MTL - Demon God-Chapter 698 Impact the fairy realm!

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() The top room of the demon tower.

Xiao Han rushed into this closet with anxiety.

In the 87th year, he came up and looked at Xiao Handao. "Master, fortunately ..."

"Well, in the 87th year, you worked hard. After I fully control the treasures in Master Treasure, I will give you a few high-quality magic weapons." Xiao Han said.

The 87th was flattered. "Thank you, master."

Soon, Xiao Han rushed into the closet and saw Wu et al. Who woke up.

At this moment, under the treatment of the 87th, they did wake up. However, one by one, his face was still pale as paper, his breath was weak, his eyes were confused, there was a sleepy-eyed taste.

"This ~~~~~~" Xiao Han saw this, his heart was astringent, and his spirit was fluctuating. He immediately enveloped it and penetrated into the body of Wu et al.

Xiao Han found that, whether it was Wu, or the beginning of Xiao Ming, Yan Lang, or the elder of the monster tower, the elder giant, the eternal giant ... At this moment, their bodies are all empty and half-hearted! In their Dantian, where the Qi was originally stored, it has shriveled and shriveled, even exuding a rotten smell. The meridians have dried up, and Qi and blood failure are worse than ordinary people.

"This ... this ... the suzerain, they ... are all abolished! Damn! Everything is a ghost that day! Damn!" Xiao Han's heart filled with infinite anger and sadness.

"Xiao Han, are you back? OK! Great ~~~~" Wu whispered. He looked to Xiao Han, full of hope!

He doesn't seem to care about his current situation.

"Master ~~~~~" Yan Lang and the five other ectopic slaves also laughed.

"Master Xiao Han ~~~"

"Leader Xiao Han ~~~~"

Everyone waking up. All shouted to Xiao Han with hope.

these people. Once was the most powerful being of this face. At one point it was about to soar into a fairy, but now it ends up like this!

Xiao Han was so sad that he choked his throat slightly. "Okay, everyone wakes up ..."

"Master Xiao Han, we don't know what happened ... On that day, we seemed to be successful when we crossed Xianjie. But suddenly there was an inexplicable force that cut off the connection between our soul and the fairy world. Then we ... "said Xiao Ming at the beginning.

"Well ... someone is disrupting it ..." Xiao Han said vaguely. "However, these people have been slaughtered by me ... this ... this ... this all blame me for being too eye-catching in this expedition, so some of the characters from the fairyland above have stunned and dispatched Come down to the horse ... lord, you are all burdened by me! "

"Hahaha ~~~~~" Wu Sanran smiled, very free and easy. "Xiao Han. It's nothing. You don't need to blame yourself. In fact, although we haven't been able to become immortals, we have all experienced ... experienced too many things we were not qualified to experience ... also know What is Cheng Xian ... worth it! It is worth it! Even if it is dead, there is no regret! "

All the people did not blame Xiao Han at all, and even did not have much resentment, and some were just open-minded.

At this time, the 87th came to Xiao Han and whispered. "Master, please rest assured, your relatives and friends, their condition is extremely stable, but the repair is abolished, but once you reach the fairy land, once you find that special fairy plant, you can not only restore their repair, but also Reborn and taken to the next level! "

"It can only be so." Xiao Hansong was relieved. "Fortunately, there is a turnaround."

In this way, Xiao Han recovered both the 87th and the 100th century from the solid spiritual planet of the sea. He took Wu et al., Left the Xiaxia Tower, and paced in the nearby places of interest, breathing fresh air.

"Xiao Han, what are you going to do next?" Wu went side by side with Xiao Han and asked out.

Xiao Han's eyes looked at the distant sky, and he was slightly stunned.

"Hey ~~~~~~ Xiao Han, now you offend the first gate of the fairyland ... this ..." Wu Ye frowned and shook his head, "This is so tricky ... I knew it so, Xiao Han, you should not kill that Fairies ... "

"Those immortals will surely die," Xiao Han came back to him with a smile. "They have reached my bottom line. And, they want to seize all the secrets from me. Sooner or later it will be an endless situation ..."

