MTL - Death Notice-Chapter 4 Devil Joey

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"Oh..." The neck was stunned, and Xiaolian's beautiful face quickly rose red. A pair of fleshy little hands struggled to pull Qin Lun's palm, and the mouth couldn't help but choke.

"Let her go!" Hu Fei calmed down the face of the melon seeds for the first time, showing a hint of anger, rushing to run, hands up the medical box, and smashed toward Qin Lun's head.

"Hey!" Qin Lun's eyes flashed, and a strange smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. With one hand and one hand, Xiaolian was used as a shield and blocked in front of himself.

"Ah!" Hu Fei was shocked and struggling to twist her body. The heavy medical box slipped over the shoulders of Xiaolian, but she lost her balance and squatted from the sides.

Qin Lun’s eyes were full of red and white, and Xiaolian was thrown away. The waist was twisted and he flew up and squatted on Hu Fei’s hips. Following the force of her rushing forward, the iceberg beauty was directly kicked up, and more than a dozen zombies were knocked down and rolled into a ball in the corridor.

Hu Fei is in the tumbling, the glamorous and pretty face is full of sorrows and mistakes. The iceberg beauty who has always been treated as a baby by the base people seems to not believe that one day, she will be abandoned by a man like a litter of garbage.

Until a zombie bite on her shoulder, Hu Fei woke up from the pain. The face of the frosty melon seeds finally appeared a panic and unwillingness. Under the suppression of the corpse, they reached out to Qin Lun and Xiaolian. .

"Save... save me!"

"Hufei sister, don't..." When Hu Fei fell into the zombie group, Xiaolian suddenly turned pale and screamed.

"Hey, your luck is very good. Compared with the chick who thinks it is high, Qin Lun likes you more! With this pile of human flesh, you should be able to delay the chasing corpse a little." Qin Lun looked at the zombie group. Hu Fei, who struggled hard, showed a ferocious smile. In the first two steps, Xiaolian was picked up and chased toward Linfeng in front.

Lin Feng did not rush out how far, just out of fear of Joey Foster, the power of the explosion only let him rush down a staircase. Now at the next level of the corridor, I am re-engaged in the encirclement of more than a dozen zombies. I am blocking the proximity of the zombies with iron brackets.

Seeing Qin Lun’s Xiaolian appearing behind him, Lin Feng’s face could not help but reveal a hint of despair.

"Hey, this chick is still useful, show me her!" Qin Lun lost Xiaolian to Lin Feng, stepped forward to the zombie group in front of him, and flew a closest zombie.

Lin Feng was overjoyed, and he quickly helped the frightened, Xiao Li, who was slightly trembled, and followed the Qin Lun.

Qin Lun looked at the more than a dozen zombies in front, and the black dagger in his right hand turned around his thumb, showing a fierce smirk on his face. The next moment, the murderer stretched his arms and jumped from the corridor to the zombie group.

The zombie at the front of the corridor is a young woman. The white coat on her body has become an armor. The black lace bra is pulled over her chest, revealing half a white milk-like child. The red flour is a bit like a cherry.

Qin Lun suddenly held the cheek on the side of the female zombie in the middle of the air, and pressed her firmly on the wall of the corridor, holding her feet together, squatting on the chest of the two zombies behind her, slamming along the body. And next.

"Hey!" The female zombie roared again and again, half of her cheeks dragged a long blood mark on the wall. The other two zombies also fell helplessly down the stairs and brought more than a dozen zombies behind them to the ground.

"Hey!" The corpse fell into a pile at the next corridor and struggled wildly. At the top, the two zombies who were stepped on by Qin Lun, a large piece of chest was sunken, and the blood in the mouth was splashed, and the air was weakly twitching, apparently hit hard.

The female zombie’s half of her cheeks was bloody, and a white skull appeared on one side of her head, which was already dying.

"Dry, really fucking!"

Lin Feng looked blushing, climaxed, and forgot the fear just now. He participated in the organization of the deathmatch because he worshipped this murder and violence and even regarded it as the true meaning of life.

Qin Lun stepped on the body of the zombie and rushed out of the encirclement. The white face was twisted into a group and it looked even more terrible. His two calves were bloody, and the muscles that were bitten by the two zombies hang like a rag. Holding the left hand back of the female zombie, he was caught **** and paid a heavy price.

After knocking down the group of blocked zombies, the corridor in front of the road was smooth, although there were scattered zombies entering the safe passages, but it was not an easy task to block them.

