MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 92 Cat is very big

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(Today's three more ah, ask for support, ask for Sanjiang ticket, recommended ticket collection, all kinds of...)

(Thanks to the reward of Luofu's ninth fairy shoes)

Soon, all the ordinary Goblin was wiped out, Wu Lingfeng breathlessly lying on the ground, Nima's, playing the game so easy, playing the monster here, the real Nyima heart tired, tired, Fortunately, I upgraded my physical strength, otherwise I really want Nima to die.

The whole battle lasted for more than ten minutes. Wu Lingfeng can be described as physically and mentally arrogant. After all, you can't observe the whole battle situation as you sit at the computer. You can only feel the existence within the scope of your eyes. Be careful of the sneak attack in all directions. .

Among them, Wu Lingfeng was naturally injured a little, and there was a blood mark on his back. If he was attacked, even in the game, it is inevitable to be injured, let alone here, but fortunately there is the magical robe protection of the college, and each time The upgraded physical defense and magic defense are not low, so it is only a minor injury, but this also makes Wu Lingfeng very painful. After all, the past life as a spoiled otaku, where he suffered such a wound, now it is a painful grin.

"Ouni sauce, I will help you..." Winnie's blue eyes are all red, worried about Wu Lingfeng.

Wu Lingfeng shook his head and said to Galen: "Slow cure."

Galen nodded, holding the cross with his right hand, and his left hand sang in the place where Wu Lingfeng was injured: "Slow healing!"

Gradually, the injury behind Wu Lingfeng began to recover, and finally the wound of blood stasis became a smooth skin.

"Hey, people are so worried..." Winnie looked at Wu Lingfeng, and she couldn't help but slammed into his arms and wept soaked. The body holding Wu Lingfeng was not willing to let go.

Wu Lingfeng patted Winnie's head and said: "It's okay, do you see Galen not to cure me? Oh, don't worry, O'Neill can't die easily, even if I die, I can resurrect. Ha ha……"

Winnie said with a small mouth: "Wennie doesn't know what to do, but Winnie knows that O'Neill's sauce hurts, so I will follow the pain, so I care about myself after Ouni's sauce, and I can't get hurt."

Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but smile, and there was no reason to fight in the battle, but he still felt the affection of Winnie, hugged her body, gently kissed the red lips, and said: "Well, O'Neill sauce promises warmth. Ni, try to avoid getting hurt."

Winnie's little mouth was sneaked, suddenly blushing a small face, buried her small head in the arms of Wu Lingfeng, whispered: "Ouni sauce bully me, hate it, sneak attack on others."

Wu Lingfeng spit out his tongue and said: "Oh, you don't want to..."

Winnie snorted and said, "No, people say, that, hate..."

Wu Lingfeng hugged Winnie lying on the ground and said: "Wennie, I really like you, really, cute and kind, considerate, how good the girl, the girl with you like Ouni sauce is so happy..."

Winnie nodded happily and said: "People also like Ouni sauce..."

The two embraced each other intimately and enjoyed this warm moment.

"Well..." Wu Lingfeng felt that his body was not tired. He raised Wennie and said: "Walk, continue to fight. Otherwise, it will be impossible to end the battle at night, huh, huh..."

Winnie gave Wu Lingfeng a sort of clothes on her body and said, "Okay, it will be even more handsome. O'Neill must be careful of the attacks of the monsters..."

Wu Ling winded nodded and then said to Galen: "The next battle does not know how long it will take. You try to save your magic. After the monster appears, first deal with the monsters of the long-range attack, and finally deal with the melee-type monsters."

Galen nodded and said, "Okay, understand, less master."

"set off!!"

Wu Lingfeng began to go deep into the cat demon's forest. After walking for a few hundred meters, he discovered the second batch of monsters. This second batch of monsters is actually a huge group of cats, brown body, hair on the head and tail. Brown, one by one, squatting on the ground and watching Wu Lingfeng, Winnie and Galen invading their territory.

Wu Lingfeng used the right eye to look at the attributes of this group of cats:

Cat demon (ordinary intermediate Warcraft, social group): Do not look at it is a cat, in fact, it is only a demon, cute kitten to worry, lv18, hp: 1500, mp: 200.

Skills: physical claw hit lv1, jump physical claw hit lv1, physical bite lv1. (Vampire, we are vampire cat demon).

