MTL - Doomsday: I Have One More Keyword Than Others-Chapter 133 Doug is a slave owner

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  Chapter 133 Doug is a slave owner

   Compared to hanging a pink flag, adding a suffix to the name is a trivial matter.

   Which pirate doesn't have his own nickname!

   Moreover, the nickname is sea fish is also said in the past.

   "No problem." Barry readily agreed, "From now on, my name is Barry Sullivan Flying Fish."

   "My name is Wayne Pryce Swordfish." Wayne followed.

   "My name is Piero Krim Sea Turtle." The helmsman Piero said.

   "No, we can't call them sea turtles, we must use sea fish." Duge corrected with a serious face, "Piero, we will be the famous sea fish army in the future."

   "Okay, my name is Piero Creme Octopus." Piero thought for a while and changed his name.

   "My name is Sanjis Bowman Eel." Assaulter Sanjis said.

   "My name is William Torrance Flounder...


  Everyone on the boat has a name with their own fish suffix.

   Whenever a person changes his name, Duge will walk over kindly, hold his hand, and give the most sincere congratulations: "Congratulations, you have a new name of your own, and you have become the pioneer of the Sea Fish Corps."

   There were more than a dozen people on board, and none of them escaped Duge's murderous hands.

   After everyone finished changing their names, Doug smiled and continued: "Barry Sullivan Flying Fish, find me a tailor when we go ashore, and let him change our flag to pink!"

"Paul, didn't you say that as long as we agreed to change the name, you wouldn't change the flag?" Barry looked at Doug with undisguised disgust, "Paul, let me tell you very clearly that I Hate the pink flag. But this time, I will obey your orders, this is your ship after all."

   Sure enough, it worked!

  Different from those brainless fish in the sea, the wise fish will obey his orders.

  Dug was overjoyed, and looked at the others: "What's your opinion?"

   "Anyway, this is your ship." Wayne's tone was also full of disgust, but he stopped raising objections.

   "Barry, go chop Wayne." Doug looked at Barry, thought for a while, and gave a new order.

  He must verify where the limits of the private property are.

   "Does it have to be cut?" Barry pulled out the scimitar, looked at Dug again, and asked hesitantly.

   "Captain, what mistake did I make?" Wayne took a step back nervously, "You can't do this to me."

   Piero and others looked at their captain strangely.

   "It must be cut." Doug ordered again.

this time.

  Barry slashed over with a knife without hesitation.

   Wayne dodges and draws his knife to fight back.

  Dug ordered again: "Vin, don't resist."

   "You stupid bastard, you want my life, why should I listen to you." Wayne was furious, still fighting Barry with a knife.

   Seeing that the two were getting angry, Duge waved his hand and stopped them: "Okay, stop it!"

  The two stopped panting heavily, but they still glared at each other, and occasionally glanced at Doug, which was also full of resentment.

"Don't look at me like that, I was just joking with you just now. Barry, I didn't mean you, your temper is too grumpy, didn't I just want to change the flag to pink? Why don't you just because of a joke Do you want to vent your temper on Wayne?" Doug showed the gentlest smile to relieve the anger of the two of them, "I'll treat everyone to a drink after I land in a while."

  The smile infected everyone, and after hearing that the captain was entertaining guests, Barry and Wayne let go of their hatred for each other.

   And Piero and others don't even think there is any problem with hanging the pink flag on the pirate ship.


  Through two things, Dugger verified where the limit of private goods is.

  If the order does not threaten themselves, they will obey, and once their lives are threatened, they will also fight back, and even hate him as the order issuer.

   To be precise, private property is more like a slave.

   Most of the time, slaves will obey the slave master's orders.

However, if the slave owner treats the slaves too harshly, it is likely to trigger their resistance or riots, and then rebel against his slave owner, just like the chicken you raise, although it is your private property, when you want to kill it to eat meat , it will also struggle and escape...

  The right to life is greater than his right to command.

  Private property is obviously not as loyal as the previous simulation field.

after all.

  Those who are loyal to him, although they maintain their own ideas, will take the initiative to block the knife when he is in danger, and will meticulously execute any orders he issues.

  It is the loyalty that the king wants his ministers to die, and the ministers have to die...


  However, this is already very good.

  At least this group of people will not leave their ship for the time being, nor will they disobey some of his innocuous orders.

  There are ready-made people, who wants to recruit a batch of novices!

   Just like making cows produce milk requires feeding them sufficient forage, treat your own slaves, give them a little respect and freedom, and they should follow you wholeheartedly.



   This is a port called Madoc. Behind the port is a small town with a population of about 50,000. There are about 120 garrisons on the port, responsible for guarding the safety of the port.

  The Flying Bird docked.

  Leaving two crew members guarding the ship, Doug, Barry and others entered the port.

  There are two merchant ships docked on the shore. Porters in linen clothes transport wooden barrels filled with beer or rum to the ship, and some people carry goods such as cotton, spices, and ivory from the ship.

  The sailors on the merchant ship are also equipped with swords. They are all extremely strong, and they look not much different from pirates.

  When Duge and the others passed by, the sailors cast warning glances at them, and some sailors would spit on the ground and greet their mothers to show their contempt for them.

"It's the cargo ship of the Duffy family, and they've colluded with Admiral Camillo." Barry obviously didn't want to provoke those sailors, so he lowered his voice and explained to Doug, "Except for the four sea kings, no one dares to touch them." merchant ships, and sometimes, they will hang the flag of pirates and rob other merchant ships..."

   What a chaotic world!

Duge responded lightly, his eyes swept over the merchant ship, and when he saw the steward of the merchant ship, he showed him a kind smile, but said in his mouth: "Barry, don't worry, when we become the king of pirates At that moment, all merchant ships will obediently pay us tribute."

Along the way, Barry's mood improved a lot, but the pink smiling skull was still hovering in his mind, making him full of frustration about the future. Hearing this, he couldn't help snorting: "I'm waiting for that day." arrival."

at this time.

  There are more than 600 contestants in the simulation field. Duge was looking at the merchant ship just now, just to see if there are any contestants from above, but everyone on the ship has similar outfits and expressions, and it is not easy to see who is a contestant at a glance.

  Perhaps, this is the normal simulation field!

  Everyone is trying to play their own roles and increase their own strength. No one has turned the table. Only when the simulation field announces the top ten names a month later will a real battle be triggered.

  Speaking of which, Doug has never seen what it looks like when the top ten rankings in the simulation field are announced?

  The first two simulations collapsed too quickly.


  Derivatives he has never seen.

   Nan Youlong said that the derivative product only appeared once in the simulation field, and it was a weapon called the Killing Spear, a derivative product of the keyword "killing".

   It is said that the examinee who held that key word used that spear to massacre the city and personally killed 80,000 adult men before making that spear advanced into a derivative product.

  The spear gave birth to wisdom, and became indestructible, and it would automatically chase and kill the enemy without dying.

  But after the candidates who created the "Slaughter Spear" massacred 80,000 people, the simulation field ended, and no one had ever seen the power of the Slaughter Spear.

   Over time.

  No one cares about the derivatives in the simulation field.

  However, Nan Youlong told Duge that his "Sword in the Glutton" in the first simulation field, if he persisted in stabbing other people's chrysanthemums, and kept stabbing, there is a great possibility of evolving into a derivative product.

  (end of this chapter)