MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 687 Moon and the goddess of hunting, Artemis

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impossible! !

Lilith saw that Wu Lingfeng was shocked when she came back to life, and her blood-dark arrow was able to continue to be normal. There were not many people, even the Lord God, which slowed down the death.

Fighting Lilith, need to pay attention to her blood-dark arrow, must be used to defend against it, otherwise, it must go to death.

The passage of time, Wu Lingfeng's ability to help him escape the end of a death, and this time, Wu Lingfeng also got a thing, he found the real body of Lilith, understand why her body can not be annihilated of.

It’s not that Wu Lingfeng can’t beat Lilith, but because Wu Lingfeng didn’t attack Lilith at all, what she slammed was only her shadow! ! !

This will explain why Wu Lingfeng slammed into Lilith's body, her body will turn into a pool of blood, and then condense in another place, in fact, the principle is very simple, can compare Lilith to a moon in the sky The shadow of her face reflected in the water is the object of Wu Lingfeng's attack. When the water surface is destroyed, the shadow will be 'fragmented'. When the water surface is calm, the shadow will be completely re-established.

Mirror flower water month!

Li Lisi in front of Wu Lingfeng is like a flower in the mirror. The moon in the water is generally similar, but it is incomparable.

This ability is quite a headache, how to crack it?

The night witch Lilith, the first witch in charge of the darkness, her power is as strong as the martial arts, the powerful and daunting, illusory beauty can not be touched, I do not know where it is, can only look back at the four wild.

How to find where Lilith is. Become the biggest task of Wu Lingfeng now, can not find her body, then it will always be in a disadvantage, Lilith is not wrong, she is a witch who has gone through battles. And Wu Lingfeng was in front of her, all the movements were known for a moment, and the combat experience was too much.

Wu Lingfeng looked at the space in front of him, the space of blood and sea, and his own dark continent vying with it. Did Lilith use the power of space? if so. Then his incomplete God State is a major flaw. There is nothing wrong with it. It must be a major flaw.

The incomplete God Kingdom is unable to figure out all the real movements, the defects caused by the incompleteness of power. The only role of the Dark Continent is to fight against Lilith’s Kingdom of God, but there is no way to find Lilith’s The real thing.

But if two complete gods collide. Lilith will definitely reveal her original body when she uses the technique of Mirror Water Moon, because the complete Kingdom of God can capture the real danger in a moment, and in the Kingdom of God, Wu Lingfeng can manipulate everything, and blood arrows can attack. It is a thing to him.

However, if the real collision of the gods is carried out, Wu Lingfeng is worried that his **** country can really fight Lilith's blood **** country?

No matter which choice of Wu Lingfeng. Lilith has an advantage. If the incomplete God State, Lilith can't destroy the core of the martial arts of the martial arts, it is easy to be attacked by strangeness; in the case of the complete country of God, Lilith will use her own country of God and Wu Lingfeng. If the kingdom of God collides and the core is destroyed, the martial arts of Wu Lingfeng will be completely destroyed. Although it can recast the kingdom of God, the first time will always be the best, and the second time will be worse than the first time.

But is Wu Lingfeng retreating in this way? Can't.

Lilith is obviously trying to get the strength of Wu Lingfeng not as strong as her strength. Although Wu Ling has created a world of dimensions in an unprecedented way, how much has his strength improved? There is no other growth beyond the basic understanding of the laws of matter and the laws of energy, in addition to the addition of a world of dimensions.

Perhaps Wu Lingfeng can hide in the Dimension World and not fight. That way, Lilith can't attack him, but once he escapes, is he still a king? If you fear that this kind of thing will happen, you will take root in the heart and not get any growth, and the growth of strength will become a problem.

Creating a dimension world is only a representative of Wu Lingfeng. It is sure to become the supreme god, but it does not mean that he is the supreme god. His real strength is only the stage of high-level gods, and Lilith, the first demon king who has experienced countless battles. Than, it is still a lot worse.

However, Wu Lingfeng will not be so good at rest. In addition to the Kingdom of God, there is a powerful power of the stars and catalogues. The power of the stars is not weaker than the Seven Stars, and it is much stronger. of.

"The sixth constellation - Cancer, the third form, the moon and the hunting goddess Artemis!!"

Since Lilith is the witch of the night, then Wu Lingfeng uses the same constellation catalogue to fight it, the moon and the hunting goddess Artemis, she is the symbol of the moon goddess in Greek mythology, Olympus XII One of the main gods, in addition to the title of Luna, she is also in charge of the moon and hunting priesthood, nursery rhymes.

Gradually, the whirlpool of stars in Wu Lingfeng began to surge, and powerful power was radiated from his body. There were also huge star catalogues in the sky of blood and sea. Twelve constellations quickly turned in the sky. .

Lilith's gaze was also attracted to the sky. She was very surprised to see the power of the mysterious stars in the sky, suddenly shocked, what power is this? It is a force that has detached from the rules of the world and bound. She obviously never saw this kind of power. It is not like the power of rules. Without any characteristics of attributes, the seven attributes are not occupied!

What kind of existence is this? Lilith didn't know what Wu Lingfeng was going to do, but she knew that it was definitely not a weak force. He felt a faint hunch in the vagueness. What is it?

At the moment of Lilith's doubts, the rapidly rotating star catalogue in the sky stopped rotating, staying in the sixth constellation, the position of Cancer, a golden light descending from the sky, and gathered in front of Wu Lingfeng to become a beautiful woman.

