MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 610 Excellent choice

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Wu Lingfeng led the soldiers of the Fortress City to drive the army to the north to collect the bodies of the soldiers who died, let them return to the intelligence of the motherland, and let them become heroes and heroes of the country.

This is Wu Lingfeng's thoughts from the heart. After all, how can he let these soldiers rob them to shed their blood for him?

There is no reason for a person to die. Wu Lingfeng just worked hard, just to work harder, to make the country more prosperous, or to make his throne more majestic and glory, and what is the source of all this?

Although Wu Lingfeng’s personal leadership is on the one hand, it is more of the soldiers’ hard work. They are on the battlefield for the sake of Wu Lingfeng. Yes, they are fighting for his country.

Wu Lingfeng is not a cold-blooded creature. He wants to do something for his soldiers. Even if it is for them to collect the corpse, as long as they can do it, they must do it. The soldiers have paid for him, and they only Someone left a thing, can't he do it?

When soldiers are killed in battle, they will definitely miss the land of the motherland. Will they think that they will die without harvesting honors?

One is the feeling of homesickness, the other is the heart of glory, two kinds of prayers, Wu Lingfeng responded to them, gave them the result of such prayers, brought their bodies to their hometown, let them sleep in their hometown, and gave them glory, the heroic monument, Inscribed in perpetual, worshipped by all subjects, this is what they deserve.

Wu Lingfeng wants to give himself a comfort and a witness to all the soldiers, let them witness that they are not ruthless people. Even if they die on the battlefield, Wu Lingfeng will let them return.

Marching all the way. Everyone is a heavy color, but there is a carriage that is ready to hold the body. It’s the only precedent in the world. It’s never been a monarch to say that it’s never been said that it’s going to be a thousand miles away to recover the remains of dead soldiers. This is what the monarchs think, the soldiers are dead. Dead, there are more soldiers.

Even the wise monarchs mourned at most, without any actual action in their eyes. As long as the so-called wise is to make the country prosperous and strong, and the people are well-being, it is good to work hard to shape this image. But what is this kind of prosperity and well-being?

It was the flesh and blood of the soldiers!

Wu Lingfeng never thought that he was a gentleman, but he at least dared to love and hate. At the very least, he had a conscience. Those soldiers who died for him would not let them die so badly. At the very least, they should guard the last. Honor.

An urgent march, and soon Wu Lingfeng they arrived at the first lost city base. What is presented to them in front of Wu Lingfeng is a shocking scene...

A broken arm, a residual head, and an unclear face...

Without a complete body, the orcs are completely killing them!

There are also some temporary residents living in the city. Because the place that was cut off from the north is already the place of the kingdom of the gods, but this does not live a large number of residents, human beings are still disgusted with the orcs. Therefore, only some migrants live because of the increase in the number of migrants. The land of the Shenlong Kingdom cannot afford the living of these refugees, so some refugees were distributed to the land...

These residents in the city also have no good results. One by one was divided into corpses, and even more, some people were peeled, the whole skin was peeled off, the situation of women was even worse, and the lower body was blurred. Some girls were even tied to The above is insulting...


Wu Lingfeng suddenly clasped his hands, roared, his eyes became scarlet, and hate was as long as the long river!

"A despicable orc, I will swear by Wu Lingfeng, this world, the orc empire will be removed from the map!!"

The soldiers were also red-eyed, holding their hands tightly, and now they want to find the orcs desperately! Kill them all into a river, kill them a hundred million corpses...

Wu Lingfeng turned his eyes and stared at all the soldiers. He said: "The hate will never wear the sky. From then on, the whole army will be a sinister, arm wrapped around a white towel, the orcs will not die, the white towel will be incomprehensible, and the soul will swear, the orcs will be destroyed. !!"

"The arm is wrapped around a white towel, the orc is not destroyed, the white towel is incomprehensible, and with the oath of the soul, the orc will be destroyed!!"

"The arm is wrapped around a white towel, the orc is not destroyed, the white towel is incomprehensible, and with the oath of the soul, the orc will be destroyed!!"


