MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 679 First Devil Lilith

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After winning the eight demon pillars, there are two demon pillars to be won by Wu Lingfeng. One is the devil pillar of the 14th demon **** Larkin, and the other is the demon pillar of the fifth demon **** Mar Bus. The demon **** column is to be won by Wu Lingfeng, but can he really win the two demon pillars?

The No. 14 Devil's Column, [The Cursed Arrow] The Devil's Column managed by Le Lajin. After this Demon God Pillar, Wu Lingfeng began the engagement of the crystal core. The ancient magic possessed by this crystal core is -

Secret * Rebel Arrow: Archaic Magic, summoning the arrow of slavery, has no difference attack on the enemy legion, can't escape, has a 30% chance to rebel after hitting the enemy, the rebellion effect lasts for three hours, can be used once a day.

The arrow of rebellion is really powerful. Although the surrender rate of 30% is a very low probability for a single organism, if it is different for the entire enemy army, 30% of the rebel rate, this is for a combat group. It is a very heavy blow. Maybe half of the soldiers may have died in the beginning of the battle.

After recovering the 13th Devil's Column, the last Devil's Column that can be recovered is the 5th Demon Pillar.


"Devil King, I personally suggest that you don't want to move the Devil's Column. The single-digit Devil's Column is centered on the Devil's Column. The Demon King has a map of the Devil's Column. The distribution of the Devil's Column can be seen as It is eight rings, from No. 1 Devil's Column to No. 72 Devil's Column, divided into seven groups, one group is surrounded by a ring, and we are now in the position of the second group of the second ring, then The Devil's Column from the first to the eighth is in the first ring.

The positions of the eight innermost gods are quite close. Bar, Agares, Samikina, Washak, Marl Bus (dead), Walliff, Amon, Barbatos are all eight together, and their strength is simply Unmatched power. and……"

Lella Kingdon suggested it.

"And what?" Wu Lingfeng asked.

"And the first demon king is probably going to be resurrected. She is an indefinite number. [Night Witch] Lily Li is the first female demon in the devil world. It is so powerful that I actually feel it, although the devil is ranked later. The stronger the strength, but the Lilith Devil is special, her strength is the same as that of the seventh devil, Lucifer, which is your complete physical strength, and in the prophecy of the Devil, she is the original wife of the Eighth Devil. It was already scheduled at birth.

When I trust you. Lilith has already begun to build her body in the **** sea. Is it probably finished now? So if he knows what's going on here, chances are that he is waiting for you in the fifth Devil's Column. It's worth mentioning that Marl Bus is the direct Demon Knight of the Lord Lilith, you killed the Marl Bus, maybe ......"

Lelakin said seriously, not like a fake.

Wu Lingfeng said with a little surprise: "The first demon king? How did I not listen to you before, she really resurrected?"

"Should be. You didn't ask before, I didn't say it, I thought you knew it? If there is no guessing, then the water goddess is probably resurrected? The goddess of water and Lilith have personal complaints. She probably already And Lilith is in the fight." Lelakin once again tells a major secret.

Wu Lingfeng thought about it. It seems that all this is the line with fate, why he can wake up the goddess of water. It turned out to be the reason. The first resurrected demon and the main **** were the first devil, Lilith and the goddess of water. The real war of the gods seems to have opened a new chapter, and the battle between the gods has begun to start.

"However. But I still have to go, not to enter the tiger's den, to win the tiger? And even if it is the first devil, Lilith, I want to see her, and the goddess of water has not seen it for a long time. If Lilith appears, the goddess of water will probably appear? Well, let's go into the Devil's Column for the time being, I am able to act alone, and mastered nine ancient magic, although some are war-like magic, but some are war-like magic, but There are still some powerful spells, and I have confidence." Wu Lingfeng began to move toward the fifth Devil's Column. Where can his constellation catalogue be strong, and soon he can know.

Fighting the real devil? Wu Lingfeng has a sense of excitement. When he fights with the strong, he can become stronger. How can he grow stronger without understanding the strength? Moreover, if he retreats, then he is really a coward, and he has mastered so many powerful forces, but still can't have the courage and courage to fight?

