MTL - Deep Love and Favor: Cold-blood CEO and His Young and Beautiful Wife-Chapter 205 Head-to-head confrontation

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Gently rubbing the bright red lips of Tang Yao being kissed, Su Lengmo's eyes changed, and his fingers slightly hooked before getting out of bed, putting on clothes, and leaving the bedroom.

"Is anyone still there?" Su Lengmo came out of the villa and asked the bodyguard next to him.

"Back & bss, Mr. Gu is still at the gate, do you want to see him?"

"Let's go."

Su Lengmo walked to the gate, and sure enough, Gu Shaoze sat there, his suit jacket was casually carried on his body.

"Gu Zong is so good at Yaxing, he wo n’t go back to watch vigil for your sister in the middle of the night, so come here, why is n’t it enough in the afternoon?"

Su Lengmo looked down at Gu Shaoze, and said with a mockery.

Gu Shaoze got up, and his erect body was in front of Su Lengmo, but he was stiff and short.

"What about Tang Yao people?"

"When she had two troubles with me in bed, she's tired and asleep now. What can you tell me?"

Su Lengmo said with a pet. Look at his expression like Mu Chunfeng, you know what he and Tang Yao just did.

Gu Shaoze's eyes flashed a little annoyance, and he stared at Su Lengmo angrily, "I want to see Tang Yao."

Su Lengmo sniffed at Midair, "Did you drink?"

"I don't drink, what's your matter?"

"General Manager Gu, if I were you, I would go back and take a good night's sleep now, and then come back when my mind is awake.

Gu Shaoze became embarrassed and angry. He clasped Su Lengmo's collar with his hands and stared at him fiercely. "Su Lengmo, please don't be proud, my sister's hatred, I won't just let it go."

Su Lengmo calmly pulled Gu Shaoze's hand, the two of them competed, Gu Shaoze tried all his strength, and even his neck was exposed with blue tendons.

"Gu Gu, you are not my opponent, at least not now, so go back and practice for another two years, don't be embarrassed here." Su Lengmo shook off Gu Shaoze's hand and said scornfully, "It was you who didn't want to Yao, do n’t pretend to be affectionate. It ’s a little disgusting. ”

Gu Shaoze took a step back, his blood red eyes stared at Su Lengmo. "Su Lengmo, you wait for me. Sooner or later, I will come back one by one."

"I'll wait and see."

Su Lengmo straightened his clothes and went straight in.

At the back, Gu Shaoze's roaring sound like a beast, Su Lengmo hooked his lips and walked back to obscurity.

The next day, Tang Yao woke up at 7:30 and found herself in a broad embrace. She turned around and saw that Su Lengmo had no aggressive face after falling asleep.

Su Lengmo's eyelashes were thick and long, because she fell asleep quietly, and the skin on her face was smooth, which made the woman jealous, and she pinched his nose playfully.

Su Lengmo couldn't breathe, moved his eyelashes, opened his eyes, and the goal was to make Tang Yao's sly and sly smile.

"Awake?" Tang Yao leaned over and kissed on his lips, saying with a smile.

Su Lengmo hugged people, a rotation, pressed Tang Yao under her body, bowed her head and kissed her lips, the two kissed for a while, and quickly separated when they were about to wipe the gun and go out.

"Go brush your teeth." Tang Yao propped his hands on Su Lengmo's chest to prevent him from being interested. The two should not even go to work.

Su Lengmo lowered her head and took a bite on her lips: "Okay, I all listen to you."

The two got together at the company, and Lida sent an invitation letter, "General Manager Su, this was sent by the Gu family, saying that the funeral of sister Gu will be held tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, and you are invited to participate with sister Tang."

Su Lengmo raised his eyebrows to this extent. The Gu family even had a face to invite, and this was in the form of an invitation letter.

"I see. Go and get busy." After receiving the invitation, Su Lengmo said.


Su Lengmo and Tang Yao went to the office. He opened the invitation letter and saw that it was nothing more than inviting him to join Tang Shao's funeral with Tang Yao.

"Want to go?"

Su Lengmo asked.

"Come on. The Gu family has no intention of avoiding suspicion, and my former sister-in-law can't be ruthless enough to not attend her funeral." Tang Yao thought for a while and said.

"Then go, and save those who think they are aware that we are guilty."

Su Lengmo threw the invitation into the trash can. Tang Yao glanced and said nothing.

At noon, Su Lengmo and Tang Yao had planned to eat, but Su Qimo arrived.

"Xunzi, I heard that you were embarrassed by Mrs. Gu yesterday and went to the police station. Didn't you get hurt?" Su Qimo curiously looked at Tang Yao and asked knowingly.

"Your news is very well informed." Tang Yao calmly said.

"Of course, I also heard that the Gu family invited you and your elder brother to participate in the funeral of sister Gu." Su Qimo's eyes flashed with gossip, "I don't know what Gu family thinks, I pointed at the previous second. Your nose is cursing, saying that you are a murderer, and you are falsely asked to participate in the next second. Would you like to call you to Sister Gu's grave and apologize to her?


Tang Yao shrugged and didn't care.

Su Lengmo snapped the back of Su Qimo's head, "Where have you been recently? Your father arranged you to be an assistant to Tang Yao, but you can't see anyone running by yourself."

"I recently fell in love with sy, and ran for a few days. If I do n’t have enough fun, I will return obediently." Su Qimo came to Tang Yao like a pug. , Just tell me the latest gossip for a while, I like this thrilling thing most. "

Tang Yao couldn't laugh or cry.

The three of them left the company together, and saw Yu Yunsheng and Mu Chenxi walking side by side. Su Qimo whistleed, "Yes, you can do it. So soon, you will get the flower of Gao Ling, the sister of Mu Now. "

Mu Chenxi glared at him angrily and walked to Su Lengmo: "Leng Mo, are you going to eat? A piece of it."

Su Lengmo glanced at Yu Yunsheng and nodded.

In the end, the **** became a fivesome.

Five people went to a restaurant near the company. Mu Chenxi took the menu and handed it to Su Lengmo.

"Leng Mo, you can order it."

Mu Chenxi said.

Su Lengmo opened and ordered three dishes, all of which Tang Yao liked.

Mu Chenxi glanced and bit her lip. She knew that Su Lengmo didn't like the three dishes he ordered very much. In other words, these were all for Tang Yao.

"Brother, you are really good to Xunzi, what you order is what she likes to eat, no wonder the Xunzi is devoted to you." Su Qimo also suspected that the matter was not big enough, and said that he was ignited.

The corner of Su Lengmo's mouth bent, revealing a slight smile.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!