MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 34 King's

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Chapter 34—The King’s

Charlotte was very unsatisfied with Julianna’s look at Wu Ling’s hot eyes. She stood in front of Wu Lingfeng and blocked Juliana’s gaze. She said, “What happened to my sister, I’ve been staring at others, but it’s very impolite."

Juliana smirked, then immediately faded her expression and said: "He may not have much time for his father. The doctor said that his life can only be earned for a month, so we ordered us to speed up the battle. Presumably, Alex. Keke brother has already captured the first city, and my subordinates have already engaged in a fierce battle.

One month, one month later, we must determine the position of the throne. I will come over to inform you in advance and be mentally prepared. When the time comes, the father will collapse, so..."

"What..." Charlotte suddenly worried. "No, I remember when he came out, he could still walk normally. How can he, no, no..."

Juliana snorted and said: "No matter what you think, this is already stereotyped. In a month, work hard. When the new king is born, the Holy Light Empire will have a new ruler. ”

Charlotte couldn't help but open his eyes and looked at Juliana in disbelief. He said, "Don't you..."

"Hey, I guess it is not good, little Charlotte, my sister, I am leaving now, I wish you good luck..." Juliana said, sneer, walked out of the city seat, gently ate the whistle, gold armor The Griffin descended from the sky, carrying Juliana's fierce flapping wings and flew into the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye over the city of BenQ.

"Impossible, how can she be like this, crazy..." Charlotte suddenly sat on the bench with a disappointment, crying with a small face, thinking of his father's love for her, tears could not help a string Dripping down.

"What happened?" Wu Lingfeng asked.

Helena waved at Wu Ling and signaled him to go out and let Charlotte quiet for a while.

Wu Lingfeng nodded, and Helena walked out of the house.

"Well, should you talk to me?" Wu Lingfeng looked at Helena.

Helena nodded and said: "In fact, Princess Charlotte is probably guessing that Princess Juliana should quietly frame the King's Majesty. In fact, this is also a long-lost relationship. Juliana's mother was once drunk by the King. Manslaughter, so the Grand Princess has always hated.

His Majesty the King knows his fault and has always preferred His Royal Highness Princess Juliana, all kinds of rewards...

However, hey, finally, Princess Royal Princess Juliana still retaliated against His Majesty the King, and the King’s Majesty must have been the default. After all, he killed his own lover, and he was atonement.

In order to grasp the greater power, His Royal Highness Juliana began to use various conditions to make powers. Harmony is the most powerful magician family of the Holy Light Empire, in order to obtain their support...

Her Royal Highness Princess Juliana killed her beloved lover and walked along with the heir of the Southorn family. From this moment on, she completely changed her appearance and began to recruit her talents everywhere. The talent of the empire is also willing to be fascinated by her.

Like Miss Xiania, Princess Juliana is one of the four royal empire knights. The existence of the golden stage is the princess of the princess, so her voice is getting higher and higher, and her wisdom is also very good, holy light. The ministers also praised her a lot. ”

Wu Lingfeng couldn’t help but sigh. Hey, the donkey is not voluntary. But Juliana is also awkward. She actually killed her lover. With this in mind, she left everything, and the mind has gradually distorted, but who It will be crazy to encounter such a thing, and it is very painful for my mother to be killed by her father.

"Well, I can't look back. This great princess is really poor, but it's also awful. How is it now? In this way, finally Princess Charlotte is finally unable to escape her evil hand. How about the big prince?" "Wo Lingfeng said."

Helena nodded and said: "His Royal Highness and the little princess were born by the same mother, but the Queen's Highness died when the little princess was born, so the Grand Prince did not hate the little princess, but did not want to see it. To her, because she remembered the Queen's Highness, she would resent the little princess.

What is worrying is that the big prince's body has been weak, and there is no opinion, gentle, but hesitant, and in the end I am afraid it is impossible to escape the princess's palm. ”

Wu Lingfeng can't help but sigh, I went to a sly, this king's family is really miserable, everything is there, living in such an environment, as if everyone is an enemy, what is this what, Really TMD is messy.

"Oh, well, now I am also clear, then at present our most important thing is not to attack the thorny flower empire, but to consider how to escape from the Holy Light Empire. I thought I could follow the little princess behind me. I didn't expect it." It’s really a headache to meet such a thing.” Wu Lingfeng scratched his head and said.

Helena nodded and said, "Well, I have already thought about it. I think that once the king is gone, he will take His Royal Highness Charlotte to the southern kingdom, the Gaudí Empire, who believe in the gods, and the empire has a big size. The small kingdom, accepting all kinds of races, is chaotic, but also free.

We can go there to avoid the national disaster, and there are the strongest magic schools in the mainland, and there are many ancient ruins, you can take risks, and it is very good to spend a lifetime there. ”

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said helplessly: "Well, let's fight slowly, then wait for the opportunity to escape from the Holy Light with Princess Charlotte, although one of my dreams is to have a territory of my own, but I can't drop the Princess's Highness, no matter what, I am her guardian knight, my motto is that beauty is more important than everything else. The Princess is lovely and beautiful, and I willingly follow it."

Helena snorted and said, "Don't think about it, you don't have Winnie..."

Wu Lingfeng waved his hand and said: "Okay, it is impossible now. After all, she is still the Princess Her Royal Highness, but it will not be in the future. I can pursue her in the name of finding a magician partner, and the pink hair and eyes are my best. I like it, if you don’t look at Charlotte’s cute and charming, I won’t be a guardian knight.”

Helena looked at her short brown hair, snorted and walked away...

Looking at Helena's angry look, Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but tease her and said: "I like brown too, Helena is also a beautiful woman, how about, like Winnie, when my girlfriend..."

"Who...who wants...when..." Helena couldn't help but blush with a small face and ran away, shy.