MTL - Director of a Suspense Film-Chapter 32 、32

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Zong Qi found an identical Pisces jade pendant in the bag left by his grandma.

He picked up the jade pendant and looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't see anything.

Long ago, when grandma was short of money for medical treatment, Zong Qi had already searched through all the relics in the family, big and small. Of course, this jade pendant was not spared either.

It's just that the jade pendant looks dusty. It's dirty. Zong Qi spent a lot of effort to wash it clean, only to find that it is not a precious imperial green ice seed at all, but an ordinary glutinous seed. The color is not very good-looking, and I am afraid that it will be placed on the night market stall. Just buy dozens or hundreds,? It's still a big hit.

In this way, Zongqi was not sold.

He still remembers that this jade pendant is not actually grandma's,? It was found out among the things left by his grandfather. It seems that grandma hesitated for a long time with it when he was a child, saying that he could find a place, but then he didn't know. Why not let it go.


Zong Qi lost his sleepiness again, turned over and got out of bed, and ran to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look at the stars.

In fact, he doesn't have much impression of his grandfather.

Before the age of six, Zong Qi lived with his grandparents.

Grandpa was said to be a veteran, the kind who had been on the battlefield, and had many friends. He often went out to hang out with friends every now and then with a hiking bag on his back.

Later,? Grandpa suddenly disappeared without a word from him.

The strange thing is that grandma didn't call the police, either? She just told Zong Qi that he went to another world to defend his family and country.

At that time, Zong Qi was young and didn't understand the meaning of grandma's words at all. He just felt sad.

Thinking about it now, I found a lot of things that were wrong.

Why is this jade pendant exactly the same as the jade pendant on the poster?

This Pisces jade pendant is the movie clue to open the poster, why did it fall into his hands again? Does grandpa have anything to do with the horror movie system? Did grandma know something, but why didn't she say it?

At this moment, Zong Qi couldn't bear to think too much.

Binding him to the director system of a horror film is a very strange thing, not to mention that according to the meaning of the actor forum, the director system is something that can only be accessed by at least an S-level actor.

He tightened his fingers suddenly, glanced at the small print next to the poster again, and secretly made up his mind.

We have to find a way to open this copy.

Zong Qi always felt that these few things were somewhat closely related.


The result of not sleeping well at night is that when I wake up the next day, I have dark circles on my face, which are quite glaring.

Zong Qi spent most of the day listlessly, until Professor Yu sent a message, he ran into the bathroom, wiped his face with cold water, hurriedly wiped his face with a towel, and changed into a more formal set of clothes.

Yu Chenxue who opened the door for him was rarely surprised: "Didn't you sleep well last night?"

It's not just that I didn't sleep well.

The skin of the black-haired young man was originally fair, but now a **** circle hung under his eyes, just like a giant panda in a zoo, he looked a bit miserable.

"A little insomnia."

Zong Qi forcibly pulled himself together, bowed his head and put on his slippers.

Professor Yu's house is upstairs from his house, and it is very convenient to go up and down. Zong Qi only needs to walk up the stairs after receiving the news.

He changed into the white disposable slippers in a proper manner, and stood there, a little at a loss.

Zong Qi seldom goes to other people's homes, even those with friends of the same age.

Yu Chenxue closed the door and saw the black-haired young man who didn't know what to do with his hands and feet, and couldn't help laughing: "Don't be cautious, come in with me."

Yu Chenxue's apartment is located on the top floor of the whole apartment.

When Zong Qi came in, he realized that the area on the top floor was twice as large as the apartment below. It is said that the entire apartment was opened up, and the two buildings were combined to occupy an excellent view.

Zong Qi: "..."

Rich people are great.

But in fact, apart from the large area, Yu Chenxue's apartment is very simple.

The floor is still a light yellow solid wood floor, the surrounding walls are spotless, and the entire side is covered with floor-to-ceiling windows, extending from the second floor to the first floor, like a 3D wall inlaid with city night scene paintings.

In addition, the furniture in the apartment is only necessary, and there are no such things as TV sets and sofas that can soften the indoor atmosphere. On the contrary, there are more painting supplies such as gypsum, drawing boards, and canvases placed around. Except for the colorful paints, the whole is only white and gray, which looks extraordinarily cold.

If I have to say it, Yu Chenxue's apartment is almost the same as his office, except for the paintings hanging around.

"I'm sorry, the apartment is a bit messy and I didn't have time to tidy it up."

Zong Qi quickly waved his hands, "No, no, it's okay, I just came to the professor's house as a guest."

One thing to say, Yu Chenxue's house is not chaotic at all. If this is still called chaos, he doesn't know what is order.

They are even placed neatly, the ground is so clean that there is not even a trace of dust, and there is no trace of human life.

Reminiscent of Yu Chenxue still wearing the same attire for thousands of years today, Zong Qi has some understanding.

Maybe Professor Yu is a deep cleanliness freak. His grandma used to be very clean, which is understandable.

A cup of steaming black tea was placed in front of him, and the aroma of the tea mixed with mist floated in the air.

Yu Chenxue sat down opposite him and exchanged a few casual greetings.

