MTL - Doctor’s Life Simulator-Chapter 23 The first week rankings are released, and Qin Gallery is No. 1!

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When Qin Lang came to the conference room, Dr. Yu, Dr. Zhang and Wu Youtu were already there.

Several attending physicians showed a trace of admiration and admiration in their eyes.

"Xiao Qin, the angiography results came out this morning, and they are exactly as you guessed. Now, according to the latest results, it can be confirmed that the child is Cobb's syndrome!"

Wu Youtu threw out the result very directly, and was very excited in his words.

After all, if this rare case misses the best time, it will be a lifetime regret for the patient, and it may even be fatal in severe cases.

Physician Yu's eyes were also full of brilliance, and he looked at Qin Lang very softly:

"Dr. Qin, this time is really thanks to you. If you hadn't discovered the hidden clues keenly, the big guy would have been misled by me. If it was treated with space-occupying lesions in the spinal canal, it would have gone astray. Yes. Fortunately, fortunately!"

Qin Lang was a little embarrassed for the praise from the attending physicians, but he finally confirmed the patient's condition.

Next, we will discuss the treatment plan together.

In this consultation, it was obvious that several attending physicians had regarded Qin Lang as an important member of the meeting, and respected Qin Lang's suggestion very much.

Wu Youtu looked at Qin Lang and said with great anticipation:

"Xiao Qin, tell me what you think?"

Qin Lang took over the conversation. Originally, in addition to discovering the patient's condition, the most important task this time was to guide the correct treatment plan.

"For Cobb's syndrome, through various foreign literature and domestic case experience sharing, I think the best way is to reasonably apply embolization and surgical treatment..."

"The key to successful treatment is to accurately determine the characteristics of vascular malformations and vascular architecture, and the degree of recovery of the spinal cord after multiple damages from vascular malformations..."

After Qin Lang analyzed his thoughts, Doctor Yu nodded again and again.

"Xiao Qin said it very well. Let me add that during embolization, ONYX glue can be used to selectively embolize the blood supplying arteries, arteriovenous fistulas and venous lakes of vascular malformations to minimize blood supply, especially the vertebral column. For malformed blood vessels in the body and paravertebral muscles, as long as there is no return branch to communicate with the normal blood vessels of the spinal cord, embolization must be carried out decisively..."

It has to be said that the attending physicians of the First City Hospital are all experienced experts in actual combat, and Dr. Yu quickly gave a mature and complete plan.

Soon, several people reached a consensus. Wu Youtu concluded his speech again and made a treatment plan at the same time.

"The next step is to prepare for surgical treatment. This time, I would like to thank Dr. Yu and Dr. Zhang for taking time out of their busy schedules to consult this case together."

After some courtesies, everyone praised Qin Lang again, and the meeting ended successfully.

With the medical level of the city's first hospital, as long as symptoms are found, Cobb's syndrome is nothing.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task: discovering the real cause of the child and guiding the correct treatment plan to prevent the patient from missing the best treatment opportunity due to misdiagnosis. Mission reward: 2 life simulation points]

After this reward, Qin Lang now has 3 life simulation points.

After completing this consultation, Qin Lang returned to the ward and continued to conduct ward rounds.

When Cheng Yunfeng saw Qin Lang, he naturally followed him with a mysterious expression on his face.

"Qin Lang, did you know that the evaluation of the last five groups came out."

This time, the combination of advanced study and regular training is ranked every Monday, and the statistics of the previous week have come out.

Statistics are divided into several dimensions, namely, the superior doctor's score, the nurse's score, the patient's score, and finally a weighted comprehensive score.

Cheng Yunfeng, who is a scholar, is naturally the most familiar with the results of this ranking.

