MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 481 Brave

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On the earth, Fliesa has been subdued and the action ended in a terrible defeat. But in the universe, another team is still on the move and is getting closer to the new star.

This day's Saiyan star is under heavy rain, like some kind of indication, foreseeing the coming war.

In the rain, a tall man with red hair stood at the tip of the spire, and a strange flute hung around his neck. His eyes were cold and hot and shining, just like the hardened blade that had just been removed from the furnace.

The legendary brave, Tapio.

He accepted the mission of the King of the Great World and came to Saiyan for liaison work, but not long ago, radar detection showed that a huge fleet was coming to them. According to the news of the previous stage of the Galaxy Justice League, the Saiyan people immediately made a judgment, that is the army of Fliesa!

As a result, the Saiyan people are waiting, and Tapio has joined.

He has half the strength of Hilde. If used properly, the ordinary Super 2 is not his opponent. He is one of the most powerful singles in the Saiyan.

The Fliesa army approaching in the universe knew nothing about the new star of Saia.

"Tagma, the Flemish King's troops, by time, should have arrived at Earth." A cosmic person reported, "We are also about to arrive at the new star."

"Good! Let us end the life of the Saiyan with King Fliesa." Tagma smiled coldly and waved his hand.

"go ahead!"


The man in the control room immediately acted according to the instructions, maximizing the power of the spacecraft and rushing straight toward the planet. They are so arrogant, with unparalleled self-confidence, they are about to sweep everything.

"Admiral Tagma, do you want to ask King Fliesa first?"

"No, when we beat the Saiyan, we will ask for a surprise and give Mr. Fliesa a surprise."

"But... King Fliesa let us not underestimate them."

Tagma’s eyes suddenly became cold. “You mean, I am not an opponent of the Saiyan?”

"No, no... no, dare!"

"Hey, I followed the practice of King Fliesa, and I received the intolerable pain in different time and space every day, only to cast the body of today. How can these Saiyan people compare with me? Give me full speed."

Seeing that Tagma is so determined, no one dares to say anything more. Here, Tagma is the most powerful character, and everyone has to follow his command.

The mighty fleet was on the verge of a new star in Saia, and the rain curtain seemed to be torn apart by a huge mouth, and the air made a sharp whistling.

"Come on!" The Saiyan people who have already prepared for it have already evacuated the crowd and are waiting for their arrival.

What the Saiya people think is that they can swear!

However, the first to rush out was Tapio, the abominable brave man who leaped with her long sword and rushed toward the sky where the spacecraft gathered. At the same time, he blew the flute, and a white smog was visible under him.

Hilde, who has his younger brother’s thoughts, has just been controlled very well, just like a mount, carrying Tapio running, striding forward, and then skyrocketing!

For a moment, Hilde just appeared in front of the cosmic fleet, the huge figure was washed and swelled in the storm, and the long tail was like a twisted steel whip.

"what is that?!"

The people who have just arrived in the universe are just preparing to organize an attack, but they are frightened by what is suddenly appearing in front of them. What is such a huge thing?

Before they could react, Hilde’s tail swept away, and the wind pressure that passed down the world swept the sky, the majestic explosion continued, and the space ship slammed under the steel-like tail. destroy.

"Not good! They were discovered by them!"

"That is a monster!"

"Tagma Daren!"

Boom - Bang!砰砰砰砰——

The Fliesa Legion flustered and made a mess. The cosmic ship is out of their control, the rain is pouring into it, and the power is missing. The most terrible thing is that the behemoth is rushing, trampling, and swaying unscrupulously!

Although it is the most basic blow, Hilde is too big and too destructive. Every hit of it is shocking. The high-energy storm is enough to tear the weaker fighters. Even the elites felt the pressure of terror, and they were pale.

Hilde is just like a giant god, killing and killing in the sky, spinning down the spaceship and destroying everything with his body.

"God, is the strength of the brave man so strong? Can't see it." The Saiyan people in the ground were amazed that they were respectful of Tapio for their respect for the king of the kingdom, but in fact Not much value for his strength.

At this moment, the Saiya people were shocked, and the shadows that rushed to and fro in the rain curtains were chilling.

"Counter! Counterattack!" The Fliesa army screamed and launched an energy cannon.

The multicolored light column stared at Hilde's body, and the vast energy seemed to hit, but it was worn straight, as if it was on the phantom!

After the moment, the phantom launched an offensive, smashing the cosmic ship and the people inside with big feet.

This is the strange thing of Hilde, just forming an entity at the moment of launching an attack, and ordinary attacks can't hurt it at all!

"Impossible! Help!"

"Wow, ah..."

The screams in the sky have been repeated, and the situation of this aggressive war has reversed and turned into a runaway.

Tagma couldn't sit still. He met the first challenge to come to Saiyan Nova, but his strength was much higher than the average fighter. I saw it at Hilde. Tapio on the body.

"Damn guy!" Tagma angered and rushed to Tapio.

"Hey, your opponent is here!"

Near the Tagma, a thunder-like sound rang, and the glaring golden light filled the sky, breaking the rain screen and shooting at him.

Super Saiyan!

Axe was in front of Tagma in absolute speed, and while the sound was sounding, the fierce power had already passed through Tagma’s chest.


Tagma squirted a blood, and he burned in anger.

"Abominable Saiyan, you have violated the untouchable forbidden land! I am not what you can stop..."


Without waiting for him to finish, Hilde's big feet fell from the sky, and one foot put Tagmar on the ground, and the raging power directly pressed it into a patties.

"Sorry, I shot directly because other people have already been solved." Tapioou apologized to Ax.

Saiya people looked at the sky slyly, only to see the explosion of smoke in the rain is getting smaller and smaller, the debris of the cosmic ship fell, and the Fliesa Legion has been completely destroyed.

This... is faster than I thought.

Tagma dreamed that his offense would end up so badly that even the last generosity had no chance to finish, and he was stepped on the meat.

At this point, Flissa's plan ended, no matter which battlefield was easily eliminated, no waves were set off. Can't find the latest chapter in the book you want to read? Cough and cough, this is not a thing, recommend a public number, here is Miss Sister to help you find the latest chapter, accompany you to chat!

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