MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 32 We're back!

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After taking the most satisfying bath in the past five years, Ah Da and Xiao Ya happily walked out of the small room with satisfied smiles on their faces. If Xiaoya and Ada didn't have such and such marks on their bodies, the wolf would definitely think that Ada and Ada said such and such in the small room just by looking at their expressions! (Wolf: Roar! No matter how lazy Ah Da is, I believe he will never be too lazy to plant such and such marks on Xiaoya's body. You must know that Ah Da has a strong sense of territory. ~ Ho Ho!)

Looking at the satisfied Ada and Xiaoya, the wolf looked up at Ada contemptuously and growled twice: "Hoho!" Are you ready to go?

Fool! Xiaoya, who has a cleanliness, will feel satisfied after washing it. Why do you just take a shower and look satisfied? Fortunately, I also helped you raise the **** and urine to grow up, really...

As soon as he left the small room, the wolf gave him a contemptuous look. Although Ada was deeply puzzled, he didn't bother to pay attention. After Xiaoya sat on the bed, Ada wiped Xiaoya's hair with the towel in his hand, and gently massaged Xiaoya's head. Of course, he didn't bother to talk to the wolf, so naturally he didn't bother to pay attention to the question that the wolf asked before. up.

Ada ignored the wolf, but it doesn’t mean that Xiaoya will ignore the wolf. Xiaoya, who has always regarded the wolf as her elder since she was with Ada, obediently answered the wolf’s question: Wolf, when we dry our hair, we will be fine. You can leave now, it's still early anyway.

Yes, although Xiaoya and Ada seem to have spent a lot of time between each other, in fact, the current time is only after 9 o'clock in the morning.

Ever since Ada and Xiaoya came to this place, there are only four words to describe their work and rest time—early to bed and early to rise. And ever since Xiaoya fell in love with farming, they went to bed early and got up early, like farmers who go to bed as soon as it gets dark and get up before dawn!

"Hey~" Oh, I got it. After getting the answer, the wolf lying on the front seat of the horse and responsible for driving the car growled and complained twice: "Hoho!" Oh~ I still have to do my hair, why isn't Ah Da bald? That way you can leave quickly.

"..." Ah Da, who was too lazy to talk to wolves, was silent.

Huh? ! Occasionally, Xiaoya, who was off-line and unresponsive for a while, realized now——Ada is not bald but has hair!

After waving her hand, Ah Da let go of her head, turned around and asked Ah Da to continue wiping her hair, Xiaoya stretched out her hand and pulled the waist-length hair hanging on Ah Da's chest that she hadn't noticed all along. Finally waving his little hand in surprise: Ah Da! You have hair! I thought you would be bald like before when you turned back into a human!

"Hey!" I thought so too. The wolf with its head resting on its front paws agreed.

"...Do you like my bald head before?" Ignoring the wolf's words, Ah Da hesitated for a while before asking uncertainly.

Although Ada doesn't care about his appearance, he cares about Xiaoya's feelings. And although Xiaoya didn't think that she was ugly with a bald head before, Ah Da still clearly saw the flashing smile in Xiaoya's eyes when she changed from a dragon head to a bald head, which made Ah Da understand clearly. I know it with ease──My bald head is considered a funny point in Xiaoya's eyes.

Of course, when he turned back into a human being, even though he was troubled by demons at that time, Ah Da, who never took his eyes off Xiaoya, still clearly saw the surprise in Xiaoya's eyes. Therefore, Ada felt that Xiaoya probably didn't like her bald head.

However, having a bald head is a huge benefit for Ada—no need to wash her hair. This is indeed a very good benefit for lazy people.

Looking up from under the towel and seriously looking at Ah Da's appearance at this time, Xiaoya smiled and shook her head: Hmm~ I think Ah Da now looks better than Ah Da when he was bald.

"Hmm! As long as you like it." Receiving Xiaoya's compliment, a gentle smile appeared on Adam's dull face. After more than ten years, Ah Da's face has finally gotten used to the smile, and it no longer looks as blunt as it was more than ten years ago.

Seeing Ada's gentle smile, Xiaoya inexplicably felt a blushing. Although the current Ada is exactly the same as before except for his eyes and hair color, why does he think that Ada is more handsome and attractive than before? Holding Ah Da's dark blue hair, Xiaoya, who is shy but doesn't know what shyness is, looked at Ah Da eagerly, pointed to Ah Da's golden eyes and raised her long hair in her hand, obsessed with Ah Da's beauty. Xiaoya, who was in the middle of the scene, waved her little hand and "said": Ah Da, your eyes and hair look different, and you look even better than before when you didn't meet Dragon God!

"Really?" Looking at Xiaoya's slightly red cheeks, Ah Da suddenly felt an inexplicable joy and excitement in his heart.

As long as the dragon **** cultivates to the dragon baby, he can have an opportunity to shape the human body and appearance. This is what the dragon **** said is the opportunity to re-cultivate an adult. For this opportunity, Ada, who was lazy, took it for granted that he should reshape his original appearance. For him who doesn't care about appearance, handsome and ugly have nothing to do with each other. The only thing that worries him is Xiaoya. I can't accept myself who has changed slightly because of practicing Dragon God.

I didn't expect that the golden-eyed ink hair that made me change slightly would make Xiaoya say that she looks better than before. Thinking of this, Ada, who is full of excitement and joy, can't help but regret it. When sculpting the figure, make yourself look better, so that Xiaoya's face may be more red. Seeing Xiaoya's slightly flushed cheeks, Ah Da deliberately moved his face closer to Xiaoya, and asked with a little playfulness in his tone: "I really look better than before? Xiaoya likes me like I am now?"

