MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 708 Polar arctic

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At about noon, the ship at the Northrend ferry set sail.

This route that crosses the Arctic Ocean from the Dota continent to the Arctic Arctic Plains is only one service every day. If you miss it, you can only wait the next day. Moreover, this route can only be navigable when the mid-summer season is at a time when there is the least threat of ice floes in the sea. At other times, ships that dare to enter the water are likely to be sunk by icebergs in the sea.

Due to the gathering of masters from the guards and natural disasters, this ship was loaded with nearly two hundred Super God users.

Zhao Dingguo doesn't even need to look at one by one. From the impulsiveness of them, we can know that these are the top masters. Otherwise, you will not rush to the extreme Arctic adventure. In fact, if the invasion of the Burning Legion was not intensified, the storyteller mentors would not havetily promote such a large-scale exploration.

Because the Arctic Icefield is really a very dangerous place.

Even the top storytellers have a long history of falling in the ice fields. The icefield giants that can endure the extreme harshness here, even comparable to the external environment, are at least high-level templates at dusk. Just go deeper and you can see twilight-level monsters. As for those powerful Twilight Elite monsters, let alone, most of the masters present have to go around.

The Northrend ferry was established at the closest point of the Dota continent to the Arctic Arctic. This ironclad ship, which was built and blessed by dwarves and alchemists, has a fast speed, and it takes less than two hours to cross the Arctic Ocean and reach the pole Arctic ice field.

Perhaps the cold currents from the polar regions made the masters on the ship feel the chill, or they might have feared the unknown powerful monsters. After they actually got on the ship, the masters came instead of talking like they did on the Northrend ferry. But kept silent by coincidence.

There was a depressing atmosphere in the cabin.

Zhao Dingguo recognized a few people who had a relationship on the night of the gods in these masters, but the two sides had a good friendship, and when they appeared here, they were obviously competitors. Since the other party did not show enthusiasm, Zhao Dingguo put away his thoughts of greeting in the past.

In the sound of rhythmic waves crashing and the sound of floating ice hitting the side of the ship from time to time, Zhao Dingguo finally reached their destination.

Standing on the deck and looking forward, I can only see a piece of ice covered with silver. In the distance is a raised snow mountain glacier. On one side of the glacier is the legendary Great Rift Valley that runs through the entire Arctic ice sheet. Mottled moss can be seen on the edge of the ice field, where some snow and ice are melting. It is also possible to see this kind of scenery on the polar arctic only in the extreme daytime of midsummer. Probably it was Zhao Dingguo who had good luck, but it was just the moment when Yu Yu reached Aurora.

"Wow, this scenery is good ~"

Many experts met for the first time, and whistled wistfully. The ice field threatened by the snow in front of hòuhòu seemed to be suddenly covered by the colorful and beautiful aurora.

Zhao Dingguo shook his head and said nothing. He jumped a few steps out of the battleship to run an exaggerated distance and landed directly on a broken ice stack more than ten meters away—because the environment on the Arctic Icefield is too bad, and Ice floes change every year, so there is no dock here. Those who want to ascend the Arctic Arctic have to find their way.

At this time, masters with skills such as flashing and teleporting can show off their abilities. It does n’t matter if it ’s not there, the warship will stop at the right place, and then the super-god users will jump on it based on their extraordinary qualities. As for accidentally falling into the water ...

Although with the strength of Dusk Master, it won't be frozen to death, but it is also very uncomfortable to see the life value rushing up and down.

The next thing is self-evident. The super-god masters who boarded the Arctic Icefield or alone, or chose a direction in twos and threes, hit the road deep in the ice field. When I first got off the boat, a hundred or two hundred experts gathered in a place, and it looked more conspicuous. However, as the masters gradually deepened and gradually disappeared into the depths of the ice sheet, this point was completely invisible. Even the footprints left on the snow will soon be smoothed by the polar cold currents.

Yes, for the periphery of the ice field, this biting cold wind can only be regarded as cold current. It really penetrates into the core of the Arctic Ice Field, where the terrifying winds roll up countless pieces of broken ice, sweeping the world with wind speeds of more than ten degrees, then it is called a real ice storm!

Zhao Dingguo's mentality is fairly balanced. He knows that the periphery of the ice sheet is not dangerous, so he does not recruit lava elves before he comes up. Because the strength of the summoned thing is good, but the movement speed is much worse than him, it is too slow. Now he only needs to drive the true vision effect of the Queen's Eye, striding forward.

Anyway, his aim is to hide the original crystal nucleus fragments in the Arctic ice sheet. Obviously, it is almost impossible to conceal that thing on the periphery of this polar Arctic.

I said again, the instructor Garuo also pointed out that if possible, it is best to rush directly into the core of the Arctic ice sheet.

