MTL - Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare-Chapter 46 red box

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Lin Mo could see that it was Xiaoyu who was helping him.

But what does 'red box' mean?

The woman outside humming a strange tune was getting closer and closer. Lin Mo clearly felt a terrifying evil spirit approaching outside the corridor. This sense of danger far exceeded any crisis he had encountered in the past.

time is limited.

At this time, Lin Mo had a thought, he knew what Xiaoyu meant.

There is a red box hidden here.

find it.

This is the only way to survive.

There is only this explanation at the moment, Lin Mo immediately looked around, but there is no place to hide things in this bathroom, if there is, it is only on the person in front of him.

Lin Mo looked at each other.

This man's eyes flickered and dodged, not daring to look at Lin Mo.

Obviously, he also saw the four words written on the glass just now.

His face was extremely ugly, as if a secret had been spied upon.

This deepened Lin Mo's judgment.

He reached out and touched the man.

As a result, the other party began to resist violently, and even shouted, trying to bring in things from outside.

In this case, being soft-handed is courting death by himself. Lin Mo was not polite, and slashed the opponent's head with a knife in the back.

With a bang, the opponent fell to the ground, and this time it stopped. Lin Mo reached out and turned it over, and quickly found a red box from the pocket of the man's clothes.

It's that old-fashioned vanity case.

It was the size of a palm, and the red paint on it was as red as blood.

After getting the box, Lin Mo heard that the woman who was humming had arrived at the door of the bathroom, and even Lin Mo had seen the corner of the other party's clothes.

Since Xiaoyu has prompted the red box, Lin Mo can only be a living horse doctor now.

He immediately went to the mirror and put his hand on it.

Outside, Xiaoyu controlled her body and put her hand on the mirror.

The movements of the two Lin Mos inside and outside are the same.

In an instant, Lin Mo felt the mirror vibrate, and his vision blurred for a while. The next moment, he realized that he had really gone out.

From inside the mirror, to outside the mirror.

After finding out that he came out, Lin Mo immediately greeted Jiang Ming.

"Come on."

Because Lin Mo could see clearly, in the mirror, the woman humming had already appeared at the bathroom door.

Just a glance, Lin Mo felt dizzy for a while, and almost fell directly to the ground.

At that moment, Lin Mo felt that his nose and mouth were a little salty. After he and Jiang Ming helped him out, he realized that blood was bleeding from his mouth, nose, and even ears.

And this, just because he glanced at the woman who was humming.

Jiang Ming's frightened hands were shaking.

However, Lin Mo knew that this was already very good. In the end, if Jiang Ming hadn't helped him out, he still didn't know what would have happened.

Because at this time, there were some strange noises in the bathroom.

Also, screams.

The scream belonged to the man in the mirror. Lin Mo just knocked him unconscious before, but at this time, he didn't know what happened, and the man screamed extremely terribly.

After a while, the screaming stopped abruptly.

Lin Mo didn't look at it.

It's not that he doesn't dare, it's that he knows that if he sees that woman humming again, he may die.

Gradually, the sound of humming in the bathroom gradually faded away.

In the end, it was completely silent, and there was no sound at all.

Three Bridges Branch.

This time has been completely isolated.

Even the police here have been cleared out, and now, the special security bureau is in charge.

Outside the technical department, various instruments and equipment have been properly connected, and several commandos in protective suits have opened the door and walked in.

Outside, Bureau Xu was reporting to Team Leader Liu.

"Old Liu, we are old acquaintances, let's talk a little bit, what's going on?" Xu Ju has a solemn expression, and there are four of his subordinates in it, and he is more worried than anyone else.

Especially seeing such a big battle on the Security Bureau's side, I feel a little unsure.

Team Leader Liu shook his head: "You are also an old policeman, have you forgotten the confidentiality regulations?"

To be honest, even Director Xu would have to go out if he hadn't asked about something.

At this time, the commandos reported that four people, including Expert Lin, fell into a deep sleep, and another policeman had died.

Team Leader Liu's expression softened a little.

As long as Lin Mo is still alive, this is the key thing that Expert Chen specially explained.

Everyone else can sacrifice, but Lin Mo can't.

"Can you wake them up?"


"Old Xu, you need to arrange for someone to investigate. If there is an unexplained death in the case you recently investigated, transfer the file immediately." Team leader Liu was acting resolutely, and Bureau Xu nodded.

"By the way, if you find an encrypted video on the computer or mobile phone of the deceased, don't crack it and view it yourself. You must notify the Security Bureau as soon as possible."

Lin Mo had called him before, so Team Leader Liu already knew that the source of pollution this time was a mysterious video.

Moreover, Lin Mo confessed that there have been more than one similar deaths.

What's behind this is absolutely terrifying.

It is very likely that someone is deliberately spreading the 'source of pollution'.

Liu group leader is very aware of the seriousness of this matter.

If it's not good, something big is going to happen.

Or rather, something has happened.

It is now certain that the mysterious video is the source of pollution, so where did the video come from?

The source must be found.

And this is just the beginning.

Even if the source is cut off, the follow-up is extremely tedious. Find the culprit behind the scenes, check the flow of the video, the scope of transmission and the people.

Team Leader Liu's forehead hurts when he thinks of this. UU reading

Short of manpower.

In this case, you can only notify the headquarters to second people from other places for support.

But these are the aftermath.

The most important thing now is to ensure Lin Mo's safety.

Even if it's just an alternate expert, Lin Mo is far more important than any of them.

The Security Bureau's efficiency is extremely high. In addition, the Sanqiao Branch has done a lot of work before. There are already clues to the two recent mysterious deaths and similar cases in the city.

A lot of evidence has come together.

Half an hour later, an investigator under Team Leader Liu reported the findings.

"In addition to the two deaths in the area under the jurisdiction of the Sanqiao District, there were similar incidents in other districts of the city. Through investigation, there were a total of seven mysterious deaths."

"The deceased are of different genders, different occupations, and have almost no intersection in their lives, but they all have one thing in common. They all have access records to the same website on their computers."

"We suspect that the video was downloaded from this website, but this website has no tourist tour function. If you want to view the content, you must have an account number and password."

"In addition, the IP address of this website is overseas, and further investigation and evidence collection are difficult, and the website's defense capability is extremely strong, and our technical team colleagues cannot hack into it."

"Team leader, there is one more thing. Zhou Li, the serial perverted murderer who was specifically investigated before, also has a record of browsing that website on his computer, and the earliest browsing time was half a year ago."

"Report complete!"

"Does that website have a name?"