Her body is graceful, her legs are slender, her waist is slender, and her skin is fair and smooth. The whole body shines with the holy light of the moon; her eyebrows are embedded with a dazzling moon, indicating her sacred and inviolable identity; her brown curly hair has been hanging to the waist, fluttering in the wind, only when hunting The hair is **** with a ribbon; her eyes are as dreamy as the moonlight, clear and agile. The color is deep and secluded dark blue; her eyelashes are thick, her lips are small and tender, her mouth is with a proud smile, and her smile is full of feminine and with a hint of wildness.

She is - the moon and the goddess of hunting, Artemis.

It is as cool as the moon, and it has the nobleness and pride, solemnity and majesty unique to the hunting goddess, giving people a feeling that the moon is high and inaccessible. Therefore, her character has some cold and arrogant, not cruel. Artemis has a dual personality of being both righteous and evil, with both a gentle and kind side and a cruel and wicked side.

In an instant, Wu Lingfeng felt it. How powerful and powerful a woman is in front of this charming woman. Wu Lingfeng also knows some ancient Greek myths. Artemis has many titles, such as the goddess of hunting, the goddess of fertility, the goddess of dawn, the goddess of song and dance, the **** of medicine, the **** of death, the goddess of the moon, the **** of purification, etc. These titles represent her priesthood.

For a moment, Artemis turned to Wu Ling and said with full respect: "Father, listen to the call."

Lilith looked at the scene and suddenly shocked the woman that Wu Lingfeng called. The strength is strong, it is daunting, and Lilith has experienced the same night atmosphere from her.

However, unlike Lilith's night breath, Artemis's night breath is pure, and Lilith's night breath is full of evil. Two people are the two sides of the moon, good and evil. Two sides.

Is it really a reincarnation of the creation of power? Lilith couldn't help but ask in her heart that Wu Lingfeng created the second world, then summoned the stars, and then suddenly pulled out a powerful woman. These things have come together, and I have to make people think about it. Maybe it is really possible to be a reincarnation.

But no matter what, Lilith must fight it.

Wu Lingfeng looked forward to Artemis and nodded. Said: "You come to help me solve the enemy in front of me, she is also in charge of the existence of the moon, but it is the witch of the night, you have to be careful."

"Follow, father!"

Artemis nodded, elegantly turned, and looked at Lilith in a high-up posture. The sharp eyes instantly saw Lilith's own position, then she tightened her hair and turned it into a bundle. The wild long ponytail, which premons her to start fighting.

Lilith was uncomfortable with the sharp eyes of Artemis, and immediately began to attack, the bow of the dark night, the arrow of blood and darkness, and began to shoot. In an instant, the three blood-dark arrows hit the Artemis. The past.

Artemis did not have any fear, and there was a green arrow in his hand. Then three green arrows appeared in his right hand, bowing and archery, and three green arrows hit the moment...

The blood-dark arrow and the green arrow instantly collided together, and the blood-dark arrow and the green arrow instantly disappeared from each other. ,

Artemis knew that her strength did not reach the strongest stage, because her strength was affected by the power of Wu Lingfeng. Her strength did not reach the stage of the main god, but the stage of high-level gods, but even so, she I am confident that I will not lose, but I want to win. It is very difficult. The strength of the other side is very strong. The moment the green arrow touches the blood-dark arrow, she understands the power of Lilith.

Artemis, who is in charge of hunting, is extremely powerful in terms of bow and arrow, but Lilith is not in the same position as her archery. Lilith is also a hunting expert.

Lilith was even more shocked than Artemis, because this was the first time her blood-dark arrow was shot down. In her previous battle, no one could destroy her blood-dark arrow. There was no attack, and at most it was resisted by other forces, and Artemis destroyed the core of her blood-dark arrow in a flash...

Lilith has a feeling that Artemis seems to know that she is another, she has two amazing similarities, but this does not mean that Lilith likes Artemis, because she is the darkness of the month, Al Themis is the light of the moon, although the same as the hunting queen, but the different shades of light and light.

What Lilith really fears is that Artemis is only a stage of high-level gods, and she has the power that she does not want to go up and down. That is to say, the current Artemis is not full strength, and the power still has great growth. There is room, this means that Lilith is not as good as Artemis!

How can this be?

In any case, Lilith will not believe that this sudden woman will be stronger than her, she is the real night witch, the dark goddess, the hunting queen.

"The next turn is my attack. Since you are the opponent of your father, then I will bring death to the body."

The green bow disappeared into the hands of Artemis, and then a silver bow appeared in her left hand, and a silver arrow appeared in her right hand. This silver arrow, the arrow exudes horror Breath, the entire blood and sea space trembled, as if to struggle.

As a hunting hand, Lilith naturally understands all kinds of dangerous atmosphere, but now she feels the dangerous atmosphere is the most terrible one she has ever seen. The silver arrow gives her the feeling of death and destruction and plague curse.

Although Artemis is the pure goddess of the moon, but as a goddess of hunting, Artemis has a wild side, this cruelty is only revealed to his opponent, she is mysterious and dark, wrapped in incomparable A strong danger.

For a moment, Artemis started, the silver arrow hit the bow, and then the silver arrow hit the moment...

In the moment when the silver arrow is shot, one is two, two is four, four is eight...

In an instant, the arrow fluttered, and the silver arrow filled the sky, shooting at Lilith.

In an instant, Lilith’s face solidified, her soul was locked, and she could not escape the attack of the silver arrow. The powerful attack prevented her from escaping, and Artemis was aiming not only for her soul, but also for her soul. Aiming at the core of her blood sea world, it is really a sharp eye, once the core of the blood sea is destroyed...