MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 74 You are Galen.

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(Thanks to \(injury)/~, Zhao Juntong, my name is Zhang Hao children's shoes, this chapter is a skill chapter, tomorrow four more, only once, will be placed in the relevant works later, or indicate the skills chapter, then Send another chapter)

A series of system prompts popped up to make Wu Lingfeng completely sluggish. Nima, Loli dolls, you don’t come out with permanent dolls. When you are uncle, you come out with permanent dolls. Nima, the young master does not engage in the basics. .

However, there is always better than no, Uncle can be a MT, there must be decent bodyguards around, Loli is so cute, can't shake the enemy, uncle is the best person for bodyguards, Lolly sister should be behind When the output is gone.

First of all, to give the first permanent person a name, Wu Lingfeng thought and thought again, remembering the big brother of Galen in LOL, the headless rushing goods, the most popular MT candidate in history, decided He was called Galen, and he was rushing to the front before the war.

Then there is the job transfer. In the four occupations of the priesthood, although the blue boxing sergeant is more handsome, but what is the most lacking of Wu Lingfeng now, back to the blood, cows, and can be a tank and can be a non-Patriotic knight. It’s just that, adding blood and adding a state is a cool one, and in the game, the Paladin has always been the captain of the entire team. It’s none other than him. He led the team to rush and smack, like Tian Zhen’s “Rainbow Rainbow and Rose”. That way: "Across the world, laughing and arrogant, never going backwards..."

Moreover, the Paladin's combat ability is also extremely powerful. It has a "sacred light ball" with a stun effect after the explosion, and the "revenge of light" against the attacking party, even the "absolute defense" of physical immunity, etc. , enough to deal with any dilemma on the battlefield.

Ok, let’s celebrate the official debut of Wu Ling’s No. 1 beater:

"Hey, the name is successful, Galen..."

"Hey, the transfer was successful, and it was officially transferred to the Paladin..."

"Hey, the attendant space is generated. If necessary, the attendant can be admitted to the attendant space. This space can stay for up to one day, otherwise the attendant will die..."

"Hey, the attributes of your first attendant are:

ID: Galen

Owner: Wu Lingfeng

Occupation: Paladin Level: 25 (1/105000)

Occupation Description: Use a variety of BUFF to enhance the ability of yourself and teammates. You can also use a highly lethal skill to punish your opponent.

Basic properties:

HP (health value): 1470 [additional 55HP per upgrade after transfer]

MP (magic value): 680 [additional 30MP per upgrade after transfer]

Physical attack: 211 [10 physical attacks per upgrade after transfer]

Magic Attack: 130 [Add 6 magic attacks per upgrade after transfer]

Strength: 75 [Add 2 strengths per upgrade after transfer)

Physical strength: 95 [add 4 physical strength per upgrade after transfer]

Intelligence: 59 [additional intelligence for each upgrade after transfer]

Spirit: 86 [Every upgrade after the transfer to increase 4 spirits]

Physical/Magic Independence Attack: 1800 [100 points of independent attack per upgrade after transfer)

Physical defense: 475

Magic Defense: 430

Physical crit: 0%

Magic Crit: 0%

Attack speed: 20% [addition after transfer]

Casting speed: 15% [increase after transfer]

Movement speed: 22 m / s [0.5 / sec movement speed per upgrade after transfer]

Anti-magic value: 0

HP recovery rate: 500 [50 points HP recovery rate per upgrade after transfer]

MP recovery rate: 1250 [50 points MP recovery rate for each upgrade after transfer)

Fire attribute: 0 [add after transfer]

Ice attribute: 0 [add after transfer]

Light attribute: 20 [add after transfer]

Dark attribute: 20 [add after transfer]

Storage space: 16 cubic meters

professional skills:

(1) General skills:

Basic proficiency LV25 (passive): Increase basic attack power, forward attack power, and jump attack power. As the level increases automatically. Currently 57.6%, each level increased by 2.4%.

Attack type conversion LV1 (active): It can convert between the physical and magic damage of the basic skills before the transfer.

After jumping LV1 (active): consumes mp1, instant, no cooling.

Skill Description: Forced to jump back when attacked, avoiding enemy attacks.

Subjected to crouching LV1 (active, need to be activated in the ground state, proficiency of 0/500): instant, cool for 5 seconds; consume 1mp.

Skill Description: Make yourself quickly get up in the down state and take a crouching posture, invincible for 3 seconds.

