MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3256 Pleasant

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Chen Zhao looked at Shao Jiaqiu with a smile.

Chen Zhao only gloated at Shao Jiaqiu.

Although I don't know what happened to Shao Jiaqiu.

But Chen Zhao would not help Shao Jiaqiu.

If she didn't make her lunch on the spot, it was Chen Zhao's soft-heartedness.

Chen Zhao also vaguely noticed why he didn't recognize Shao Jiaqiu at the beginning.

It's not just that Shao Jiaqiu's breath is confused with the two-legged snake breath.

Everything about them seems to be merging.

Shao Jiaqiu wanted to enter Chen Zhao's room.

But Chen Zhao stood in the door of the room.

Shao Jiaqiu's eyes seemed to say that she was willing to pay any price.

As long as Chen Zhao is willing to help her.

But Chen Zhao's attitude is also very determined.

Shao Jiaqiu could only leave in disappointment.

Perhaps with a bit of resentment.

Chen Zhao contacted Steven.

The shooting of Steven and the film crew has now come to an end.

It is estimated that it will take about ten days of shooting and some additional shots.

When Chen Zhao contacted Steven on weekdays, he would post some places he played or the food he ate.

Always make Steven excited, and then exchange some trash talk with Chen Zhao.



Chen Zhao opened the door and saw Zhou Yiren and his men, as well as Shao Jiaqiu.

Chen Zhao glanced at Shao Jiaqiu with a surprised look.

Can this woman invite the special love department?

"Mr. Chen."

"Please come in."

Chen Zhao could not give Shao Jiaqiu face, but Zhou Yiren's face still had to be given.

"Mr. Chen, I am here this time because I actually want to ask you personally."

Chen Zhao glanced at Shao Jiaqiu again: "For her?"

"Also for our special affairs department."

"Is she very background?" Chen Zhao asked.

"She is a star."

"I do not understand."

"We need to solve the funding problem and we need to expand our influence. Now that the Reiki tide has arrived, many special departments have chosen to expose. The country does not object to exposure without revealing secrets. Ms. Shao is our choice. She She is famous, and she is already a person in the supernatural world, and her potential is not small. If her problems can be solved, she will be a good spokesperson for us and a business card for communicating with the outside world."

Chen Zhao touched his chin and was silent for a while.

"I am very unfamiliar with her condition. I don't know what her condition is, so I am at a loss as to how to help her."

"As long as there is enough mana, it is enough." Zhou Yiren said.

Chen Zhao wanted to say that my mana was not enough.

But considering that Zhou Yiren is Zhang Tianyi's apprentice.

It is estimated that Zhang Tianyi has said a lot about himself.

So this excuse is probably not fooled.

"What do I need to do? Is there a risk? I don't like putting myself at risk."

"There is no risk. In fact, the reason why Miss Shao and the snake monster she possessed will merge is because the snake monster wants to transform the dragon, but his mana is not enough, so he needs to continuously absorb and devour flesh and blood. Possessed by Miss Shao, she treats Miss Shao as a food in disguise, but Miss Shao is the host, and the flesh and blood he absorbed will eventually be given back to Miss Shao, and finally a special cycle is formed. To break this cycle, then Only when the snake demon evolves into a flood dragon, Mr. Chen's huge mana is needed to help the snake demon transform into a flood dragon."

"How exactly?"

"We will set up a magic circle. You only need to use magic tools to inject mana into the magic circle and catalyze the snake to demonize the dragon."

"Is it that simple? Can all monsters evolve in this way?"

"Of course it's not that easy, the failure rate is still quite high? The snake demon only has a 30% chance to turn the flood, and the result of failure is to be burst by mana."

Chen Zhao was still making small calculations? Hearing such a high failure rate? He immediately dismissed the idea.


Brahma Heart stood in front of his brother Fangu.

"Brother." Brahma's face was calm.

As if his brother's injury had nothing to do with him.

The method he cultivates is very special, it is the Buddhist method of calming the mind.

This kind of exercise itself is not difficult? It just can't have feelings of great sadness and joy.

If it is a short-term maintenance, it is not difficult.

But the hard part is that you can't for a lifetime.

Once emotional, it will break power.

And Brahma is born with lack of emotion.

So Ning Xin Fa was born to be tailored for him.

Van Gogh opened his eyes, and his reaction was completely opposite to that of Brahma Heart.

The moment he saw Brahma Heart? Suddenly became angry.

"Brother? You are finally here... You want to avenge senior brother!"

"Tell me about the situation, who did you meet? Who broke your Mingzun Liuli."

"It's a kid? I don't know where it came from." Fangu said excitedly, "I...Is my Mingzun's colored glaze completely broken? Is there still a possibility of repairing it?"

Fanxin looked at Fangu who had lost his arms at this moment.

He has learned the exact situation of Van Gogh from the doctor.

Van Gogh lost more than his arms, his spine was also kicked off.

It is not vicious to start, and there is no room for it.

The other party obviously didn't intend to let him stand up again.

If he loses his arms, is there a way for him to transplant a pair of arms through spells? Or he can use a treasure prosthesis directly.

But the spine was kicked off? This cannot be solved by magic.

Nerve tissue? Even spells are difficult to repair.

Unless you have strong self-healing ability, it is difficult for others to help.

Therefore, even if Van Gou's Mingzun colored glaze is not broken, I am afraid it will be difficult to use it again.

Brahma Heart took out a bead that was broken into several pieces.

This is Van Gogh's Mingzun Liulizhu.

It is also the magic weapon he has kept for a lifetime.

This Mingzun Liuli Gong is very special? First, it takes the essence of the mountains or the earth to refine and merge.

After the fusion is successful, the caster is like having the physique of a mountainous land.

Unless it is the offensive power that can cut off the mountains and crush the earth.

Otherwise, Mingzun's Liuli Gong is almost impossible to break.

All enemy attacks will be transferred to the merged mountains or land.

The combination of Van Gogh is three mountains.

But Van Gogh did not expect that the object he provoked was precisely his nemesis.

Mingzun Liuli is a practice that Fangu has practiced for decades.

Now that the practice is broken, it is not just being broken.

Because Chen Zhao crushed Van Gu’s Ming Zun Liuli Gong.

Even the three mountains he merged were implicated and collapsed.

That's why Brahma Heart came out of the mountain to find it.

Van Gogh was defeated, it was no fuss.

There are countless strangers and strangers of the Chinese Land, and it is not surprising that there are a few who can defeat Van Gogh.

But those who can break the Van Gogh Mingzun Liuli Gong are really one of the few.

Before the arrival of Brahma Heart, he even thought that Van Gu met Zhang Tianyi.