MTL - Demon Slayer: The Beginning of the Game Opens the Way of Reward for Diligence-Chapter 86

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Day two, day three, day four...

Life is almost the same, Estes found that this guy is not the same as she guessed, not some kind of fighting maniac who gave up everything.

On the contrary, his life is very regular.

Every morning when I wake up, I will do some funny exercises against the coast... It is what he calls morning exercises, and Esdes, who has temporarily left everything, is habitually sleeping in, this island, whether it is season or The temperature is all too comfortable.

The northern border where she used to be is covered with cold snow all year round. Even if she wanted to sleep, she would not have that chance. She had to guard against possible enemies.

Anyway... once you try to face reality and you can't do anything and start to rot, only once and countless times.

But even so, Esdes is still a little guilty.

She has no way of knowing the current situation of Wangdu, and Lin Yu's side is even more tepid. She is not forcing her to cheer up these days, just exercise her body there. , exercising in various ways, and then eating and sleeping normally. It is easy to think of whether that guy lived such a constant life in the Imperial Guard when he hadn't met before.

On this day, the generals of the empire finally couldn't hold back.

In the early morning, sitting under the palm tree, she stood up, patted her face, and tidied up her military uniform... She hadn't showered for a few days, and her body was itchy and had a faint odor. This kind of discomfort, the comfortable feeling that came to the island at the beginning has disappeared.

"This is the fifth day. I can imagine what kind of chaos the imperial capital and the army have fallen into without you. The night raiders should have already begun to act, and the imperial capital itself is not very stable. The conflict between the nobles is intensifying, and one day it will break out."

Lin Yu packed up the wooden utensils for exercising. It was a temporary exercise equipment made of wood tied with rocks. It was about a ton, and it looked like a giant bamboo raft. In addition, there were other The training method is similar to when I was in Gorge Wushan.

Esdes frowned, feeling a little unhappy at the moment.

"I know these things. I don't need you to remind me. I haven't forgotten my identity."

"That's good, now? Figured it out?"

Lin Yu stretched his fists and feet.

He knew very well that Esdes knew these things in his own heart, and it wouldn't be delayed for a few days. This time she came back to deal with the night attack, and Lin Yu's appearance was just an exception to the situation.

Chapter 172 Appearance

"I've been thinking about your identity these past few days. At first, my subordinates and I both agreed that you must have colluded with the Ye Raid people, or that you were originally from that organization, but Through these few days of contact, I think this idea is far from reality."

Esdes put his hands on his chest and looked indifferent, as if he wanted to see through Lin Yu.

"Because according to our past experience, the guys who attacked at night are murderers who will do anything to achieve their goals. Once they determine that someone is an enemy, they will kill that person at all costs, not like you. ."

"How about like me?"

Esdes said hesitantly: "Women's kindness."

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment.

This is probably the first time someone has said that he is a woman.

But from Esdes' point of view, this is indeed the case. Normally, there is no need for a reason to fight. If he is really a member of the revolutionary army, then the main purpose is to eradicate Esdes at all costs. , instead of taking into account the content of Tegu, not to mention that Esdes' Demon Essence is too abstract for Tegu, and has no form of expression at all. Collecting Tegu is never a revolution. Army mission.

Lin Yu smiled, and it was very strange in Esdes' eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I was thinking, you should be the first person to say that to me."

"Am I wrong? Considering this, you can't be a revolutionary army at all."

"No, it has nothing to do with those complicated political struggles. I am indeed a kinder person."


The long silence made Lin Yu a little sad, and he decided not to tangle on this topic.

Sometimes the world is like this, when you try to tell the truth, no one will believe him, except for his wives, he can see that other people seem to have a deep prejudice against him and always think he is some kind of evil monster.

Esdes' eyes gradually became serious.

It seems that in the past two days, considering the gains and losses in all aspects, she has excluded Lin Yu from the disputes of interests, that is, a completely irrelevant person. Under this premise, she can completely ignore the imperial general. as an identity to treat Lin Yu.

"Dio, join us, it's not impossible for your ability to change the world, if you are willing to assist me, I will share my Teigu with you, others may not be able to guarantee the possibility of survival , but if it were you, after getting my Teigu, the strength would definitely rise by more than one level."

The ice emperor, the essence of the devil.

The owner, Esdes, invites the culprit of the former cholera capital.

No matter how she escaped, Dior was like an inescapable mountain standing in front of her. The two were trapped on this small island, and one day they would finally go to the opposite side of the end.

"I reject."

Lin Yu's determined eyes hurt Esdes.

