MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 80 nervous! happiness! Inexplicably tempted!

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Although Xiaoya has finally grown up, but...

Looking down at his lower body that showed no sign of fading at all, Ah Da, who had a smug smile on his face, suddenly flashed a bit of embarrassment. Although it is a great thing that Xiaoya has grown up and he has become enlightened, but the problem is: he is actually just a strong outsider and a capable person in the middle.

Touching the back of his head in embarrassment, Ada, who would have no perfect reason not to be in front of Xiaoya, lay back on the bed a little at a loss, a little nervous but a little excited. Putting his hands behind his head and staring blankly at the roof of the carriage, Ah Da's eyes reflected not the brown roof of the carriage, but Xiaoya who had climaxed in his arms not long ago.

The fair cheeks are full of shy red clouds, the bewildered golden eyes full of misty tears, the ears that are sensitive and can't stand the teasing from time to time, and they are weakly lying on his hands, wanting to refuse but still welcome to be cared for by him The very smooth hands, and the slender body that is tightly attached to his body with a gap, and the little girl who has been touched countless times by himself but only today can truly feel the desire. buds...

The more he thought about it, the more lustful Ada's eyes became. However, what makes Ah Da helpless is that in fact, he only knows how to do this step, and he doesn't know anything about it!

Otherwise, he wouldn't let Xiaoya slip away from his mouth so easily.

Thinking of his calmness when molesting Xiaoya before, a bitter smile appeared on Adam's dull face for the first time, God knows how nervous he was at that time. Although in the end he calmly gave Xiaoya the first erection, but only Ada knew in his heart how fast his heart was beating and how excited he was.

Nervousness, shyness, and bewilderment are not the only patents of Xiaoya.

Taking a deep breath, the habit of suppressing desires for Xiaoya for many years made Ada quickly calm down from the excited state. Turning his head to look at the few books that Vincent gave him that were thrown on the bed, Ada's eyes flashed with thought, and after thinking about it, he picked up a book called "How to Fall in Love Between Men and Men" "The book, read it carefully.

Although you can know how to fall in love with a person by using the love novels you have read over the years, but after all, men and women are different. Who would know whether falling in love between men and men is different from falling in love between men and women? ?

Moreover, his little prey is a man. Although it can be said that he is a big boy who will not grow up, he is still a man and not a woman. It is an invisible insult.

Even though Xiaoya may not understand at all, Ah Da absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen. His little prey should be held in the palm of his hand, even if it is invisible, even if Xiaoya doesn't know or understand it at all, it is absolutely not allowed to happen!

He was reading the book in his hand with a seriousness that he had never done before. Ada did not expect that when his book had just turned a page or two, there was a polite knock on the door of the carriage, and then there was a loud knock on the door. Kailian always has a little musical rhythm voice.

"Ada, Xiaoya, have you all rested yet?"

Frowning slightly, Ah Da felt that Kailian and the others' visit was definitely not a good thing. He glanced at the door of the small room that was still closed, put down his book and walked quickly to open the door with a dull face. With a sound of "swish", the door was pulled open vigorously to express the irritability in his heart. Ada's eyes flashed impatiently and looked at Kailian, Kaifei, Mark standing beside the carriage, and Wayne who came to watch the show.

For people other than Xiaoya, Ah Da has always been able to keep his mouth shut, because he thinks it is a waste of energy to speak to people other than Xiaoya, and it is better to waste energy if you have this kind of energy on laziness.

Looking at Ada who opened the door and looked at them but didn't speak, Kailian and the others seemed to be used to this kind of Ada, so they didn't feel disgusted or uncomfortable. The reason for coming here was made clear to Ah Da.

"Ada, I heard from Kai Fei and Uncle Mark that the interior of your carriage does not seem to be suitable for people to live in, and I have seen the interior of your carriage by accident before, and I have long felt that your carriage is too... and you The entire carriage does not have a single window, but only one carriage door for ventilation. In addition, when you rest at night, you close the carriage door tightly. Resting in such an environment for a long time will easily cause harm to your body. We The Feilian mercenary group still has extra tents, even if you don’t like tents, we still have one or two extra carriages suitable for people, do you and Xiaoya want to move out of this carriage?” said wordlessly It wasn't until Kaifei couldn't help rolling her eyes that Kailian finally got to the point.

Just for something like this?

Ah Dalian rolled his eyes lazily without leaving a word, and was about to turn around and close the door, but he didn't expect that Kailian, who resolutely regarded Xiao Adam as a child to pet and care, boldly reached out to block the carriage door, and even opened the door again. Once the paternity flared up, he looked at Ah Da with a serious face and scolded him again: "A Da, even if you don't think it's okay to sleep without moving a carriage, have you ever thought about Xiaoya? Xiaoya is not as strong as you (at least It seems that Ada is more than twice as strong as Xiaoya, and Xiaoya will naturally appear weaker in comparison), have you ever thought that Xiaoya will not be able to grow and develop well if Xiaoya lives in such an environment for a long time ?! (Crowd: Cough, Kailian, have you forgotten that Xiaoya is 22 years old this year?) If you don’t like changing carriages to sleep, that’s okay, but at least you have to ask Xiaoya if she wants to move out of this place A fully enclosed carriage without windows! Isn't it? Xiaoya!"