Lelakin nodded, confident? The representative of the Seventh Devil is the power of arrogance and self-confidence. If Wu Lingfeng retreats, will he look down on Wu Lingfeng? Regardless of whether Wu Lingfeng is really the seventh devil or a fake, as long as he inherits the will of the seventh demon king, confidence and arrogance, go ahead, devil adults.


The fifth of the Devil's Column.

"Mal bus is dead? Really regrettable, he probably wants to find the eighth demon king for me? I want to find the husband, Satan, you have already felt your great breath, hehe, I really want to meet you, wait, and I will pass away."

A girl with long green hair stood on the fifth pillar of the demon, full of enlightened look at the direction of the Dragon King, where there are people she misses.

At this time, a trace of spring water washed away in the sky, a soft-haired woman with silver hair appeared in the void, sitting on the spring water and looking at the green-haired girl at the top of the Devil's Column.

"Hey, Lilith, the time you wake up is really late, people are so boring, are you going to fight?" The silver-haired woman smiled and said, a water gun appeared in her hand.

The girl with green hair said coldly: "Agriana, don't you just have the old man of your human king to collect energy for you? Otherwise, I am afraid that I can't wake up now with your own power, huh, the main **** Even with the small human beings, your character is really low-end!"

The silver-haired girl smiled and waved her hand and said, "It doesn't matter, hey, who makes people like him, but Lilith, we may become a family, you can't say, you have to call me a mother?"

"The nonsense, who is your family? If you are willing to join the devil, I would like to be a sister with you, but you will not, one day, I will use the night thorn Wear your heart and make a specimen!" The green-haired girl suddenly said coldly.

"Cut, you listen to people to explain that the family's good, and the seventh devil merge, but the family's good to do the master, and then dramatic, the family's good and a magical witch combined, Then there is the Eighth Devil, so, people say, if you want to be the wife of the Eighth Devil, it is the daughter-in-law of the family, and naturally it is my daughter-in-law, hey, what do you think? Should I call a mother, so I will let the Satan Devil take you into the house." The silver-haired woman smiled and said.

"What messy things, I don't care how Satan was born, I only understand that he is my husband, you are less likely to climb with me, I hate you guys!" Greenhead girl frowned.

"Well, you don't want to do it, but the eighth demon seems to have a sister, maybe it will grow into a sister control, between the gods, close relatives can be married, then you have no status, 嘻嘻You said that with the nature of the Eighth Devil, can you tolerate other existence and stay with you? He must have liked his sister, and booked his sister as his future wife. It is very possible, oh Uh..." The silver-haired woman smirked and said.

The green-haired girl suddenly couldn’t stand it anymore. There was a long-blooded longbow in her hand, and she said coldly: "Shut up, Agria, you will die if you don’t talk, can you be quiet? , call again, I will shoot you!"

"Oh, still, don't, the husband of the family is coming. Let's test his strength first. I haven't seen him for a while. I don't know how far he grew up. If people are satisfied, they will follow him. Going back to warm the bed for him.” The silver-haired woman looked at the direction of the east, and the continuous space fluctuations continued.

The green-haired girl also looks at the East. A powerful wave is instantaneous, space magic, and the application is quite mature. A shuttle is a space a thousand miles away. It is simply a space mage.


After the volatility of the space stopped, Wu Lingfeng came out of the space. He had already felt two powerful volatility fluctuations. One wave of his understanding was that the goddess of water, Agria, was not wrong. Another wave of martial arts has never seen it. However, she feels like a boundless **** ocean. The strength of her strength is just like the boundless sea. It can't be touched!

"Goddess of Water, Agriana, you are really here, then the rest of this is..." Wu Lingfeng looked at the two women in front of them, two women standing at the top of the world, they represent this The world of Alemment is extremely powerful.

The green-haired girl caressed her soft hair and said, "Luo Xifa? Or is it the human king? I am the first devil, Lilith, the night witch, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and sure enough, you will come. Here, but what disappoints me is that your volatility is so good that it is a high-end demon, cut..." (To be continued.)