"We... can only be enemies?"

"That's right, Esdes, what I want is the belief of the fiery warrior in you. I always thought that the strong must be alone in this world, and that people who don't fit in will never cause trouble. Other people's attention, if there is something that shines, it must be the belief he upholds, to achieve at all costs for something that he insists on, you who have lost your enthusiasm for fighting, in my eyes, and a person. Empty shells are no different."

Loneliness must also have a meaning of loneliness. The biggest shining point of human beings is to admit that there is a shining point in themselves, and always carry a positive enthusiasm to achieve what they want to do. It doesn't matter if they are not understood and fail all the time. It makes sense to be a fool and lose your whole life for something.

Lin Yu is happy to see such a proud Esdes, and he appreciates his heroic appearance.

"You shouldn't be so vulnerable in a military uniform. If you really want to show your vulnerable side in front of me, then at least, before that, let me break your strength, this battle is definitely not meaningless. , For me, it may be the most violent battle I exist in this world. For you, the general of the empire, the meaning of life, the things you seek, must be given by yourself! Go for it! Instead of behaving like an enemy request!"

Raise your head! like a warrior!

"Sure enough, it really doesn't make sense with you guy?"

Estes lowered his head and raised a shallow smile, and then became more excited.

The aura around her was also gradually changing.

Although I really want to live comfortably in this place for a while, or it seems good to spend a lifetime together like this, after all, there are so many people in this world, as long as you look at that monster-like guy, you feel that you are not Lonely, when spending time with him, he will truly feel that he is alive and not an alien.

This feeling... As a soldier, it's really despicable. She was pointed out by the other party, and she didn't have any face at all.

To actually... dare to refuse her request, to treat her like this, there is no such guy in the entire empire!

"I've decided, Dio, I'm going to beat you and keep you by my side forever!"

"Huh? If you can do it, let's try it."

Lin Yu smiled slightly and became more and more excited.

The two monster-like characters were facing each other on the beach, under the sunset and dusk.

The surrounding aura has undergone earth-shaking changes, the airflow in the air has also spun, the thunder rolls in the clouds, and the ice layer on the ground freezes, as if two giant beasts are roaring between the heavens and the earth, the next moment will be Desperate to tear each other into pieces.

The capital at the moment.

The minister's son, Sheila, sat down on the ground in horror. There was a commotion outside the royal city. The rebel army was chasing the civilians to make trouble.

In this case, his Emperor Shangri-La actually launched itself.

The entire sky changed dramatically, and the picture shifted to a small island, and the figures of the two people were clearly visible. As long as they raised their heads, they could even see the expressions on the faces of the two guys.

"Esdes, Majin Dio... What the **** is going on?"

At this moment, it is not allowed to be the guards in the capital, the onlookers at the bottom, or the nobles, almost all of them are confused.

They couldn't know why the two people appeared there, but the sky cracked open, and the void picture presented was like this.

"My emperor..."

Seeing the light blooming on the Teigu, Sheila was stunned.

What the **** is going on here?

Chapter 173

When Sheila was confused, Lin Yu understood a little.

It seems that the protection of the previous system was shattered and not yet in a state of recovery, while Lin Yu forcibly improved his state to fight Esdes, which caused a series of reactions in space and the like, thus This led to the live broadcast of the entire world of Crimson Crimson Eyes.

Lin Yu knew this, but Esdes didn't seem to know yet.

At this time, the great general of the empire had left the capital for nearly a week, and people in the capital were panicking. In addition, the night raid organization under the revolutionary army was stirring up people's hearts, arousing the people who had been silent for a long time. Conflict with nobles.

In the huge royal city, marching crowds and suppressing guards can be seen everywhere.

The minister of the palace held a knife and fork in both hands, gnashing his teeth and looking at the officials of the honest faction in front of him. ,

It was only now that he figured out that the devil Dio had nothing to do with the rebels at all, because the forces he belonged to were the officials of the honest faction that he could easily handle before. All of them said nothing, and even when their companions encountered danger, they tried to protect themselves one by one, regardless of right and wrong.

Now, they've all stood up!

The group of pariahs outside were rebelling, and they actually came in to force the palace!

"Your Majesty! Now is the most dangerous moment for the kingdom. The dissatisfied voices of the people are intensifying. They have entered the nobles' mansion under the instigation of the rebel army, causing great chaos. Taking advantage of this gap, those rebels Still slaughtering the guards at the palace."

An old man knelt down on the palace, he was Shyvana's father.

