MTL - Doomsday Commander-Chapter 323 Night attack! Red alert!

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Chapter 323 Night attack! Red alert!

 Chen Hongchang asked Li Wuyou to abdicate and asked Tang Zheng to commit suicide. As soon as such threatening words came out, war clouds gathered over Han Yue.

 The formation of the Four-Nation Alliance also represents the imminent outbreak of a full-scale war.

As long as Li Wuyou and Tang Zheng are not willing to surrender, war will be almost inevitable.

 At present, the Orochi people have sent more than 200,000 troops to the territory of Hanyue, and have also formed a new army of 200,000 troops here.

 Chen Hongchang's military strength has also expanded to 500,000, and the navy, land and air forces are developing almost in parallel.

And the Tigers were not to be outdone when they passed here. In order to get a share of the upcoming war, they also sent a steady stream of troops into Dongyue Province. The number currently exceeds hundreds of thousands.

The total number of troops in the area surrounding the inner bay is close to one million, and there are 70 large warships in the inner bay alone.

 At this time, their strategic goals are almost clear.

That is to go south, attack Didicui Island, first remove Tang Zheng's nail in the south, and drive Tang Zheng back to the interior.

 Otherwise, it would be meaningless for them to gather such a large navy. After all, the navy cannot attack Yuanjing.

 Such a situation has already brought about a chain reaction.

 Perhaps sensing that the Han Yue Civil War was about to break out, some external forces even began to send people to contact the Four Nations Alliance.

The purpose of those external forces is obvious. They see that the Four Kingdoms Alliance is now too popular and want to join them in carving up the Han Dynasty.

If the arrogance of the Four-Nation Alliance cannot be defeated in a short period of time, the situation will completely collapse.

 May 4th.

 This is a day worth remembering.

 The naval port of Triton.

The Dayan Navy's eighteen main warships and the Orochi Navy's aircraft carrier formation, also consisting of eighteen warships, have just completed another military exercise and are currently staying in the Triton City military port.

In the past few days, their military exercises have been going on again and again, and the cooperation between the two troops has become more and more tacit.

 The two forces have a total of four aircraft carriers, multiple battleships and frigates, all of which are currently docked at the Triton port.

But they will soon go to sea again, because the army has now made preparations, and a large force is already in Dongyue Province to join the troops of the Tiger Empire.

 This force will move south to attack Didui Island in the near future, and the naval fleet will also follow suit.

 The current two aircraft carrier formations will also go out together.

 Surrounding the inner bay, there is a semi-arc air defense position.

 There are two radars in the position, a dozen anti-aircraft missile silos, and hundreds of anti-aircraft guns.

  There are so many anti-aircraft weapons, which are enough to ensure that warships in the bay are not threatened by the air.

 Night falls.

It started to rain lightly in the inner bay area.

 The rain now no longer has that acidic substance, the cool sea breeze blows by, and the waves gently sway, making people feel comfortable physically and mentally, and sleeping becomes sweeter.

 The Dayan Navy and the Orochi Navy began to fall asleep after a tiring day.

They can sleep completely stress-free. There are patrol boats on the sea, air defense positions on the land, and even an army barracks not far from the air defense positions. Tens of thousands of army troops are stationed here. It is impossible for anything to threaten them.

 At night, on the rocks on the sea, the lighthouse shines with soft light, guiding the ships returning late.

The lights-out bugle sounded, and the lights in each military camp were turned off one after another.

 In front of the air defense position, a squad of soldiers guarded the gate into the position.

The position was very tightly laid out, with not only high walls and barbed wire, but also fortifications made of sandbags and a large number of dug trenches.

These things are enough to stop the invasion of armored forces.

Their gate guards and coast patrols all implement a shift system. One shift is on duty in the first half of the night, and the next shift is on duty in the second half of the night.

 Inside the position, there are also two thousand defenders resting, and now they are asleep.

Sentinels patrolled back and forth on the watchtower in front of the door, and searchlights scanned the dark rainy night from time to time.

Everything seems quiet and peaceful, without the tension and chill when war comes.

  The waves crashed on the beach, and a soldier from the coast patrol passed by the shore.

Suddenly, in the waves, a huge sea monster with fangs and claws suddenly appeared!

 Eight soldiers in a squad were attacked by this sea monster at the same time!

The sea monster's eight huge tentacles are like eight dragons making waves in the sea. One tentacle per tentacle dragged all eight soldiers into the sea!

The huge suction cups blocked their mouths and noses and wrapped around their necks. The intense suffocation and dizziness left them unable to even fire a shot or give any warning, and they just disappeared into the dark ocean. among.

It is now 10:30 in the evening, and it will be an hour and a half before the next shift of the coast patrol arrives.

With the destruction of the coast patrol, three air-cushion landing craft silently approached the shore.

The engines have been shut down, and the soldiers used pennies to support the last section and used the inertia of the ship to reach the shore.