Nima, is the cat demon in dnf, the most hateful attribute is bloodsucking, Nima's body can't move after being sucked, and after sucking, you will find that your blood volume is large, and run It’s a very fast, silent group of guys.

Their jumping claws are also very powerful. When you can touch your skills, it is very unfavorable for melee, but it is much easier for Wu Lingfeng. This is his favorite monster of melee attack, huh, always You can kill them with a magic bullet, but if you have a large number, you should avoid the attack in time.

After all, this is not a game, the cat demon in the game is a bit stupid, but the cat demon here is not so stupid, they are a living World of Warcraft, very smart.

"Gailen, you attack yourself, don't worry about me, these are melee warcraft, you should try not to use magic skills..." Wu Lingfeng said to Galen.

Galen nodded and rushed directly into the wolves, waving wildly with his hands on the huge cross. Those cats were not beaten or shackled on the ground...



The attacked cat demon screamed, some harsh and unpleasant, not like a cute kitten.



"Magic Ball Shoots!!!"

Wu Lingfeng gathered a flame ball in the hands of the cat demon to attack the past. Each attack attacked the cat demon. If they were close, they used the magic ball to shoot, and a series of flame bombs hit them behind.

At this time, Wu Lingfeng showed his magic precision. He specifically attacked the vulnerable parts of the cat demon's eyes and joints. If they attacked, they would have no fighting power. It seems that the precision attack is also worth noting. Way of attack.

And the critical part of the attack from time to time is even more violent, Wu Lingfeng found that there are many things to study in the outer world, not as rigid as the game, as long as the move is good, what crit is determined by the system, It's different here. Here is the reality. You can attack at will. For example, if you attack the legs of the cat demon, they have no action. Even if they are alive, they will not attack you unless they are the ones who attack in the distance.

And Wu Lingfeng also found an interesting thing, that is, if they just attacked the cat demon's mouth, they will die for a moment, this discovery makes Wu Lingfeng more excited.

So Wu Lingfeng began a series of experimental attacks, all the cat demon became the experimental mouse of Wu Lingfeng, hehe...

It is also a killing, although some gradually adapt to these high-intensity battles, but the physical consumption is still very fast.

More than 30 cat demon, a cat demon sent Wu Lingfeng 300 experience, Wu Lingfeng and Galen's experience distribution ratio is 9:1, that is, a experience of sending Wu Lingfeng 270, more than 30 cat demon sent a total of Wu Lingfeng More than 9,000 experience, 16 level upgrade experience needs 35000, so count down, then kill three waves of monsters can be upgraded, Nima, too fast, really too fast.

Sure enough, the experience given by the map of the site is high, and if money is used, the second-order Warcraft is for two gold coins, the third-order is for four gold coins, double the existence, the drop rate of money is also good, haha, ruins It’s an upgraded blessing.

Dnf0 - 9 corresponds to the first order of the world, 10 - 19 corresponds to the second order of the world, 20 - 29 corresponds to the third order of the world, 30 - 39 corresponds to the fourth order of the world, and so on, this It is the dnf and the level of the outer boundary, which is summed up by Wu Lingfeng for a long time. If you upgrade to level 20, he can go up to the third order, and then he can advance to the second grade.

Brigitte was able to advance to a second-grade student in a year. He could also be a martial artist. There is such an upgraded treasure, and nothing is in the air.

Entering the strongest magic school, Wu Lingfeng fully feels the importance of strength. What is the arrogance of second-class students? Strength and strength are the most important. If you have the strength, you can bully anyone.

This is not the same as the previous school. The past school may have the help of teachers and uncles, and senior students are not too overly, but here, hehe, inspect the uncle? Where, if there is, then the teacher, teacher Nima is a senior student, they will smoke their ears, fart!

So it’s buried here. Don’t expect someone to help you, only you can, and even if his talent is superb, it’s one thing to get attention. The old guys don’t have time to control you, only strength is The most important thing is that you have the strength to let senior food eat no problem.

Oh, this is very realistic. This is a cruel world. Perfection requires your own hands to create. You don't take the initiative. No one will take the initiative to help you. Only by working hard can you get happiness. If a girl like Winnie loses the protection of Wu Lingfeng, then, huh...

Therefore, strength is to protect yourself and to protect the important people around you!

Ps: The third is more, seeking recommended collection support...
