MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 121 Five gods - avatars! !

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The twenty-first chapter of the five gods - avatars! !

(Seeking the recommended ticket collection, thank you for the sky, the asdf349, the wind and the flowers, the little age, the big love, the sorrow of the Arc de Triomphe, the reward of the pirate heart children's shoes)


Charlotte's vertigo made Wu Lingfeng suddenly worried. He covered the magic of the light system on his hands and passed it on to Charlotte. Although he would not purify the magic of the light system, the magic of the light system would always be Some use it.

Sure enough, Charlotte's negative state was dispelled by the light magic, Charlotte's face was also rosy, and then she quickly spread the water system to the whole body, preventing the invasion of poison gas.

Galen looked at the poisonous gas and frowned, and the right hand held the cross on his chest and shouted: "Purification!!"

Suddenly the white light flashed, everyone's body covered with a layer of golden light, the state of poisoning gradually declined, but not completely removed, Galen is only the third-order degree, and the strength of the huge carrion is fifth-order, poor Two classes, but the role of purification is still reflected, everyone feels the spirit of a shock, temporarily do not have to worry about the invasion of poison gas.

"I am going to start attacking, haha, watching the first-level students show their talents, there is some itch in their hearts, haha..." Dionysian Maxwell said with a big smile, put down the barrel in his hand.

"Please..." Brigitte featured the head, let Maxwell test the strength of this guy.

Maxwell nodded, and the flames were even worse. The whole person turned into a fireman in a moment, and then his body squatted, and a large number of fire attributes began to emerge.

"The plexus is the birth of the flames, the flames of the thorns, the birth of 10,000 | Sheng Xiaguang, want to pass the clouds of the heavens, the waterfalls of the flying waterfalls, 呜哼 哈 哈, magic inflammation - blazing the flames of the palm!! ”

As Maxwell sang, his eyes suddenly turned into flames, and then the whole body turned into a stream of flames, flew into the sky, then fell down from the sky, his hands covered with flames, and gradually his hands became A huge flame cloud hit the huge carrion.

Wu Lingfeng feels the hot air, I can't help but be a little surprised. It seems that this guy who has been drinking is also very powerful. I have never seen him shot. This time I saw it, it is really amazing. This is the strongest magic school. With generations! !

"Oh..." The huge carrion felt the energy fluctuations above the head, and suddenly lifted the shield in the left hand to resist.


When it was said that it was too late, Maxwell quickly descended from the air, and the huge fire cloud condensed in his hand and the white bone shield of the huge carrion violently collided together, and a huge vibrating sound broke out in a flash, the huge carrion The legs sank to the ground, and Maxwell hit the ground in the ground. A mass of flame spread over it and began to burn its body.


The huge carrion suddenly became angry, and the bone hammer in his hand quickly rose, hitting Maxwell in the past...

Maxwell didn't think of such a huge body, it actually reacted so quickly, it was so powerful, the flames on the feet condensed, and the huge bone hammer gently left its attack range, but for some Maxwell. There was also a spurt of blood, and the strength of the bone hammer was too strong, and his internal organs were shaken.

"Good, not normal, be careful, and I feel that the dark purple eyes on the head have the effect of disturbing the mental power, can not look at its eyes, or the magic will be disordered." Maxwell concluded.

Brigitte nodded and said: "Well, if this is the case, then everyone will take it all together, don't leave it, I probably perceive the necromancer, just nearby, quickly destroy this dirty guy, then the undead mage Get out and finish the mission back to the college. The air here is really bad, hate..."

The other three students nodded and began to cast spells.

"The ancient rhythm of the wind, the wind blade in the gap of the space, Hua Yu Tian Xiang, glass time and space, invisible, colorless, four times and degrees, rhythm string playing, law, condensation, law, knot, The law, the heavens, the law is invisible, the law is through the heavens, the command is made - the wind is the sword!!"

Brigitte raised her cyan sword in her hand and sang loudly. Her whole body glowed blue, and the space above her head fluctuated drastically. A piece of blue wind blade emerged from the space. The cyan swords in the hands of Brigitte were condensed, and the long swords became bigger and bigger. Finally, they reached a length of more than ten meters, and the two swords condensed on the sword. Gently flicking and playing a nice ringtone...

"Go to the wind sword!!" Brigitte threw the huge cyan sword in his hand to the huge carrion.

A dozen-meter-long cyan sword, slamming the wings of the wind to attack the giant carrion, every time flapping the wings can make a beautiful sound...

The huge carrion seems to feel the power of the huge magic sword, and once again raises the bone shield in his hand to meet the wind sword, but this time it is wrong, is Brigitte's full-strike attack so easy to resist?


The wind demon sword and the huge bone shield collided together, the real is deadlocked, and then the wings on the wind demon sword gently vibrate, suddenly penetrated the bone shield, plunged into the body of the huge carrion, giving it the body Come on a pair.

"Tian Shen Ming language, flying away from Sidu, popularizing Tianhua, the white tiger of the West, the fire of the Suzaku in the south, the green wood of the dragon of the east, the ice of the northern tortoise, the magical power of the gods, the flying sword of the man The sky is full of whispers, the sun is flying, the dragons are flying in the direction of the sword, and the magnetic swords are flying in the disk. When the annihilation comes, the five gods - the singularity of the heavens!!"

After Brigitte, Jian Ningxue also began to attack. A singer sings like a stream, gently screaming, stimulating the heart, the sound is like the beautiful bird song, but there is no warmth, some are just cold and endless. Lonely!

With the singing, Jianning Snow is like a fairy in a sword. The clothes are fluttering, and the flying Feihong flies into the sky. The whole space becomes colorful. On the top of Jianning Snow, a huge yin and yang disk emerges. The sacred shadow of the beast began to condense.

Then Jian Ningxue's body became five, and became five Jianning Snow. Five sacred beasts were injected into the body of five Jianning Snow. Then the swords in the hands of five Jianning Snow became various. Color energy sword, white, red, black, green, yellow, five energy swords.

Then the wind raged, five Jianning Snow looked at the huge carrion indifferently, and gave a soft voice, gently waving the sword in the hand, because the speed of waving is too fast, resulting in a residual image of the sword.

Then the five-way energy sword slammed on the body of the huge carrion, and the five-colored light flashed. In the surprise of everyone, the body of the huge carrion was turned into pieces, and the huge carrion in the sword and sword had turned into pieces. .

Wu Lingfeng and everyone else are a little sluggish, this is over, a move is ko, too powerful, then a huge carrion, called a carrion, Maxwell’s attack did not hurt it, Bly Gite’s attack only made it seriously injured, and Jian Ningxue made it into pieces. ? ? ?

Brigitte and the other third-class students suddenly looked at Jian Ningxue. Obviously, the magic that was just was definitely a second-order magical guide. That is to say, Jian Ningxue has entered the realm of the magician, the magic guide. Can only issue a first-order magic guide, second-order magic guide can only be a magician.

Jian Ningxue did not care about the surprised eyes of everyone, but looked at a corner. She knew that the necromancer was hiding there, and the five swords and snows overlapped. The energy sword in her hand became a sharp sword, facing The place where the Necromancer hid was lightly pointed, and a snowy silver energy sword shot out...


The undead mage, who was hiding in the corner, screamed in pain, his chest was penetrated, and a lot of blood flowed out. Then he looked at Jian Ningxue with fear and turned into a black mist disappearing...