MTL - Diary of a Sturdy Immortal-Chapter 1196

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   Chapter 1196

   Speaking of this, Xianjun Baitang is also very helpless.

   "Don't mention the Immortal Emperor in our Eastern Immortal Realm.

You do not know,

   I still know it from my father.

   Our Immortal Emperors of the Eastern Immortal Realm went to a secret retreat.

  Otherwise, if such a big thing happened in our fairyland, how could they just ignore it? "

   Fairy Qiannong widened her mouth in surprise.


   Then, then, why did the Pingchang Xianjun still take us to fight the northern fairyland?

   If it hadn't occupied the three fairyland of the northern fairyland before, maybe the people of the northern fairyland would not come to provoke us! "

   Baitang Xianjun shook his head with laughter

   "What Pyeongchang Xianjun did is not something we can comment on.

   After all, we only have immortal kings in fairyland, and not even immortal emperors.

   However, I reckon that Immortal Pingchang seems to be taking advantage of the fact that when the northern fairyland and the western fairyland join forces to attack the southern fairyland, he will be a fisherman and take the opportunity to catch a handful!

   Wherever you will think, the people of the northern fairyland will not deal with the southern fairyland.

   He even came to our Eastern Immortal Realm to engage in these three indiscriminate poisons. This is good, and it is estimated that they will all be planted! "

   Fairy Qiannong's mouth twitched.

   "According to what my brother said, we people from the Eastern Immortal Realm, sooner or later, either take refuge in the Northern Immortal Realm or the Southern Immortal Realm?

   Can't the other immortals in the ten fairyland be together, let's gather together and fight against the northern fairyland together?

   Or, against the southern fairyland, hey!

   is also not right.

   After all, the people from the Southern Immortal Realm came later, and they came with the **** to rescue them.


So irritating!

  I don't know how my father is doing now? "

   "I'm afraid it won't be that good.

  Wu Chengxian Jun can use such abusive methods, how can he treat his father kindly?

   Now in our Eastern Immortal Realm, there are already three Immortal Realms that have surrendered to Immortal Wu Cheng, and I am afraid that there will be another Immortal Realm that will surrender to the Northern Immortal Realm! "

   Fairy Qiannong is also worried

   "In that case, wouldn't half of our Eastern Immortal Realm's Ten Great Immortal Realms belong to the Northern Immortal Realm?

   But in our Eastern Fairyland, there are also small fairyland outside the top ten fairyland! "

   "Those little fairyland can't be counted, have you ever seen that mortal emperor seize the throne and bring in the common people and the seventh-eighth-rank petty officials?

   Don't they all control key ministers and emperors? "

   Fairy Qiannong gave him a look


  I know that you have gone down to earth to practice, been an emperor, and have experienced rebellions.

   Then tell me, how can we rescue Daddy?

How can    be preserved? "

   "Don't be impatient!"

   Baitang Xianjun gave him a look.

  Wu Chengxianjun has indeed recovered three fairyland.

Needless to say    Qianshan Wonderland, there are also two other wonderlands, including Ping An Wonderland. Right now, they are outside the fourth wonderland, and they are using other people's fairyland masters.

   Hei Di and Lan Li looked at each other, and the two of them silently transmitted sound for a while.

   After making a plan, Heidi shot to grab people, and after Lan left.

   The two are worthy of a tacit understanding. At the same time, both of them have the same luck as a son of heaven.

   They also attacked suddenly. The other party did not expect that someone would suddenly run out to grab someone, and the other party snatched them away without checking.

  Wu Chengxian Jun was unexpectedly confident, and stopped the people who wanted to chase him out.

   The Hei Di and Lan Li, who was about to break up, were a little confused

  This, is the other party too confident?

  Since the other party didn’t come after him, he decided that they had no antidote, so sooner or later he would have to go back and beg them.

   On the way to Medicine King Fairyland, it goes without saying that the Black Emperor wanted to imprint medicine Wang Xianjun with his divine sense, and at the same time, he also asked people to make an oath not to betray Chu Yunyan.

   In short, when Heidi came to the outside of Yaowang Xianjun with the intact Yaowang Xianjun, he was already able to throw people to Chu Yunyan with confidence.

   Medicine King Xianjun greeted Chu Yunyan and let people start the defense fairy formation.

   At the same time, let Immortal Baishang follow behind Chu Yunyan and take them to the fourth fairyland.

   As for the unreliable Immortal Haiyun, he is still debating whether to side with his father or his friend?

   Just waiting for him to make a decision,

  Wu Chengxian Jun encountered the biggest resistance here

   "Does Qin Yuexian really want to resist?

   Don't even care about the life of your Immortal Qingshan? "

   "Wu Chengxianjun~

  You scumbag!

   will only use these indiscriminate methods. If you have the ability, you and my master will let it go. "

   After scolding Qin Ming Xianjun, he looked at his master Qingshan Xianjun Dao


   It's not that I didn't save your old man. It's just that Wu Chengxian's methods are too despicable. If our Green Mountain Wonderland falls into the hands of such a villain, what can we do in the future? "

  Xianjun Wu Cheng snorted, and he didn't need to come forward, and Xianjun Qianshan came forward to fight in his place.

   "Xianjun Qin Ming, you'd better see the current situation clearly, there are already three major immortals in our Eastern Immortal Realm that have surrendered to the Northern Immortal Realm.

   Moreover, Wu Chengxian said that after we return to the northern fairyland, everything will be business as usual, and we will not be forced to do things we do not want! "

   Qin Mingxian sneered

   "Qianshan Xianjun, you are also the master of a realm after all, but you are so arrogant, he said that it is the same as before?

   Do you believe this nonsense too?

   Does he not want our filial piety?

   Won’t let us fight the Southern Immortal Realm?

  After he subdued us, he just wanted us to be cannon fodder so he could attack the southern fairyland.

   Don't tell me you can't think of this, because you are still in the top ten wonderland. "

   He was deliberately delaying time.

  Chu Yunyan rescued Yaowang Xianjun, and it was proved by facts that she really had an antidote, and she was able to rescue people under Wu Chengxianjun's eyes.

   Medicine King Xianjun is naturally grateful.

   is really Chu Yunyan's method is the most gentle!

  With Yaowang Xianjun, Chu Yunyan won the other two fairyland with a breeze. In this way, she has five fairyland of the oriental wonderland.

   With the sixth subduing, Wu Chengxian finally realized that something was wrong. The fourth on his side ran into a snag.

   On Chu Yunyan's side, the fairyland of the six eastern fairyland has already been surrendered,

   When Wu Chengxianjun saw the news, it was not a good sign.

   Attack now!

  The Great Array of Qingshan Wonderland was broken, and Wu Chengxian was still sitting in the carriage.

   This carriage was no ordinary carriage.

   With the sixth subduing, Wu Chengxian finally realized that something was wrong. The fourth on his side ran into a snag.

   On Chu Yunyan's side, the fairyland of the six eastern fairyland has already been surrendered,

   When Wu Chengxianjun saw the news, it was not a good sign.

   Attack now!

  The defense of Qingshan Wonderland was startled by these people's attacks, but it was broken by Wu Chengxian in a moment.

   (end of this chapter)