MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 20 Dangerous, encountered a strange monster!

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After lunch, Ah Da and Xiao Ya rested in the carriage as usual.

Since Ada promised that she could have barbecue at night, Xiaoya stopped making troubles and obediently read a book on the bed by the window sill.

Flipping through the book that she had read several times in her hand, Xiaoya closed the book gently after reading it boredly for a few times, and turned her head to look at Ada who has been sleeping with his head in his arms whenever he is free for ten years.

Wouldn't Ah Dae live a happier life without her presence? Xiaoya has been thinking about this question again and again for ten years.

Xiaoya knows very well that in the past ten years, Ada has done and paid a lot for herself. But on the contrary, in the past ten years, apart from causing troubles for Ah Da, I still couldn't do anything well, and in the end, even if I wanted to cook for Ah Da, I couldn't cook well. Big and delicious. But even though I thought so, in fact, Xiaoya was very happy in his heart, because--A Dayou said that Xiaoya was even more delicious than his cooking!

Although she knew in her heart that her cooking was not as delicious as Ah Da's, Xiaoya felt that nothing was more important than Ah Da's praise. But although this incident made Xiaoya very happy, in the end, if she counted it seriously, Xiaoya knew that in the past ten years, she had done nothing for Ah Da except for causing trouble for Ah Da.

Even later, Ada stopped the meal after cooking for one or two meals. The reason was not that Xiaoya cooked it unpalatably, but that Ada didn’t want to see himself tired, so he stopped cooking for himself up. Thinking of this, Xiaoya couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Obviously Ada is a super lazy big guy, but why does he have to do everything by himself when he is facing him?

Obviously he can cook too!


In front of Ah Da, he was like a little baby who didn't know anything but just crawled around and left trouble for the adults.

Pouting her lips unhappily, Xiaoya stretched out her fingers depressedly to poke Ah Da's sleeping face: Why does Ah Da know everything, and besides meeting, he does everything so perfectly? So perfect that you don't even have a chance to show it to others?

"Hey, go to sleep if you don't want to read, don't keep thinking about things that are not nutritious." With eyes closed, he stretched out his hand and hugged Xiaoya, who was making trouble on his face, into his arms. Ada patted Xiaoya gently. Asia's back.

Looking up at Ah Da, Xiaoya gently wrote on Ah Da's chest: Ah Da, I will cook for you in the future, okay?

"Don't you want to read? Cooking is not fun, and it's time-consuming." Wei Wei opened her eyes and looked at Xiaoya in her arms. A Dalian rejected Xiaoya's request without thinking.

But the book is over. Xiaoya stared at Ada with her golden eyes, so cute.

"Don't worry, there will be a new book to read soon." After finishing speaking, Ada turned Xiaoya in his arms and let Xiaoya lie in his arms, then raised his voice and said to the wolf outside the carriage: "Wolf , Get the Red Bull Beast to the front seat of the carriage, and let Horse 1 and Horse 2 (idiot: Heck, I can’t name it, so I just use the number) to pull the cart to the village."

"Hey~" Got it.

The wolf, who had already heard the "conversation" in the carriage, got up from the ground without any surprises to pick up the red bull beast body not far away. After throwing the corpse heavily to the front seat of the carriage, the wolf asked Ma 1 and Ma 2 who had been with them for ten years to slowly pull the cart towards the small village.

Feeling the shaking of the carriage, Xiaoya, who had long been used to doing various things under the shaking of the carriage, felt sleepy from the slow shaking. But the persistence and awkwardness in his heart made him reluctant to fall asleep: Ada, I don't want to read anymore, let's not go to the village, okay? Let me cook for you later, okay?

This is not the first time they have gone back to the village to exchange things. As long as Xiaoya reads the books they exchanged, Ah Da will take Xiaoya to the village to exchange some new books. However, even though they were going to exchange for new books, each time Ada exchanged a large number of books, in fact, Ada and Xiaoya only returned to the village three times in the past ten years to exchange books.

However, every time she returned to the village, Xiaoya could clearly see the malicious eyes of the villagers in the village. Xiaoya, who has grown up, clearly understands that as long as those villagers don't kill Ah Da, they will always remember Ah Da's life. So from the very beginning, Xiaoya didn't want Ada to go back to the village, because the eyes of those people were really scary.

Although I have lived in the forest for a full ten years, it may be because Ada is very well protected, or because Xiaoya feels that there is still a certain difference between monsters and humans, so I am not afraid of Ada killing monsters. Xiaoya, however, has always been very afraid that A Dahui would have conflicts with the villagers, that he would have to massacre the village as a last resort, and even more afraid that A Dahui would be hurt by the villagers.

Gently and tenderly patted Xiaoya's back, years of getting along with him let Ada know that this can make Xiaoya feel sleepy faster: "The village must be visited, because some seasonings are out of date, go to Replace it with a new one." And you still have to go back to the village as soon as possible to change it!

For ten years, Xiaoya would usually behave like a docile animal as long as he could have books to read (Ada’s note: any book is fine), either lying on his desk or Lying on the window sill next to the bed to read, and once Xiaoya was seriously reading, if someone accidentally disturbed him while reading, he would even lose his temper, "saying" that he was disturbed while reading wasted his precious reading time . But what makes Ah Da want to cry without tears is that once Xiaoya has no books to read, she will make all kinds of troubles, cooking and "exercising" strength with monsters everywhere, and even later thinking wildly and falling into a dead end go inside.

It seems that we still have to plan ahead in the future, and replace the book with a new one when Xiaoya sees it in a bad way, or God knows what trouble this little prey will have. After being tossed and tossed by Xiaoya who has no books to read, Ada felt that he could no longer wait until the books were gone before going back to the village to change them.

