MTL - Demon’s Diary-v7 Chapter 1525 put all one's eggs in one basket

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Liu Ming heard the words, his eyebrows picked up slightly, and his mind suddenly appeared in the moment before the space cracks were swallowed up. It seemed that he saw a figure of a powerful man.

However, with his cultivation and experience at the time, naturally, there is no way to think too much.

Speaking of it, he was not the first to hear about Shuguangshan.

At the beginning of the day, in order to compete for the nine-color spirit deer cubs of the yin-nine master of the secluded peak, he had a fight with the disciples of Haoran College.

The referee of the day was a young monk from Shuguangshan.

It seems that these monks are not the ones who do not show up in the mountains. It is really not to be underestimated.

"The Cliffs of the Holy Ghost came to the end of the world and displayed the magical powers of the gods. The mother of the locusts that had almost broken out of the world was sealed again in a different space. Even the four evils, such as the blood ancestors, were sealed together by his old man. However, the Holy Lord finally entered the alien space personally, and at the last minute, he had to stay in the space for eight hundred years to completely stabilize the seal. I hope that the four Taizongs will be able to The other locusts in the mainland have been cleared, and they are still in the middle of the day." Yu Qingshi said slowly.

Liu Ming’s face is full of attention, and the rest of the things that Yuqing’s teacher said are not known to him.

"Since the Cliffs of the Holy Seal sealed the mother of the locusts, why did the Terran League fail to expel the locusts on the mainland?"

"The big battle of the day, although it ended in the victory of the Terran League, but it did not completely smash the locusts there, but the monks of the various factions not only suffered heavy damage, but even connected the mysterious powers to the digital, it can be described as both losses."

"After the alliance spared no effort to kill the locusts, but the locusts around the mainland have not been reduced with the mother of the locusts, but there have been several passages in other parts of the mainland, and countless locusts have poured into the mainland. Although there is no longer the existence of the eternal life mirror, the locusts in the heavens and the circumstance still appear from time to time."

"In the following hundreds of years, the Terran Alliance launched a long battle with these locusts, but the two sides were almost evenly matched, and they could not completely crush each other." Yu Qingshi said with a bitter smile.

Liu Ming's brows are slightly wrinkled, and his heart is dark and somewhat awkward.

As a member of the human race, although he is involuntarily, he is considered to be a stable day in both the wild continent and the Wan Mou continent. However, the Terran of the Zhongtian continent is struggling to resist the invasion of the Yi people.

"The successive years of war have made the mainland's original prosperity no longer exist, and the mainland's pattern has undergone tremendous changes. Most of the small and medium-sized forces and scattered repairs are attached to each of the four Taizong, the Eight Great Family, and the Wanda. Under the influence of the party, some mortal cities and towns began to migrate to the surrounding sects, because only in this way can they be blessed and survived under the ravages of locusts." Yu Qingshi said so far, the look is bleak.

Liu Ming heard this and slowly nodded. It is no wonder that he did not see any people on the road. He only saw a big city next to this wonderful courtyard.

"This situation has finally changed a little more than a hundred years ago. After many sacrifices, the Terran Alliance finally defeated the cross-border locusts bit by bit and successfully sealed several large-scale snails. The wormhole channel. However, seeing victory in sight, the situation in the mainland has changed dramatically again." Yu Qingshi sighed too much.

“What happened again?” Liu Ming’s heart moved, and it’s faintly guessed, but it’s still going to be clear in the future.

"About 100 years ago, in the depths of the Jiufeng Mountain Range in the southwest of the mainland, there was a huge space crack in the sky. In these cracks, every time a comet will fall, each of the comets will be There is a monster of half man and half silkworm, which is cultivated above the true Dan, and some even reach the heavenly and even the heavens."

"Predicted the predecessors also guessed that these monsters are the kind of monsters that the predecessors only saw, Qufu. And these Qufu, it seems to reach a certain alliance with the locusts, often appear together, and advance together." Yu Qingshi Too much to say.

Liu Ming sighed low and low. As early as in the secret of Tianmen, he heard the ancient secrets of the Qufu invasion, and naturally felt the horror of this monster.

The Zhongtian mainland is also a lot of fate. It is actually a wave of unrest, and a wave of ups and downs, and even encounters alien invasions, first the Yi people, and then the Qufu.

"The addition of these Qufus and the aliens has made the great situation of the Terran Alliance fall into a disadvantage again, and the locusts have revolted. In the past 100 years, the loss of the Terran Alliance has become more and more serious, and many of the 10,000-year-old tyrants have been destroyed. Taizong is a big loss of strength." Yu Qingshi said with a sigh.

"I don't think the situation is so bad now that it is so bad. But the appearance of these songs is probably not accidental?" Liu Ming brows and wrinkles, seems to think of something general.

"There is still no evidence for this matter, but I am afraid that it will not be able to get rid of the mother of this locust. The two communities should have reached an ulterior agreement."

