MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3300 Professional League Concept

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  In this society, special people are a minority.

  Exchange good books, follow the vx public account. [Book Friends Base Camp]. Pay attention now and receive cash red envelopes!

   But in this family, ordinary people have become a minority.

  Chen Zhao hopes that this child is capable and talented.

   rather than an ordinary person.

   "Do you have a way for ordinary people to gain abilities?" Chen Zhao asked.

  Friga glanced at Chen Zhao: “Don’t you have it too, why do you even ask me? You and I know the answer to this kind of thing.”

  Chen Zhao fell silent, and it was of course possible for ordinary people to gain abilities.

  At least now Chen Zhao can.

   But to give something, it must have a price.

  Maybe it's life, maybe it's something else.

  Chen Zhao shook his head, forget it.

  The child has not been born yet, so I want to do so much.

  “In fact, you don’t have to worry too much. In theory, the stronger the child’s parents are, the harder it is to produce offspring. But in the same way, the stronger the child’s parents, the harder it is to produce mediocre offspring.”

  At this moment, a car came outside.

   "You have guests here."

  Chen Zhao nodded, at this time the car had already started.

   "Hi, Chen." Steven got out of the car.

  Chen Zhao also greeted him, and Steven suddenly discovered that there was a floating black dome behind Chen Zhao.

   "Huh...what is that? Is it the thing in the news yesterday? Why is it here for you?"

  "Have you forgotten, I am an expert in handling such things."


   "What can I do today?"

   "Come and see you, do I need a reason?"

   "You really don't need a reason to come to see me, but you certainly won't come to me when you are busiest. Last time you didn't even have time to call."

   "Three episodes of the documentary have been cut, and now you can find TV stations and video platforms to broadcast." Steven said.

  In fact, based on Steven’s reputation and commercial value.

   Even if nothing is shot, someone will invest.

   even sell a good price.

  But Steven obviously didn't want to do this.

  He prefers to edit the finished product first.

   Then take the finished product to sell the price.

  Of course, he also believes that his works can be sold at a better price.

  Steven came over today with a sample and gave Chen Zhao a look.

  The three episodes of the documentary started with Wu Daoren.

  First, Steven enters the mirror and meets with an old friend, Wu Daoren, who has been for many years.

  During the conversation, Steven saw a statue of a strange beast.

   Then in Wu Daoren’s explanation, Steven also learned about the existence of prison.

  The first episode is just a glimpse of the jailbreak.

  But in this episode, the function of getting through prison has been explained.

  Guard the cracks in **** and avoid the existence of malicious human beings from entering the world.

  In one episode, the main line of the story is drawn, and at the same time, the audience is interested in the story.

  Because the vast majority of audiences in the world now only know the supernatural realm, but they don’t know enough about the supernatural realm.

  So people are full of curiosity about the supernatural realm.

  Steven’s two consecutive documentaries are actually taking this bonus.

  The market has scarce resources, and I have the resources in this respect.

  So as long as the shooting is not bad, almost no money will be lost.

  Plus Steven’s personal fame.

   will naturally generate a larger topic level.

  Chen Zhao watched three episodes.

  Even if he knows the whole main line of the story.

  Still interested in the following content.

  Not to mention someone who has never watched the main story.

  So Chen Zhao still made some comments from the perspective of the audience.

  "At present, I have released the news. In the next few days, a TV station will come over to discuss the purchase of broadcasting rights. I handed over China’s broadcasting rights to Wang. He is more familiar with China’s operations than I am."

  With the base of the first documentary, the Amon chapter, the price of this jailbreak chapter must be higher than the Amon chapter.

  After all, the social influence caused by the Amon chapter is immeasurable.

  Far beyond the original purchase price of the TV station.

  So this time Chen Zhao and Steven are preparing to make a fortune.

  As for negotiations, Chen Zhao does not need to worry about it.

  Steven has a more professional team.

   "Chen, remember what we said before, form the World Supernatural Fighting League."

   "Well, have you contacted the celestial master?"

   "Yes, I have contacted, and the Byfra and the 23rd Blood Mary, we have all contacted, but they all asked me to form a team first."

"Nonsense, building a team is not a problem at all for us. We only need a phone call to form a top team. As the initiator, you are an outsider. Of course, they won't just agree to you. You must have at least one team of your own, and then contact them to discuss the event."

   "Of course I know the truth. I have actually been looking for suitable psychics these days. I have looked for more than a dozen people now. I don't know if they are suitable."

  Steven looked at Chen Zhao. It was obvious that he was not only bringing Chen Zhao a sample documentary this time.

   Still look for Chen Zhao as a coolie and help him review those people.

   "All right." Chen Zhao nodded.

"But what you said last time is that to form a league, you must first have a clear level division. At present, there is no clear level division in the spiritual world. Basically, the level is divided by realm, while the eastern and western levels are divided. There are also certain differences, how do you think it is divided?"

"First of all, the level represents the level of the league. Just like basketball, there are middle school leagues, high school leagues, ncaa and nba. You definitely don't want to form a low-level league, so you need to find top-level psychics, so you need to set up Set a standard and determine the level of the psychic based on the magic power, defense power, and offensive power."

Chen Zhao paused, and then said: "I can provide equipment for testing magic power. The first is to eliminate the existence of too high magic power. Those with a magic power value of more than 100,000 are considered super existences and are not suitable for competition. They affect the competition too much. There are too few such psychics, and they cannot be less than 50,000 mana. The mana is the most suitable in this area. At the same time, they must test their defensive power and offensive power to fight against them. Preliminary assessment, as well as the configuration of the team, will also be a kind of fun for the audience. They can't participate in the game in person, but they can have fun through discussion, tactical analysis, and intense and exciting battles. Attract the audience."

   "Chen, you come to be the coach of my team, and the partner of the league, you also know that I am a layman, I don't know anything about it."

  "Let’s take a look at the members of your team first, and see how you look at selecting people."