MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 21 twenty-one%

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In recent days, the news that Ji Qingzhuo got good grades in every course he took has spread.

Even Elder Mu Ying, who was in charge of teaching her magic lessons, observed her cultivation base which had increased a lot, and expressed her surprise: "Qing Zhuo, although your cultivation speed is only comparable to that of the most ordinary disciples, But you are a mortal without a single celestial bone, this is... really rare for you."

Mu Ying actually didn't quite understand how Ji Qingzhuo cultivated, but her master was Yu Sukong, so she thought it was Yu Sukong who taught Ji Qingzhuo in private.

Of course, Yu Sukong himself also came to talk to Ji Qingzhuo about this matter. Late at night, in the water mirror under the small pavilion in the courtyard, he refined magic weapons on the rocks in the sea, and took time to contact Ji Qingzhuo.

"Apprentice, how did you cultivate?" Yu Sukong asked Ji Qingzhuo with a smile. He could tell that with Ji Qingzhuo's physique, it was difficult to communicate with the aura of the outside world—of course, he did not know how difficult it was. Not quite sure.

Ji Qingzhuo lowered her eyebrows, she thought of Shen Rongyu's fiery palm holding her wrist...

Is this... can this be said?

She was not ashamed to say so, but raised her eyes to look at Yu Sukong in the water mirror, and said in a slow voice: "Senior brother Xiaoyu will tell me what I don't understand in the training books."

"Senior Brother Xiaoyu? Shen Rongyu?" Yu Sukong laughed softly when he heard this, "He is indeed a very good disciple."

"It's nothing, since I don't understand the content of the class, I will sort out my own cultivation experience for you. I have a special constitution, so I don't know if my cultivation experience can help you." Yu Sukong seemed to think of something , clapped his palms, and passed on the tips of his cultivation to Ji Qingzhuo.

Ji Qingzhuo accepted it and thanked him: "Thank you, Master Yu."

"Your grades have improved these days. Elder Ye wrote to me that day and told me about it." Yu Sukong touched his chin and said, "Why are you suddenly active?"

Ji Qingzhuo didn't hide anything, and told Yu Sukong about the high-grade elixir that Maomao needed.

Yu Sukong was also a little surprised when he heard the words: "This high-grade elixir is indeed precious, and I don't have any ready-made."

"However, I can't help you too much with this internal assessment." Yu Sukong shook his head and sighed softly, "If you want it, you can only fight for it yourself."

Ji Qingzhuo nodded, and Yu Sukong casually explained some things before cutting off contact. This master can be regarded as serious and responsible.

Holding the cultivation experience Yu Sukong gave her, she went to a corner to study it. The system noticed Ji Qingzhuo's movements and was surprised.

"Host, didn't Shen Rongyu help you cultivate, why are you still reading?" the system asked.

Ji Qingzhuo twirled the pages of the book with her fingers. She flipped a page and said to the system, "It's too similar to double cultivation. I'm not used to it."

"If possible, I would like to do it myself." Ji Qingzhuo said.

She looked at Yu Sukong's cultivation experience, and memorized information such as the skills of moving meridian aura and sensing the resonance of aura from the outside world. She drew randomly on the paper with an ink pen to deduce the principle.

As a result, after deduction, she couldn't learn anything useful. Yu Sukong's method can speed up the efficiency of cultivation for monks with immortal bones, but she can't. The most critical problem of being unable to communicate with external spiritual energy has not been solved.

On the contrary... She relied on these broken meridian information to deduce Yu Sukong's own meridian network.

Looking down at the shapes he had pieced together with fine lines on his paper, Ji Qingzhuo finally understood why Yu Sukong said that his cultivation method might not be useful to her anymore.

"No wonder it's...Master Yu..." Ji Qingzhuo crushed the fish-like pattern on the table to hide the information.

It's true that she has no intention of prying into other people's secrets, but...these secrets always come after her.