Because of the cultivation formation that Ah Da engraved under the carriage, in the eyes of Kailian and his party, Xiaoya was lying in the simple carriage at this time, covered with a quilt that was not thick and didn't look comfortable at all. at rest.

Looking at Kailian who was yelling at the phantom regardless of her image, Ah Da narrowed her eyes dangerously, not because of Kailian's various impolite behaviors, but because of what Kailian said.

According to what Kailian meant, it was Ada's business that Ada didn't want to leave the carriage, but Xiaoya might not be willing to stay in this broken carriage. Although Ada was not worried that Xiaoya would be willing to leave their home with Kailian and the others, and rest in another strange carriage, but in the blink of an eye, Ada suddenly remembered that he hadn't read two pages just now. book of.

In those two pages of the book, there are some references to various situations after the two people have just broken through that level of relationship and officially become lovers. The most common situation should be when he and Xiaoya The situation in between──The shy period.

The book makes it very clear that shy couples usually have a period of time when one or both parties are in a period of refusal and welcome. This is like both actually want to get close to each other, but because of shyness, they often Subconsciously or inadvertently alienated the other party.

Thinking of Xiaoya's shyness before hiding in the small room, Ada knew that if she knew Kailian's suggestion to Xiaoya, she would definitely nod her head in nine out of ten. Of course, the person who leaves the carriage and moves to live in another carriage will definitely not be Xiaoya. Firstly, Xiaoya will not leave the home where he has lived for more than ten years, and secondly, Ada is reluctant to let Xiaoya go to a strange carriage take a break.

Even if Ah Da has a hundred thousand things in his heart that he doesn't want to rest in other carriages, but Ah Da knows that as long as Xiaoya acts like a baby with her, then...

In order not to let himself move out of the carriage, and to prevent himself and Xiaoya from inadvertently feeling alienated, Ah Da issued a restraint to the four people standing in front of the carriage without even thinking about it. Lian, Kai Fei, Mark and Wayne saw clearly what the tattered and airtight carriage looked like in their eyes.


Except for Wayne, who is more sensitive to energy, and Mark, who is strong and powerful, who felt that Ah Da had manipulated them, Kaifei and Kailian were completely unaware of what Ah Da had done to them. However, whether it was those who knew Ah Da’s actions or those who were so dazed that they didn’t know anything, they were all dumbfounded the moment Ah Da put the restraint on them—because in their eyes, that dilapidated carriage was Even in the blink of an eye, it became simple but gorgeous enough to make people crazy.

A random piece of Warcraft skin in the carriage that was used to lay the floor and hang the walls for decoration, as long as it was brought to the outside world, it would be enough to cause the world to go crazy, because it was the best material for making equipment! Not to mention the monster skins, even the decorative and practical crystals of monsters are priceless, and even the five pots of plants placed on the window sill by the bed, Wayne can't help but recognize them at a glance. I can see that it is an extremely precious medicinal material, as long as it is properly refined, it is enough to make a medicine that can make magicians and fighters crazily improve their strength!

Swallowing in disbelief, everyone in Kailian didn't dare to stop Ah Da from closing the door of the carriage this time, or they didn't have any reason.

Stupidly looking at the door of the carriage which was forcefully closed in front of them, the four of Kailian stared blankly at the wolf lying on the front seat of the carriage: What kind of people are Ada and Xiaoya? Can it be so luxurious that you can use all kinds of precious monster skins and monster crystals as decorations and daily necessities? !

The wolf who has always been the door **** raised his eyelids and glanced at the four foolish guys around him, then closed his eyes and continued to rest without paying attention, but Kailian and the others definitely did not misread the meaning in the wolf's eyes──what a fuss !

What fuss do they make?

This... how did they make such a fuss? !

Obviously it's Ah Da and Xiao Ya Ya that are scary, okay?

Although I really want to refute so loudly, but...

Pretending to be calm and fine, they left slowly under the inexplicable eyes of the mercenaries. The four of Kailian walked towards the place where they were resting at a seemingly slow but fast speed. A place of silent roar!

What kind of people are they provoking!


After dismissing Kaifei and the others, Ada, who eliminated potential hidden dangers, lay back on the bed and picked up the book, continuing his unfinished reading. And when Ada was learning how to fall in love, what was Xiaoya doing?

It is said that the moment Xiaoya rushed into the small room while clutching the book that Ada stuffed in, Xiaoya's first reaction was to turn around and press heavily on the door, and then with trembling hands put the book that had never been used in the small room. The door lock worked for the first time. Looking at the locked door, Xiaoya knew that a mere lock would not be able to stop Ah Da, but Xiaoya knew that as long as the lock was not opened by herself, then Ah Da would not come in to disturb herself.

This is Ada's respect for himself.

Xiaoya also knew that even if he didn't lock it, Ada wouldn't bother him as long as he didn't want to, but...he couldn't help it, he always felt that if he didn't lock it, his heart would explode!

With her hands tightly covering her heart, Xiaoya blushed beyond description.

How to do? !

How to do? !

He was so nervous, so nervous, so nervous that his heart seemed to be about to explode!

He has never felt like this before!

It's a bit like shyness, but it's more inexplicable than shyness. It was as if the previous heartbeat was just a rhythm representing health, but the current heartbeat was the heartbeat that truly made him feel that he was alive!

that feeling...

So weird, and also... so sweet!

He was so happy that he was overwhelmed!