Xiaoya, who had no idea what Ah Da was thinking with her eyes closed and was coaxing herself to sleep, pouted after hearing Ah Da's answer, feeling sweet but awkward.

Three times!

Obviously, every time the seasoning was exchanged from the village, Ada never said that he was afraid that the people in the village would poison them! But every time he asked not to go back to the village, Ah Da always used this excuse to perfuse himself, it was too...

I don't know how to describe Ah Da, but my heart is full of sweetness, Xiao Ya lay on Ah Da's arms with her mouth pouted and slightly red face, and closed her eyes.

never mind! Don't persuade Ah Da anymore, anyway, every time he "says" that he can't beat Ah Da!



However, I don't know what new books will be good in the village this time?

However, Ada and Xiaoya, who closed their eyes at this moment and thought about going back to the village to change things, didn't know that this time or even in the future, they would never have the chance to go back to the village to change books.


Another beautiful spring day.

After walking for half a month, Ada and Xiaoya finally reached the edge of the forest in their carriage, looking at the hillsides and grasslands that could be vaguely seen, as well as the cave that made me happy to "digging treasure" ( Xiaoya: Well, I now know what the "treasure" I dug when I was a child is!), Xiaoya, who was sitting on the front seat of the carriage with Ah Da, stretched out her hand and patted Ah Da beside her excitedly: Ah Big! Ah Da! I'll catch you a third-level monster!

Looking at Xiaoya, who has been saying that she doesn't want to go back to the village, don't go back to the village, but the closer she gets to the village, the more excited Xiaoya is, Ah Da stopped Ma 1 and Ma 2 in a low voice, and then laughed. He stretched out his hand and patted Xiaoya's head, and said with a smile, "Go, be careful."

Um! Don't worry, the most dangerous monsters on the edge of the forest are not only the third-level monsters, I will be back soon!

The moment Ah Da opened his mouth, Xiao Ya jumped out of the carriage mischievously, waving her little hands excitedly and ran towards the jungle beside her.

"Wolf." Only after Xiao Ya's figure disappeared, Ah Da withdrew his bright smile, looked at the wolf dully and called out in a low voice.

"Roar!" Got it, I will protect Xiaoya.

With a low growl, the wolf's huge figure immediately caught up with Xiaoya, who was small but could run, and followed behind Xiaoya quietly.

This is exactly why Ah Dawei has been so relieved to let Xiaoya go to "exercise" alone.

Leaning against the carriage door, closing his eyes and sitting on the front seat of the carriage to rest, Ada waited patiently for Xiaoya's safe return as usual.


Less than half a quarter had passed since Xiaoya left, and Ah Da's heart suddenly contracted violently for no reason, and Xiaoya's call full of fear and fear could still be heard in his ears.

Ah Da!

As if the call was still ringing in his ears, Ah Da, who was resting leisurely with his eyes closed, immediately jumped out of the front seat of the carriage without even thinking about it, and ran in the direction Xiaoya left recklessly. At the same time, in the direction Xiaoya left, the wolf's howl full of impatience and anxiety suddenly sounded, which made him nervous because of the unreasonable anxiety in his heart and the call still ringing in his ears. The hesitant Ah Da ran towards the direction of howling wolves with red eyes and even a bit ferocious expression.

Xiaoya! Xiaoya!

You must be fine!

"Oh oh oh!"

A mournful cry full of unease and impatience resounded through the entire forest before Ah Da arrived.

Ah Da!

Xiaoya, who was happily wandering around the edge of the forest, looking for prey that could be exchanged with the villagers, did not expect that he had just left Ada's side for a moment, and a bird suddenly appeared in front of him. Inexplicable Warcraft!

The appearance of this monster is very strange, the whole body is covered with dark blue scales, and the body is very slender and long. Its head looks like a dragon, but it is not quite like a dragon. There are two long hairs on its head, which look a bit strange. Antlers (fool: This world is a world without antlers~), such monsters naturally aroused Xiaoya's curiosity. However, although this magical beast looks only as long as Xiaoya's arm and looks petite and cute, Xiaoya, who has been living in the forest for many years, can still clearly feel that this strange and petite magical beast has something bigger than he has seen. The highest level of monsters I have ever experienced - the eighth-level intermediate monsters are even more powerful.

And the coercion of the eighth-level mid-level monster is exactly the coercion that Xiaoya can barely resist.

So although I was very curious, but in the face of unknown dangers, Xiao Ya, who had always insisted that he would never cause Ah Da any trouble, turned around and ran in the opposite direction of the carriage without thinking, trying to get this strange animal The monster led away from the position of the carriage where Ada was, and then tried to get rid of the monster by himself, and quickly returned to Ada's side to leave the edge of the forest that seemed a little dangerous.

But at the moment Xiaoya was about to turn around, Xiaoya found that the wolf came out from nowhere and stopped in front of her.


"Roar!" Xiaoya, run away quickly! This monster is dangerous! very dangerous!


Before Xiaoya waved anxiously at the wolf, the strange-looking monster in front of him had already moved, and even the wolf who had already reached the eighth-level intermediate level could do nothing about this movement, so he could only watch helplessly. A strange monster sucked Xiaoya into a huge black hole.


Looking at the almost invisible energy that pressed the wolf on the ground and left a trace of blood at the corner of its mouth, Xiaoya, who was unable to move and was sucked into the black hole, couldn't help but widen her golden eyes in worry. But when he was sucked in by the complete black hole and the moment was pitch black before his eyes, Xiaoya's heart was filled with every warm and sweet picture of getting along with Ada in the past ten years.

At this moment, Xiaoya finally felt a real sense of fear and fear.

Fear of the unknown, afraid that he would never have the chance to see Ah Da again.

Ah Da!