MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 652 The last light

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After the thorny flower empire was annexed by the Dragon Kingdom, only the remaining evil World of Warcraft troops and the Holy Light Empire remained in the north.

Charlotte was sitting on the throne with some embarrassment, buried her small head in her arms, and squatting on the table with some troubles. She was troubled if she was dealing with the Holy Light Empire.

Although Charlotte is now the queen of the dragon, it should be for the future of the dragon, but she does not want the emperor to end. After all, this is the ideal that the father and the brother have been insisting on, let the light continue Going on, but now is the end of the empire.

If you interfere with the whole process of the Dragon Kingdom for a bit of personal feelings, Charlotte feels that he will definitely blame Wu Lingfeng. Even if there is no blame, he will have a knot. After all, the husband and wife are united, and their profit is broken, but she can’t do it. If you are concentric with Wu Lingfeng, you really have the job of losing your wife.

"What's wrong, Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte, let your guardian knight come to worry about you..."

At this time, Wu Lingfeng smiled and walked in from the outside, went straight to the throne, sat next to Charlotte.

Charlotte turned his head and looked at Wu Lingfeng. He suddenly rushed into his arms and said, "Well, it’s so annoying, husband, what do you say people should do?"

Wu Lingfeng reached out and gently held Charlotte. He said, "Haha, isn't it the light of the Holy Light? If you insist on keeping the Holy Light, I will not refuse it. After all, you are a queen, I have to respect your opinion, but you To understand, without our power, what will the Holy Light become? In the end, it will be destroyed by the devil.

Or do you want me to help the Holy Light Empire to solve the demons and then solve the trouble. Let the girl of Juliana rule? Although this is fine, after all, I am your guardian knight. I still have to obey the orders of His Royal Highness Princess Charlotte. Then, let's talk, Princess Royal, what do you want to do for the husband? ”

Charlotte suddenly took a glimpse of Wu Lingfeng and said, "Hey, you are really, people are looking for you to discuss. You give this choice to others, and say what you have to promise, you are wronged, hate You don't take it seriously, people don't cooperate with you at night, really..."

Wu Lingfeng smiled and pinched Charlotte's little nose. Then he put away his smile and said seriously: "Charlotte, you have to make a choice. You choose to be the queen of the dragon, or the princess of the Holy Light. You have to choose your own. The light of the light cannot be dragged down. The devil is invading, although I love you to spoil you, but it will not destroy the whole future for you.

I just want to say if you insist on doing this. I will use the tough means to recover the Holy Light. You know my ability. Is it a peaceful end, or is it captured after trampling on the Holy Light? You have to be clear.

Juliana is seeing your essence, so I have been dragging it down with your hesitation. Her queen has not done enough. You are my weakness. Why don’t I give priority to the Holy Light? And choose thorn flower, just want to give you a transition time, are you still not ready? ”

Charlotte looks at Wu Lingfeng's serious look. If he takes care of his personal feelings or insists on it, although Wu Lingfeng will not have any reduction in her feelings, I am afraid that he will not let himself in the future. Come and do it.

Especially recently, the royal family joined a super talent who was in charge of state affairs, Cassilia, and solved hundreds of state affairs in one day, and the handling was perfect and excellent. She was the same as a processing team. Moreover, the handling of state affairs has been fully recognized by local governments and people.

After the army’s versatile talent from Scarlett, another new star in the political group of the royal family emerged. Kosiliya is a political **** in dealing with state affairs, and often can imagine some whimsy. Do not open up its path to deal with problems, the former royal treasury has been unable to make ends meet, but now, Kosilia took over government affairs for two days, the royal cashier's funds have been reduced by more than 80%, and will be a benign cycle of government and business Every department has achieved perfect communication.

Kosiliya recently applied to Wu Lingfeng for a system for assessing talents. He used different methods to test the candidates and actually discovered various talents. In addition to the talents in the state and government, Kosiliya He also unearthed talents in various fields such as civil engineering, construction, planting, water conservancy, criminal law, etc., and suddenly established the official departments of the dragon royal family, which has become a scale. She solved Charlotte for a few years. Things that can't be done, and these are just a few days to complete.

Moreover, Kosiliya’s overall situation is still very clear. She has taken a small incident with her, and then made a big fuss on the key points. In a flash, she brought the government system of the whole kingdom to life. Thousands of government affairs came to her hands. It seems that the moment has become something that can be easily solved.

