MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 11 Abandon the past, I will give you a happy future

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Tilting her head to look at the garbage outside the cave, Xiaoya, who had been digging treasures all afternoon, was too tired to move anymore. Nestled in Ada's arms, Xiaoya pointed to the pile of "treasures" she had found: Don't look at those rubbish, I'm so tired. Ah Da, I want to see my treasure.

"Okay." Gently holding Xiaoya out of the cave, Ada told the wolf who was following him: "Go and get those garbage back into the cave and burn it."

Why? Isn't it already done? Why move back to the cave? And why burn it? Can't we just throw it away like this?

"Ho Ho?!" That's right! that is! Just throw it away, why bother so much! You are abusing wolves! do you know? !

Xiaoya and Lang looked up at Ada in unison immediately after hearing the words.

Looking at the curious baby Xiaoya, Ah Da patiently explained: "These **** can't be thrown away directly, if one is not handled properly, it will easily cause unnecessary troubles, and if all these **** are returned to the cave to let The wolf burned them all with a fire, and in addition to saving trouble, the fire can also be used to sterilize the cave. Don't you think the cave will be cleaner this way?"

What Ada said made Xiaoya look back at the cave that had been emptied. Although the cave was indeed emptied, it may be because of the garbage stored for many years. Even if there is no garbage, the cave is still full of people. It was so dirty that Xiaoya could feel the disgusting smudges, giving Xiaoya a feeling that the cave was still a garbage cave.

So Xiaoya immediately agreed to Ada's proposal, but...

If it is done as Ada said, wouldn't the cave be full of ashes left after the garbage was burned? Xiaoya rested on Ada's shoulder with a tired face, tilted her head and looked at the **** mountain in front of her, although nearly one-third of the treasure had been found.

"No. Wolves have fire magic, and they can burn anything until there is no ashes left."

In order to prevent Ada who lives in the mountains from being brought down by a small first-level monster, the wolf gave him a lot of knowledge about monsters for the sake of Ada's life, and magic is one of them Same. Because in addition to a very small number of Warcraft, even the lowest level of Warcraft also has their own magical characteristics.

Hearing Ah Da mention the magic thing, because no matter how tiring the treasure hunt, the face of Xiao Baozi, who was still brimming with a happy smile, suddenly dimmed.


Unexpectedly, even a wolf who is a monster can do magic, but he...

The change of Xiaoya, who put all his heart and soul into Xiaoya, naturally noticed it immediately. Seeing Xiaoya lying in his arms suddenly depressed, the smart Ada immediately realized it from Xiaoya's reaction. , I must have said something wrong just now. However, in order to avoid making things worse for Xiaoya, Ah Da didn't dare to ask Xiaoya's reason any more, and could only hug Xiaoya nervously and asked, "Xiaoya, what's wrong with you?"

I'm fine, Ada, I'm really fine!

Shaking her head lightly, Xiaoya buried her head in Ada's arms and refused to lift it up.

He doesn't know magic, he obviously has a very good light attribute, but he can't learn magic. Because he is dumb, a dumb who can't read magic spells and can't use magic, why does he have such a body that is very suitable for practicing light magic?


If his body doesn't have such a good light attribute, does that mean he won't suffer all kinds of unequal treatment in the past? Wouldn't it make mother have to abandon herself? Wouldn't it be...

Even though he couldn't see the expression on Xiaoya's face, Ah Da could clearly feel Xiaoya's sadness from his gradually wet chest. Ada didn't understand why Xiaoya would make Xiaoya so sad with just one sentence, but he didn't want to understand Xiaoya's sadness, because he felt that Xiaoya's sadness came from his past, the past Ada thinks that he can't change it and has no ability to change it. The only thing he can do is to give Xiaoya a happy future.

So instead of persuading Xiaoya, Ada hugged Xiaoya and sat on the front seat of the carriage, gently patted Xiaoya's back, and whispered softly in Xiaoya's ear: "Cry, cry, let go of all the past Cry all the unhappiness and grievances all at once. But let’s say it first, after you finish crying, you will forget all the past, because I want to give you a future full of happiness, and you have to welcome the happy future with me , can’t look back at the past, you know?”

