MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-Chapter 7 1 enemy 2

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Latiz lay down on the edge of the deep pit, his head resting on his hands, and underneath his soft grass. He looked at the long white clouds, relaxed and his eyes slowly closed.

Since the advent of the Dragon Ball World, every day the followers Vegeta fight them, or they are trying to improve their strength, they are routinely sleeping in the space ship, and they have never enjoyed the fun of leisure.

Instead, I was busy sneaking today, and I rested quietly for a quarter of an hour. I didn’t have to think about it. I only used to enjoy the breeze, the grass, the sunshine... What about sunshine?

Latiz felt suddenly covered in shadow and slammed open.

"I am going!" Latiz was shocked. It was the face of Sun Wufan. "You must scare me!"

It may be that watching Latiz is not as horrible as before, and Sun Wufan dared to take the initiative to approach.

"I... I am done."

"What are you doing... you, are you finished?" Latiz said that half of the reaction came and was shocked.

Is the four-year-old child so quick to solve the problem? Latiz’s expression was very embarrassing, and his heart said that Kiki’s education is really good...

At this moment, two strong qis approached here, one step faster than the detector, and Latiz looked into the air. Then, the sound of "哔哔哔" sounded.

Sensitive to the air, it really wins the machine.

Latiz’s heart was happy, but fortunately, Sun Wukong appeared in time at this time, otherwise it would be difficult to end up with Sun Wu’s meal. As Wukong and Bick approached, he greeted him.

"Wuk, you are finally here."

"I am coming back to my son!" Sun Wukong yelled, full of momentum.

On the other hand, Bick’s white robe fluttered in the wind, like a raging tide. He looked at Latiz with a dignified look: “I felt a very strong fighting force suddenly came to Earth, very early. It’s you, but don’t get me wrong, I’m not like Sun Wukong, just to knock you down!”

Having said that, Sun Wukong has already told him about the power of the Saiyan people. Beck did not dare to have a half-heartedness and was very serious.

Latiz smiled and took the detector off and threw it aside. There are not only communication devices, but there may be Fleiss's eavesdropping device, even if it is turned off.

One of his actions attracted Sun Wukong and Bick to be alert.

"It doesn't matter, you'll come." Latiz picked up Sun Wufan. "God, your father is coming, go back." After that, with one hand, he directly returned Sun Wufan to Sun Wukong.

Wukong hugged and touched the head of Gohan. "Nothing, Gohan."


"What the **** are you going to do!" Bick had a slap in the face, and he was more prepared.

Wukong quickly let Sun Wufan go to the distance first, so as not to be affected.

"Don't be afraid, I just don't want other people to hear what I said. This device can detect the strength and position of people, but it is also easy to be eavesdropped. So, for safety reasons, don't use it first. Then I want to tell you All of them are true and important."

"Oh, I can't believe it." Bick grinned and didn't believe it.

He is the incarnation of the Mozu. In the era of the Big Devil, it is a common thing to lie, and there is no credit in the heart of the evil. So if Latiz said, he didn't believe it.

"Wukong, your son has already returned it to you. This is my sincerity. In fact, I took him away, just to lead you over."

"This..." Sun Wukong was hesitant. After all, he was his big brother, and he really didn't hurt Gohan.

He would like to hear what Latiz would say.

Bick is not as good as Sun Wukong, and he is still vigilant: "With this alone, I can't convince me."

"Then, this is the only way!" Latiz knew that it was difficult to communicate directly, simply show the strength, let them know the horror of the Saiyan.

Latiz leaned forward and suddenly accelerated!


The sound of the air broke out slightly, and Latiz disappeared in front of them. Sun Wukong and Bick had not had time to take off the reload, and the reaction was slow. When they noticed the breath behind them, they turned their heads and looked at it. Latiz had already squatted on their backs.

The huge impact made the two people's center of gravity unstable, and they saved forward and jumped several times to stand still.

At the same time, two words appeared in my heart - so fast!

Latiz did not give them a chance to breathe, and rushed directly to Sun Wukong. Both hands smashed out the fists and bursts of shadows.

At this moment, he has achieved 1800 combat power through cultivation, which is even stronger than the full strength period of 1500 years ago. Speed, strength, and not Wukong, they can keep up.

"Oh ah..."

Sun Wukong tried to counterattack, but the strong punching ability was always easily solved by Latiz, but Latiz’s every punch hit him with great pain. At this time, Bick came from behind, and the right hand crossed the chest and made a knife.

Bick's speed is extremely fast, the sound of breaking the wind is fierce, and the hand knife contains a strong gas. It seems that everything can be opened.

However, Latiz is faster!

After seeing it, he directly pulled back a tail and hit Beck's knee. The huge force beat Bill's center of gravity and fell to the ground. Followed by a swipe hitting Bick's head and pulling it out a hundred meters away.

"Tail!" Sun Wukong saw hope in the crisis and rushed to the past with the greatest strength.

Latiz's mouth slightly rose A block of Sun Wukong, the blue energy ball instantly gathered in the hands, "Boom -"

When the smoke and dust came out, Wukong was smashed and shattered, and flew out to go far.

"It's damn, it looks like it's not an opponent..." Sun Wukong stood up again, sweat coming out of the pores.

Bick also violently gasps, only two strokes from the tail, his physical strength has been greatly reduced.

"I still have a new move, just need to accumulate power, can you entangle him?"

"Try it, the tail... I just managed to catch the tail."

"Hey, your brother can be much stronger than you, Saiyan... It turns out that you are so powerful for a reason." Bick showed his fangs and smiled.

Sun Wukong can only smile.

They have never met such a strong opponent of Latiz, and the gap is almost a world apart. Sun Wukong even thinks that Latiz is already releasing water, otherwise it is easy to kill any of them.

"Okay, just hit here." Latiz took the initiative to raise his hand and stopped the war, shocking the two.

In fact, Latiz thinks that his tail has not really had time to exercise. In case of too much wave, he is caught in the tail. What can I do if I have a magical killer?

Anyway, the purpose of the shock has also been reached, and now the speech should be much better.

"Now you should believe me. I want to kill you very simple, but I just left a hand, just to tell you, I am not an enemy, and the next words, no - than - heavy - want!"

Sun Wukong and Bick looked at each other and nodded. They did not refute again and listened quietly.

This is exactly what Latiz wants. After getting the initial trust, he has to start his plan.