MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 98 Double the gambling model

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"Boss Lee!"

An outsider was there, Zhao Dingguo didn't like to call the intimate title, so he called it like this.

Hearing Zhao Dingguo's voice, Lao Li turned his head and smiled and beckoned to him, "Here is Dingguo? Come and sit down! How about, is the death team battle smooth?"

定 Zhao Dingguo sat down in the past and looked at the woman calmly, and said, "It's okay, I won!"

"That's all right!" Lao Li nodded and pointed to the woman, "She was introduced by Yang Fei, and only one step away can get the sunburst pub-level nameplate, you can call her Miss Lan!"


Zhao Dingguo was a little surprised. Feminine super-god users are rare, and even less so beautiful and temperamental. One step closer to get the rising sun nameplate, does that not mean that her tavern points are already around 1,400? No wonder it gives you a sense of danger!

"Hello, Yan Yuelan!" The woman looked at Zhao Dingguo with a faint look.

I saw that Miss Lan didn't mean to say more, and Zhao Dingguo didn't say much nonsense. He reached out and gently shook the other side, and said simply, "Zhao Dingguo!"

Although the gentle touch is very good, Zhao Dingguo's performance is a gentleman, which undoubtedly gives the woman a good impression. She took a look at Zhao Dingguo's equipment with the exploration function of the nameplate, thought about it, and asked, "Lao Li, is the fifth person you said?"

Old Li took a cup and took a sip, and said, "It's him. Can you see it?"

She didn't see any change in her look, but said, "A pair of speed boots, four branches? The equipment is slightly worse!"

"Four branches?"

What old Li Gang wanted to say, suddenly hesitated, wondering, "Isn't it three?"

Tong Yanyuelan repeated: "Four!"

Suddenly, Old Li was surprised. At that time, he clearly saw that Zhao Dingguo had exchanged for three, but Ke Yanyuelan's seriousness didn't seem to be dazzling. In doubt, he also turned on the exploration function and asked, "Dingguo, where did this branch come from?"

定 Zhao Dingguo shrugged and said, "When the opposite side is losing, someone has not won enough points. I used a branch and a small purification potion to replace me with 100 points, and gave me a few people by the way!"

"Your boy, you can!"

Lao Li was quite surprised and punched him. "You can earn at least 30 more wins with this change of hand. Although this is not uncommon, I have never encountered it. Your luck is much better than mine. It's up! "

Zhao Dingguo didn't feel much. In his opinion, 30 win points are not many. In contrast, he cares more about what the fifth person Lao said: "What's going on?"

Lao Li took a look at Yan Yuelan and saw that she had nothing to say, so she turned her head and said to him, "Isn't it said before that Super God platform has a regular combat mission once a week? Except for this regular season In addition to the / dead team battle, sometimes there are additional combat missions distributed by the platform. Miss Lan is assigned such a mission, and it is a gambling mode with double punishment / reward! "

定 Zhao Dingguo hesitated, and asked, "Double the punishment / reward?"

Lao Li nodded: "This is a hidden mode that is relatively difficult for SuperGod users. SuperGod has a smaller chance to be assigned immediately. The so-called doubled gambling mode is when SuperGo is locked to accept Miss Lan The winning points and equipment at that time, and then immediately designated a bet-for example, five hundred. In this way, once the final victory, Miss Lan can get an additional one thousand winning points. Of course, if you lose, you also have to deduct A thousand points, if you don't deduct it, you will kill it! "

Zhao Dingguo's eyes widened, and he was surprised and said, "What if the Super God platform randomly assigned 10,000 points, and finally won, won't it be sent directly?"

Lao shrugged his shoulders: "How is it! There are upper and lower limits for this doubled gambling bet. It should be related to the number of death team battles in which Miss Lan participated. And as the bet rises, the opponent's strength will be corresponding. Become stronger, then the difficulty of winning will be infinitely increased ... "

Yan Yuelan, who had been quietly watching, suddenly jacked in and said, "There is nothing to hide. The random bet I had at that time was 400 win points, doubled it was 800. But I only had 550 win points in total, and the Super God platform was locked again. With my equipment and winning points, once I lose, I will be wiped out! "

定 Zhao Dingguo understood something, and finally asked: "Since that, Miss Lan tries to find some experts to help out, and my **** points are only 838."

His potential is that it doesn't seem to matter to him ...

But Lao Li ignored him, but looked directly at Yan Yuelan, and said, "Do you know how many battles he has used since entering the Super God platform to 838 points?"

This made Yan Yuelan a little curious, and her mouth slightly tilted, asking: "How many games?"

Lao Li smiled and said: "Six games! Four of them are regular season games and two death fights! And, in my first death team battle, he also won 200 points-he was in a camp with me , And I felt that I could win, so I just politely asked for 200. Now thinking about it, I was still a little bit sorry for him, so he took some risks. But then again, what I told him also Absolutely worth the price! "

"A total of only six games?"

Yu Yanyuelan was really surprised. He scored 838 points in the four regular seasons. Two death team battles resulted in a pair of speed boots and four branches, and the result after paying an additional 200 win points. This speed is really not slow!

Seeing Yan Yuelan's expression change, Lao Li was a little proud, and said, "So ah, do n’t look at Dingguo ’s sacred points only 838 points, but the strength is still ~ ~ and you know how to communicate. It takes a little more command to enable him to play 1000 points of strength. When someone like him joins, he can also match the opponent's points to about 1100. This is another, hey ... "

Tong Yanyuelan pondered for a while, and finally nodded: "If so, it can be considered!"

Seeing Yan Yuelan Songkou, Lao Li got up and pulled Zhao Dingguo aside, explaining to him: "Has it been easy for you to get a chance to win a big victory, are you still not willing? Other people are rushing to grab it all. To this qualification! "

Zhao Dingguo was worried about the gambling model, so he expressed his concern: "But if you lose, it will be wiped out ..."

Lao Li rolled his eyes and said, "That's why Yan Yuelan will come to me for help! In order to do everything possible to maximize the chance of victory! This year, I want to get ahead on the Super God platform, how can there be Take a risk? This is an excessive return! Besides, the Super God platform has locked Yan Yuelan's equipment and victory points, but it has not locked you. Anyway, this time it is only a regular season, and no equipment is used. You can take it Mortgage. "

Zhao Dingguo was a little tempted by what he said, and asked, "That is to say, as long as I have enough 800 win points, I can guarantee immortality?"

Lao Li nodded: "Yes! You should still have two or three hundred right now? Go get the Speed ​​Boots to the Illuminati mortgage, you can almost get six hundred win points. In case of losing, also I can start from the beginning, so I wo n’t be obliterated. But if I win, it ’s 800 win points! If you win now, you only have 200 base win points. Winning this game is equal to winning two regular season games plus MVP. Extra bonus! "

"OK, let's do it!"

Zhao Dingguo quickly made up his mind and was determined to make such a big win!