MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 605 Archaic array

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Beliya suddenly felt amazed. The only person who can turn the creature into a lich is the one who is proficient in the undead alchemy. This kind of person is probably only available in the devil world. Wu Lingfeng must have been associated with the existence of a certain demon world. .

And Belle just received the information from her other body, that is, the black angel. Lelakin was defeated. The war died in the hands of the seventh demon king of Wu Lingfeng. If the general Wu Lingfeng said what he said, then it is very likely that Lila Kim is surrendering to this guy.

This made Bellia shocked. Lehkin is much stronger than her. It is a high-level god-like existence, and it ranks as the fourteenth demon god, although the devil's exclusion is generally seen as strong and weak. Belle herself is much more powerful than many of the devils in front of her, but the guys in front of this row are different. Lelakin is the fourteenth demon god, a high-level deity-like existence, and its strength is strong. Beliya is not an opponent at all. The cursed arrow is listed in Larkin. Legend has it that if it is shot by its arrow, it will be converted into his undead attendant.

Wu Lingfeng actually conquered Leilajin, this thing is really shocking, a little clues, Beria has learned something from the Wuling vent, combined with his previously known Soul Soul, probably can be determined to be Leilajin No doubt.

"What is your choice? Miss Angel?" Wu Lingfeng looked at the look of Belle, and thought she was afraid of herself. If she became a lich, it would definitely make her fear.

"My choice won't change unless..." Beliya suddenly said.

"Unless what?" Wu Lingfeng asked.

"Unless it is me to be your teacher's mentor, lead him to the light. Although very helpless, but can not stop his birth. But at the beginning of man, **** is good. I will guide it to the road of light Don't you want him to become a complete demon?" Bellia suddenly said.

"Teacher? You want to be my son's mentor? Hey, as you are, you are interested in managing me. It is time to save me." Wu Lingfeng did not imagine that at the same time. This child is the devil in the future. The king of God is all his own choice. Beliya is willing to be his mentor, so she is free. However, his son will not be completely handed over to the angels. When her teaching can be successful or something else.

Beliya nodded and said: "If a normal baby lacks nutrition, then what the child lacks is dark energy. Pure dark energy needs mana crystallization, and the quantity will not be less..."

Mana crystal, nothing more than black small crystal blocks and large crystals, this is simple.

“How much?” asked Wu Lingfeng.

"About at least 10,000 yuan?" said Beliya, thinking.

"What is this big?" Wu Lingfeng took out the **** crystal. This kind of thing should be much stronger than a small ingot?


For a moment, Beria's eyes were straight, and she said with amazement: "This kind of thing, this kind of thing. Impossible, how can you have this kind of thing? Even if the Lord God wants to break the existence of the head, how can you ?"

"How many pieces do you want. Don't worry!" Wu Lingfeng said with a frown.

"Twelve, the utility of this kind of thing is more powerful..." Bellia suddenly had the idea of ​​selling to Wu Lingfeng. There is also a greed in her heart, the existence of such a large crystal. It’s not that simple thing, even the main gods have to fight for the broken things. I didn’t think that Wu Lingfeng actually had such a thing. This is really a local tyrant. It’s a blessing for the Satan’s demon to follow such a local tyrant. Judging from the tone of Wu Lingfeng, this kind of thing seems to be worth mentioning to him. He gave up, and Belleya really wants to sell it to Wu Lingfeng. With the dark big crystal, she can quickly Growing up to a high-level god, even if it is the Lord God, it is very possible to have such things to help comprehend, and improve the success rate of the law of creation.

"Give, twelve, give me immediate treatment..." Wu Lingfeng once took out twelve black large crystals and placed them in front of Berry.

Beliya nodded and said, "Can you ask unrelated people to go out? You need this quiet environment."

Wu Lingfeng waved his hand and signaled that everyone else had left, and he stayed. He had to supervise the guy of Berea, saving her what her hands and feet were.

"To help take off her clothes, I want to build a magical array..." Beliya said to Wu Lingfeng.

Wu Lingfeng nodded, there is nothing dissatisfied, as long as Beliya can save the poison island scorpion mother and child, it is not a good thing to bear the call from Berea.