Originally, Xiaoya was in a situation where the more he thought about it, the more sad he became. After hearing what Ah Da said, the tears that were just a drizzle suddenly turned into a downpour. The heavy rain may also be mixed with the sound of thunder and lightning! A lot of grievances were accompanied by tears flowing from Xiaoya's eyes, lying in Ahda's warm embrace and feeling Ahda's sincerity, it was only at this moment that Xiaoya truly accepted the gift from Ahda. Xiaoya's name, truly accepted Ada's company, and truly cut off the last sliver of delusion in her heart to go home after growing up.

I will! I will definitely forget the past after crying! Because I want happiness, want a lot of happiness! I know that no matter how much I think about it, the family that abandoned me will never give me the happiness I want, so Ada, I won't think about it anymore! After crying, I will forget that home forever, and welcome a happy future with you!

Innocent children are more sensitive and vulnerable than any adult. If they can't express who is good to them and who is hurting them, it doesn't mean they don't know. However, everything has two sides. Although children are very sensitive and fragile, their minds are also pure and innocent, but as long as you are willing to give a little sincerity, he will open his heart to you unconditionally.

Looking at Xiaoya, who was clutching her clothes tightly with her little hands, and buried her head in front of her chest, crying bitterly, Ada watched the wolf take all the garbage back into the cave and spread it out, and then opened his mouth to see the garbage that fell into the cave in a cloud of fire superior. Looking at the raging fire burning in the cave, Ah Da's expression changed from cloudy to cloudy.

Is it because of magic?

Although he didn't want to know what Xiaoya's past sadness was, Ah Da felt that he needed to figure out what caused Xiaoya's sadness. Only by figuring out what caused Xiaoya's sadness, can he avoid making the same mistake in the future.

And after careful thinking, Ah Da was very sure that it was the word magic that caused Xiaoya's sadness. Ada, whose contact with human beings is limited to bartering, doesn’t understand why the word “magic” would cause Xiaoya’s sadness, but this does not hinder his decision—from today onwards, their family must not When the word magic appears, anything related to magic should be avoided as much as possible!

However, even though Ada made such a decision, he will soon find out that it is actually a mistake to want to avoid anything related to magic in his and Xiaoya's life, and to avoid the word magic. A very difficult thing.


I don't know how much time has passed, anyway, by the time Xiaoya stopped crying, the sky had already changed from an orange sunset to a sky full of stars, and the moon had already risen in the sky.

Looking down at Xiaoya who fell asleep crying, Ada glanced at the cave that was still burning with raging fire, and then looked at the "treasures" on the ground that Xiaoya had found. After thinking about it, he said to the wolf: "Xiaoya Ya needs to rest now, so I won’t eat tonight, and you don’t have to go looking for food. Tonight, you are responsible for looking at those things. If anyone appears, kill them. For dinner, wait until I get up tomorrow. Decide."

After finishing speaking, before the wolf could react, Ah Da hugged Xiao Ya, who was not sleeping peacefully, and went back to bed in the carriage to rest and sleep.

Lying down next to the "treasure" to rest and waiting for Ah Da to release the wolf to find the wolf to eat, Hearing this, he raised his eyelids helplessly and looked at the closed carriage door. The eyes are closed──oh, it's so hungry!

A night without dreams.

Seeing Xiaoya who was sleeping soundly in his arms exuding a sense of stability, Ada, who had been worried about Xiaoya all night, smiled silently, lowered his head and kissed Xiaoya's forehead, then Ada got off the bed lightly and carefully opened the car door walked out. Glancing at the wolf who was frightened by his early waking up, Ah Da calmly closed the door of the carriage, then jumped out of the carriage and strode to the side of the wolf, kicking the wolf who was completely stupid: "Get up, go find something to eat and come back .”

Ah Da, who was always too lazy to get up until he screamed, woke up today when the sun was just rising? !

It must be dreaming!

Yes, it must be dreaming, and it is still a terrible nightmare. Maybe the end of the world will appear in the dream world at the next moment, so it should continue to sleep and have other dreams. This dream is really too much. Scary.