Ji Qingzhuo grabbed her hair, feeling extremely distressed. She didn't feel that the ability to reverse the opponent's meridian network through the habit of aura movement was terrible. After all, the meridians of a monk have their own characteristics and weaknesses. When this ability is used in actual combat, it can accurately find the fatal weakness of the opponent.

Seeing that she was distressed because she knew the great secret, the system decided not to make a sound. Maybe when it chose her, it really didn't choose randomly.

Ji Qingzhuo completely destroyed the piece of paper, and even spent an incense stick of time to make himself forget about it.

In the early morning of the next day, she successfully made her mind go blank, and then packed her things to prepare for the formation class.

In fact, the formation class is Ji Qingzhuo's favorite class. She likes the charming calculation charm of the formation method. Unlike the beast control class last time, she was almost kicked out of the internal injury by the violent adolescent Xuanshuang beast. Zizi is much stronger than Maomao.

Ji Qingzhuo touched the back that was kicked by the Xuanshuang Beast last time, rubbed it, and set off with his small bag.

She prayed that she would not meet Shen Rongyu on the beach of Baishui Lake, but he just happened to walk out of the forest.

During the training last night, because she was kicked by the Xuanshuang Beast, she failed to stabilize her figure during the three hours of training, and accidentally fell on top of him.

Shen Rongyu actually saw that she was hurt, but she didn't say anything, she just raised her hand to wrap around her waist, pressing her wound just under the palm of her hand.

Ji Qingzhuo was in pain, but she didn't dare to cry out, she only frowned slightly, under the warm light at night, her slender eyebrows frowned slightly.

She turned her head sideways, only gritted her teeth, her back still hurt, but she didn't have the strength to struggle.

"It hurts?" Shen Rongyu asked her, he hugged her whole body around his big palm, she fell into his arms unexpectedly, with her chin resting on his shoulder, all she could see was the old furnishings in her room covered by lights Plated with a layer of warm orange light.

It hurts, it really hurts, that Xuanshuang beast is so powerful, although in the end that big guy seems to have kicked Ji Qingzhuo's emotions, so he listened to her extra and made her get a high score in the beast control class, but she still injured.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't speak, she just begged Shen Rongyu to let her down quickly, and then she could go to the alchemy room to find some golden sore medicine and apply it on herself, but this position is really not easy to apply medicine.

"Zhuozhuo, don't talk?" Shen Rongyu called her, with a slightly trembling voice passing by her ears, directly making her body soften.

She whispered, "I was kicked by the Xuanshuang Beast."

"That spirit beast is extremely powerful, and this season is the most irritable and irritable." Shen Rongyu said slowly, he could even imagine how Ji Qingzhuo got kicked.

"Here?" Shen Rongyu knew that Ji Qingzhuo's meridians were flowing, and he could see where it was not smooth.

He pressed down on the wound on his lower back, with little force, but it still affected the nerves, making Ji Qingzhuo gasp.

In fact, a kick is not a big deal, even though she was injured and still sat upright for three hours.

"Do you want to take medicine?" Shen Rongyu asked.

Ji Qingzhuo was thinking, it was very laborious for her to take the medicine by herself, if Shen Rongyu didn't help her take the medicine, then it would be impossible for her to catch up with the formation class tomorrow, and many points would be deducted for the absence of the class.

She sighed softly, a little aggrieved, why did she come to the world of cultivating immortals to suffer this when she could not bear to run for three minutes in modern times.

"Zhuo Zhuo?" Shen Rongyu didn't wait for her response, he called again, but his voice was slightly lowered, as if waiting for her answer, echoing in the small space in the room.

Ji Qingzhuo tightened his grip on the clothes behind him, and wrinkled the slightly colored cloud silk, hiding her long eyelashes, and said in a muffled voice: "Okay."

The author has something to say:

In fact, Xuanshuang Beast is quite wronged, it just wants to play with Ji Qingzhuo.