MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 616 Debate Master *Benobe

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For the excellent play, Wu Lingfeng is not included in the battle plan, and now he is not satisfied with the uncertain power of excellent, this operation is completely based on all reliable capabilities.

The ghosts of Gig, the corps of the time-stricken madness, and the death of the little darkness, based on the three of them, then eliminated the reinforcements of Bernobe.

Then Wu Lingfeng only brought 10,000 people, made 100,000 soldiers with ice illusion, confused the enemy, let the false soldiers inspect the enemy traps in front, and then the real soldiers took the opportunity to stand by, while the fake Wu Lingfeng died. Then he secretly dispatched, all he did was delay the time, waiting for the Jig, the time of the madness, the small dark three aspects of the army to solve the enemy, surrounded by the momentum, when the Nobel is to have the heart and lose of.

In order to win, Wu Lingfeng has also counted himself as a chess piece. Although it is only a false self, this is enough. Since it can't face the confrontation with Berno Bay, then it will not confront each other.

Wu Lingfeng never thought of himself as a heroism, because the surviving self-proclaimed hero was only a poor result. A true commander was able to judge the situation and rationally arrange it. It is indifferent whether the heroic is despicable in the process. What is important is that As a result, whoever wins is the master of this world, and the defeat of the king is nothing more than that.

"Play it well, good sauce, your words, I believe you can, know what, I have always understood you, people, because they know the goodness of life, they are not willing to die easily, your kindness, your Gentle, I understand. You don't want to plunder anyone's life, you want peace. But ah...

The world is in dire straits, just good. Can you save this world? So turning goodness into power, turning justice into a weapon, all evil is carried by me alone. For the good future of this world, even if I am a demon king, I am willing, because it is because of progress, people will grow up, precisely because of The bright flower of tomorrow will have a bright future. Work hard to grow, give me strength, I need you! ”

Wu Lingfeng grasped the excellent shoulders and said sincerely, but he could not help but feel that he was carrying out a brainwashing activity.

Nod nod, write on a small book: "Okay, if this is sin, let me bear it with you, for the sake of light and new life. Before the orcs did not lose their senses, but now they have become avatars, I will not It’s weak, let me help you...”

obviously. Wu Lingfeng’s high-education has finally received a return, and Yu has determined to help Wu Lingfeng. Then Wu Lingfeng’s side will have another powerful boost.

"Excellent is pure. Say it, sin let me bear it. You are still the purest summer flower, this thing always needs someone to stand up and lead a group of people to peace. But this is a **** evil road. Maybe a lot of demons or other enemies will die in my hands, but I will still plunder their lives without hesitation, because I want to build a better understanding, say yes, if the world is white and black, then you are White, I am black..." Wu Lingfeng said that he would embrace in his arms.

Youton seized the clothes on the chest of Wu Lingfeng and pouted a small mouth. This guy is really, always carrying everything on his own. How could he let him go so heavy? To accompany him, if you are summoned to the world, the reason is to save the world, join him and reach out to save the world.

I feel that Wu Lingfeng is at least gentle, because he did not use tough means to let himself set foot on this battlefield. He treated himself very gently, and even this time, he still has to bear sin for himself, whether he is out of What mood, she feels that at least she can believe him, believe in gentle him.

"For the country, for the people, for the future of this world, fight, I will follow you, please use my strength..." Yu wrote on the small book.

"Well, everyone will work together. After three days, the victory must be ours!" Wu Lingfeng nodded and said with a smile.


Dawn after three days.

A cold wind rushed past, it was already in the autumn season, the wind and rain looked at the sky, probably because of the reason that has been fighting, forget the passing of the four seasons, yeah, inadvertently, it is autumn Now, it is the winter season. The next battle, if it is carried out in the winter, may have some impact. Be sure to end the battle of the evil World of Warcraft before entering the winter.

"Everyone, starting, the team led by me will go for an hour, then you will follow each other, and each must complete the task. For us, there is no failure. The only thing that comes before us is success. Yes, it must It is a success! The dragon will win"

After Wu Lingfeng issued a combat command, he took the lead in riding Xiaohong (Fire Kirin) and ran forward. More wooden swords, excellent, Aria, Alice, and Aska led the 10,000 cavalry to follow Wuling's wind.