Looking at the wolf who closed his eyes again with raised eyebrows, Ah Da impatiently increased the strength on his feet, and kicked the self-deceiving wolf forcefully: "Get up, don't sleep! Sleep carefully, I will take your hair all Pulled out."

"Hoho!" Ah Da, what's wrong with you today? Why did you get up so early? And it didn't even need to be called? Do you have a fever?

As soon as he heard that Ah Da was going to pluck his hair, the wolf who finally had to accept the fact that Ah Da got up early immediately jumped up in fright.

"I didn't sleep last night." Rolling his eyes at the wolf, Ada bent down and picked up a pile of animal skins that Xiaoya found under him, and after saying this to the wolf, he hugged the animal skins and asked Bu Walk to the river in the distance.

"Hoo hoo?" Didn't sleep all night?

Seeing Ah Da who was automatically and consciously holding the animal skin and taking it to the river to wash, the wolf twitched the corner of his mouth wordlessly—was it really dreaming? Ah Da, who has always been lazy to death, didn't sleep all night and got up early, and now he took the initiative to clean the animal skins? !

"Ho Ho!" Do you really not have a fever? do you know what you are doing

Ignoring the problem that the wolves were too useless to be used any more, Ah Da threw each piece of animal skin into the river and soaked it in the river under pressure with stones. Looking at the stains accumulated on the animal hide after a long time, Ah Da thought about whether to go to the village to get some cleaning supplies and come back to clean the animal hide. After all, the nature of animal skin determines that it cannot be soaked in water for a long time to let the river water soak away the stains, but if he is asked to wash it himself, Ada finds it very troublesome, but if he does not wash it, Xiaoya will...

Just when I thought of the picture of Xiaoya going crazy because of her obsession with cleanliness, there was a sound from the carriage not far away.

As soon as he heard the sound, Ah Da immediately turned around and ran towards the carriage, and just as he ran to the front of the carriage, Xiaoya also just opened the door from the carriage. Jumping neatly into the front seat of the carriage, Ada hugged Xiaoya who was rubbing his eyes and walking staggeringly, "Why did you wake up so early? Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

With sleepy eyes open, Xiaoya looked up at Ah Da with her mouth pouted, and rubbed against Ah Da's chest coquettishly: After waking up, I couldn't fall asleep without seeing you, I thought you were gone.

Feeling Xiaoya's silent acting like a baby with a tacit understanding, Ada smiled triumphantly. Holding Xiaoya and jumping out of the carriage, Ah Da brought Xiaoya to the big rock where Xiaoya was sitting on yesterday: "Are you hungry?"

Holding Ada's clothes, Xiaoya nodded obediently. In fact, at the very beginning, he was awakened by hunger: Hungry!

"Hungry?" Rubbing Xiaoya's messy sleeping hair, Ada stared at the wolf who was still dazed by the river: "Wolf! You are given ten minutes to find something to eat, or you will pluck out your hair!"

"Ho Ho!" Are you mistaken! ten minutes? ! Do you think I'm a beast? !

Although it yelled at Ah Da back, the wolf still ran desperately into the depths of the mountains, because it was really afraid that it would not come back in ten minutes, so Ah Da pulled out its fur.

The wolf's roar woke Xiaoya up completely, and it also reminded him of what happened yesterday before he fell asleep. However, just like the promise he made to Ah Da Silently yesterday while crying bitterly, he really abandoned the past after waking up. Even though he still has nostalgia for his mother deep in his heart, he decided not to look back , Abandoning the past, Xiaoya has now completely accepted his new identity.

Of course, since he had already remembered what happened yesterday, how could Xiaoya forget the treasure he dug back yesterday? However, when she looked closely, Xiaoya found that her treasures were actually missing! Those beautiful, beautiful animal skins that you can roll on are gone? !

Pulling Ah Da's clothes vigorously, Xiaoya panickedly pointed at her pile of treasures, looked at Ah Da nervously and asked: Ah Da! Ah Da! Where is my treasure? Why is my treasure missing? ! Where did all those beautiful hides go?