Paladin Plate Specialization LV1 (Passive): When equipped with armor armor, it can increase intelligence, spirit, physical strength, release speed, attack speed, HP maximum, MP maximum, MP recovery speed.

Yue Xiang LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): General skills, cast 0.4 seconds, cool for 25 seconds, consume MP13, duration 10 seconds.

Skill Description: Increase the jumping power within the height range of 20 meters, and the effect lasts for a while.

Throwing proficient LV1 (passive, need to carry throwing props, proficiency 0/500): General skills, instant, no cooling, consume MP1 seconds, increase 10% attack power.

Skill Description: When throwing, you can increase the attack power of the throwing props, and the props that cause 2 damages do not increase the attack power of the second attack.

Ancient memory LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): cast for 0.5 seconds, cool for 40 seconds, last for 20 seconds, consume MP10, increase intelligence 20.

Skill Description: Increase your intelligence and the effect lasts for a while.

Unyielding will LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): cast for 0.2 seconds, cool for 30 seconds, consume MP8 for 10 seconds.

Skill Description: If you are attacked by an enemy during a certain period of time, you will not interrupt the cast action.

Physical crit LV1 (passive, proficiency 0/500): Increases the chance of physical critical strike by 1%.

Skill Description: You can increase your physical crit rate when attacking enemies.

Magic Crit LV1 (passive, proficiency 0/500): Increases the rate of magical critical strikes by 1%.

Skill Description: You can increase your physical crit rate when attacking enemies.

Physical backlash LV1 (passive, proficiency 0/500): Increases the chance of physical critical strikes by 1.5%.

Skill Description: When attacking an enemy behind, you can increase your physical crit rate.

Magic backlash LV1 (passive, proficiency 0/500): Increases the chance of physical critical strikes by 1.5%.

Skill Description: When attacking an enemy behind, you can increase your own magic crit rate.

(2) Revelation skills:

Slow healing LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Revelation, cast for 0.8 seconds, cool for 10 seconds, last for 20 seconds, consume MP28, use 60 times / day, HP recovery total 33, range diameter 9M.

Skill Description: Slowly restore one member of a certain range to HP for 20 seconds.

Weapon blessing LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): cast for 0.5 seconds, cool for 10 seconds, last for 120 seconds to consume MP28, effective range: 9M, duration: 120 seconds, weapon attack increased: 1, weapon hit rate increased: 0.5%, strength increased: 4.

Skill Description: Increases the strength of a member of a certain range, as well as the physical attack power and physical hit rate of the weapon.

The increased physical attack power increases as the caster's physical strength increases.

When using this skill, it is not possible to forcibly interrupt the current normal attack action.

Purification LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): 0.5 seconds of application, 20 seconds of cooling, consumption of MP22, effective range: 9M, elimination number: 1, state change limit Lv: Lv19.

Skill Description: Eliminate all abnormalities in all players within a certain range.

The higher the skill Lv, the higher the abnormal state of Lv can be eliminated.

Angel blessing LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): cast for 0.5 seconds, cool for 10 seconds, last for 120 seconds, consume MP35, effective range: 9M, duration: 120 seconds, increase weapon magic attack: 1, increase intelligence: 9 .

Skill Description: Increases the weapon's magic attack and intelligence by a member of a certain range, and the effect lasts for a certain period of time.

Increased magical attack power and intelligence increase as the caster's mental value increases.

When using this skill, it is not possible to forcibly interrupt the current normal attack action.

God's Gift LV1 (Passive): Gaining God's gift can increase the resistance of all its abnormal states.

Pure white blade LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Instant, cool for 2 seconds, consume MP27, launch speed increase rate: 0, magic attack power: 130% + (independent attack power × 1.08), the enemy can not attack Time 0.5S.

Skill Description: Cohesive force draws a cross with both arms and forms a cross-shaped blade to attack the enemy in front. After hitting the enemy, it is subjected to no-magic magic damage and enters an invulnerable state.

Courage LV1 (passive, proficiency 0/500): Increase power: 65, increase intelligence: 65.

Skill Description: Only the gift of the sacred person of the high faith can increase his strength and intelligence.

Guardian gift LV1 (passive, proficiency 0/500): Increase physical strength: 20, increase spirit: 20.

Skill Description: Only the gift of the sacred person of the high faith can increase his physical strength and spirit.

Voice of the Sky LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): release 0.5 seconds, cool for 10 seconds, last for 120 seconds, consume MP35, effective range: 9M, duration: 120 seconds, increase HP maximum: 89, increase MP maximum Value: 89.