After a pause, Xiao Han continued. "Sect Lord, you don't have to worry about the disciples. This time, the inside information and secrets of the disciples are enough to fight against any sect gate in the immortal world! Little one heaven and one gate, I don't pay attention to it."

"Xiao Han, you?" After hearing the words, Wu Ning looked at Xiao Han. He felt the breathtaking confidence and courage in Xiao Han's eyes. If they were replaced by any other mortal, they would say that they are not afraid of the most powerful sect of the immortal realm, that would be a foolish dream, and they ca n’t help it, but Xiao Han is different. Xiao Han uttered this sentence lightly, but it showed his unbelievable conviction, which made people undoubtedly able to choose to trust!

"It's really unexpected ..." Wu Duan laughed and shook her head. "I used to be a small living target, and I was able to grow to such a point ... against the sky, against the sky, to kill the immortals, even against my own strength, against The largest gate in fairyland ... "

"Oh ~~~~~ The suzerain laughed, and the disciples were also forced by the situation." Xiao Han smiled casually, and then said. "Now, the heavenly gate of the immortal world, and even other ancestral gates, as well as the existence of the fairy emperor class, must be brewing a fierce storm against the disciples! Therefore ... the time is urgent!"

"Huh?" Wu, Xiao Mingchu and others all stared at Xiao Han.

"No delay is allowed!" Xiao Hanyu said in a voice. "I'm going to retreat as soon as possible and impact the fairyland!"

After a pause, Xiao Han added. "Now that I have to face so many behemoths, I must be promoted to become a fairy, even if it is only a level 1 true fairy, so that I have full confidence!"

Yes, once Xiao Han becomes a fairy. Fighting power will rise again!

1. Able to refine all the treasures in the treasure of Emperor Sword Emperor. Including those pieces of the Supreme Anti-Sky treasure;

2, with the qualification to enter the fourth floor of the treasure of the Emperor Sword Emperor! The sword of Best is still in the final stage, and it is also the most delicate ... There is still a part of the inherited jade card in Xiao Han's body that has not been broken. Once on the fourth floor, Xiao Han can make the true sword of Emperor Xiandao! It is not impossible to open the door of the sword world in the underworld!

and. Xiao Han collected a lot of fragments of immortal corpses, which were used to feed the palm of the left arm demon emperor, and also greatly improved the power of the demon!

Daodao, demon power, all kinds of demon powers, soul spirit power, and countless alien space slave creatures ... This will be the capital of Xiao Han's confrontation with the immortal world!


"Okay! Xiao Han, then you can finish the mundane chores as soon as possible, retreat and practice!" Wu Ye also said solemnly. "Xiao Han, you should not be a problem to become immortal. In terms of your mentality and sharpening. Breaking through the barriers between mortals and immortals is as simple as drinking water to eat. And, for your current combat effectiveness, you can already kill a lot Fairy ... "

"Master, brothers, let's go back to the ancestors first ~~~ Enjoy a few days of quiet ..." Xiao Han decided to go home. The faces of his wife and children could not help but emerge, making Xiao Han's state of mind extremely tranquil. And extremely gracious.



Xiao Han finally returned home with Wu, early Ming Dynasty, Oriental birds, Fang Ling and other ancestors.

Several of Xiao Han's wives had tears in their eyes. The painstaking love of these years has melted in the fierce embrace with Xiao Han.

Son Xiao'an, already called father, is very cute. And under the training of many true-spirit disciples, Zong's a few years old had already refined the bone and visceral bone marrow blood. It is expected to enter the real mood in his teens.

Xiao'an has inherited Xiao Han's bloodline very well, and he can be regarded as a gifted genius. Although he is young, he is still a big head. The future is destined to stir up the situation and take charge of the world.

After Xiao Han spent three days with his family in the mountains, he took the entire family, including relatives, to the Xiaxia Tower.

Xiao Han settled everyone in the demon tower, and then found a spiritual chamber of the best quality and entered it.


Xiao Han will conduct a thorough cultivation!

This is a practice in the realm!

Nowadays, although Xiao Han's fighting power is against the sky, he can kill the 6th true immortal in a second, but in the final analysis, he is only a mortal after all. What he wants to impact is ... the state of authenticity!