The 10,000 cavalry marched in a long row. At the same time, the unicorn horse was tied to the branches. The Wuling style imitated the trick of Zhang Fei, Zhang Feide in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. After the branches were tied on the horsetail, on the ground. If you drag it, it will bring up the dust. In this case, there is no way to tell how many people are clear. After all, the people who need such a large amount of dust should be a lot more, and at the same time, they will march forward and stretch the battle line. Will widen the enemy's field of vision, so that you can also confuse the enemy, calculating the above mistakes.

The reason for this is that Wu Lingfeng’s army has invested in the other three aspects. It has used 2.2 million soldiers in the three cities of Duolan City. This is already all the soldiers that Wu Lingfeng can dispatch. The fortress city is still With more than 100,000 soldiers guarding the city, these more than 100,000 soldiers must stay behind. It is also possible that the enemy will use the tiger to leave the mountain. They have to guard against it. There are more than 100,000 people. At the very least, the city can be kept intact, so that Wu Lingfeng can transmit it remotely. If you are ready, you can support the battle at any time.

At the same time, Wu Lingfeng also let the knights in the team scream two times from time to time to attract the attention of the enemy. The orcs can't be without the scouts. They are not completely idiots. The scout team should still be there to confuse these scouts for other. It is also appropriate for the three parties to fight for opportunities.

Gradually marching, Wu Lingfeng finally came to the 50-mile range outside the city of Duolan, and in front of them, the 100,000 orc army has been on standby, waiting for Wu Lingfeng to come.

"Substitution..." Wu Lingfeng said to the doll Wu Lingfeng that this one made by Alice is really very like, but it is even better.

"Well, hey, it's a pity. It's only a day's time, or a person who is about to die. It's really a terrible ending. Alice, you are so embarrassed..." The doll version of Wu Lingfeng suddenly resentful Alice said that the life doll is a life doll, he has normal thoughts, but the only thing he can't object to is Alice's command.

"Reassured, the wavelength of your soul I have already recorded, the next time will let you resurrect in other people, decisively to die ..." Alice stunned the doll Wu Lingfeng said.

"Well, Master, your order, I accepted, I will be screaming when I die, oh..." The doll Wu Lingfeng made a knight gracefully, grabbing Alice's little hand and kissing on the back of the hand. A moment, and then replaced the Wu Lingfeng on the small red back, and Wu Lingfeng replaced a armor, dressed as a bodyguard.

"Frost meter, Chen Long like flying, ice smashing, slap words, non-ice ice, non-glass frost, sly, faint and clear, the realm of frosty - the ice of the sky!"

At this moment, Wu Lingfeng suddenly used the sacred illusion, a icing of ice condensed out, and copied the 10,000-unit knight force into nine parts, which constituted a knight team of 100,000 people. Due to the improvement of Wulingfeng's ability, no frost and fog was formed. With only 90,000 illusionist knights, Wu Lingfeng is now able to manipulate the ice illusion at will, so that he can't see Wu Lingfeng's hands and feet.

Then 90,000 illusion cavalry came to the front, 10,000 real knights came to the back, so the first to die was the illusionary knight, the real knight survived, and the illusionist Wu Lingfeng can maintain a state of up to five hours, so there is no premature Use this illusion, but use it at the moment when this war opens.

After finishing this arrangement, Wu Lingfeng brought the team and the orc army to contact.

"Haha, the devil king is really refreshing, but it really came, and according to the agreement with 100,000 people, then now we can start the showdown, is the chessboard showdown."

At this time, in the army of the evil World of Warcraft, a tall fat man came out, a golden handsome robe, holding a scepter in his hand, and watching Wu Lingfeng suddenly smiled.

"You are what Benobey? Oh, it's so comfortable, I have seen a few devils in the devil world, but you are so fat, I saw it for the first time. Is the life of the devil world too comfortable?" "The doll Wu Lingfeng can't help but joking and sarcasm, obviously referring to the fat body of Bernobe...

When Bernobeton turned black, he hated others to say that he was fat and fat, even if it was a demon king, not to mention the rebellious demon, but did not need much respect.

"Hey, now you still have a mood to joke, and soon I will let you suffer, come out, Wang Zhiqi!!"

With the call of Bernobey, the staff in his hand suddenly gave off a strange magical wave. For a moment, the whole world was dark, and 100,000 orc cavalry and 100,000 human cavalry were suddenly wrapped in the darkness. Then a huge chessboard rises from the ground. The chessboard style is composed of sixty-four black and white grids, and the military of Wu Lingfeng and Bernobe are each divided into sixteen... (to be continued) ..)