Skill Description: Increases the HP maximum and MP maximum for a member of a certain range, and the effect lasts for a certain period of time.

When the skill effect is applied and at the end, the ratio of the current HP value to the HP maximum does not change.

The increase in the maximum value of HP increases with the increase in the physical strength of the applicator; the increase in the maximum value of MP increases as the spirit value of the applicator increases.

When using this skill, it is not possible to forcibly interrupt the current normal attack action.

Victory Spear LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Instant, cool for 6 seconds, lasts 120 seconds, upper limit of gas storage time is 0.3 seconds, consumes MP32.

Magic attack power: 202% + (independent attack power × 1.68), the highest magic attack power: 302% + (independent attack power × 2.52), the upper limit of gas storage time: 0.3 seconds, the maximum number of puncture: 10, the maximum gas storage Maximum number of punctures: 16.

Skill Description: Throw a spear condensed by the divine power to the enemy, causing the enemies in the spear to be damaged by the light attribute.

The spear can puncture a certain number of enemies.

If you throw it after accumulating, the light attribute damage is greater.

Soul sacrifice LV1 (passive, start when falling to the ground, proficiency 0/500): Passive, duration 0.3 seconds.

Strength and intelligence increase: 16, physical and mental reduction: 13, hit rate increase rate: 1%, application rate increase: 0.5%, HP recovery: 168, MP recovery: 132.

Skill Description: The soul is cultivated to the extreme, reducing its physical strength and spirit, increasing strength, intelligence, hit rate and casting speed; when it falls to the ground, at the expense of 10 physical strength and spirit, the HP and MP of the surrounding players are restored, and the physical strength is lost. And the spirit will reply the next day.

Revenge of Light LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Release for 0.5 seconds, cool for 10 seconds, last for 120 seconds, consume MP45.

Effective range: 9M, duration: 120 seconds, increase magic defense: 300, when attacked by magic, lightning magic attack power: (independent attack power × 1.9), the probability of electric shock: 10%; duration of electricity: 5 seconds; Sensing power attack: (independent attack power × 1.52); Sensing power Lv: Lv21, lightning probability: 80%, direct attack, lightning magic attack power: (independent attack power × 0.63), lightning probability: 15%.

Skill Description: Increases the magic defense of a player in a certain range, and when there is a direct attack or a magic attack damage, there is a certain chance to drop the lightning of the light attribute magic attack to the enemy's position, and the effect lasts for a certain period of time. The Paladin is casting [Pure White Blade], [Spike of Victory], [Shrimp of Repentance], [Justice of Justice], [Holy Light Shield], [Holy Light], [Apocalypse Bead], [Gemini] Shield], [Scattered Glass] There is a chance that lightning will appear.

When using this skill, it is not possible to forcibly interrupt the current normal attack action.

Guardian badge LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): release for 0.5 seconds, cool for 10 seconds, last for 120 seconds, consume MP32.

Effective range: 9M, duration: 120 seconds, increase: 477 physical defense, 477 magic defense, 13 physical strength, 13 spirit, shared damage ratio: 15%, the maximum damage value: 363.

Skill Description: Increases the physical defense, magic defense, physical strength and spirit of a member of a certain range, and shares the damage suffered by this player in a certain ratio. The effect lasts for a certain period of time.

When the damage value of the [Guardian Badge] reaches the upper limit, the effect will disappear; if the HP of the caster is 1 or less, the damage of the player cannot be shared.

The increase of physical defense increases with the increase of the physical strength of the caster; the increase of magic defense increases with the increase of the spirit value of the caster.

Holy Light Cross LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Instant, buff lasts 20 seconds, consumes MP32.

Cross attack power: 456%+ (independent attack power × 3.8), Buff duration: 20 seconds; Buff effect overlap number: 2 times, attack power increase rate: 1%, teammate's attack power increase rate: 5.

Skill Description: Launch the Holy Cross to the front, causing the enemy to be dealt damage by the light attribute.

When you hit an enemy, you can increase your specific transfer skills and the attack power of the surrounding players. This effect can be overlapped up to 2 times.

When hit, you can increase the attack power of the Paladin's apocalyptic skills; the applicable skills are: [Pure White Blade], [Victory Spear], [Repentant Hammer], [Justice Trial], [Holy Light Shield], [The Light Ball], [The Pearl of the Apocalypse], [The Twins Shield], [The Light of the Light].

