MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 82 Shy (below)

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Kneeling in front of the door of the small room in a daze, even though she was the only one in the small room, the self-respecting and face-saving Xiaoya was so ashamed that she wanted to commit suicide. Bumping her head lightly against the door, Xiaoya tightly hugged the book that she "lost" and then "found" back, her face with her eyes closed was full of embarrassment .

In this way, time passed little by little, and after an unknown amount of time passed, Xiaoya finally returned to reality from the endless shame.

Looking at the crotch that was left with a puddle of water at some point, Xiaoya finally calmed down and slowly took off the pants that should have been taken off a long time ago, and then slowly Walked to the transparent cabinet and pulled out the bathtub, then slowly opened the magic circle to put hot water in the bathtub...

After the hot water gradually filled the bathtub, Xiaoya stopped the magic circle and took off the clothes on her upper body, lifeless... Uh, bah bah! No, no, it's not suicide! It should be said: Then Xiaoya lifted her feet weakly and stepped into the bathtub, sat down slowly, and then slowly soaked her whole body in the bathtub half lying and half sitting.

Placing her head on the edge of the bathtub, Xiaoya quietly closed her eyes.


It's nice to take a hot bath!

Even though she calmed down, Xiaoya, whose nerves had been tense all the time, finally completely relaxed under the action of hot water.

Raising his hand, he took out a time counter from the space ring, Xiaoya looked at the time and smiled wryly: he finally understood what it means to live like a year. Unexpectedly, he thought that a long time had passed, but it turned out that only half an hour had passed since he stepped into the small room.

It's no wonder that Ah Da didn't come to ask, it turned out that only so much time had passed. Xiaoya, who had always been worried that Ah Dahui would come to find her because she hadn't left the small room for a long time, finally let out a sigh of relief when she realized that the time had not passed for a long time.


And after heaving a sigh of relief, Xiaoya's face finally recovered a little bit of anger and vitality, and she also had the mind to think about and face the things she had done before.

Lowering her head and poking at the avatar that was unreasonably hard half an hour ago, but now is unbelievably soft, Xiaoya, who is simpler than Ah Da in terms of love affairs, looked at her avatar curiously, really not understanding how she... Will...will be like that. Even if he simply recalled the previous events, Xiaoya still felt that what happened half an hour ago was too difficult for him to talk about.

Looking at his limp avatar, Xiaoya remembered the book that Ada gave him on the clothes he took off, which could solve the mystery that put him in a predicament.

Turning over, Xiaoya stretched out her hand to get the book lying on the side of the bathtub, and read it seriously while lying on the side of the bathtub. The book with only a few dozen pages was quickly read by Xiaoya with full of shyness and curiosity, and when he finally figured out what happened to him, an uneasy question also appeared in his mind. The bottom of my heart appeared.

However, compared to this question that made Xiaoya uneasy, Xiaoya cared more about her feelings for Ada at that time. The book says that there are only two reasons why men respond. One is that I was aroused by some stimuli about this aspect, and the other is because I became emotional.

When Xiaoya was seriously thinking about the word "emotional", all kinds of things that Ah Da had done to him before, and what made him blush and heartbeat suddenly appeared in his mind. Charming.

Thinking of Ah Da's ambiguous murmurs in his ears, thinking of Ah Da's forceful but gentle confinement in his arms, thinking of Ah Da's big hands with thick calluses through his pants, sometimes soft and sometimes soft. Rubbing **** that unspeakable part of himself, thinking of Ah Da being sat under him by the same stiff avatar...


Xiaoya's head exploded again!

Lying limp and weak in the bathtub, the golden eyes are full of lust, and the bewilderedness after reaching orgasm.

Although the time was only for a short moment, Xiaoya, who was caught in the tide, felt as if a whole hundred years had passed. It was not until the temperature of the hot water gradually cooled that Xiaoya recovered from the daze after **** and orgasm. god. Staring blankly at the book that I accidentally dropped into the water, and the little white matter floating on the water, Xiaoya's pink face, which was originally pink due to the relationship between **** and orgasm, suddenly turned red. .

God! He actually... unexpectedly... while thinking about Ah Da, while consoling himself just like the book said? !

oh! God, let him die!

Powerlessly buried her face deeply in her hands, Xiaoya groaned without illness.


Looking at his wet hands in disgust, Xiaoya, who was about to hit the wall, suddenly thought of something—that is, the water he soaked in mixed with the things spit out from his avatar! Although he already knew that the things spit out from his place were not urine, but the expression of grown-ups, but the things spit out from that place made Xiaoya's scalp tingle and feel a word—dirty!

From a little cleanliness when I was a child, to the severe cleanliness that Ada pampered me now, after thinking about what kind of water I am soaking in now, Xiaoya jumped out of the bathtub screaming like a woman and quickly activated the magic circle Get rid of the water, and even Xiaoya, who was suffering from a cleanliness disorder, threw more than a dozen cleansing spells into the bathtub in a row, and finally threw a cleansing spell at the clothes she took off and the soaked book.

A Xiaoya learned not long ago that it is useless, but in the eyes of wolves, it is the ultimate light magic that kills and loots—purification: once the magic passes, the target will immediately return dust to dust, dust to dust, even a grain of light A purification magic that makes even a small ashes disappear!

Seeing that all the things that embarrassed herself and witnessed her embarrassment were purified until there was not even half ash left, Xiaoya continued to throw N cleansing spells into the bathtub before returning to the bathtub with a serious face. However, because she was disgusted by her own things before, this time Xiaoya no longer chose to take a bath but chose to take a shower.

This time, Xiaoya didn't think about the things with Ada anymore. She concentrated on washing herself from head to toe N times until the skin was almost washed off, and then Xiaoya slowly took it back. The bathtub wears the spare pajamas stored in the space ring, of course, the premise is that the pajamas have been cleaned N times.

Looking down at her clean and dry body with satisfaction, Xiaoya, who was tired from taking a shower, reached out to open the door, leave the small room and go back to bed. But just when he put his hand on the doorknob and was about to open the door, the tightly locked door reminded him of what he "accidentally" forgot because of his cleanliness!

The thing that was intentionally forgotten came to mind again, and Xiaoya's original serious face gradually raised red clouds that seemed to be contagious.

How to do?

It seems, it seems, it seems that Ah Da is on the bed now!