MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 51 troubadour

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Ah Da's words made the atmosphere that had been somewhat relaxed on both sides fall into a stiff situation again. The mercenaries who seemed to have relaxed but still kept their eyes on guard immediately clenched the weapons in their hands and looked at the situation seriously. Looking at Ah Da and the others standing in the front seat of the carriage.

Ada and Xiaoya didn't react at all to the mercenary's vigilance. After all, they had been chased and killed so many times. Besides, Ada and the others had been so angry and desperate from the beginning. What kind of reaction can we expect them to have? So of these two guys, one of them was still looking back and forth between the female mercenary and the singer with eyes full of curiosity, while the other's eyes only stayed on Xiaoya's body forever.

The female mercenary felt annoyed after seeing Ah Da who said such words that could trigger a fight between the two sides, but looked at the people around him as if he had nothing to do with him. First he said that he was passing by for a while, and then he said he wanted to rest here. Is this a provocation? But if it's a provocation, why haven't you done it until now? What can you do just by looking at them? Can you kill them with your eyes just by staring at them? Is this a fight or not?

Why did the person who said those words have no intention of fighting at all, this...what the **** is this? !

Just when the female mercenary stood behind the mercenaries and stared at Ada and the others roaring in their hearts, a cool autumn wind blew slowly——Ada, who had been silent for a long time, finally moved! All the mercenaries immediately took out their weapons with a "swish" and pointed them directly at Ada and Xiaoya. The murderous look on their faces fully showed that as long as Ada and Xiaoya attacked them, then They will immediately launch a full counterattack against Ah Da and the others.

However, what discouraged all the mercenaries was that Ah Da had indeed moved.

But what!

Ah Da didn't attack them as the mercenaries thought, but turned around and returned to the carriage with Xiaoya in his arms. As for the huge silver demon wolf, it returned to the front seat of the carriage, squinted its eyes and rested leisurely on its two front paws.

"When I saw the terrifying enemy turning back to the carriage so indifferently, the mercenaries who had been on high alert turned into fossils because of such a sudden change, and turned into dust when the breeze blew by. ..."

"Bah! Bah! Fuck your sister! Kailian! You just turned into dust! My mother, I'm not dead yet!" The female mercenary immediately came out of the petrified state when she heard that the singer with the musical instrument suddenly made a move. Returning to normal, he yelled at the singer angrily: "You bastard, don't talk nonsense about the narration, okay?! Don't think that you are a troubadour and you can just fabricate the facts casually! Be careful, I will beat you to death!"

The singer called Kailian by the female mercenary seemed to have gotten used to the fiery temper of the female mercenary. The old **** sat on the ground and returned to the fire and played a few syllables calmly with his instrument before speaking to the female mercenary. Said: "Kai Fei, don't forget, my sister is you, and going to my sister doesn't mean..."

"Fuck your sister, I won't..." Kaifei is also a female mercenary. After hearing what Kailian said, she immediately retorted angrily before Kailian finished speaking.

"Cough!" Watching Kaifei say that curse word to Kailian again in a funny way, the mercenary who laughed the loudest because of the conversation between Ada and the mercenary coughed twice, and stepped forward to interrupt. Kaifei's rebuttal to Kailian: "Okay, okay, Kaifei, just don't say a few words, you are obviously a girl, how can you keep saying such words on your lips?"

"Hmph! Isn't it my fault that I have been assimilated by mixing with you stinky men all day long?" Kai Fei curled her lips and indifferently dragged the responsibility to the men in the mercenary team.

"Damn! Can this be blamed on us? Boss, you used to swear all the time! How can you blame us?!" Upon hearing that Kai Fei put the blame on them, the other mercenaries They couldn't help shouting and protesting: "Boss! You're talking nonsense! You can't be so unreasonable!"

With her arms crossed, Kaifei raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm just being unreasonable, what can you do with me" and said, "Don't you know that women are born to be unreasonable?"


Seeing Kai Fei put his hand on the weapon at his waist, the protesting mercenaries immediately dispersed with dry laughter, doing what they had to do.

"Kafei, stop making trouble, what do you think we should do now?" Seeing that Kaifei was about to get into trouble with the mercenaries again, the mercenary who had advised Kaifei not to make trouble with Kailian patted Kaifei on the shoulder , although his expression seemed relaxed, the seriousness in his eyes repeatedly confirmed that he was not joking.

Pursing her lips and frowning, she looked at the dilapidated and completely sealed carriage parked not far away. In fact, Kai Fei didn't know what to do at this time. Looking up at the already dim sky, Kaifei had to decide helplessly after thinking for a while: "Mark, what else can I do in this weather? Besides, people either make it clear or want to (Kafei makes mouth gestures) : Are you against us?)... Hey... Do you want to rest here? Forget it, it’s too late to find a safe place to rest now, let’s rest here tonight. We will leave here immediately tomorrow morning, Let’s feel wronged tonight, even if you’re not a night watchman, don’t relax too much.”

"Hey, I got it." Although Kaifei was speaking to the mercenary named Mark, Kaifei did not lower the volume or even raised the volume on purpose, but it was enough to make the mercenaries present, even the mercenaries not far away. Ah Da and Xiao Ya who were resting in the carriage heard.

"Do you want to rest here?" Nodding clearly, Mark patted Kai Fei on the head and said, "Let me tell them about the caravan. You can rest here."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Mark." Thinking of when the carriage suddenly appeared not far away, her reaction speed was faster than that of her team of mercenaries, and she hid in the carriage like a frightened bird , the caravan who dared not show up until now, Kai Fei suddenly felt that his headache was good!

