MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 667 Soulstone's Help

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PS: The second head since writing the book ~ Thanks to book friend Spareu for the reward!

Seeing that Zhao Dingguo's figure disappeared instantly, several bone dragons dived quickly.

However, due to the twelve-point power that had been used at the time of the slam, these bone dragons were too late to stop even if they wanted to brake. What's more, Zhao Dingguo almost started to teleport, and didn't leave time for the bone dragon to react at all.

It is conceivable that three bone dragons hit the ground with one head.

Such behemoths dive down from the air nearly 100 meters high at full speed, and the impact brought by them is unimaginable. Despite the protection of the magic circle, the hero's grave at Zhao Dingguo's original location was still torn apart. The other two bone dragons struggled to flap their wings in order to stabilize their bodies, but the two of them were more tragic, and they hit each other directly more than ten meters away from the ground.

Suddenly, a flying chicken jumped in the graveyard of the disaster.

At this time, Zhao Dingguo had already left here by teleportation. Appearing at the preset coordinates, Zhao Dingguo erased the mark here, and then left silently.

Hidden Gong and name ...

At the present moment of the enemy of the Burning Legion, the Natural Disaster Legion may not have so much time to go to send a special hero to investigate and trouble him for thousands of miles, right?

Zhao Dingguo is undoubtedly satisfied with his success. However, the relics of the quasi-saint at hand are still one step off the finished product, which makes Zhao Dingguo feel a little bit itchy. Although the distance to complete is just around the corner, and there is no need to be so urgent, Zhao Dingguo still wants to complete this work immediately.

This wish was soon fulfilled.

It turned out that this massive attack launched by the Burning Legion. Not just for the Scourge. In fact, in the real world, the Burning Legion also launched a wave of invasion in response. Just as Zhao Dingguo sneaked into the graveyard of the Scourge Corps, in the real world, the Burning Legion had opened more than ten portals in one go and launched an aggressive attack.

Among them, there is a transmission channel in the sphere of influence of the Soulstone organization.

Because the transmission channel was just a little far from the town's headquarters, when they found an anomaly and immediately dispatched, the corresponding corresponding transmission array had been established. By the time hundreds of regular Soulstone members arrived, the Burning Legion had passed thousands of monsters.

Moreover, the strength of these monsters is higher than the previous monsters.

Although the Soul Soul is also a first-class super **** organization. However, whether it is high-end force or average strength, it is much worse than that of Guangming. It can only be said that it is similar to the original Tianshui organization. In the face of the already formed defense line, the Soulstone organization was out of its best. It also urgently called in several nearby second-tier and affiliated organizations to help, but it was only able to stabilize the situation.

Seeing that the teleportation array was still carrying monsters here, the Soul Stone had to seek assistance from the Illuminati.

The agreement of the offensive and defensive alliance was not signed in white. After receiving help, the first batch of more than one hundred masters of the Illuminati immediately rushed over. When Zhao Dingguo returned to the real world. The second group of reinforcements prepared by the Illuminati is also ready to go.

"I'll go as well!"

Knowing the details of the incident, Zheng Dingguo, who had nowhere to find the Burning Legion Super Monster, immediately stood up in righteousness: "Helping our allies is our duty. How can such a thing be done without me?"

It happened that Zhao Dingguo's teammates had also left the main stage, so he took off with his own Lan Elves squad and the three unlucky guests who were determined to help.

Eight full-blood masters at dusk or near dusk are still very convincing.

Although the chairman in charge of organizing reinforcements did not know why Zhao Dingguo was so active, he naturally would not oppose it. Once Zhao Dingguo was a director, his decision must be respected; second, they were better accountable in front of Zhenhun Shi. You see, allies are in trouble. The members of our Illuminati are rushing to reinforce, and the area is eight dusk. This kind of affection, do you still have to keep it in your heart?

The followers who are helping out are not qualified to know why Zhao Dingguo took the initiative, but Yan Yuelan in the Lan Elves team is the clearest.

All for the Holy Relic!

Lao Li, Li Feng, and Shen Caiwei also quickly saw the almost completed quasi-sage relic, and they were both surprised and delighted. I am pleased that Zhao Dingguo's trip actually gave birth to a saint's relic. The rise of their squad is just around the corner. Startled. Naturally it is the speed of Zhao Dingguo. If the relics are really so good, aren't they going to make a fortune?

"That is to say, absorb the energy of the corpses of the top two monsters of the Burning Legion at most, and the Holy Relic will be formed?"

After listening to Zhao Dingguo's brief introduction. Lao Li curiously looked at the mottled Jianfeng in his hand, more or less unbelievable.

