MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 72 Plan for action

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PS: It is said that friends who collect this book will meet big beauty and little loli when they go out.

After the four of them chatted for a few words, the information that Yang Fei ordered to find quickly passed over.

"There are two copies in total, and there is no need to say Du Shen's information. You should have read Lao Li. These are mainly from his female companion, both in the real world and in the Super God circle. It ’s just time rush, some detailed things are still I ca n’t find it. As far as I know, this woman has roughly gone through about ten regular season games and has two to three pieces of basic equipment, but she should have no skills! "

Yang Fei said as he handed in the accepted documents.

In fact, the victory of the four of them is almost inevitable. What Li worry about is how to ensure that the other party does not run away, let alone let them spread the news!

If the target is an ordinary person, it is not easy to prevent him from running away. However, it is too difficult to restrict one SuperGod user. The modern means of communication need not be mentioned, the other party can use the teleportation scroll brought out from the Super God platform. If skills such as stealth and flicker are strengthened, then there is not enough restriction skills, and killing becomes impossible!

Once the shot fails to win, it may cause conflict between the two traditional allies of the Illuminati and Tianshui. The most important thing is to fight against the grass!

You must know, Du Shen is not their real goal, he is only involved in the incident by chance!

"It's not too difficult to disrupt communications!"

Yang Fei thought for a while and said, "I can use military means to block all communication signals here, but without the above approval, it is difficult to use high-power equipment in a hurry, and the impact is not good. The best The solution is to set the battlefield in a range, and then solve in the range! The key is to send the scroll! "

Lao Li was also worried about this. He frowned, and stated: "I only have a matte shield, neither Dingguo nor Xiao Liu have skills. It is not necessarily safe to rely on a piercing fly. If those two people have teleportation And if we separate TP, we can't help it! "

定 Zhao Dingguo asked curiously, "Can teleporting scrolls be used in the real world?"

When Yang Fei saw that he didn't know it, he explained it: "Transmission is also available! If you think about it, you will understand. If not, how dare the bosses of those large organizations not show up for half a month? If not, With a means of being able to arrive in an instant, other organizations can completely attack their old nest in the emptiness! I am from TP today, so I can come here with Xiao Liu so quickly! "

Lao Li also interfaced: "As for the use of the transfer scroll is also very simple, wherever you have been personally, you can record the coordinates on the scroll. When needed, activate the coordinates and start the transfer!"

定 Zhao Dingguo nodded and said, "It's very convenient, but what should we do now?"

"Will Dingguo and Xiao Liu use their guns?" Lao Li hit his idea on Yang Fei again: "Anyway, it is impossible to move and dodge when transmitting, only to enter the domineering state. Come on two micro-rushes The female talent has only experienced ten regular season games, and she is at the same level as us at best, and most of them can't carry it! Besides, do they have two TPs and two have to say, one has 135 win points, no Everyone is willing! "

Yang Fei pondered for a while, and then shook his head: "Not enough insurance! As long as she has a small piece of equipment such as a round shield or poor ghost shield, the effect of the firearm is not obvious, and a TP is three times. Seconds. If I let my men use heavy machine guns or missiles, it would be stable, but it would be necessary to sacrifice a few of them ... the erasure of space is not a joke! "

Obviously, Yang Fei felt that the situation had not reached the point where his old subordinates had to be sacrificed, so he was a bit reluctant.

"Then think of another way!"

Lao Li knows that advantages and initiative are on his side, so he is not reluctant.

Yang Fei groaned for a while, then picked up the information and looked at it again, and suddenly had an idea: "The woman is a small organization, it is a coincidence that I have a friend who they know, and also have some identity. I asked him to do me a favor and transfer this disturbing woman away. If we do this in four dozens, we will be stable! "

This idea is pretty good.

Lao Li touched his chin and asked, "Reliable?"

Yang Fei smiled slightly and said: "The problem is not big, he owes me a favor! Besides, it is not a big deal to tune the woman's departure, just to find a reasonable excuse. Even if there is such a coincidence, some people doubt it Nothing more. "

Lao Li went through the matter in his mind and finally made up his mind and said, "Then do that, please trouble you!"

"Do we still need to be polite? This is just a trifle!"

He said, Yang Fei laughed and contacted his friend. Only a minute or so later, things were settled. He exhaled, turned his head and glanced lightly, "We can move in ten minutes!"

This ten minutes, of course, is not casually said.

I was almost in a hurry, just ten minutes later, three armed helicopters flew over from the sky to join them. Zhao Dingguo knew that military professionals were here.

The result was not the same. Soon, there was a picture of satellite positioning.

"The target has been separated. The man is heading west. According to our analysis, the likely destination of the other party is Hongqiao Airport in Pearl City. There are many vehicles along the way and it is difficult to find opportunities to start."

飞 Yang Fei frowned when he heard the words: "Unless the Illuminati forces are used to completely block this area, I'm afraid there will be no chance! But in that case, it will easily attract the other party's attention!"

"No!" Old Li immediately shook his head.

With the energy of the Illuminati in the Pearl, blocking a section of highway is naturally a breeze. But that would be too obvious. Once the Tianshui organization traces it, it will definitely cause suspicion. The reason why Lao Li only called a few of them was that he didn't want this to be known to the upper ranks of the Illuminati!

His answer was expected by Yang Fei.

"Then there is only one way! Send someone to follow Du Shen and see where he wants to fly, let's catch up to see the plane to act! If we kill him in other cities, we will not be exposed easily!"

There was a decisive flash in Lao Li's eyes, and he said, "It's up to you!"

Since Du Shen came with that enemy, he must die! Although he had no injustice with him and was an ally, Lao Li didn't hesitate to start!

However, Du Shen's movement was beyond their expectations.

He didn't enter the airport ~ ~ but stayed in a service area hotel next to him. It doesn't look like it's about to leave, it's more like someone waiting.


After learning about Du Shen's development, Lao Li called the phone again.

直升机 Heavy swinging helicopters would definitely not work in the past. Lao Li called and soon two 80% new ordinary vans drove over. The four quickly jumped off the helicopter and drove straight to the service area. The military also followed closely behind, maintaining a distance of roughly 100 meters. However, after arriving at the service area, they did not immediately check into the hotel, but stopped at the next maintenance station.

Lao Li's plan is to pretend that the car is broken and needs repair. Observe it for a while and then talk about it.

Such white vans are so common in service areas outside the airport that no one pays attention to them at all. Even if Du Shen passed by the car now, he would not suspect that someone inside wanted to kill him!

Considering that Du Shen had seen Zhao Dingguo and Lao Li, in order not to attract each other's attention, they both kept hiding in the car. Liu Lidi stepped out of the car consciously, and Zhang Luo "repaired" the intact vehicle. However, several people waited here for two hours and found no movement. Du Shen kept hiding in the room.

At this time, it was already a little dark.

"It's skeptical if you drag on!"

立 Liu Lidi threw away the oily gloves and got into the car with a little worry. After all, it is not normal for a car to be repaired for two hours. If something really goes wrong, it's called a trailer, and it's definitely not going to be repaired here!

"Forget it, let's wait until it's late, let's rush in and kill!"

Although it is not clear what Du Shen did here, Lao Li was too lazy to wait any longer and decided to start quickly.