Seeing Xiaoya's nervousness, Ada quickly picked up Xiaoya and ran to the river, comforting him while running: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. You have all the animal skins here. If it’s a bit dirty, take it to soak in the river, and plan to wash it. You see, your animal skins are all in good condition, and nothing is missing.”

Nesting in Ah Da's arms and stretching his neck to look at the animal skins soaked in the river, Xiaoya smiled happily: "It's okay, it's okay, he didn't lose any animal skins!"


Xiaoya didn't look at these animal skins carefully before only focusing on digging treasures. In addition, she was digging treasures in a cave yesterday, so the light was a little dark, so she couldn't see them clearly. Until today, Ah Da soaked all the animal skins in the river. Only then did Li Xiaoya realize—these animal skins are really, really dirty! Although they are still very beautiful, Xiaoya, who has a severe obsession with cleanliness and has lost the so-called "manly man is not afraid of dirty" momentum after digging treasures, now seriously feels that these animal skins are dirty!

Unexpectedly, the animal skin would be so dirty, Xiaoya couldn't help but frowned and looked at Ah Da: "Ada, the animal skin is so dirty, how long does it take to wash the animal skin clean?"

"I don't know. It may take a long time to wash it off if it's so dirty, but the animal skin can't be soaked in water for too long, or it will be corroded by water." Thinking of the burning garbage in the cave, there were a few pieces of Xiaoya. The animal skin I like is because it was often corroded by the rain when it was placed near the entrance of the cave. Ah Da couldn't help but frowned and thought about it, "Forget it, I'd better go to the village to change some clean ones." Bring things back."

Hearing this, Xiaoya looked at Ada puzzled: Why did you go to the village to change something clean?

"Because the clean things can wash off the animal skin very quickly, so you don't have to worry about the animal skin being soaked by the river water." Facing Xiaoya, Ah Da always has incomparable patience, even if his mood just a moment ago was caused by feeling So is troublesome and extremely irritable.

Can the hide be washed quickly? Looking at the gentle Ah Da with her head tilted, Xiaoya suddenly remembered one thing: Ah Da! Ah Da! Take the hide back to the carriage!

"What's the matter?" Although he asked like this, Ada, who put Xiaoya's wishes as the first implementation purpose, had already hugged Xiaoya in one hand, walked into the river and took the animal skin with one hand. Throw them back to the side of the carriage one by one.

When you said that the animal hides can be washed quickly with cleaning things, I remembered that there are things in the carriage that can wash the animal hides quickly. Xiaoya excitedly waved her little hand to Ada to express his excitement. I wonder if it was because he could get clean animal skins quickly? Or remembering that there are things in the wagon that keep things clean.

"Really?" Seeing what Xiaoya said, Ah Da also looked forward to the thing that Xiaoya said that could clean animal skins, because it would save him a lot of trouble and give him more time── Lazy.

Being carried by Ah Da to the animal skin next to the carriage, Xiao Ya directed Ah Da to pick up a small animal skin and try it in the carriage. After getting into the carriage, Xiaoya took Ada into the carriage. Behind the small door that Ada once asked him was what it was for—here was a bathroom that was two and a half meters long and more than one meter wide.

Ah Da, Ah Da, quick, quick! Hurry up and hang the hide here. He directed Ah Da to put the animal skins into a large transparent cabinet that was 2 meters high, more than one meter wide, and half a meter deep in the innermost part of the room.

According to Xiaoya's instructions, Ah Da hung the animal skin on the pole inside the big cabinet, then closed the cabinet door and looked at Xiaoya beside him: "Okay, then what?"


Xiaoya triumphantly stretched out her hand and pressed lightly on a milky white Warcraft spar on the door of the cabinet—a flash of light flashed instantly, and the wet and dirty animal skin that had been soaked in the river was suddenly as bright as new, clean to the point of dust nothing.

Looking down in astonishment at Xiaoya, who was triumphantly claiming credit for himself, how could Ada, who had fought against monsters hundreds of times, not feel the energy fluctuation just now?

That was precisely the magic that he had decided last night that it should not appear in his life with Xiaoya!