Kosiliya is the political talent that Wu Lingfeng is looking for. In just a few days, Wang Cheng and officials from all over the country have met Koselia. Some difficult problems in various places have become simple in her hands. Things, and very reasonable solution.

Wu Lingfeng is a talented person. Recently, Kosiliya has gained more and more power. She climbed to the peak of Shenlong’s political group in a flash. Besides Wu Lingfeng and Charlotte, she is. Although Charlotte often supervised Corsilla, she found that Kosiliya was open and transparent, let Charlotte and others look at it, and would help them explain why she did it.

One of the most sharp artifacts of government affairs is that Koselia is open to government affairs. She treats all the government affairs that are handled openly and transparently. The government affairs handled every day are organized into a news column, posted in the whole city of Wang, and let the people watch. At the same time, someone was able to direct her to do something wrong. She gave the person a bounty of 10,000 gold coins, which completely attracted everyone, and these people found that they really could not pick out Koselia’s government defects, one by one. I am admired.

Wu Lingfeng is also quite admired for the way Kosili is dealing with government affairs. The means and vision of open government affairs are not something that everyone can do and think of, and everyone accuses her of the way of government affairs, which makes Wu Lingfeng I thought of a historical allusion learned in middle school, "Zou Ji satirizes Wang Nayong".

One of the words is that 'the group of ministers and the people, who can face the thorns of the widows, are rewarded; those who are ridiculous in the book, are rewarded; can be swayed in the city, the ears of the widows, receive the rewards, this The meaning of the sentence is that 'all ministers and officials can blame my fault face to face, give the best reward; those who exhort me to give me a medium reward; can talk about my shortcomings in public places, and make me hear People, give the next prize.'

This national policy made the country governed by King Qiwei strong in a year, and this allusion is an example of dealing with state affairs in the "Warring States Policy", and it is similar to the openness of government affairs and the participation of the whole people. Wonderful.

As a different world, Kosiliya can think of the same policy objectives as the strategy of governing the country in the "Warring States Policy" in Chinese history. It is simply a political genius, although Wu Lingfeng has studied "Zou Ji Zhe Qi Wang Nai" The text, but he did not really use it. He is good at military affairs, but he is still weaker in the national policy.

Kosiliya recently became pregnant again and was detected by the medical officer. This made her position rise again. The people who surrendered to the thorny flower faction of the Dragon Kingdom had great support for Koselia, and the original thorns. The identity of the flower royal princess gave it the support of some thorny flower factions.

However, Kosiliya let Wu Lingfeng reassure that she only promotes those outstanding talents. Those who are only flattering are all killed by her. The means are quite decisive, decisive and decisive, and they treat everyone equally. She will not be taken care of because some officials are thorny flowers. Those who bribed her, she killed directly.

It can be said that a king of thorny flowers has two important women who assisted Wu Lingfeng. One is the military genius Scarlett and the other is the political genius Corsilla. The two of them personally did not get the strength in the thorn flower. Wu Lingfeng excavated and became the help of his kingdom.

But the only thing that makes the rain and rain a headache is that Scarlett and Corsilla are not pleasing to each other. When they meet each other, they are fighting for each other. Leite bowed, but recently, with his status rising, Kosiliya got the favor of Wu Lingfeng, and suddenly and Scarlett racked up.

For the battle between Kosilla and Scarlett, Wu Lingfeng has no way to solve it. He can only go with them. Fortunately, one in the military camp is in the palace, it is not common, otherwise it will have a headache, and summer Lott, they completely ignored the battle between Scarlett and Corsilla. Charlotte and Helena are the sacred light system, and the thorn flower system has 'deep hatred', Scarlett and Cosili When Yada hits, they will be even more happy.

Charlotte looked at Wu Lingfeng's thoughtful look, and suddenly understood what this guy was thinking, it must not be her, it is likely to be Alto, Scarlett, Kosilia, and recently strong It was Coselia who was braving. It was her in all likelihood.

"You guy, who is thinking about the thorny flower of the princess? You are my guardian knight or her guardian knight, that guy is still pregnant recently, you are looking for a woman, I am hitting you as a bad guy..." Charlotte suddenly pouted a small mouth and used a small hand to beat the chest of Wu Lingfeng...