MTL - Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare-v2 Chapter 1211 Definition of death

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Lin Mo didn't understand what Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi were talking about.

In fact, he could also see that the man killed by the old stick must have an unusual background. He probably had a background, and he belonged to the kind of person who would be difficult to clean up after he was killed.

But Lin Mo felt that this matter had nothing to do with him.

His purpose has been achieved.

After finishing the frog, go back the same way and leave by boat with my brother.

Lin Mo didn't want to get involved in other messes, nor was he in the mood to get involved.

Lin Mo didn't even ask.

At this time, the mouse and the music box female monster repeatedly hinted to Lin Mo to leave quickly, and they probably didn't want to get involved in trouble.

Lin Mo saw this, so he just said goodbye.

So I said goodbye to the old stick.

"Brother, brother, didn't you say that we are friends? You can't leave now. If you leave, I will die." At this time, the old stick hurried forward to stop Lin Mo as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Judging by his expression, this guy is really in a hurry.

"Originally, this matter should help you, but I still have urgent matters." Lin Mo planned to find a reason at random, but the old stick plopped and knelt down.

"If you don't help me, I'm going to die. If I want to die, I might as well fight with you now. I'll burn everything together, and the fish will die."

Obviously, the old stick is not only anxious, but also a little crazy.

Lin Mo just said he was stupid? You are dead, and I did not cause it, why are you forcing me?

"I don't care, you are so powerful, the only one who can help me now is you, if you don't help me, I will definitely be kicked out of the round table, and then there will be big problems, you don't understand, you don't understand... In short, you must To help me, you have no choice."

Lin Mo smiled.

He was going to give this guy another beating.

Perhaps only under the fist, the old stick can regain his normal mind and understand that there is nothing wrong in this world, and he has no choice.

Anyway, now I can choose to beat him hard or beat him to death.

But the next thing that surprised Lin Mo was that Lao Liu also came to intercede.

Lao Liu said that this matter really helped Lao Bangzi.

He told Lin Mo that the most important existence in the sewer is the "Round Table", which is an organization that can decide major and minor matters in the sewer.

There are not many members of the round table, a total of twelve.

He and Lao Bangzi belong to two of these twelve.

"The one that Lao Bangzi killed was another member of the Round Table Club, the son of Lao Gun. Lao Gun is not easy to mess with. The opponent is very powerful, and Lao Gun's wife is also a member of the Round Table Club. Their sons were raped by Lao Bangzi. If he is dead, he will definitely not let it go, he will definitely find a way to kill the old stick, and when the time comes, the inside of the Round Table will definitely be in chaos."

What Lao Liu said was a bit messy.

The main reason is that Lin Mo doesn't quite understand what this round table meeting is for.

Next, Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi introduced in detail.

Lin Mo figured it out now.

According to Lao Liu and Lao Bangzi, the round table will always maintain the balance of all parties in the sewer, so they can live in peace now, and the sewer looks so quiet.

But if there is no control of the Round Table, all kinds of weirdness and monsters in the sewer will inevitably wait for the opportunity to move, and the sewer will definitely become a mess, which will also affect the outside world.

"We both know that you are from outside, and you don't want the chaos in the sewer to affect the outside, do you?"

The old stick looked sincere at the moment.

He is begging Lin Mo for help, hoping that the other party will help him.

Lin Mo figured out the stakes in this.

But there is one thing Lin Mo still doesn't understand.

The old sticks, including Lao Liu, paid too much attention to the round table meeting, or in other words, they still have some things that they haven't explained clearly, and they are deliberately concealing them.

Lin Mo is a master of negotiation.

He walked all the way, and he didn't know how many strange tricks he had played with, and how many monsters he had played tricks with.

So he can hold on.

Just tell the truth, Lao Bangzi and Lao Liu, don't hide anything.

Otherwise, no matter how chaotic your side is, I won't bother with it.

In the end, there was no move, and the old stick slapped his thigh, telling the truth.

"Only in the round table meeting can we ensure that we will not lose control and not lose our memory."

The old stick said that they all know that they are not normal people, not living people, nor ghosts, but consciousness born from garbage dumps and sewers.

"Members of the round table can keep this kind of memory forever, which means they can keep their memory and reason to live. If they are kicked out of the round table, these memories will disappear, which means death. In fact, even so, we It won't really disappear, but become a walking dead, I think, this is death, even more terrible than death."

When he said this, the old stick was trembling.

It was obvious that he was terrified of it.

Lin Mo understood.

In other words, in the sewer, only members of the Round Table will not lose control and lose their memories.

He looked down at the mouse and the music box female monster, what about them?

Lao Liu said that you should ask them if they still remember the past.

Lin Mo asked just that, and both the mouse and the music box female monster said they remembered.

But when asked specifically what they remembered, both of them froze.

"I remember, I was looking for my brooch."

"I'm looking for my baby."

The mouse and the music box female monster spoke successively.

Obviously, the two of them only remembered this incident, and the others were only recent memories, and the older ones were blank.

The mouse and the music box monster couldn't think of anything.

Fear crept into their hearts.

Like a gangrene attached to the bone, it cannot be shaken off no matter what.

Lao Liu came over and told Lin Mo that the two of them had actually found what they were looking for a long time ago, but they had no memory.

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"The mouse's brooch doesn't exist at all. It should be that when it was born, it left a kind of obsession. It exists just to find the brooch, and it only remembers these, but it can never find something that doesn't exist. ;As for the female monster, UU Reading seems to have found its child, but it has already been sewn onto itself by it. It has forgotten these things, and in the end it keeps looking for it endlessly. This is so sad , Lao Bangzi and I absolutely don’t want to become such an existence.”

Lao Liu's words were like thunderbolts to the mouse and the music box female monster.

"Don't feel bad, both of you. In fact, after a while, you will lose control again. When everything restarts, you won't remember everything now. In fact, think about it, it's okay. Since you forget it, forget it more, good or bad , Throw it all away, there is no pressure. And we, in order to preserve memory, are willing to do anything, and we can do it. We remember too much, and the more we don’t want to throw it away, the longer it takes, we feel that we are getting more and more timid. "

Speaking of which, the mouse and the music box monster are really pitiful.

Memories are constantly being reset, and life is constantly being reset. It's scary to think about it.

The mouse was sitting slumped on the ground at the moment, while the female music box monster was stunned for a moment, and then began to tear the parts of her body frantically.

It was pieced and sewn together from various toys, and later, among the broken parts of its body, it found the stump of a mutilated doll.

At the moment, holding those things, weeping and crying bitterly.

Same as crazy.

"So, we can't lose the identity of the Round Table, that means death, which means, something more terrifying than death."

The old stick was begging at this moment.

For today's matter, he knew that he could only ask Lin Mo.

Otherwise, he alone, even with Lao Liu, would definitely not be able to defeat Lao Gun and his wife.

As a result, he was either killed or kicked out of the Round Table.

According to his thinking, he would rather die than be kicked out of the round table meeting.

Because then at least before he died, he would know who he was.