MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 70 Wayne is a great saint? !

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"Ah, I didn't expect to chat for so long. It's time for us to go back." Kaifei, who didn't pay attention to the time at all, realized that they had chatted from noon to evening after Mark reminded her. Looking at the darkening sky, Kaifei bid farewell to Xiaoya and Ada, but after speaking, Kaifei felt that something was not right, and even Mark, the most important military adviser in the mercenary group, also said goodbye. He was constantly winking at her.

Kaifei blinked in confusion and looked around blankly. It was not until half a minute later that Kaifei finally felt that something was wrong. The carriages where they live are really far apart!

Looking at Xiaoya who had been sitting in Ah Da's arms, Kai Fei pointed to the direction of the camp and said to Xiaoya: "Xiaoya, do you want to pull the carriage to our camp? Your carriage is a bit far from our camp Lah, it won't be easy for us to communicate, you should go to our camp with Ah Da, and our camp is full of people and very lively!"

Shaking her head slightly, Xiaoya showed a pitiful aura, lowered her head silently and wrote on the paper: I won't go, Kailian doesn't like me, and your mercenaries don't like me either.

"Who said that?! Our Feilian mercenary group is the most hospitable! How could you not like you? Just leave that **** brother of mine alone!" The somewhat scribbled words on the paper clearly expressed Xiaoya's sadness and grievance instantly made Kaifei's sense of justice burst out.

However, just when Kaifei was about to reach out to pull Xiaoya to take Xiaoya to the camp, a hand stopped Kaifei gently: "Kafei, since he doesn't want to go, don't force him .”

"But..." Looking at Mark with a face of disapproval, Kaifei anxiously wanted to say something, but in the end everything was stopped by Mark's eyes.

Don't forget Kailian.

It was Mark's gaze that made Kaifei immediately stop all thoughts of taking Xiaoya to the camp.

Yes, she is not the only one who can take charge in the mercenary group. If Xiaoya wants to go to the camp with her, that’s fine. She can still argue with Kailian with Mark’s support, and Kaifei believes that as long as Let Xiaoya stay in the camp and live with everyone. The mercenaries will definitely accept Xiaoya and Ada after a long time of contact, because after chatting formally for the whole afternoon, Kai Fei found that Xiaoya and Ada's natures are actually true. It's not bad (Mark: I have the right to remain silent). But the problem now is not whether Xiaoya and Ada can get along with everyone, but Xiaoya doesn't want to go back to the camp with her, and Kailian hates Xiaoya so much, if she and Kailian quarrel By the way, isn't it Xiaoya and Ada who are in trouble in the end?

Thinking of Kailian who keeps saying that Xiaoya is a devil or a bad person, Kaifei, whose balance in her heart has gradually tilted towards Xiaoya, feels angry. Xiaoya is just loyal to her own mood and thoughts. Brother, he is too much! And the most important thing is that it was the elder brother who answered Xiaoya's request first. At the beginning, it was the elder brother who kept saying that Xiaoya was not a bad person but a good boy. How come it was the elder brother who had the worst attitude towards Xiaoya in the end? !

Brother really owes a lesson! He doesn't look like a brother at all! Men are indeed unreliable!

She clenched her fist and cracked her fingers. Kaifei looked at Xiaoya seriously and promised: "Xiaoya, don't worry! He personally invited you to live with everyone in the camp! Come and live with us when the time comes!"

Xiaoya smiled and did not respond to Kaifei by writing on the paper, but the expression on her face clearly read: Thank you, Kaifei, but there is no need, I am used to it.

However, the more Xiaoya was like this, the stronger Kaifei's sense of justice became. With her hands heavily on Xiaoya's shoulders, Kaifei said with a serious face: "Xiaoya! Please believe me! I will definitely do it! I won't break my promise like Kailian!"

Xiaoya still just smiled understandingly.

Brother smelly! You wait for me!

Seeing that she was troubled by Kailian and was no longer trusted by Xiaoya, knowing that it would be useless to say anything more, Kaifei, who was almost **** off by Kailian, secretly gritted her teeth and said goodbye to Xiaoya, then supported the silent Mark left without noticing how meaningful Mark's eyes were when he looked at Xiaoya.

After Kaifei and Mark had left and returned to the camp, Xiaoya slowly turned her head and buried her face deeply in Ada's arms, her shoulders trembling and shaking seemed a little pitiful. To outsiders, Xiaoya seems to be seeking comfort from Ada, but only Ada and Lang know very well that Xiaoya is actually laughing behind everyone's back!

Seeing Xiaoya shivering in his arms, Adam picked up Xiaoya and returned to the carriage with a blank face and no expression. And just after the carriage door was closed by the wolf crawling on the front seat in front of the horse again, Xiao Adam, who was nestled in Ah Da's arms, immediately rolled from Ah Da's arms to the bed laughing with his belly in his arms. Xiaoya, who rolled on the bed, beat the mattress for a while, and rolled on the bed with her stomach in her arms for a while. Tears kept streaming down her mouth, but there was no sound. If people who don’t know accidentally saw it, they might think that Xiaoya This is crazy.

A smile flashed across his tender eyes, and he hugged Xiaoya, who was so laughing that he couldn't straighten his waist, back into his arms. Ada stretched out his hand and pinched the red face with a smile: "Mark was not fooled."