Rapid healing LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): 0.5 seconds of application, cooling for 10 seconds, lasting 1 second, consuming MP60.

Effective range: 9M duration: 1 second, HP recovery: 58.

Skill Description: Make one member of a certain range quickly recover HP, and the effect lasts for a certain period of time.

(3) Shencang skills:

Tiger attack LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Instant, cool for 5 seconds, consume MP15.

Physical attack power when running into the enemy: 92%+ (independent attack power × 0.92)

Number of attacks in running: 2 times

Physical attack power when throwing away the enemies: 230%+ (independent attack power × 2.3)

Indirect physical attack power: 115% + (independent attack power × 1.15)

Increased physical attack power after additional operations: 20%

Skill Description: Grab an enemy in front and run forward for a distance and throw away. It can cause multiple attacks on enemies hit in the running.

If you press the attack button in the forward, you will directly throw away the captured enemy. The enemy that is caught only has a damage judgment when it is thrown at the end, and the thrown enemy will cause additional damage to the enemy that hits it.

When you grab and throw an enemy, if you press the attack button, you can give the enemy more damage.

Grab judgment: You can grab the enemy of the hegemony and defense state, but it is invalid for a few enemies.

Straight punch impact LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Instant, cool for 3 seconds, consume MP15.

Attacks: 3 times

Basic physical attack power: 78% + (independent attack power × 0.16)

Last hit physical attack power: 156%+ (independent attack power × 0.31)

Increase crit rate at the last hit: 20%

Skill Description: A straight punch that gives a powerful power to the enemy in front, can form multiple attacks; the last blow has a high damage and crit rate.

When you become a Blue Boxing ambassador, you can force a normal attack and interrupt the ability.

The uppercut impact LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Instant, cool for 2 seconds, consume MP15.

Physical attack power: 245% + (independent attack power × 0.62)

Floating for 1 second.

Skill Description: After launching a forward attack on the enemy in front, you can use the uppercut to pursue.

(4) Exorcism skills:

Empty 斩 LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Exorcism, instant, cool for 2 seconds, consume MP, float for 1 second, attack power 110% +10 weapon attack.

Skill Description: Use the giant soldiers to attack the enemy and make it float. When launching, there is a hegemony judgment. Note: The Basket Punch cannot use this skill when the [Ideas Drive] has been cast.

Falling wind 锺 LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Instant, cool for 6 seconds, consume MP28.

Giant direct physical attack power: 144%

Shockwave range: 250px

Shockwave physical attack power: (independent attack power × 5.25)

Skill Description: After jumping, the giant soldiers will smash the shock wave to the ground and cause certain damage to nearby enemies.

You can choose the direction to move when jumping, but the Blue Boxing Sanctuary will not be able to use this ability when the [Ideas Drive] has been cast.

When you become an exorcist, you can force the normal attack to be interrupted and cast the skill immediately.

After the jump, the giant soldiers will smash the shock wave to the ground and cause certain damage to the surrounding enemies.

Ascendant LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): cast 0.4 seconds, cool for 5 seconds, consume MP28.

Magic attack power: 360% + (independent attack power × 0.9)

Floating force ratio: 100%

Attack range: 240px

Skill Description: Lift the sky in front and make the enemies in the array take magical damage while making them float.

When you become an exorcist, you can force the normal attack to be interrupted and cast the skill immediately.

(5) Demon skills:

Devil's Hand LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): Demon, cast 0.3 seconds, cool for 6 seconds, consume MP28.

Magic attack power when reaching out: independent attack power × 1.87;

Magic attack power when holding: independent attack power × 3.74

Binding odds: 20%; Binding Lv: Lv11; Binding duration: 2 seconds

Skill Description: Summon the Devil's Hand to deal damage to all enemies that touch the Demon's Hand.

The devil's hand reaches out and holds each attack judgment, and when held, there is a certain chance that the enemy will enter the restraint state.

When you change to become an avenger, you can force the normal attack to be interrupted and cast the skill immediately.

Demon LV1 (active, proficiency 0/500): cast for 0.5 seconds, cool for 10 seconds, consume MP0.

HP reduction: 375

MP recovery: 375

Skill Description: Convert a certain amount of HP to MP. If the current HP is less than the HP value required to cast the skill, this skill cannot be used.

When the Avengers use this ability, they can add a certain amount of demonic energy.

When using this skill, it is not possible to forcibly interrupt the current normal attack action.

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