After all, after many years, I learned that my relatives may have been involved in the system for a long time, and it is difficult to calm down for a while. But it was strange to say that after only a few small talk, Zong Qi felt that his spirit gradually eased from the tension, and he stopped thinking about what happened last night from time to time.

"Have you relaxed?"

The professor of psychology said softly, "When you sleep at night, take a deep breath, clear away distracting thoughts, and don't put too much pressure on falling asleep, so you can fall asleep quickly."

"Maybe you won't have much time today. Next time I come, I can give you a shallow hypnosis, which will have a miraculous effect on treating insomnia."

Zong Qi quickly thanked: "Thank you, Professor."

Yu Chenxue smiled slightly and changed the subject, "How was yesterday's movie?"

The black-haired young man froze for a moment, and embarrassment suddenly appeared on his face.

"Well, I couldn't see the musical film recommended by the professor yesterday."


The blue eyes behind the lens were a little darker, "Did you go to the wrong screening room?"

"No, it's not."

Zong Qi patted his head, "I happened to see that horror movie discussed on Weibo these days..."

Yes, it's still a bad film made by myself.

In the end, his voice became smaller and smaller, as thin as a mosquito.


Yu Chenxue saw all the micro-expressions on the young man's face, but he just thought that the other party was frightened, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he began to look forward to this unexpected joy.

According to the news from the secret mobile team intelligence network, people who watched the horror of the deserted village this time will most likely be bound to the horror movie actor system.

In just two days, the number of newcomers to the actor forum doubled. But it's strange to say that as of yesterday, this movie seems to have been quietly taken off the shelves. It seems that it is really just director Q's water test.

Of course it won't be that simple, he is looking forward to the confrontation with that director.

However, at least his goal was achieved. Yu Chenxue thought happily.

"It's a bit." Zong Qi said with difficulty.

I was really frightened, I was frightened by such a bad shot, and I was frightened quite a bit.

However, Yu Chenxue didn't intend to let him go, and even grabbed him and asked him to talk about the uniqueness of this movie.

So Zong Qi had no choice but to pinch his nose in his heart, and began to brag against his will. Blowing from the film's storyboard to the set, from the picture to the soundtrack, made him numb.

By the time I finished speaking, it was almost an hour later.

Then Zong Qi walked to the first floor with Yu Chenxue in a daze.

The restaurant on the first floor has long been covered with white tablecloths, with exquisite dishes placed on it, the deep red wine in the decanter exudes a rich aroma, and the silver candlestick is silently crying in the center.

"Thank you for hospitality."

Zong Qi took a deep breath, turned around and sent a message to Anna, saying that he was still in class, so he would not come back to cook for now.

A minute later, there seemed to be a dissatisfied bouncing sound from the ceiling beneath his feet.

"Are you sending a message to your family?"

Yu Chenxue cut a piece of steak and opened his mouth as if casually.

"Yes." Zong Qi put the phone back in his pocket: "It's family."

Although verbally he still refers to employees as employees, Zong Qi actually treats them as family members.

Yu Chenxue smiled, her pupils were deep and she didn't speak.

"By the way, the lectures can end almost here. Remember to go to the Academic Affairs Office at the end of the semester and you can get a certificate of completion."

Zong Qi was shocked: "Huh?"

No, this is just the first class!

Not only is it the first class, but there is nothing in this class. Even watching movies is a self-service movie for students. I didn’t even write my post-reading impressions, so I asked about the movie-watching experience.

That's it, this class is over? He will be able to graduate?

"Professor Cheng entrusted you to me, that's what he meant."

The professor of psychology explained patiently: "He knew that you had postponed your graduation, and he didn't want to delay your job hunting, so he decided to recommend it to me."

He teased, "Do you think Professor Cheng really wanted to embarrass you by recommending you? You are really a child."

The black-haired young man touched his nose in embarrassment.

This can't blame him for thinking too much. It's mainly because of Professor Cheng, who is very stubborn when he gets old, and always thinks about...uh.

"Anyway, thank you Professor Yu."

He solemnly thanked him.

"No, it's just a favor from the old professor."

Indeed, when Yu Chenxue agreed to come down before, she just wanted to explain the situation as soon as they met, and it was like asking the students to get their graduation certificates by themselves. As for teaching alone? That is absolutely impossible.

It's just that when I saw Lie Xinxi later, I made a show of it.

"Speaking of which, I do have an unfeeling request."

Yu Chenxue gently put down the knife and fork, her beautiful eyebrows and eyes were raised.

The candle flickered, casting a long shadow on the bridge of his nose.


Zong Qi thought that Yu Chenxue was asking for some kind of unkindness, but it turned out that he was just helping out as a mannequin, and it was enough to spend a few days here and pose for a pose.

Reasonably speaking, the up-and-coming artist is willing to let him act as a model, but Zong Qi still feels that the other party has lost money.

Anyway, I won't lose money.

Besides, even if it takes a long time to paint an oil painting, it is very convenient for them to visit upstairs and downstairs, and it is just a trivial matter.

"no problem."

So Zong Qi readily agreed.

The author has something to say: 77: He lost money, but I made money!

Professor Yu: (but laughing silently)


Keep asking for nutrient solution! It's almost a little bit more today, and I can add more woohoo