Wiping away the tears that fell from the corners of her eyes from laughing, Xiaoya wiped her face with Ah Da's clothes as a towel, then turned over and lay in Ah Da's arms, smiling and waving: I know, anyway, I don't have much acting talent , At the beginning, I thought it was impossible to deceive Kai Fei, so I planned to tell her that I was joking after being exposed, but she actually believed it! It made me laugh so hard! She actually believed such a deception that could be seen through at a glance! But although she is easy to deceive, she is still a nice person. She said she would scold Kailian for me, and she seemed to want to beat Kailian too! Ah Da, do you think Kaifei will really beat Kailian?

"I don't know." Ah Da replied without thinking.

Why don't you know? Xiaoya was full of curiosity about Ah Da's answer that he didn't even think about. Yes, yes, no, no, Ada never gave Xiaoya such an ambiguous answer.

"Look." Ada motioned Xiaoya to look at the door of the carriage where Wayne was in, which hadn't been opened since they left.

Following Ada’s intentions, what Xiaoya saw was that after sending Mark back to the carriage to rest, after searching the entire camp, Kailian couldn’t find Kaifei who settled the score, and finally learned from the mercenaries that It turned out that Kailian had never left Wayne's carriage, so she was standing in front of Wayne's carriage and knocked on the door of Wayne's carriage very roughly. Both Da and Xiaoya could hear clearly.

"Kailian! Kailian! Come out! I have something to settle with you!"

Looking at Kaifei who was already so angry that his head was smoking before seeing Kailian, Xiaoya waved to Ah Da with a smirk: Ah Da, it seems that when Kailian came out, she should be immediately killed by Kailian. Beat it!

Ah Da's thick eyebrows raised, and the light of "not necessarily" flashed in his golden eyes.

How could it be impossible? Seeing the flash of light in Ada's eyes, Xiaoya pouted unwillingly. He really hoped to see Kailian being beaten up by Kaifei!

"You'll know when you read it." Ada gently rubbed Xiaoya's head.

All right. Now that Ah Da said so, Xiaoya lay obediently in Ah Da's arms and looked out of the window at the various things that happened at the Feilian mercenary camp in the distance.

Kai Fei called the door for a long time, until the carriage door was almost broken by her, and her voice was almost hoarse, and when the other mercenaries couldn't see it, they stepped forward worriedly and kept trying to dissuade them. Finally, it was slowly opened under the expectation of everyone.

As the protagonist who made Kefei so angry that he wanted to beat someone—Kelen. Albert also finally appeared!


Seeing the familiar figure's fist full of anger, he immediately swung towards the target subconsciously. However, just when the fist was about to make intimate contact with the target's cheek, Kailian was haggard as if she had aged ten years. How old do you look. Seeing Kailian's tired face as if she had experienced some catastrophe, Kaifei hurriedly withdrew her fists, adding insult to injury was not something she would do.

Although she was very angry at what her brother did to Xiaoya, Kaifei's anger immediately turned into worry when she saw Kailian like this: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Kaifei pursed her lips and looked at Kaifei with sadness, regret, and guilt in her eyes. She shook her head silently without speaking, and then staggered back to her resting tent under the worried eyes of everyone.

"Hey! Elf! What's wrong with my brother?!" Looking at Kailian's back full of complicated emotions in astonishment, Kaifei turned her head to look at the elegant elf in the carriage after reacting. It's very impolite, and even has the momentum of "If you dare not tell the truth, I will beat you to the ground".

Wayne raised his eyebrows at Kaifei's rudeness and impoliteness, and said to Kaifei slowly, "Girls should look like girls, it's really embarrassing for you to yell like this." .”

Hearing that, all the mercenaries nodded sympathetically, their boss is not a girl at all, so that the entire mercenary group has no women to join, thinking that joining their mercenary group will become a man woman, It's really hard for them to have a feminine mercenary group name! As for Kaifei, who was named by Wayne, she was so angry that she drew her sword and split the carriage in half, together with Wayne. No one has ever said such things to her when she was so old. !

But in the end, Kaffi still didn't split Wayne in half, because what Wayne said next made her stop in confusion.

"I just solved the troubles in his heart." Wayne said like this.

Of course Kailian knew what Kailian's troubles were, but even Mark couldn't make Kailian change her mind. How could this elf be able to unravel Kailian's stubbornness with just a casual word? Looking at Wayne full of doubts, Kai Fei asked in disbelief, "You really solved my brother's knot?"

"Of course, you just have to wait and see."

"Hmph! If it's not, I'll kill you! Let's see what my brother has become now!"

"That's him asking for trouble."

"This... cut! By the way, I don't know your name yet, my name is Kefei. Albert, what about you?"

"You can just call me Wayne."

"Wayne? Hmm...I always feel like I've heard this name somewhere before."

"haha, really?"


Seeing that Kaifei did not beat Kailian as Ada said, Xiaoya pouted unhappily: Cut! He also said to help me beat Kailian, not to mention beating, not even scolding!

"It's okay, there is plenty of time." Ah Da comforted gently.

Thinking of seeing Kailian's haggard look from afar just now, Xiaoya also understood that Wayne had really succeeded in changing Kailian, so he wasn't annoyed anymore, as Ada said, they had plenty of time. Thinking that they would really live together in the future, Xiaoya rested her chin and thought about how to bully Kailian who brought bad memories to her: Ada, how do you think we will bully Kailian in the future?

However, before Xiaoya and Ahda had a deep plan on how to punish Kailian, so as to express their anger for all the things they had received in the past two days, Kaifei's screaming instantly attracted Xiaoya's attention.

"What?! You... you... are the legendary sage elves who are praised and worshiped by the world──Ven?!"