 At the shore, Su Xin was the first to jump off the landing craft.

 Then, the soldiers came ashore one after another.

 There is no communication or conversation. This process has been simulated many times.

 Five hundred members of the Dragon Scale Special Forces quietly approached the entrance of the air defense position.

Ahead is a reef area. The soldiers' black combat uniforms today are the same color as the reef. They are crawling on the reef, almost blending into the reef. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the entrance of the air defense position, waiting for their colleagues from the Military Intelligence Bureau to appear.

About ten minutes later, a Willys Jeep drove over from a distance despite the rain.

 The spray painting on the car body is completely the symbol of the Dayan Empire.

 The car arrived at the entrance of the air defense position. The sentry immediately issued a warning, and the guard came forward to investigate.

"Stop! Which part? What are you doing here so late?"

Four people jumped out of the car. One of the leaders waved a certificate in front of the guard: "From the logistics headquarters, the troops are about to go on an expedition. Come here to check the material reserves."

The guard didn’t see the ID clearly and didn’t dare to let him go. He stretched out his hand to stop him: “Wait a minute, show me the ID and take a closer look.”

The person holding the certificate was a little impatient: "We are really using chicken feathers as arrows. There are only four of us. You are so worried. Just take a look and let me see what flowers you can spot."

 Speaking, he angrily slapped the ID card into the doorman's hand.

Seeing the arrogant attitude of the other party, the guard smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, please bear with me during this emergency. Your logistics people are working hard too. Can you send us a batch of beef tomorrow? Brothers are all hungry." Um?"

While being polite, his eyes suddenly widened.

 Because the picture on this certificate is actually a pig!

 He just realized something was wrong, but it was too late.

Just as he lowered his head to look at his ID, several people across from him drew their guns.

There were eight defenders on their side and four on the opposite side. Each of them pulled out two silent pistols and opened fire on the left and right at the same time!

 Each person shoots two and empties the magazine!


 The sound of the shot is quiet, but just as deadly.

These four people are all extremely skilled in marksmanship, and their coordination is very tacit. Every shot can hit accurately, and they can shoot the bow left and right at the same time.

 The eight defenders made little resistance and were all shot to death!

  After dealing with the defenders at the door, these men put away their pistols and immediately began to carry a large number of bombs from the car.

At this time, several more cars followed quickly, and many people got out, carrying bombs at the same time.

These bombs are designed to blow up the anti-aircraft weapons in the position.

 Seeing the situation here, Su Xin immediately jumped up from the ground and ran straight to the position.

 Behind him, five hundred soldiers from the Dragon Scale Special Forces also followed Su Xin's footsteps and rushed straight to the air defense position.

The people from the Military Intelligence Bureau and Longlin each performed their duties and did not have any conversation with each other. They were busy with their own affairs. Only when Su Xin passed the door, he made a look with Director Ji Yuntian of the Military Intelligence Bureau.

The men of the Dragon Scale Special Warfare Brigade quickly rushed into the air defense position and began to advance quickly.

 Their task is to kill the two thousand defenders in the position.

The people from the Military Intelligence Bureau drove the first car to the gate of the position and stopped it after the Dragon Scale people fully entered the position.

 Dozens of agents from the Military Intelligence Bureau followed quickly, carrying bombs on their backs.

Ji Yuntian walked at the end. When everyone entered the position, he pressed a button.

 Something strange happened.

This military jeep started to dissolve without any warning!

 As it dissolved, a layer of blue light began to flash on the ground.

No one knows what this layer of blue light is for, but it looks like it gives people an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Hurry! We only have half an hour. After half an hour, we will complete the mission and return to the seaside. The warship will meet us there!"

By this time, there was no need to hide anymore, and people from the Military Intelligence Agency began to quickly place bombs on various anti-aircraft weapons.

Such a movement would have been noticed by the people inside even if they were sleeping soundly.

 A military camp suddenly exploded!

 The people inside noticed the movement outside, and started to get up and get their guns while shouting.

At this moment, a member of the Dragon Scale Special Forces came to the door, kicked the door open, and then picked up a flamethrower and turned the military camp into an oven!

 The raging fire burned, and gunshots suddenly sounded!

 From sporadic gunfire to intensive gunfire, it only took less than a minute!

The two thousand soldiers guarding the air defense positions were also the elite of Dayan's troops. Their reaction was not slow. Even if the flames of the flamethrower swept through the military camp, many people managed to escape. They took their weapons and started to fight back.

 Many people sitting by the windows broke out immediately, while the rest fired intense firepower at the door to suppress the incoming Light Chaser Army commandos.

 Deep in the military camp, someone pressed the siren immediately.

The shrill alarm echoed in the night sky, alarming the entire military port!

 In a large military camp only two kilometers away from them, countless lights were lit.

Hum~~~~oooooooooo~~~! !

 Enemy attack!

 Enemy attack!

Red Alert!

 All support the air defense positions!

 (End of this chapter)