MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-Chapter 56 Various slings

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Latiz’s words were mad and maddening.

Dodria was stunned and was shocked by the madness of Latiz.

"Latiz? You dare to say this!" Dodola's eyes were picked and there was a feeling of being insulted. What level of Latiz is the thing, more than a thousand points of combat power, can only be regarded as the low-level soldiers of Fleiss, he can knock down the goods!

"Hey, Dodelia, if you are not convinced, you can try it. Everyone here can pick you up. Which one can you beat?"

Still very confident, Latiz spread his hands, a look of indifferent, so that Shang Bo secretly doubted, not dare to move. But Dodola is a lot more violent, how can he be so provocative, and directly yell at Latiz.

"Call... deceive too much. Just you! Come and pick me up!"

The violent Dodoly screamed, his face was so bad that his fat body was very flexible, and he moved at high speed and rushed to Latiz. He confidently punched Latiz with a punch, and he was not prepared.

At the moment he punched, Latiz smiled and held out his fingers.


With a fluttering sound, one of Latiz's fingers pressed against Dodo's punch, which made him unable to advance one more point. Dodola only felt that he had hit a piece of copper wall, and he couldn't break it anyway. The power of the whole body was also spent in vain.

With a sigh of relief and biting his teeth, Dodola’s body began to tremble.

Because Latiz is pushing his finger, this finger pushes his fist back, and the footsteps slide backwards, scooping up a thick layer of dirt behind the heel.

"Ah ah……"

You can hear the screams of Dodelia constipation throughout the journey.

Suddenly, Latiz violently removed his fingers, and Dodola was caught off guard, and fell forward along the inertia. The face hit was Latiz's iron fist. The hooked fist was as sharp as a sharp blade, and it was incredibly fast. He directly hit Dodelia's chin and pulled him out nearly 100 meters!

In a blink of an eye, Latiz disappeared in place, and he had already slid to the back of Dodria, slamming his legs and kicking it to the ground, throwing out huge pits.

"How?" Latiz stood on the edge of the pothole and stared at Dodola coldly, his eyes full of jokes.

Shang Bo unconsciously stepped back a few steps. The narrow eyes were round and the treacherous trembling.

The detector's apparently flashing Latiz's combat power increased from 1,500 to 28,000, and Latiz was so powerful! In this way, Dodria is definitely not an opponent, because his combat power is only 22,000!

But what about other people? Really, as Latiz said, can you beat Dodria? Shang Bo looked at the guys and became more and more nervous.

He does not believe, or is unwilling to believe that such a thing will happen. Even he did not notice it, his palms were full of greasy sweat and his heart beat faster.

"How come? Nothing..."

Dodola wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth with his back. The blood in his eyes was dense. He only suffered a pull from Latiz. He had begun to breathe. The back seemed to be painfully inserted by a knife and then twisted.


"Don't breathe, die fat, give you another chance, you can pick another opponent." Latiz's thumb pointed to the crowd.

"Ah!!! Don't underestimate me!" Dodola leaped to the ground with anger, his eyes squeezing big and small, biting his teeth and pointing over there. "It's you, little guy!"

Although he yelled, he was still embarrassed, and he did not dare to pick the Saiyan. The other three eyes were not normal. The obvious Meikes of Bic, it seems that Klin And Gohan can choose. After he considered it, he chose the shortest, most immature Sun Wufan.

It was expected that he would be like this, and Latiz smiled disdainfully and returned to the crowd.

Also ridiculed is Vegeta, who knows the power of Gohan. After World War I, he also trained with Sun Wufan to understand the potential of this kid.

More than 20,000 combat power is not enough to see the rice.

Under the encouragement of BAK, Sun Wufan went to Dodria. At this moment, he experienced more exercise, obviously no longer playing, and he was calm and calm in the face of strong enemies.

"Hey, is the Saiyan not a fighting nation? For your dignity, you can't intervene!" Dodola made a clever warning.

"Guaranteed." Latiz smiled and waved his hand.

"Let me die!"

Dodola’s body moved, and it was as fast as the wind, leaving only a residual image, and the body disappeared into the air, almost unpredictable. Gohan was slightly surprised, his eyes turned around, and he felt the gas in the high-speed movement.

His figure did not move, so Dodria was overjoyed, flashing behind his hands and opening his hands, ready to hug him.

But in the moment when Dodola's hands waved Gohan leaped violently, and the little body jumped to the height of Dodelia's head and turned to one leg. The short and fine body broke out with amazing power. One foot kicked Dodria, and the huge body crashed into the ground, saving a circle of smoke.

He stood up with a squid, and then it was the head of Gohan! Gobang, who came from high speed, hit his stomach with his head. The huge power crushed his battle suit directly, and he almost collapsed into a bow and then flew out.

"Oh--" Dodola fell to the ground again. He licked the warm blood of his mouth and barely propped up and stood up slowly. This time, he finally believed in Latiz, because he could not even beat this little child!

When shocked and desperate, the sky was flooded with countless waves of light, such as heavy rain, and it was necessary to drown him.

At the crucial moment, Vegeta flashed in front of him and stopped in front of Dodria. He waved his hands to open a continuous qigong wave and rescued Dodria.

"Vegeta, you..."

Dodola did not think that Vegeta would block this wave of attacks for him, and his eyes were unbelievable.

"Don't be wrong, I just want to kill you personally. Just to thank you for a conversation that leaked the truth of the destruction of the Vegeta planet to me. Now I have to start revenge." Vegeta frowned One foot tripped over Dodria, and then stepped on the fat body.

Huge pressure squeezed Dodly's honest belly, almost deforming him.

He couldn't take any counterattacks, and he begged for mercy, and the feeling of pulling out his heart and lungs together, but Vegeta turned a blind eye to his swearing words, the strength of his feet continued to increase, and he gradually strengthened his pressure.

Shang Bo was shocked and his face was pale.