“In the past ten years, the space cracks in the Qifeng Mountains have become denser and more dense, and they have begun to connect with each other, forming a larger crack. And in the near future, they began to spread from those cracks. It is no less than the horror of the mother of the locusts. According to the general abilities of the genus in the league, it is speculated that Qufu, a mother whose strength is no less than the mother of locusts, is about to break through. "Yu Qingshi’s eyes are emerging. Uneasy look, said in the mouth.

"In the meantime, the Terran Alliance has been letting the space cracks in the Qifeng Mountains remain?" Liu Ming said with a frown.

"It’s natural to manage, but I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. There are several wormhole passages around the Qifeng Mountain Range. Several raids have failed. In addition, the Terran Alliance has been coping with the safety of the major factions. I have been unable to take control of the situation in the Fengfeng Mountains."

"Since the Sufeng Mountain has heard the suspicion of immortality, the four Taizongs have decided to make a desperate attempt to organize a big counterattack to completely seal the cracks in the Jifeng Mountains. The digital elders of this school have also rushed to the Union, only Yu Yuni stayed in Zongmen. If it wasn’t for Liu’s predecessors to help, this court will also suffer from the catastrophe.” Yu Qing’s teacher said this, once again, he once again bowed his hand.

In fact, she did not say that, in order to defeat Cheng Cheng’s final battle for this time, the Terran Alliance has given up many 10,000-year-old and Terran city pools, letting them completely fend for themselves.

I am afraid that today, there are many assaults of locusts like Tianfeng City today, but they have fallen because of the lack of guardian strength of the ancestral gates, and thousands of people are completely licking for locusts.

"Yuqing Daoyou don't have to be like this. Even so, Liu will not delay this, and will also rush to the four major Taizong Alliances to make a contribution to this action." Liu Ming heard this and immediately stood up. Get up, Shen Sheng said.

"Liu's predecessors have been arrogant, and they can naturally make a strong contribution to the league. That is not enough to save. I hope that Liu's predecessors will go all the way." Yu Qingshi stood up and said with both hands.

Liu Ming’s eyes were slightly moving, and nothing was explained.

After asking about the current camp of the Terran Alliance, he got up and left the Miaoyinyuan, turned into a black light, and quickly disappeared into the distance.

Yu Qing master too visually saw Liu Ming disappear, some helplessly sighed, and whispered a Buddha in the mouth.


After leaving the wonderful sound house, Liu Ming hesitated, and the light went directly in the direction of Taiqingmen.

From Yuqing Shitaikou, he knows that the Terran Alliance is now located in the central part of the mainland, and is now gathering the final strength to make final preparations for the final battle.

However, before that, he decided to go back to Taiqingmen first.

From the South China Sea to the Zhongtian Continent, the Yuqing Master took Liu Ming and the Indigo for a few years, but now Liu Ming is fully rushing, and after a few days, the Taiqing Gate Gate is already far away.

Above this road, naturally encountered a lot of locusts and Qufu, he rushed to hurry, all the way to avoid avoiding, it is impossible to release the scorpion and Feier.

With the strength of the two-headed pets, it is naturally no problem to deal with the ordinary locusts. It is also good for their future breakthroughs while increasing their practical experience.

The Wanling Mountain Range, where the Taiqing Gates Gate is located, seems to have no longer been prosperous at the moment. Some of the city's cities and towns near the Wanling Mountains have been closed down, and they are like a depression.

Liu Ming did not stay outside the Wanling Mountains and went straight to the depths of the mountains where the Taiqing Gate Gate was located.

After flying for a while in the Wanling Mountains, Liu Ming’s brows gradually wrinkled. On this road, even a Taiqing disciple did not encounter it. It was quiet and quiet everywhere.

His brows wrinkled slightly, speeding up the dawn, and soon came to the Zongmen, his face slightly stunned.

I saw that the entire Zongmen Gate of Taiqing Gate was covered with a layer of blue-colored gazette light, which was covered in it. It was only a very close distance, and it could not be seen farther away.

The entire Taiqing Gate was sealed by a seal and the portal was closed.

"Is there something out of Taiqingmen..." Liu Ming's brows were slightly wrinkled, and his body was flashing. The whole person was turned into a near-empty form, and he flew directly toward the blue sky.

This is a kind of magical power that he realized after he entered the eternal life.

The body is turned into a state of near-spirituality, and the ordinary banned ban is in vain in front of him.

However, when Liu Ming’s body touched the blue sky, Xiaguang immediately ignited a soft and green awning. A soft and elastic stretch was released from the ban, and Liu Ming’s body was also resisted.

Liu Ming’s face showed a strange look, and the body slowly turned into a physical body.

This cyan Xiaguang ban was so mysterious that even he could not sneak in.

Liu Mingwei sank, he took out his secret disciple token and waved a black light. The token suddenly shot a black light and illumined the Xiaguang ban.

But after a while, the blue glow did not mean to open.

(Forgetting to read the Forbes annual popular writer voting page, has been chased after less than 100 votes! Brothers and sisters have tickets, don't forget to go to the home page of the site!)