MTL - Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting-Chapter 1652 Eco Fleet

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  Most of the people present nodded in agreement. After the lurking entry of the Sky Fighter, the various news brought back gave them a comprehensive understanding of the Longma Federation. The more I understand, the more I am frightened. The two planets gave birth to more than fifty super god-level powerhouses. There is also such a horrible existence as the Dragon Knight.

  The Longma Federation was established, and it was the biggest touch to them, so it sent out to buy warships with logos to try to destroy the opponent's scientific research system, but it failed. Under the guard of the powerful dragon knight, they did not have a half chance.

  War has already been put on the agenda within the Douluo Federation. Even without the appearance of the Crimson Region, the Total War Douluo Federation has already begun to mobilize. The reason is simple. As the speaker just said, they dare not give the Longma Federation time to grow. Otherwise, once the Longma Federation grows up, it will be their period of destruction. The resources of the Longma Federation are too rich.

   Therefore, this time the threat posed by the Crimson Domain was announced. The speaker believed that this was an unprecedented opportunity for the Douluo Federation. In any case, we must make good use of this opportunity to inflict heavy damage on the Longma Federation, so as to obtain more benefits to strengthen the Douluo Federation.

  The leader of Shrek Academy and Tang Sect should put the fight against the Crimson Domain as the first place, which really made the Speaker and his department very dissatisfied. In their view, this is an act of disregard for federal interests.

  The Longma Federation is absolutely hostile, and it is also the biggest threat in the future. Now that such a crisis has appeared, it is a good thing for the Douluo Federation. Even if you don't fall into the rocks, you can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!

  However, the final vote of the parliament supported the opinions of Shrek Academy and Tang Sect. Especially the Spirit Transmission Tower, which has always been on the side of the Speaker, has chosen to support it. You know, since ancient times, Ling Ling Pagoda, Shrek Academy, and Tang Sect have not dealt much with it. Especially it reached its peak ten thousand years ago.

  Who would have thought that at this critical moment, the Spirit Transferring Pagoda would actually be on the side of Shrek Academy?

  In desperation, the speaker can only secretly order the three fleets to reduce their speed through the military to support them, and to support them at a slower speed, trying to “miss” as much as possible.

   But contrary to expectations, the Seventh Fleet actually violated the military’s secret order, and it accelerated its support to the front line. There is no doubt that there is a problem with General Bai Ling, at least not with the military leaders.

  This incident made the speaker furious, and the head of the military department also changed his face, but he had always cultivated Bai Ling as his successor. But he didn't expect Bai Ling to disobey his orders at this time.

  That’s why there was an order to intercept any fleet of the Longma Federation. The speaker understood that after this battle, the Longma Federation now saw the strength of the Douluo Federation fleet and would definitely ask for their support one step further. However, he would never want to see this happen. Once the Crimson Realm was destroyed in a short period of time, then his plan fell through. It is even harder to find opportunities anymore. The Longma Federation has such abundant resources, it will recover quickly.

   "I agree." The military minister sitting on the military guard raised his hand.

  He raised his hand, and several military generals behind him all raised their hands.

  On the other side, the parliament and senior government officials also raised their hands one after another, expressing their support for the proposal to be issued by the speaker.

  At this moment, a crisp bell rang.

  The speaker's eyes changed, and he immediately chose to connect. This is the internal communication of a special channel. When he held such an important meeting, it suddenly sounded. There must be something important that would interrupt his meeting.

   "What's the matter?" The speaker asked in a deep voice.

   Soon, his face changed, "What!" He slammed into the case, his eyes instantly became extremely sharp, and his gaze turned to the military minister next to him.


  Space, Longma Galaxy and Douluo Federation passage.

  The Fourth Fleet hovered in the distant space like giant beasts. Sitting in his own battleship. Lan Xuanyu did not choose to report the current situation to the Longma Federation. Debriefing will only deepen the hostility between the two sides. And he really couldn't solve the situation in front of him.

  He had seen how powerful a space fleet in the Douluo Federation was before. Hard punch is impossible. If the parents really can't solve it, then I am afraid I have to find a way to return to Douluo Xing first, and ask the college to come forward.

  This is two days. For two days, the outer space was silent. They did not leave the area of ​​the Longma Galaxy, and the Fourth Fleet on the other side did not move.

   Fortunately, Lan Xuanyu brought out the battleships from the Blue Sea tribe. It can be said that they are all his own. There is no doubt about his decision.

  Three days is the limit that Lan Xuanyu can accept. If there is nothing to say in three days, he must go to Douluo Star, otherwise he will be delayed for too long. How will he explain after he goes back?

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  The third day came soon, and the disappointment in Lan Xuanyu's heart became stronger and stronger. Is your homeland really so short-sighted? Don't they really know how terrifying the Crimson Realm would be if it develops? Perhaps they know it, but their interests have blinded their eyes.

  Everyone considers different angles, but in terms of right and wrong, there can be no problems! The Douluo Federation's response to this matter this time really disappointed him.

  However, the matter has come to this point, it depends on the academy and Tang Sect's influence. Can colleges that have always been neutral get more support in Parliament? The most troublesome place right now is probably the attitude of the military. The most important point is that the military does not support it. This is big trouble.

  If the military supported it, there would be no Fourth Fleet here to stop this incident. From any angle, there is no reason to block the messenger. The military did this, and secretly slowed down the supporting fleet before. These are naturally the secret operations of the military, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve this.

  The military is in charge of the existence of the most powerful space fleet of the Federation. Nominally, the military has to listen to the dispatch of the parliament, but just like the previous general Bailing did, it will not be in the foreign ruler. If the military wants to act against the evil, there is no way to control it.

  In addition to cultivating these days, Lan Xuanyu has also thought a lot. But in any case, we have to move forward step by step.

  He suddenly felt a little ridiculous. Thanks to his continuous efforts, he is now among the top five in the Longma Federation. Has a great influence. On the contrary, it was the Douluo Federation. On the side of his homeland, he was full of powerlessness. Isn't this a kind of irony? He is a lurking person, on the contrary, he is about to lose the trust of his family.

  "Fleet. The next master, there is a fleet coming." Lan Bo's voice interrupted Lan Xuanyu's thoughts.

   Lan Xuanyu quickly stood up and came to the big screen. Under the magnification of the radar, the scene in the distant space slowly appeared.

   There are a total of twelve warships, slowly appearing in space. They seemed to have walked out of nothingness, just so quietly out of the darkness.

  When Lan Xuanyu saw these battleships, he instantly felt a sense of massive secretion of adrenal hormones. Because of the appearance of these battleships, he was so familiar.

  The first battleship is a huge black dragon. The total length is more than five kilometers, even larger than the average Dragon King-class frigate. It is in the form of a real dragon, even if you look through the radar, you can feel the endless pressure it exudes. Isn't this exactly what the Golden Eyed Black Dragon King Ditian looks like?

   But even if Ditian is still alive, it is impossible to have such a huge body!