And behind him, there are twenty or thirty officials of the clean and honest faction. This is the last group of people who dare to stand up against the minister openly in the empire.

The most voices of the people are asking the minister to step down, and even more extreme remarks such as demanding that the minister be executed, and the corpse is broken into thousands of pieces. These are naturally also closely related to the minister's usual style of corruption.

The main reason why no one dared to speak in the past is that this country is still dominated by a young emperor, the emperor is bewitched by ministers, and General Bude, who is in charge of the military, is an extremely loyal old stubborn, no matter how wrong the emperor does. , he will not stand up to raise objections, but will implement it without hesitation.

As for Esdes, not to mention, the woman's mind seems to only have revenge against the alien race. In order to complete this revenge, she can do whatever it takes. The minister just stood on the opposite side of the rebel army. It's hard to kill him, so that woman can actually be regarded as a cooperative relationship with the minister.

In this case, these officials have undoubtedly become the victims of political struggles. The night raiders want to protect them to gain more popular voices, or kill them and frame them to the minister, and the minister's side The idea is exactly the same.

They can only wait to die, no one will care what they think, and the people at the bottom are ignorant.

There needs to be a leader, someone who can give them a voice, and in this chaotic situation, this person has emerged.

"Your Majesty, please believe that the existence of the devil Dior is not a catastrophic disaster for the empire. On the contrary, he may become the patron saint of the empire that banned Esdes and Budd in the future. Now we are the most important What we have to do is to quell the anger of the people and deal with this rebellion as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The little emperor on the throne looked a little embarrassed, and unconsciously turned his eyes to the minister beside him.


The little emperor was taken aback.

He saw a very twisted face, as terrifying as a beast showing its fangs that had been hungry for many days.


A crisp sound.

Minister Ornest directly overturned his dinner plate, knives and forks flew all over the waiter's face, and the blood mixed with the juice of meat pieces flowed down the face of the unlucky bastard, he was full of fear ,not moving at all.

"No hostility? Look at what that guy has done during this time! A commoner, blatantly broke into the palace, violated the law, and killed the highest military commander of the empire in the duel arena. Now, as an imperial guard The captain of the team, at such a chaotic time, went to provoke the general of the empire stationed in the frontier, you said that this kind of guy is not complicit with the rebels, does anyone believe it! Ah?"

If it was said before, Minister Ernest had fantasized about it.

Maybe Dior, a simple fighting madman, can use his wrist to help him eradicate his political enemies, such as General Bud, at most, the minister will be restrained by him a little bit, and persuading well, as an ancestor offering will never be what went wrong.

At most, it is the second Esdes. Anyway, the minister is used to it, as long as it does not touch his interests.

If it doesn't work, according to the original plan, ask Esdes, let them fight with each other, and come back to the fisherman to benefit. No matter who dies, the position of the general of the empire will always be there, position, name These things don’t matter. After all, those so-called imperial envoys and powerful guys are out of tune with the political situation that the capital is facing from the very beginning. They obviously only have a few people, but they have the destructive power of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops. Reasoning or using political means to suppress it will not work.

How can mortals fight with gods?

Don't look at the high-ranking ministers here, it's actually difficult to get along. The only one who can rely on is the emperor, and Esdes is also offered as an ancestor.

It's different now. Dior is not that kind of loner. He is obviously caught up in politics and is in the same camp as the minister's nemesis. These ants are all assembled because of one person, and they dare to be in this palace. After challenging him, how could he still have fantasies about Dior?

It is definitely necessary to make a clear position and regard the opponent as the enemy.


"Your Majesty, my suggestion is to put to death all the traitors of these kingdoms. They are supporting a man who will destroy the foundation of the kingdom. The devil Dio is the most powerful enemy in the history of the empire. We must stand by Ace. Considering General Des's position, this disaster in the capital was caused by him alone, and he must not be tolerated."

The minister got up.

The knife and axemen who had already been lurking around the palace rushed out and surrounded the officials in the hall.

"Let me see, since you are so confident, let these cowards lurking in the dark dare to stand up and speak for you. Can you really defeat that woman in Esdes? I don't believe it!"

The minister looked grimly at the sky outside.

There, the war is about to break out.

Chapter 174 Enslavement

"Najita, there..."

"Well, I'm afraid it's because of Emperor Gu. Although I don't know what happened, that guy did meet Esdes. According to the report from the informant in the imperial capital, it was as early as a week ago. Early in the morning, the day after Esdes returned to the capital, she went to the Imperial Guard by herself, and no one knows what happened after that, except that the street was frozen."