Today, Xiao Han's realm of Qi is a seven-segment rune of Qi. Open 70 Zhen acupoints, and the whole body is condensed into a destiny rune.

This fateful rune of Xiao Han is against the sky, and it is the most frightening rune in the world. At the beginning, Xiao Han created this destiny amulet, which had been washed for 10 times, and reached a total of 117,000 rehearsals. This made a destiny amulet, which has the power to swarm the world.

Innocent Qi power, Xiao Han owns 18 trillion yuan!

It can be said that in the practice of Zhenqi realm, Xiao Han is the first person in the whole world to come! No one can beat him!

Now, Xiao Han is going to hit the Qiqi section ... Rune Realm!

Then there are nine sections of Zhenqi ... Zhenbao Realm!

Finally open Tianyan! Really good ten paragraphs! Usher in his own fairy!

While impacting the realm of Qi, Xiao Han took out the fragments of the immortal corpse he had accumulated from the storage ring.

Among the treasures of the Emperor Sword Emperor, the palm of the demon emperor, which has been restricted to the greatest extent, has no use at all, and has finally recovered!

Internal monsters surging!

In addition, it sends out a whirlpool, and absorbs the densely-suspended fairy corpses, absorbs them, decomposes them, refines them, and turns them into monster power!

You know, Xiao Han has killed a lot of immortals in the second layer of the absolute treasure of Emperor Xiandi, the qualifiers and the battle for hegemony, especially in the qualifiers, it was literally hundreds of hundreds of kills. Therefore, Xiao Han's hoard of celestial bodies piled up like a mountain!

At this moment, all are used to feed the palm of the left arm demon emperor.

The immortal body is completely different from the ordinary child! Fragments of the immortal body are extremely brilliant, shining like gems. At this moment, as soon as the left arm demon emperor swept the palm, he swallowed up dense shards of celestial bodies like gems and crystals.


Inside the monster tower.

"I hope Xiao Han's exit this time will directly lead to Xianjie ..." Wu et al. Sat in some lounges and talked.

Now, Xiao Han's retreat has become the focus of the entire plane!

All mortals are praying!



Heaven is a door!

Today's Tianyimen is completely shrouded in haze! The environment, which was once clear and clear, is now foggy.

Tianyimen high-level, headed by the suzerain, are all in anger!

Jun Linzi and other high-level true immortals were originally the backbone of Tianyimen. The lower world completed a task, but fell off!

For the first gate of the fairyland, it is definitely a rare shame and shame that is rare throughout the ages!


Tianyimen behind the mountain.

The mountain behind Tianyimen is the area where the spirit disciples and spirits of the disciples of the past were placed.

At Tianyimen, all the disciples produced the Soul Jade Jane and placed it in Houshan. Once it fell, the Soul Jade Jane would also break. In this way, Tianyimen always knew the safety of his disciples.

At this moment, it is clear that Jun Linzi and the 80 jade Janes of the 6th-level true immortal have all broken up.

Represents the fall. Moreover, the corpses had fallen into the mortal world and could not be retrieved to rest in the soil.

Today, all of Tianyimen went up and down, came to Houshan, and the atmosphere was silent, full of anger, hatred, unwillingness, murderous.

The monarch of Tianyimen ~ ~ is wearing a white robe, with eyebrows like a sword, and in his eyes, there is a horrifying scene of a planet disintegrating and exploding.

"Sovereign, please give us special immortals, let's go to the lower bound! We are going to destroy that Xiao Han's plane! Revenge for Brother Junlinzi!"

For many days, a disciple made a roar.

"Shut up," said Tian Yimen, waving his hand. "That Xiao Han was able to kill dozens of senior true immortals such as Jun Linzi. This man has huge secrets on his body. The Emperor underestimated him. Now, he must not blindly send his disciples to the Nether. Xiao Han's bottom was clear. "

After a pause, the Tianyi Monarch looked at the broken soul Yujian of Junlinzi, calmly. "The emperor will perform the supreme power, so that the soul of Jun Linzi can be recalled for a short time. Within 100 breaths, he will tell Xiao Han's secret ~~~~ tell us what Xiao Han is What kind of hole cards do you have to easily kill the high-end true immortals ~~~~~~~ "



…… (To be continued ...)