A Da leaned in front of him without any warning, making the red cloud on Xiao Ya's face even redder. Xiaoya, who was molested by Ah Da, was like a kitten that has been teased too much, and hurriedly waved her little hand to refute for herself: I, I didn't think Ah Da was good-looking! The old Ah Da was much better looking than the current Ah Da, I just, just now just felt that Ah Da really needed my comfort, so I just said that! Right, that is it!

"Oh? Is that so?" Ah Da let out a long groan, and then said "Really?" After that, he stopped talking and continued to massage Xiaoya's hair.

Um? That's all? Why didn't Ada stop talking? Seeing that Ada hadn't been heard for a long time, Xiaoya couldn't help but quietly raised her eyes, and looked at Ada with a guilty conscience. Seeing Ada's expressionless way of combing her hair, Xiaoya had no idea what Ada was thinking at this time, and was a little worried that Ada would be hurt because of her words. After much deliberation, Xiaoya finally pinched Grabbing Ah Da's hair, he waved his little hand and decided to give a serious explanation for what he said before: Well, that, Ah Da is not unattractive now, it's just... just a little bit prettier than before. It really just looks a little better!

Looking at the blushing duplicity Xiaoya in front of him with a smile, Ada decided not to tease the stubborn and awkward little prey in front of him, so as not to push the little prey into a hurry. So there was a smile on the dull face again, and he said with a look of being very unhappy after receiving Xiaoya's compliment: "Yes ~ thank you for your compliment, I am so happy, very very happy."

uh-huh! of course! Don't thank me, you deserve it!

The relationship is cheap and well-behaved. I guess you are talking about the little guy Xiaoya, right? Seeing Xiaoya proudly waving her little hands, Ada tried hard to swallow the smile that was on the verge of his lips back into his stomach, and then retracted the towel on Xiaoya's head. Touching the 90% dry hair on Xiaoya's head, Ah Da put another dry towel on the bed into Xiaoya's hand, and said with a smile: "Then, now you can trouble me, Xiaoya, who makes me feel very happy- ─Dry my hair?"

Can! of course! The well-behaved Xiaoya readily took the towel from Ah Da's hand, and wiped Ah Da's hair with a proud face.

This is the habit of Xiaoya and Ada for many years, although it is ordinary, it is very warm.

Well, another hour has passed like this, Ada and Xiaoya, who have finished everything, finally sat in the front seat of the carriage, and drove the carriage with a wolf as the back of the carriage to the people who Ada came to rescue Xiaoya back then. That's the way to go.

Go back wherever you came from, this is Ada's decision──Because he made a **** road from here to find Xiaoya, but he failed to take Xiaoya away from this place through this **** road, this is Ada's decision. The hatred that can't be forgotten in my heart.

In the past five years, Ah Da has always felt that it is entirely because of himself that Xiaoya has to live such a depressing and boring life, and let him take away the smile on Xiaoya's face. That's why Ah Da decided to leave from here, even though there is a faster way to leave the barrier where he and Xiaoya live.

I can finally leave here, I can finally take Xiaoya out of here. Looking at the gradually receding scenery, Ah Da, who has always been indifferent and calm, couldn't help the excitement in his heart at this moment. Reluctantly looking back at her two years of hard work, Xiaoya smiled silently in her heart. Don't worry, after I go to the village to change my books, I will come back to take care of you soon!

However, neither Ada nor Xiaoya knew that what awaited them in the village was not a book but a terrible war.

Looking at the place where they blocked themselves back then, Ah Da and Xiao Ya looked at each other silently, then folded their hands and held the rein to let Horse 1 and Horse 2 move forward slowly.

This time, there are no transparent walls blocking my steps anymore. After sitting in the carriage and stepping out of the boundary line that can never be crossed, what Ada and Xiaoya feel is different from the tranquility in the enchantment And serenity, but the unique breath in this forest──danger.

Yes, it is dangerous.

In this forest inhabited by countless monsters, countless lives fight for survival every day, some sacrifice their lives for this, and some gain more powerful power for this.

The weak prey on the strong, fighting anytime and anywhere, and the danger of killing is everywhere. This is the forest where Ada and Xiaoya have lived for a full ten years.

Revisiting this forest again, feeling the familiar dangerous atmosphere around the body, so that the wolf and Ada couldn't help the animal nature in the body soaring into the sky and shouting forcefully, even Xiaoya also clenched excitedly Clenching his fists, he raised his head and shouted silently to the sky.



The dragon chant and wolf howl accompanied by a silent cry resounded through the sky in an instant, and the whole forest was filled with howling one after another because of the dragon chant and wolf howl of Ada and the wolf, like a beast waking up from a deep sleep. There are responses to yelling and challenging the wolf and Ada, and of course there are responses to welcome the wolf and Ada back to the forest, especially the wolf howls that come and go in the forest, which are constantly ringing out from the forest.

Although the demon wolves didn't know who the voice of the dragon chant was, they recognized that the wolf howl accompanied by the dragon chant was the demon wolf king they had been missing for five years.

Their king - is back!

And as all kinds of howls sounded in the forest, the center of Ah Da and the wolf exuded a strong coercion to the surroundings. For such a fleeting time, the whole forest was full of the breath of wolves and Ah Da. Proudly announce to all life in the forest-they are back with a strong attitude!