MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 47 Doll: Very good and very powerful

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The foreign currency is called magic gold coin. The value from low to high is gold coin, dark gold coin, crystal coin, and purple crystal coin. The ratio of exchange is 1:100. Gold coin is the lowest grade currency.

Wu Lingfeng viewed the gold treasury of Stark City in the city's main government. There are nearly two million gold coins. Wu Lingfeng exchanges all the gold coins into game gold coins. If necessary, it will be exchanged. It is good to know BenQ City. The small vault also received, and they gave them to them in vain. It was a big loss.

Four first-level doll design drawings, Wu Lingfeng all bought it, and began the first doll production in the meaning of life.

The first character to be produced, Wu Lingfeng chose the elementary division of the ice tower Talaku, and remembered that it was about the same as the LOLI magician in DNF. I don't know what it will look like now.

The materials required by the members of the Ice Talakus are: an ordinary adventurer soul, 3 primary protein oils, and 5 brilliant tulips.

In the sub-professional store, the ordinary adventurer soul sells 100 gold coins, the primary protein oil sells 50 gold coins, and the beautiful tulip sells 50 gold coins. Seeing here Wu Lingfeng can't help but speechless, I go, a production material needs 500 Gold coins, although I don't know the price of gold coins in this world, but 500 gold coins should be quite a lot?

Well, in order to make a great doll, Wu Lingfeng decided to spend money, and how to make it without spending money?

After buying a piece of material, Wu Lingfeng began to make it. Putting these materials in front of his hands covered his hands and began to condense. He slowly cast his own magic, which is different from the game. The production doll here needs to continuously output MP.

The light blue light slowly released from the hands of Wu Lingfeng, and the materials gradually became merged. Perhaps because of the power of the output, Wu Ling’s head was sweating. He could not reach out and wipe it. ......

"Oh, mental energy is not concentrated, production fails, please continue to work hard..."

The material in front of the eyes turned into gray dust in a flash, Wu Lingfeng could not help but speechless, I went, no wonder there was no hint of success rate and failure rate. It turned out that all of them must be mastered by themselves, halo, wiped some sweat, and the five hundred yuan was gone. , the system of potholes, you have not prompted, ah, come again...

So Wu Lingfeng once again spent 500 gold coins, bought a piece of material, and began to concentrate on the output of magic. This time, he had a lesson, sweating on his head and not rubbing it, and concentrated on making it.

"Oh, the production was successful, and I got a member of the Talakuyu member of the ice..."

About five minutes later, the system prompts, Wu Lingfeng finally looses his breath, wipes the sweat on his forehead, the pile of materials in front of him is gone, some are just a white shading card, the card shows a small The look of Loli.

With a sigh of relief, Wu Lingfeng felt that his future life would be boring. It takes five minutes to make a person-level doll. What if you make eight-level nine? one day?

However, after boring, you can summon LOLI sauce out, and Wu Lingfeng immediately picks up the card and enters the magic inside...


For a moment, a little red rose wearing a blue gothic skirt appeared in front of Wu Lingfeng. Xiao Loli’s eyes were a little confused. After seeing Wu Lingfeng, she stiffly called the “master”.

Sure enough, IQ is lacking, but the sound is quite nice. Wu Lingfeng looks at her attributes through the right eye:

Doll: Ice Talaku

LV: 25

HP: 1000

MP: 5000

Magic attack power: 200

Physical attack power: 100

Independent attack power: 2000


(1) Sky Strike LV1: Combat Magic, Instant, Cool for 2 sec, consume MP6, attack power 100% + 214, increase attack speed 0, float for 1 second.

Skills and Techniques: Use the weapon to hit the enemy up and make it float. If you press and hold the up and down direction keys when you start, you can slide to the side and return to the attack.

(2) Frost Snowman LV1: Elemental Magic, cast for 0.5 seconds, cool for 1 second, consume MP20.

Duration: 1.6~2.4 seconds

Inducibility ratio: 100%

Magic attack power: 114% + (independent attack power × 0.29)

Magic attack power up to the upper limit of gas storage: 228%+ (independent attack power × 0.29)

Frost snowman size ratio: 100~120%

Deceleration duration: 2 seconds; reduced movement speed: 12%; reduced attack speed: 4%; deceleration Lv: Lv11

Freezing probability: 7%; freezing duration: 1 second; frozen Lv: Lv11

Maximum gas storage time: 0.6 seconds

Skill Description: Launch a frosty snowman with ice properties to keep track of enemies at the closest distance; you can change the launch height when launching. After the gas reaches the maximum value and is launched, there will be an ice explosion and the enemy will enter the deceleration state and the frozen state. If the wind is activated, the snowman is more powerful; but if the frozen Lv and the deceleration Lv are smaller than the enemy's Lv, the effect will be reduced.

(3) avatar LV1 (passive, start when falling to the ground): combat magic, instant, cool for 30 seconds, consume MP20.

Stiffness after teleport: 1 second

Summon Beast Buff Effect

Buff duration: 20 seconds

Increase the movement speed: 3%

Increase attack speed: 3%

Increase power: 15

Increase intelligence: 15

Player Buff effect

Buff duration: 20 seconds

Increase the movement speed: 2%

Increase attack speed: 2%

Skill Description: You can borrow the substitute grass man to avoid the enemy's pursuit when you are attacked by the enemy or fell to the ground.

When teleporting, you can press the arrow keys to move to the corresponding direction; if you do not press the arrow keys, the default teleport is backward.

If the summoned beast eats the scarecrow, it will increase its power for a certain period of time; if the player eats the scarecrow, it will enter an accelerated state.

There is an invincible time of 0.5 seconds after the teleport, but it will appear rigid for a certain period of time.

This skill cannot be used while it is being crawled, frozen, dizzy, petrified, sleepy, and tied.

(4) Ice wall LV1: Elemental magic, cast for 1 second, cool for 15 seconds, consume MP60.

Magic attack power: 720%

Duration: 4 seconds

Ice wall HP: 1283

Movement speed reduction rate: 30%

Attack speed reduction rate: 30%

Skill Description: Summon an ice wall around itself to give the enemy ice attribute damage and shake the enemy away. It can protect our army from the ice wall from long-range attack damage and reduce the movement speed and attack speed of the enemy entering the ice wall.

After a certain period of time, after being injured or attacked by fire attributes, the ice wall will disappear.


There are a total of four skills, all of which are very powerful, and the magical attack power of 200 is really good and powerful. It is more than three times more powerful than Wu Lingfeng’s current magical attack. Of course, this is only Wu Lingfeng’s unequipped wand. Said in the case.

The ice wall is a skill that can be released by a senior magician in this world. It is very good to cast advanced skills in one second. With an ice wall, it is easy to trap the enemy. Slowdown is not blowing.