MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3267 Shiratori

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"I'm fine, but are you sure that the two of them can hold the sky thunder?"

In addition to things like Thunder Tribulation that will be triggered in certain realms, there is also a small probability that it will happen when other realms break through.

However, if there is a thunderstorm, this probability will happen with great probability.

And today is Kaiyuan Day, the time when Yin and Yang alternate.

Reiki is in an unstable state.

Attracted by this qi-changing machine again, he encountered thunderstorms again.

Almost 100% will happen.

Chen Zhao didn't think that such low-level sky thunder could cause harm to him.

After all, Chen Zhao was a person who had experienced two complete baptisms of the Heavenly Tribulation.

However, whether Shao Jiaqiu in the center of the array and the undeveloped two-legged snake can hold it, then it's up to fate.

If there is a life of winning the 5 million lottery, it is fine.

Otherwise, it almost ends here.

"Mr. Chen, can you really handle it?"

Although Chen Zhao's cultivation is high, it doesn't mean he can hold it.

You should know that many masters were killed when they helped people carry the thunder.

So Zhou Yiren was not sure whether Chen Zhao would be able to handle it.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

"Then if I lead the sky thunder to you, is it okay?"

Chen Zhao hesitated for a moment. He could hold it, but that doesn't mean that he would give Shao Jiaqiu and the two-legged snake top the tank.

He is here to help, not to blame.

"Mr. Chen, our special affairs department will take care of Wutai Mountain." Zhou Yiren said.

Chen Zhao was a little surprised: "Is this snake monster that important?"

"Mr. Chen, do you agree?"


Zhou Yiren smiled, Shao Jiaqiu originally invited him to expand his influence.

The two-legged serpent evolves into a dragon, and there will be good benefits in terms of strength.

At the same time, it will be one of their signatures, and with Shao Jiaqiu, it will also have a good response.

Therefore, keeping the two of them is an important strategic deployment of the Special Intelligence Department.

Of course, it should be said that the two of them deserved to let the Special Situation Department go back and work against Wutai Mountain.

It is definitely not worth it.

But even if nothing happened today.

He also wants the Special Situation Department to push the cylinder.

Because this is the intention of the Longhushan Tianshi.

Simply put, this time the Longhushan Tianshijiao was taking advantage of the weakness of Wutai Mountain.

Then use the Special Situation Department to weaken the influence of Mount Wutai.

If all the old monks in Mount Wutai were still there, Zhou Yiren would definitely not dare to accept this instruction from the Heavenly Master Longhushan.

But now the old monks on Mount Wutai are all dead, and the remaining little monks are out of luck.

Then there was news that the monks from Mount Wutai had come out to do bad things.

Then it was destroyed by their special department.

What will happen to Wutai Mountain and Zen Buddhism at this time?

Come out to the Special Affairs Department for justice?

Zen will definitely be afraid of the special sentiment department that can wipe out Wutai Mountain.

Besides, since people are dead, Zen will naturally not make an appearance for Wutai Mountain.

As for the group of young monks in Mount Wutai, they would die if they dare to come out.

Of course, not all of the Special Situation Department is used for the back.

The Special Situation Department will naturally gain a wave of prestige by taking advantage of this.

After all, the Zen leader can be rubbed on the ground.

Naturally no one dares to ignore the combat power of the Special Intelligence Department.

In the past, the status of the Special Situation Department in the China Spirit World was actually a bit awkward.

On the one hand, it is the court department.

Many people in the supernatural world regard them as imperial eagle dogs.

So there are not many masters in the Special Situation Department.

Most of them belong to the middle class, which is less than the top and more than the bottom.

When you encounter a big group, you must admit it.

For example, this time when the monk Wutaishan came to Chen Zhao for trouble.

They also pretend to be blind, indicating that they have not seen it.

But now it's different. The old monk is dead, and the remaining young monks don't need to worry.

Naturally, Chen Zhao didn't know the way.

It is true that the Special Affairs Department is really willing to spend such a large amount of money in order to save this person and a snake.

"Mr. Chen, this is a lightning rod, you hold it in your hand..."

After another ten minutes, the sky had begun to rain heavily.

And this is also a sign of heavy rain.

Before long, the rain began to pour.

The rain is getting heavier and the wind is getting worse and worse.

And in the wind and rain, the black clouds in the sky began to surge with thunder.

Chen Zhao continued to press the instrument with one hand, and continued to deliver mana.

Holding the lightning rod in the other hand, he held it high above his head.


A beam of light fell from the sky.

The loud noise was accompanied by a huge impact.

Shao Jiaqiu and the two-legged snake in the center of the array were frightened by the terrifying sight.

They have never seen such a terrifying lightning.

And this is not on the ground, but on people.

Fortunately, Chen Zhao's location is 50 meters away from them.

Otherwise, I was afraid that they would be affected just now.

But even so, under such a powerful sound and light, the impact is amazing.

Shao Jiaqiu's hair stood up, shivering in the rain.

The two-legged snake is not much better than her.

It was completely driven to the shelves by ducks.

If you knew there would be such a terrifying thunder robbery.

Killing it will not agree.

But now we can't do it.

Now it has only two ways to evolve to become the coveted dragon.

Or die here, there is no third option.

When the thunder light faded away, Chen Zhao stood still.

Even the instrument in front of him was not damaged.

But the ground on which Chen Zhao stood was cracked like a spider web.

Shao Jiaqiu and the two-legged snake looked at Chen Zhao dumbfounded.

It's like looking at a monster.

"Convergence, give me an honest stimulus, if I fail, I will stew you regardless of life or death." Chen Zhao said lightly.

The two-legged snake had weak legs, and he found that Chen Zhao was the most terrifying.

At this moment, the sky was brewing thunder again.

Chen Zhao looked up at the sky. At this moment, the soul of the white roc bird in his body was about to move.

The various colors of the Dapeng birds in Chen Zhao's tube are directly called colors, plus a bird.

For example, the soul of the white roc bird, Chen Zhao directly called the white bird.

Chen Zhao took the opportunity to release the white bird.

The white bird directly turned into white light and went straight into the sky.

Just as the sky thunder fell, the two white lights collided.

And the two did not dissipate, but Shiratori absorbed the sky thunder and was still rushing higher.

Zhou Yiren was a little surprised, what is that?

Because Shiratori was so fast, he only saw a white light rising from Chen Zhao's body.

Thought it was a spell.

Shiratori wandered in the thundercloud.

Tian Lei never left a trace.

Everyone can only see the white light swimming in the thundercloud.

The two-legged snake's transformation process is slow.

So Leiyun stayed for a long time.

Shiratori seems to be absorbing the power of the thunder in the thundercloud to strengthen his spiritual body.

However, now the white bird only has a spiritual body and no body, so it is destined to be unable to become a true mythical roc.

Because to become a mythical roc bird, one must first have a body and blood, and only a soul is not enough.

(End of this chapter)