MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 81 Mid lane melee

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PS: Send the first more, please recommend, collect!

After talking a few words with Anmu, Zhao Dingguo chose TP to reply to the living spring water.

His health is too low now, it is very dangerous to stay on the line. Although dark animal husbandry's shadow wave can add blood, the amount of single shot is too small. Even if the magic of Dark Shepherd is exhausted, it may not be able to fill him up. In this case, a home trip is the most suitable!

Alas, he can fit some gear by the way.

The three branches of the maggot can be used to synthesize a more advanced big magic wand, which can save two equipment slots. As for the noble ring, it can also be used to make useless pendants. Blackbird is a hero who needs intelligence and magic value very much. Useless pendants add 3 full attributes and 3 additional intelligence. It is very useful for blackbirds in the early and middle period!

After these equipments were combined, Zhao Dingguo's state was restored to fullness under the action of the resurrection hot spring.

He bought another TP with the remaining gold coins, and then returned to the bottom.

The overall battle situation is temporarily in a state of stalemate. The road tide alone is enjoying its own experience and is ready to be mixed to the sixth level. And the Lich of the Scourge side is still a bit worse, also working hard for his own big move. Because the key heroes of both sides have not yet taken shape, the situation is rarely calmed down.

Alas, this peace was interrupted only for a short while.

中路 兵 线!

God and the old deer are working together to push each other's tower. The latter's demon amnesty skill can constantly trigger explosions, and this explosion is particularly effective for the defense tower. Therefore, the durability of a tower on the middle road soon dropped to less than a quarter. However, looking at the heroes of the Scourge, it seems that the tower has not been abandoned, it is likely that they are waiting for support to fight back. Once the opponent's counterattack comes, the old deer and the gods will be very dangerous!

定 Zhao Dingguo noticed this, so after harvesting the wave of soldiers in front of him, he chose TP and came to the middle, taking advantage of the big move to support his two heroes!

This is the rhythm of the battle he saw in a Raiders of the Illuminati!

定 Zhao Dingguo can't remember the original words of that sentence, but the main idea is that you don't have to slap money in the later stage, even if it hasn't taken shape, you can consider appropriate participation in the war. In particular, those heroes who have sharp big moves can even use team fights-take time to develop-wait for the big moves to cool down the rhythm of team fights!

After careful consideration, Zhao Dingguo agreed with this statement. And his black bird is a hero suitable for this rhythm!

I have to say that Zhao Dingguo's support was timely.

As soon as the old deer and the gods cleared the newly arrived ghouls and prepared to blast one tower in the middle of the natural disaster in one fell swoop, they opened the defense rune opposite. Shrouded in golden light, the armor of the defensive towers approached infinity instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the Scourge hero launched a counterattack!

The Lich on the lower road and the axe on the road did not know when they rushed to the middle, a small-scale team battle triggered by the advance, just started on the middle!

To be honest, the moment the opponent opened the defensive rune and was ready to fight back, the deities and the old deer quickly retreated. However, the old deer was a bit reluctant to stop the defense tower that was about to be destroyed, and stopped a bit more in place. This hesitation was caught by the Scourge. The Lich was his own frost star when he shot, causing the old deer to enter a frozen deceleration state and fell into a siege state!

If Zhao Dingguo didn't arrive, the most important thing for the gods to do was escape. In this case, at most only one will die. But since Zhao Dingguo arrived, three to three, the gods have a little more confidence! He did not escape, but turned around after adding bloodthirsty!

The old deer knew that he could not escape, so he was ready to fight hard. He released the torn earth at the axe rushing towards him, and stunned it in place. Subsequently, the old deer released the lightning storm skills. This is also a range skill, although the name sounds domineering, but the actual damage is a bit awkward. However, after losing his two skills one after another, the old deer can be considered to have completed his mission!

At this time, the late enemy mage of the Scourge side joined the battle.