Soon I found the ranking list this time from my mobile phone. It is divided into two rankings, one is the personal ranking, and the other is the combined ranking:

In the personal ranking:

"The first Qin Lang 97.2 The superior doctor's score is 97 (skilled ward round skills, solid basic surgical skills, excellent diagnostic ability) nurse score 97 (sophisticated handling ability, that is, cooperation is a little tired, resentment) Patient score 98 (sunshine handsome , gentle, powerful)

The second place is Huang Ping, 94.9, the superior doctor's score is 94 (master ward round skills), the nurse's score is 95 (calm and comfortable), the patient's score is 97 (modest and courteous)


The fifth place, Cheng Yunfeng, scored 92.7, the higher-level doctor scored 93 (preliminary mastery of ward round skills), the nurse scored 92 (obedient), and the patient scored 93 (diligent, dog-legged, and available on call)



As for the group ranking, Qin Lang's group is naturally far ahead. Among the ten people, except for Qin Lang's accident, the rest of the training doctors are all behind.

Seeing this ranking, Qin Lang also smiled slightly. As he expected, he patted Cheng Yunfeng on the shoulder: "Let's keep going."

Cheng Yunfeng didn't just laugh or cry, the rest of the group, at this time, were not all comforting and urging training doctors, only he was comforted like this.

However, Cheng Yunfeng was still very happy in his heart, and he did learn a lot from Qin Lang.

"Qin Lang, don't be proud. After the next week, everyone has mastered the basic skills. Next, it's not just clinical skills."

Qin Lang was slightly puzzled, but Cheng Yunfeng smiled mysteriously:

"According to the experience of the previous brothers and sisters, from the second week, the real competition is fierce, because in addition to the clinical ability, many people have started to work on the thesis after a period of preparation, a powerful topic, but Can easily suppress clinical capabilities."

And the scientific research ability, for them doctoral students and master students of famous schools, that is the real stage!

"Is the thesis open?"

After listening to Qin Lang, he nodded, and he had a plan in his heart.

While Qin Lang and Cheng Yunfeng were talking, there was a rush of 120 ambulances.

Soon, through the little nurse in the department, I heard the news that it was a very serious case of burns.

The patient is also a 19-year-old firefighter. During the rescue operation of a nearby toy factory, he was burned by the fire. Although he was rescued by his teammates, the burns were very serious, especially his right hand. The backs of the hands and the large swathes of the skin on the upper arms were scorched. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

At the same time that the patient was delivered, Wu Youtu went to receive treatment immediately, and Qin Lang was also called over.

Since today is Monday, the director of the department, Wei Guoqiang, went to Hangzhou for an academic exchange meeting and will not be able to come back until late at night. The other two deputy chief physicians have already made surgical arrangements early and have now entered the operating room. .

Therefore, this patient can only be admitted to the senior attending physician Wu Youtu, and now the first assistant Wu Youtu can think of is the advanced doctor Qin Lang, not Peng Yun, let alone Qian Liang.

However, when Wu Youtu saw the patient, he was still completely dumbfounded.

In fact, this patient's situation is too special. First of all, the entire right hand is covered with eschar, and escharectomy and debridement are required first.

On the back of his palm, there is still blood vessel contamination, tendons, and nerves are damaged.

That is to say, in one operation, the debridement of tendons, blood vessels, and nerves, as well as the follow-up anastomosis, should be completed.

Wu Youtu wouldn't care if it was an ordinary anastomosis, but the patient's hand injury was too severe. If something went wrong, the patient's right hand might be lost.

The suturing of tendons and the suturing of nerves is a very test of skill.

Wu Youtu preliminarily judged that this operation requires at least the level of Director Wei Guoqiang, or that the physicians of the city's first hospital team complete the pre-scabbing operation and debridement, and then the hand surgery experts will perform tendon and nerve anastomosis.

"Military hospital? Or go to Hangzhou to find a specialist? Or directly transfer to another hospital?"

Wu Youtu was a little confused.

At this time, the captain of the fire brigade obviously saw Wu Youtu's hesitation, and his heart skipped a beat.