MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 68 Trading platform

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PS: The first one is sent! Something happened today, it's a bit late, sorry.

"Is this even joining the Super God Organization?"

After Xing said goodbye to the three, Zhao Dingguo followed Lao Li and came out. He looked at the emblem on his chest in the outside corridor and always felt a bit unreal.

After all, the Illuminati is the best organization in the country. Zhao Dingguo felt that the process of joining him was too easy. Shouldn't there be some tests at this time? As written in many fairy-tale novels, when a certain school opens its doors and accepts disciples, first of all, it is a variety of tests. Only after passing it can it be used as a guide!

"What's strange?"

Lao Li sneered at Zhao Dingguo's thoughts: "The growth of SuperGod users does not require any talent. All enhancements rely on the SuperGod platform. Therefore, the income of various organizations depends on their strength, and they can meet the standards. The rest does not matter!"

定 Zhao Dingguo nodded and said: "Alright!"

As Li took him up, he continued: "Now there are hundreds of super-gods of all sizes in China. The number of unknown small teams formed by three or two people is even more numerous. Although the total number of super-gods is quite large, But after all, it is limited. It is said that in the past few years, some old-fashioned organizations still took the shelf. But later we discovered that the super-god users are a resource in themselves, so they gradually relaxed the standards and started to pull people. It must be right, but if there are few people, it will certainly not be a big climate-of course, the Hui Yao organization is an exception! "

"Even if that's the case, why don't you take a look at the character? Is there an evaluation period?"

Lao Li shrugged and said, "You are only a peripheral member now. You joined the branch of the Illuminati. Isn't this the evaluation period? There are more than 400 members in the headquarters of the Illuminati. Nothing is missing! I'll tell you that the president of the Illuminati is clever, playing the idea of ​​spreading nets and fishing. As long as it's about the same, it's a little more reliable, then pull it into your own branch. .After pulling to their own site, the people in the headquarters slowly pick! "

"I'm the fish."

Zhao Dingguo shrugged and teased, and the joy of becoming a member of the Illuminati was also a little less.

Lao Li glanced at him and said, "That's not bad! Don't look at you as a member of the branch, but the benefits are just as much. Without my help, you don't want to be a fish! "

Zhao Dingguo knew that Lao Li had indeed exerted his power, and after thanking him again, he asked, "What are the benefits? Let me talk about it in detail!"

Lao Li thought for a while and gave him an example: "After becoming a member, you can freely view various Dota strategies and videos collected by the Illuminati. There are many classic goods not found outside, and even a few seniors of the Illuminati recorded by themselves Explanation video! Put it in the Super User circle, which is hard to find. "

Zhao Dingguo was very satisfied with this and asked, "What about the others?"

"You can enjoy the asylum of the Illuminati, of course, other than actively provoking other super **** organizations, you can also use the energy of the organization in reality. In addition, you can get access to the trading platform for free, which is initiated by the ice eye organization Online trading platform established by more than a dozen large organizations, including the headquarters of the Illuminati! "

"Trading platform?"

Zhao Dingguo immediately became curious about this! According to Lao Li, this should be the place where Chaos users trade information and equipment privately.

"You know when you come with me!"

I said, Lao Li took him all the way to the twelfth floor.

Zhao Dingguo didn't see many SuperGod users coming in and out while waiting in the lobby on the first floor, which also gave him the wrong impression of the number here. But on the twelfth floor, Zhao Dingguo realized that there were so many people. There are nearly a hundred people in the lobby of this floor alone!

In the center of the hall, there are several large LCD screens that scroll to display some transaction information. On both sides, there are also closed single rooms for super user operation.

As for the people who can appear here, there is no doubt that at least they are Dawn-level Super God users.

Zhao Dingguo casually looked around, and felt that five or six people with super strong gas fields should be the masters of the rising sun. These super-god users either whispered or talked about the topic, but the topics were not separated from DOTA and super-god platforms. Perhaps due to the same identity, Zhao Dingguo suddenly liked the atmosphere here!

快 "Look, someone sells the full Force Staff! Pharaoh you just lack one, or should we just buy it?"

"Have you heard? A master organized by Xingchen was killed yesterday. Their boss is full of revenge!"

"Huangye, can you lend me two hundred win points? I just ran out of equipment and saw that it was the death team fight. Don't pull the brothers!"

"Sorry, my victory is just right, I can't help it!"

"What about the person who asked me to trade face-to-face just now? Seven hundred win points sell the power bracers!"

Uh ...

In the hall, there were noises from time to time. Every message is related to the circle of SuperGod users. Zhao Dingguo, who was exposed to this scene for the first time, watched it with great interest for ten minutes before being pulled into the single room by Lao Li.


Lao Li sat down in front of the computer desk in the single room, and opened the specially built intranet, while despising him: "You are now a peripheral member, you can come here at any time. If you see it a few times in the future, you will not be so curious. To tell you the truth, the information available here is actually limited, basically based on the goods on the side of the road. We will have a special issue of the internal magazine, one will be published every week, they basically have everything inside. "

"Are there internal magazines?"

Zhao Dingguo was a bit surprised, and asked the question he was most concerned about: "Do you want money?"

Lao Li clicked on a gray icon on the computer and said casually: "Of course it's free. This is the benefit of joining a large organization! Of course, remember to close it after watching it, and don't be seen by unrelated ordinary people."

"Dare to love!"

定 Zhao Dingguo smiled with satisfaction and pulled a chair to sit beside Lao Li.

"Have you seen this website? Log in with the nameplate ID, and then you can describe what you want to sell, or attach a picture and upload the price." Lao Li explained while explaining to him.

定 Zhao Dingguo looked curiously at the platform and asked, "How about a specific transaction?"

“If it ’s a small win, you can entrust the trading platform to help with the transfer. The person in charge of the transfer is naturally also super user. If it involves a large win, or if you want to interview, then stay safe. The contact information of this platform is quite comprehensive ~ ~ tens of thousands of pieces. It can be said that there is nothing you can't buy, only your winning points are not enough! As for security and privacy protection, the platform And they all did a great job, there was never a problem! "

Next, Lao Li gave Zhao Dingguo a detailed demonstration.

他 Under his search, Zhao Dingguo saw a long list of dense transaction information. The above prices are all higher than the price redeemed on the Super God platform, and the better the items / equipment, the higher the price on the trading platform! For example, the most basic iron twigs can be exchanged on the Super God platform for only 53 win points. On this trading platform, the cheapest also sells 60 win points!

Zhao Dingguo understands this easily.

After all, these things were brought to reality by the sellers through the hard work of the death team. If they do n’t add some hardships, how can they sell them? Even if you do n’t use it yourself, you need to return some more points!

"Let's see it for yourself. I'll go out and do something. I'll come back later to take you on a stroll."

Seeing that Zhao Dingguo had basically understood, Lao Li left the single room and gave his place to him.

When I saw that I was alone in the single room, Zhao Dingguo made it and browsed several messages at will. It is just that this trading platform is similar to the Super God platform. Some areas are only open to members of the headquarters of the Illuminati. He cannot enter. After looking around for a while, Zhao Dingguo's heart moved and suddenly thought of his contract card.

I don't know if it is available on this trading platform!

Thinking like this, Zhao Dingguo tried to search, but found no record!

How can such a large platform, led by Bingyan Organization, have no news about contract cards? The only possibility is that his authority is not enough, and the contract card is in an area where members of the headquarters can only access, so it is blocked!