Due to the threat of a great move from the gods, he did not dare to cut into the battlefield with flashes, but rushed to the side of the old deer and attacked him with the damage of special effects. This powerful orb effect allows an enemy mage to burn the target's magic in a normal attack while adding a certain amount of additional damage. This skill is also the origin of the name of the enemy mage!

的 The axe recovered from the stunned state also leaned in, stared at the oldest deer with the least blood, and gave him a state of war hunger.

At the same time, the Lich also made a big move to the old deer-serial frost!

Although this is only a three-on-three team battle, the fierce and chaotic degree is far greater than the previous battle. Zhao Dingguo ’s newly synthesized large magic wand charging points have started to skyrocket. If there is no accident, the old deer will be killed in the next moment!

Squinting at the Lich's horrible hockey puck, Zhao Dingguo joined the battle with only one hand and did one thing!

He imprisoned the old deer with an astral imprisonment.

The dark green beam of light soared into the sky, and the ice hockey that was about to fly to the old deer suddenly lost its target and turned to the gods on the side. However, the standing position of the **** warrior is relatively high. Although he suffered frost damage, there was no second target that could be ejected. Therefore, the Lich's big shot that can bounce seven times only played the first damage!

This skill not only saved the old deer temporarily, but also cost a big move of the Lich.

After waiting for the Lich's ice ball to disappear, Zhao Dingguo stepped forward again and officially joined the battle. His mysterious celestial sphere opened, aimed at the enemy mage and started crazy attack!

秘 This mysterious celestial sphere is also a kind of magic sphere effect, which can add 6% of the current magic value damage to normal attacks. Blackbird itself is an intelligent hero, and the third passive skill essence aura can increase the upper limit of magic value. Therefore, the damage added by this orb effect is very scary. The only drawback is that this orb is too blue!

Every time you start, it will consume 100 mana!

This is probably the most magical magic ball skill in DOTA!

Wait until the later period, the upper limit of the black bird's magic value is high, and the probability of having the essence aura can return to the blue special effect to make up for this deficiency. But in the early days, the magic value is really not enough. Fortunately, the damage it added was really good. After only a few hits, the enemy mage couldn't bear it, and had to use flashing to temporarily leave the battlefield.

The battle of chaos continues!

God lost the big move to the Lich, and the axe was guarding the old deer who was imprisoned ~ ~ ready to use the big move to get rid of it. Zhao Dingguo turned off the orb effect, used ordinary attacks to cooperate with the gods to attack the Lich, and finally released a big move of ecstasy!

This is a battle for one another.

The most vulnerable Lich was killed by the Scourge, and the old deer in the Guards did not escape in the end!

Although Zhao Dingguo's big move dealt a good deal of damage in the face of the powerful axe, it can be limited to the skill of not retaining people, and finally let the axe slip. After the axe eliminated the killing with a big move, he would get a short-term acceleration effect, and Zhao Dingguo could not catch up with him at all!

This opponent's deliberate fight ended in a hurry. In addition, the defense tower with only a little durability left in the opponent's mid lane was also replaced! In this case, each person can only get the minimum reward of 100 gold coins, which undoubtedly greatly reduces the income of the guards.

For this result, Zhao Dingguo felt very dissatisfied.

He made his own big move, but in the end only killed one person, and it is still the kind that can be killed without a big move. For the guard, such battles are not cheap!

"Because the tactics are wrong!"

赵 When Zhao Dingguo returned to the lower lane, Anmud pointed out the key to his problem, and bluntly expressed his opinion: "We are playing against each other's strengths with our own shortcomings!"

"Long in a short stroke?"

Zhao Dingguo stunned, and soon thought about the taste.

This is to start with their lineup. Whether it is tide, self, or dark animal husbandry, the big move is the type that is particularly suitable for team battles. Once a large-scale team battle is fought, the guards will undoubtedly maximize their advantages. But the natural disaster side is different. They only have the Lich's big move which is the most suitable for team battles. The other point controls are more suitable for small-scale battles!