Zhao Dingguo smiled and determined: "Look at this trip! With the efforts of the Burning Legion this time in the real world, it is likely that top-level monsters are likely to appear. If there is a level similar to that of Elder Voidwalker or To be stronger, maybe one of them alone is enough to complete the transformation of this quasi-saint relic! "

"There must be!"

Speaking of this divine costume, Yan Yuelan is undoubtedly the most excited.

Her current strength is pretty good in the later pedigree of the same level. After all, until the equipment and pedigree levels are not mentioned, it is difficult for late heroes to have too much combat power. As far as Yan Yuelan's equipment is concerned, Yasha, blade armor, aspect, vitality ball, and other small pieces. Counting the scrolls that are already in hand and the ultimate orb that is working, it seems that they are fast phantom axe people.

However, this equipment always looks a little high and low.

Although it's definitely not weak, it doesn't seem to be strong enough to lift the girders and save the world. At least, when Yan Yuelan and Zhao Dingguo practiced against each other, they had to lose every dozen.

However, if this equipment is added with a glory, everything will be different!

Yan Yuelan's combat power and evaluation will instantly get a leap, directly into the ranks of experts.

Think about it, there are glory, there is a clone, there is a blade, it can resist, fight, and lead. Moreover, with more vitality balls, it can also be seen as working towards Longxin. Such a rare level of ghost blood, immediately gave the impression that it is already superb and completely trustworthy.

Therefore, Yan Yuelan is also the most concerned and hardworking person in this trip.

Because there is no airport near the battlefield on the side of Zhenshishi, and the situation is not so urgent after the arrival of the first batch of masters, Zhao Dingguo did not use a helicopter. . Reception members of the Soulstone who were already waiting here were greeted immediately, and the stopped convoy immediately started.

On weekdays, if a large number of Illuminati masters come to visit, the town soul stone must also send a high-level core member of the evening to preside over the response. But today, everything is urgent, and the masters are fighting fiercely with the monsters of the Burning Legion. In the end, only two members of the rising ranks were sent over. So when they meet, they are successive apologies.

None of the masters present will pay particular attention to this section, but asked about the situation ahead.

The second batch of experts supported by the Illuminati was accompanied by two directors. The other director was relatively quiet and not very talkative, so Zhao Dingguo became the leader. The two guys in charge of the response were also mainly introduced to Zhao Dingguo.

"In the beginning, the situation was really unfavorable." One of them said quickly.

Since the teleportation array is constantly operating, the siege of the Soul Stone does not show any obvious effect. On the contrary, during the transition between offense and defense, several waves of monsters rushed out to disrupt it. Although the portal does not appear in the central area, there are still many residents nearby. In order to destroy these small monsters, Zhenzhenshi had to allocate some staff and urgently mobilized the members of the club. The situation was quite chaotic for a time.

However, with the assembly of the entire town soul stone, the three major organizations heard the news also sent two Twilight strong to help out, plus more than a hundred experts from the Illuminati came, the situation began to stabilize.

Now, the frontal battle with the Burning Legion has begun to counterattack and tightened the siege.

Once Zhao Dingguo's second batch of seventy to eighty experts joined, it will greatly speed up the process.

"Sounds pretty good ~"

Zhao Dingguo temporarily relieved his heart and waited patiently for the team to arrive.

With five or six hundred rising suns, more than one hundred twilight masters, and four twilights, this scale of battle is also a battle in the real world. A few miles away, the masters of the Illuminati saw dazzling multicolored energy glows in the distance, as well as the explosive explosions and killing sounds.

Although Zhao Dingguo has participated in battles of this level several times, and has experienced a grander scale than the Legion War on the main plane, after getting off the car ~ ~ Zhao Dingguo's attention was quickly attracted. However, his focus is not on those horrible demonic guards and hellfires, nor on hundreds of Super God users who shook the Legion Monsters, but in the middle of the battlefield, a twenty-meter wide gap!

The arc-shaped encircling ring on the front is roughly over 200 meters long, but the person in the middle of the neutral position kept one-tenth the distance.

And the key is ease of handling!

Any monster, as long as it dared to run over from the place where the person was standing, was dead. Even the doomsday guards, which make ordinary dusk masters feel awkward, are just a side dish in front of him, not even side dishes. The classic split arrow, as well as the brilliant purple inheritance weapon on his hand, gave it an extraordinary group attack ability. Butterflies, avatars, and double holy swords make him a nightmare for any monster.

It's a clue about clues ~

As soon as the unique double holy sword came out, Zhao Dingguo immediately recognized his identity. At this moment, the superpower is indeed worthy of his reputation. Da Naga, the holy sword of the six gods, is truly unparalleled in the world.

Is this super strong list really promoted to Yong Ye?