get the corresponding demon point. After one month, the demon is ranked in the top 100 and becomes an inner disciple."

When the voice of the old man fell, the front of Luo Yang was a flash of light, and a white jade slip suddenly appeared in front of him.

"This jade slip, as long as the blood is refining and refining, it will record your demon points. At the same time, it is also the only way for you to leave this place. If it is a matter of life and death, you can easily transfer the jade door, of course, It means that you have lost the qualification for trials. Finally, to remind you that the demon points on this jade slip can be transferred to each other."

After the old voice was finished, it did not appear. Only the white jade slipped quietly in front of Luo Yang.

"This trial is interesting. It seems that it is to motivate the disciples to hunt the monsters. The essence is that they want the disciples to kill each other and plunder each other's demon points."

With a slight flash of his eyes, Luo Yang has already realized the essence hidden by the selection of the inner disciples, especially the last sentence of the old voice. It is even more difficult to think of plundering each other and strengthening oneself.

At this point, Luo Yang’s mouth was a smile. With the blood of the candle dragon, it is very simple to kill the monster. What's more, although his strength seems to be only in the late stage of the condensate, if it is under full force, even if it meets the monk in the early days of Lingtai, it can also And retreat.

In this mystery, although I don’t say that my strength is the first, I can still rank first. Just be careful, don't run into the top enchanting, even if you simply plunder other people's demon points, you can also ensure that you successfully pass the selection.

After having the idea, Luo Yang took a deep breath, his thumb on the index finger of the index finger, a drop of blood fell into the jade slip.

I saw the white jade slip, the reddish blood drops were all absorbed in the blink of an eye, and a soft white light came out and covered the jade.

Without any hesitation, Luo Yang held the jade in his hand, and a simple message in the jade slipped into his mind.

"Royan, demon point: zero"

In addition to this simple information, there is still a huge list in the jade, and many disciples who participated in the selection of the inner disciples are among them. From time to time, the light flashes, and the ranking of a famous disciple is constantly The land has changed, but the ranking of the top spot has never changed.

“箫逸仙,诛妖点: three hundred, ranked first.”

His eyes swept over the list, and Luo Yang’s brows were lightly picked. The guy named Yan Yixian is really horrible. It is only a moment to enter the relics. The demon point has reached 300 points, far behind the 50th place of the second place.

"It seems that this selection will be very interesting."

The corner of his mouth rose slightly, and Luo Yang’s face showed a smile. After the jade was closed, he jumped up and rushed from the top of the mountain. In this unfamiliar and dangerous environment, Luo Yang did not use the purple gourd to fly, but chose not to pass through the forest.

Along the way, with the pressure of the blood, Luo Yang easily packed up two two-beats, the score also reached 40 points, and the ranking rose to one hundred and one.

However, Luo Yang did not care about the change of rankings. After searching for half an hour in the forest, he used a Cang Yunjian to dig a cave of the right size in a hidden mountain forest. As soon as his figure entered, the piece of gravel outside fell directly and obscured the hole.