Suddenly all the soldiers angered and followed Wu Lingfeng roared, roaring and shaking the world, shocking!

"The cremation of the bodies of all the soldiers' brothers converges. When they go back, they are buried under the Heroes Monument. The tragic residents of the city also cremate them. They also bring them back, find a place to bury them, put away the sorrow, don't worry, hey, Soon we will let the orc empire be erased from the mainland!" Wu Lingfeng issued an order to collect the corpse, so many bodies are obviously not able to bring it back, must be cremated, and this is also to prevent those dark masters of the devil world to change them Into the undead...


All the soldiers nodded heavily, shaking their hands to clean up the broken limbs on the ground...

At this time, Wu Lingfeng brought the best to her side, let her look at the horrors in front of her eyes, and took a deep breath and said: "Excellent, I don't want to force you anything, because you are such a pure girl, I Since you are summoning you to the world, you must guard your purity. I understand that you don't want to fight, so I always let you avoid the battlefield, but...

But ah, the world is in dire straits, the devil's invasion, like today's horrible situation will happen from time to time, I need your strength, I need you all to help me fight, to fight for a more beautiful tomorrow Fight to build a perfect world.

I haven’t had so many crises before, so I’ve been patient and have kept you pure and alive, but...

But now it's different, you know? Now I am like walking on the tip of the knife. I don’t know when the foot will be broken, knowing when it will bleed, and mine is the epitome of the world. The world like me does not know when it will be hurt, and every time After a single injury, a large number of people will die for it.

You used to be a person in the underworld. I can say that the world must be a bad guy in the world, and all the people on the mainland are good people, but at the very least, what we are carrying now is the expectations of the people of this country. We must guard them. We can't let them suffer for us. We must lead them forward, and we must make the world a better place.

Come help me? Fighting for the beauty of the world, all the evil darkness makes me bear alone, I am carrying your heavy fate, I will share everything, and can you fight for me? ”

I look at Wu Lingfeng’s serious and hopeful eyes. I don’t know how to answer. She doesn’t want to fight with Wu Lingfeng. After seeing these horrors in front of her, she also feels shocked. The behavior of the evil World of Warcraft is totally disrespectful to her. The behavior, such a presence should be dead, but the word 'death' is very heavy for her. Although she has a strong spiritual power, she will be painful to use this power. Is this probably a punishment for her powerful strength? The power behind the powerful force is that the aftereffects are very big. Every word of her words will be realized, so she can't talk casually, and her power is mainly this spiritual skill...

"I will give you time to think about it, how to choose it or stay with you, and continue to choose to maintain a calm life. Yes, it is ok to fight side by side with me." Wu Lingfeng said with a deep breath.

Advantages nod, take out a small book and write: "I don't help you, let a person die, I will have a headache, and the tolerance is limited. At that time, I am tired of you, I want to help you, but I……"

Wu Lingfeng thought about it and said: "It will be painful to continue to let people die. Then you don't have to say that this word is good. You can help us to limit the actions of the enemy with spiritualism, as long as the enemy's state is weakened. Just fine, you don't have to say 'go to death', and you still have the professional skills of the soul reaper. You can use this professional ability to kill opponents. If you want to, you can't do anything."

Youton suddenly stunned his head and thought about it. He suddenly felt that Wu Lingfeng had a reasonable reason. It would be nice not to die, but her language power is world-class. If she speaks, it will affect everyone. Power will also work for Wu Lingfeng.

In the underworld, the king of the underworld will kneel down to her, calling her the center of the world, and the superior power level is world-class, affecting the spirit of the whole world, set high...

"But my language power will have an impact on the people around me. You will also be affected by the power of my words. What should I do?" I wrote on my own small book.

When Wu Lingfeng saw it, he quickly said: "It doesn't matter, we are a team. This is a system setting. Players in the team will not attack each other. You just saw the battle of several of us. You are completely It’s a random battle. My magic doesn’t affect them. Isn’t Gig’s ghosts hurting others? So your power won’t affect us anymore, and you can When you are spiritual, add some major terms, such as the orc, and say 'orc xxxx' is good, isn't that simple?" (To be continued.)