Zhao Dingguo had some confidence in his own strength, so he chose a firm man to move forward. At the speed of SuperGod users, almost ten minutes later, all the hustle and bustle around us can no longer be heard, only the extreme north wind blowing in my ears. Looking back, basically I can't see the other super **** users, the Arctic Ocean and Northrend's ferry behind them have disappeared from the field of vision, and the world is white.

It is easy for people to get lost in such an environment.

This is also one of the reasons why entering the Arctic Icefield must be carried out in midsummer, because at this time the icefield is in the extreme day and the sun never sets. If you enter at extremely night time, there is almost no reference on the ice field, and the Super God users who come in will probably get lost!

这 Before that, Zhao Dingguo had heard that the Arctic Icefield was huge. But to what extent is it difficult to get a concrete impression without describing it in person. In short, Zhao Dingguo moved forward swiftly on the ice fields with dozens of times the physical quality of ordinary human beings, hardly affected by the terrain, and walked for most of the day without encountering any monsters. Moreover, the bumpy snow-capped mountains and glaciers that can be seen when climbing up the ice field have only been closer to now, and have not really come.

In this case, Zhao Dingguo simply recruited a flying mount and flew at a low altitude.

Although the scout griffon is very uncomfortable with the cold currents of the Arctic ice sheet, it is finally the summer season, and it is not the depth of the Arctic ice sheet, so it can still fly normally. Almost after its maximum flight time was reached, Zhao Dingguo came to the foot of the Snow Mountain, which was unknown for hundreds of miles.

His speed should be the fastest among a lot of masters.

I also came here, Zhao Ying Dingguo first encountered a monster.

Tuscal Hunter!

This kind of monster that lives on the ice field is a bit like a mammoth, with a pair of sharp horns on its head, and the hard taupe skin is enough to withstand all the cold. In addition, it held a huge bone rod in its hand, and it looked a full five meters long. Zhao Dingguo observed for a while and easily determined that this guy was not easy to mess with ~

In fact, that's exactly what happened.

When Zhao Dingguo recruited three lava elves and killed the Tuskal hunter, the big man wielded the large bone stick in his hand. It took only three strokes to bring Zhao Dingguo's enhanced health value close to 1100. The super lava elves of the points are broken!

This terrible attack force immediately made Zhao Dingguo frown.

Letting this guy attack is certainly not a good way, so Zhao Dingguo cut out the rapid cooling and cooperated with the crazy mask to start a full attack. During this period, the remaining two super lava elves also opened armor and throwing skills, and in turn helped to limit it, as a result, Zhao Dingguo was slightly relieved.

进入 In the state where the four logos are fully lit, his attack power is already high enough. Even though this Tuscal hunter apparently has damage reduction skills, he was weakened by 10 points by the Lava Elves, and was obviously unable to carry it under Zhao Dingguo's attack. Not to mention the output of the legal system, Zhao Dingguo's veil of conflict lasts up to 20 seconds. With the aging skills, the outbreak at the critical moment is definitely not inferior to any other mage.

Seeing that there was no problem with his output, Zhao Dingguo was relieved.

However, as a monster in the Arctic, the Tuskal Hunter is not so easy to deal with. Living in the snow and ice all year round, they have acquired the ability to manipulate the ice element. This Tuscal hunter shakes the bone stick in his hand after Zhao Dingguo's round of control, and adds a layer of crystal ice crystal BUFF to the bone stick. Then, it hit a critical strike at the super-lava magma in front of it ~ ~ and immediately dropped the lava magma.

That unknown BUFF skill can actually attach a state that must trigger a critical strike.

He killed the obstructing lava elves, and the Tuskal hunter strode toward Zhao Dingguo. Before Zhao Dingguo stepped back, he raised his hand and hit the trapping skills!

A net formed by magic power trapped Zhao Dingguo in place. This is a limiting skill without any harm.

Seeing this guy rushing towards himself, Zhao Dingguo didn't panic. Not to mention that his defense is not comparable to Lava Elves, and being hit a few times will not threaten his life. The point is that Zhao Dingguo has enough means to escape its attacks.

Puppet Star Imprisonment will be in place the first time!

This skill acquired by Zhao Dingguo in the early days has been extremely practical until now. Before the Tuskal hunter arrived, Zhao Dingguo sealed it with a star imprisonment. Because the opponent is not an elite monster, Zhao Dingguo's imprisonment of the star almost played its full effect, imprisoning it for two seconds.

After waiting for this, Zhao Dingguo's ice wall skills were just right.

Deceleration of up to 60, will not be invalid because the Tuskal Hunter can also manipulate the ice element. By the time it stood up against Zhao Dingguo's powerful attack and slowed down across the ice wall, the trapping effect on Zhao Dingguo had long since disappeared. Under the powerful * UFF of Elemental Ignition, the rapid cooling, which has a short cooling time, can now be used again. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. )