Came to the poison island scorpion, Wu Lingfeng gently soothed her smooth face, said: "Dear, to support, soon will be fine, you and the child will have nothing, I promise, so we must insist. ”

After that, Wu Lingfeng began to reach out to untie the clothes on the poison island scorpion. Looking at the body of the poisonous island scorpion, Wu Lingfeng’s heart suddenly raised a **, but he completely suppressed it. After all, this time is not to think about this kind of thing. Time.

Beliya began to draw a magical array on the ground, a magical array of twelve stars, with a strange symbol on each of the twelve stars, a dark element rune.

In this world, there is a more ancient batch of texts, which is still a long time ago than the divine language, the dragon language, the ancient elf language, etc., that is the elemental language. After the birth of the seven elements in heaven and earth, the seven elements The rune composed of meaning is the element of the Taikoo language. This is the oldest language, and Belliya has just studied it. The dark element language is only less than one or thirty. Dark elemental language, but it can also be seen that she is amazing. In this world, she only knows this dark elemental language, let the Satan demon more deeply awaken, then use this dark elemental language to increase its power more powerfully. .

Dark Elemental Language, Archaic Magic Array, Black Elemental Crystal, everything is the highest in the world, and Belle's body can't help but tremble. The great Satanian demon makes the humble Berea open the ultimate for you. Let the darkest road absorb the purest power of darkness, and the future of this world will be dominated by you!

After sketching out the magical array, Bellia suddenly took off her magical robe, and then she had to make a blood sacrifice. The blood sacrifice must be pure and virgin blood, and there must be nothing to cover her pure body.

The magical array of the ancient times generally required blood to carry out the rituals, stimulating the rules of the heavens and the earth, and applying the rules to them.

Standing in the middle of the magic circle, Beliya began to pray, and the bright wings behind him suddenly shook...


A humming sound, high and low, with her singing, the ancient magical moments on the ground flashed purple and black, and the twelve dark characters of the twelve-pointed star suddenly became a dark dragon, followed by a drop. The blood dripped out from the body of Beria, the blood of the imperial angel flowing in her body, but it was very weak, but this blood is also higher than the golden blood, because it is very useful for this magic array. The ancient blood is often able to awaken the power of the will of the Archaeological Magic...

With the outflow of blood, the blood of Belleya covered the magic lines of the magic array, and the whole magical array flashed a more powerful light. At this moment, the small face of Belleya was pale to the extreme, and the whole body was unable to sit. On the ground, then I was weak and said to Wu Lingfeng: "Bring me out, then take your wife to my position, and finally put the dark crystals into the mouth of the dragons, so that's fine, and finally just wait It’s good to turn dark crystals into energy in your wife’s body...”

Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but appreciate the body of a Beliya chick again. It was really a blessing. But what makes Wu Lingfeng puzzled is why this guy knows this kind of dark magical array. It is said that angels hate the dark power, and look at Bailey. Ya is doing her best, as if there is no contradiction to this kind of thing. At this moment, Wu Lingfeng could not help but ask himself in the bottom of her heart. Who is she?

Putting down doubts, Wu Lingfeng took Berea out of the magic array, then took out a bottle of life potion and poured it into her mouth. He said, "Don't die, Miss Angel, I want to hear you call me master." Oh, huh..."

"Cut, care about me, it's better to care about your wife. Come on, my blood has time to consume. If the energy is consumed, it will be troublesome. Come on..." Beliya suddenly said Wu Lingfeng, but said She turned to surprise the life potion in her hand. After drinking it, the blood consumed by her body was instantly filled up, and even more powerful is that there is no impurity. Such a pure life medicine is simply a fetish. Wu Lingfeng is a good guy. There are so many things, let her continue to be surprised, what good things do he have? It is simply a mobile treasure house of the creation god.

Then Wu Lingfeng placed the poison island scorpion in the center of the magic circle, and then put the twelve dark large crystals into the mouth of the twelve dark dragons...

When the last piece of black crystal was put down, the whole magical array burst into a strange purple light, and the whole world became dark in a flash. All the surrounding palaces disappeared, and some were just endless darkness. The shining magical array on the ground, a will that oppressed everything was born, Wu Lingfeng and Belle could not withstand the strong pressure, they fell on the ground... (to be continued.)