Oh my god, it's a good thing Mark is here, otherwise, if she were to explain today's matter to those narrow-minded business groups, she would definitely screw up this mission in all likelihood.

"Kaifei, don't be so pessimistic. Maybe they just saw that the sky was getting dark, and we happened to have a lot of people here who thought it would be more at ease to rest here, so they decided to stay here to rest." Looking at his own home The younger sister looked like she was having a headache, Kailian slowly played a piece that could make people feel relaxed, while comforting Kaifei who looked pitiful or depressed at the moment.

After receiving the wine handed over by other mercenaries, Kaifei looked at the caravans who got off the carriage one by one with dark faces under Mark's explanation, rubbed his forehead weakly and sighed heavily: "It's all been decided I'm going to rest here, so how can I worry about that (Kai Fei pointed to the carriage of Ah Da and the others)? I have always believed in everyone's strength. What I am more worried about now is whether the caravan will Trouble us, I don't want to give those narrow-minded caravans a chance to deduct our money because of this trivial matter. Although this task is only picked up when we drop by the way home, how can we say a Money in copper coins is also money."

"..." Speechlessly looking at Kai Fei who suddenly took out the abacus and was counting the money again, the corners of Kai Lian's mouth twitched a few times: "Kai Fei, if you continue to count like this, when will you be able to get married? Be careful that no man will want you."

"Fuck you, you're the reason why no one wants you! How can a girl like me who is naturally beautiful and powerful be no one wants me? But before I become a rich man, no matter who comes after me, I won't Married. Now men are unreliable!"

Kaifei worked hard to calculate, didn't see anything or saw it at all, but didn't bother to pay attention to those poor mercenaries whose heads were covered with black lines because of their own words.

The mercenaries are crying!

Boss, where are we so unreliable?


Xiaoya, who was brought back into the carriage by Ah Da because of the wind, was lying on the window sill of the carriage at this time, watching the strange group of mercenaries not far away laughing and joking around the fire .

Seeing the man with the musical instrument sitting in front of the fire playing another wonderful song, and finally being sure that such a beautiful song was indeed sung by that guy named Kailian, Xiaoya turned her head Blinking his eyes and looking curiously at Ada who returned to the carriage, he pretended to be thinking about the question of "why he is unhappy because of looking at others", but in fact he was sleeping late: Ada, what is wandering? poet?

For a long time, the only thing Xiaoya learned about music from the book was the poignant and beautiful love story between a songstress and a brave man. And this is why Xiaoya subjectively thinks that the singer will be a beautiful woman with big breasts, slender waist, long legs, and blond hair after hearing the singing, because it is written like this in the books.

It wasn't until this moment that Xiaoya discovered that in this world, not only singers can sing, but men can also sing, and they seem to be no weaker than singers. Also, it seems that the profession of singing is not limited to wandering performance troupes and singers performing at regular concerts in various cities, but also a profession called troubadour?


What kind of profession is that?

Why haven't I seen it in a book before?

With all kinds of questions, Xiaoya took the book that Ada took out from the space ring and handed it to herself.

Looking at the book in his hand and listening to the singing from outside the window, it was rare for Xiaoya not to read a book today, because he wanted to hear what Ada had to say. Xiaoya felt that it would be a very wonderful thing if Ada's voice could be integrated with the music outside the window.


Ah Da! Ah Da! I don't want to read by myself, you read to me.

Throwing vigorously into Ah Da's arms, Xiao Ya raised her book and waved her request with a smile.

"Okay." For Xiaoya's request, Ada always nodded and agreed without saying a word, so after feeling Xiaoya's expectation, Ada didn't sleep late and sat up by the window, and put Xiaoya Holding the book in his arms, he slowly told Xiaoya about the troubadour in line with the rhythm of the music under Xiaoya's expectation.


Troubadour, the reason why Xiaoya doesn't know is because troubadour is not an ordinary profession, he is an aggressive profession. But because the profession of troubadour is not strong or weak, it can only be regarded as the middle class in this world, and the main role of troubadour is to sing the praises of unknown deeds and great men to the world , so the troubadour never appeared in Xiaoya's eyes.

Because the troubadour is originally a singer, not a protagonist who is sung.

It was not until Ada bought some books about the common sense of this world in the city of sky, Ada, the guy who worked hard to become perfect for Xiaoya, would know the existence of bards one step ahead of Xiaoya, and this is exactly what happened. That's why Ah Dahui didn't wonder that the person who sang was a man.

"... Troubadours, in order to obtain some materials that can be sung at any time, or find some inspiration for composing songs, so they will have a certain amount of attack power, so that they have a certain degree of self-defense when they travel outside. Ability. But because troubadour is a profession that sings for others, those who are capable will never become troubadours, and those who can become troubadours often have certain special abilities themselves, But it is not a particularly powerful magic or fighting spirit ability. It is precisely because of this that it is established that the bard is destined to only be an existence that sings to others, not an existence that is sung by others. And because the bard is a It is a profession that puts itself in danger at any time, so many times troubadours are done by men, and few women become troubadours. And because troubadours are a performing profession that relies on appearance and singing , so most men who become troubadours have neutral looks and soft voices." Ada slowly explained the information about troubadours to Xiaoya one by one.

After listening to Ada's explanation, Xiaoya looked at Kailian who was singing not far away with glowing eyes, and then looked at the interesting group of mercenaries, and an idea came to her heart quietly.

Ada, how about we...