MTL - Disaster For the Country · Return Journey-Chapter 32 old dream (2)

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Afraid, in fact, you and I are the same kind of person, what you lacked when you were young, you want something more when you grow up. I lack money, so I am greedy for money; you lack love, so you linger here and refuse to leave. "

Yi Fei's eyes flickered a few times, but he didn't answer.

"But Xiaofei..." Luo Zi stretched out her hand and placed it lightly on his shoulder, "We are not the same kind of people as them. Mr. Bai Ze, Mr. Pin, and your beauty, they are all in the same group. They can die for righteousness at any time, and have no regrets about how miserable they are. Such people, like a surging river, go straight to the ocean, and will not stop for any scenery along the way, and naturally they will not Who on the shore stops. If you lack love so much, you shouldn’t like such people, because you are destined to not get what you want from them.”

"You missed someone."


"In their group, there is Jiang Wanyi."

Luo Zi's complexion suddenly changed.

Yi Fei laughed: "So what you said is actually for yourself."

This time it was Luo Zi's turn to be silent. She clenched her hand on the railing and then released it, leaving a slightly wet handprint on the railing.

"Your father...Although he is the king of a country, he has been under the influence of Mrs. Ruyi all the year round. He has great ambitions, but he is frustrated, so he can only vent in other places. Everything that Yishu has endured have suffered."

Yifei's heart trembled.

"A person like me, although I adorn myself with the most gorgeous clothes and the most expensive jewelry, looks like a dog, but in fact... the inside is filthy." Luo Zi smiled at him and said softly, "I don't deserve it." Ah, Xiao Fei. I'm not even worthy of admiring someone."

Yi Fei's eyes turned from her face to behind her, behind her, the door of the small building opened at some time, Jiang Wanyi obviously heard her words, and stood frozen at the door.

Luo Zi followed Yi Fei's gaze and looked back, seeing him, she was startled, and quickly changed the subject: "Well, Qi'er, no Qiu Jiang, no Ji Hu, whoever she is, is she awake?"

Jiang Wanyi shook his head.

Yi Fei's heart clenched tightly.

"However, her life can be regarded as being temporarily saved." Before the words finished, Yi Fei rushed in.

Jiang Wanyi looked at Luo Zi, and Luo Zi flustered her hair in a bun: "Suddenly remembered that everyone didn't have dinner, so I'll go get ready..." After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Jiang Wanyi watched her back and sighed inwardly.


Qiu Jiang was lying on the couch, her breathing was steady, her face was serene, as if she was just asleep.

Yi Fei's heart relaxed a little, and then he noticed—Feng Xiaoya was sitting by the window, looking at this side quietly.

He couldn't help but licked his dry lips and asked, "What's the matter?"

"If you can wake up tonight, nothing will happen. If you can't wake up..." Feng Xiaoya couldn't continue.

At this moment, Jiang Wanyi came back and picked it up for him: "If I can't wake up, I'm afraid I'll just fall asleep like this. Her situation is beyond the control of drugs, it depends on her own will."

Yi Fei grasped the point keenly: "You mean—she doesn't want to wake up?"

Jiang Wanyi nodded, "You can see that her face is calm now because I lighted the bergamot. Before that, she had been struggling unconsciously. She must have dreamed something terrible."

Yi Fei stared at Qiu Jiang's bloodless face, feeling a chill in his heart.

"Please come in so that you and Mr. He can figure out how to wake her up. I have to remind you that even if she wakes up, she won't be in a good condition. All five senses have been damaged to a certain extent, and her internal organs are also scarred. , Martial arts are definitely gone, and it is unknown whether he can walk like a normal person, in short...even if he wakes up, he will live a very hard life."

Yi Fei did not comment.

Neither did Feng Xiaoya.

The room became very quiet, eerily quiet.

Jiang Wanyi stared at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but think of the scene that happened not long ago in the Baohua Palace of Bi Country. There, there was also a person lying quietly on the couch, waiting for the choice of fate.

Empress Jiang, who was standing by her side, had red and swollen eyes from crying, but she refused to let her die, and even fell out with him. But in the end, Xue Cai went in, made a choice for the queen, and also made a choice for that person.

The two scenes overlapped before his eyes, the world is so tormenting, it is so instructive, the dilemma, the ecstasy of life and death.

So he didn't say anything, and quietly backed out.

Yi Fei and Feng Xiaoya looked at each other for a long time.

Yifei thought to himself, it seems that this gentleman will not speak up unless I speak up, forget it, let me come first. Then he took a deep breath and said, "Let's do our best to obey the come first, or should I come first?"

Feng Xiaoya was silent for a while, before she said: "Before you came in, during the time when the genius doctor was rescuing her, I was sitting here thinking about one thing."

"What's up?"

"I was thinking, why didn't Ji Ying wake her up when he saw her when he went to Yunmeng Mountain?"

Yi Fei's heart skipped a beat, and Xue Cai's words resurfaced in his mind—

"Since my sister has forgotten her past, don't bother her anymore. Between the two of them, at least one of them can get rid of fate. It is the mercy of heaven."

That was actually not the mercy of heaven, but the mercy of Ji Ying.

In Ji Hu's life, it can be said that he lived too hard. It was harder than him and Feng Xiaoya and anyone else. She not only shouldered the mission of the Ji family, but also suffered the sins of the Ji family. She wants to gain Mrs. Ruyi's approval, but also insist on unshakable faith. She lied to everyone and saved everyone. And her younger brother, whom she had cared about for more than ten years, never saw each other until she died.

Everything she has experienced, no one else could have persisted until the end. But even though she persisted, her body was covered in bruises. Maybe leaving here is the best relief, but they were too greedy and tried their best to keep her, hoping to get a result from her.

Yi Fei's hands trembled.

Feng Xiaoya got up slowly, walked to the bed, stared at Qiu Jiang's peaceful sleeping face, and said slowly: "I don't intend to wake her up. I want to go with her."

"What, what?"

"What she wants has already been obtained, and what she wants to do has already come true. To her, and to me, there is no regret in this world..." Feng Xiaoya looked directly into Yi Fei's eyes and said a word. In one word, "Let's go."

Yi Fei opened his mouth, but he couldn't pronounce the complete words.