"Wow!" After several people rushed down a few floors of the corridor, Xiaolian, who had been dragged by Lin Feng half-turned, finally came back to God, a small mouth, a big cry, a fat round face In an instant, it is full of nose and tears.

"You... lightly, shut up, don't cry!" Lin Feng smothered Xiaolian's mouth with a sweat and sneaked a look at Qin Lun in front.

"Ah! Skunk, how do you learn to bite zombies!" Lin Feng just breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a sharp pain on his palm. He saw Xiaolian bowing his head on his tiger's mouth. "Let go, Don't let go, Lao Tzu throws you to the zombies!"

"You two bad guys killed Hu Fei sister, I want to kill you!" Xiaolian wiped a tear, said evilly.

"This can be nothing to me!" Lin Feng turned his head and whispered softly.

"Then you go back to save people!" Xiaolian cried and screamed at Lin Feng.

"It's too late, you want to die, you can go back!" Lin Feng sighed, loosened the arm of Xiaolian, and paused for a moment. "But I hope you can cherish the survival opportunities that she has exchanged for you with life." !"

Xiaolian was silent, no longer crying, but the tears still could not stop falling.

"Beep!" Qin Lun, who was walking in the forefront, suddenly raised his hand and stopped. He narrowed his eyes and the red mans in the pupil flashed slightly.

"Someone downstairs is talking, it seems to be a living person." Lin Feng listened for a while, and he cried in surprise.

"Go, you two go ahead!" Qin Lun revealed a sly smile, his right hand behind his back, hiding the black dagger.

The three men ran down two more stairs and finally ran into another group at the next corridor. Compared with the Qinlun trio, there are more than a dozen of this group, and almost everyone is injured. Not only the death row, but also the federal soldiers wearing military uniforms, the disciple Hansen and the sinister Lily are also in it.

This group of prisoners accounted for the majority, and the federal army had only a few. Most of the death row prisoners hold iron pipes and knives, but the federal soldiers are bare-handed, and the prisoners are pushing them to the forefront, apparently becoming a shield-like character.

After seeing Qin Lun, the group of people saw a slight meal. However, after Lily and Hansen whispered a few words, no one would take care of them again and re-enter them. Whether they were prisoners or the faces of several federal soldiers, they were indifferent.

At this time, Lin Feng’s suit had long been replaced by a prison uniform, and Xiaolian, who was held in the middle by Qin Lun and Lin Feng, was more like a hostage, but it was very similar to the match of this small team. The three silently walked in the end and quietly integrated into this small team.

"Hey, handsome guy, meet again!" Libra did not know when she came to Lin Feng, squinting at him, and snarled with a smile. "Do you seem to have changed clothes?"

Lily's voice was sweet and delicate, and it sounded a bit snoring.

"Shut up!" Lin Feng slammed Lily's arm and slammed his voice.

"It’s a rude man, everyone is hurting by you!" Lily opened Lin Feng’s palm and glanced at him, twisting his waist like a water snake, picking up his wrist and quietly glanced at it. Qin Lun, who fell to the end, whispered, "Your boss, it seems not very good?"

Qin Lun’s legs are seriously injured. The calf trousers have been completely soaked with blood. Every time you move, you will leave a bright blood mark on the ground. It’s just that he himself seems to be unconscious, except that his face is a little pale and his steps are not delayed, and he seems to feel no pain at all.

"You don't have to worry about it, Qin Lun is very good!" Lin Feng looked back at this scene, his face was slightly discolored, his body was stiff, and he was fiercely holding Lily. "Or, ask yourself if he has anything!"

"Forget it, people just care about it!" Lily looked awkward and laughed twice, and her face was a little cold.

"Qin Lun boss is really a tough guy! But don't blame me for not reminding you, don't let him lose too much blood. Otherwise, you two will soon be abandoned by other bosses, feeding the zombies who block the road! We are here. , I have already fed a lot of people to the zombie group!"

Lily Ming lingered, sneer, and then she shook her hips femininely and took the catwalk back to the middle of the team.

Lin Feng's face was gloomy. He had already noticed Qin Lun's leg injury. It’s just that Qin Lun and the zombies are the same for him. As long as they both go to the end, he can escape from the base. However, there are so many death row prisoners in the ranks, and there is no such protection **** of Qin Lun. He and Xiaolian are afraid that they will not live for a long time.

Lily reminded him that Lin Feng couldn't help but pay attention to the other death row in the team. Soon, his face appeared horrified, and his forehead sweated.

"Not Hansen and Qin Lun, and 'Shepherd' Hill, 'Chameleon' Chekhov, 'Fireworks' Rand, 'Clown' Grant... Damn, how can the base concentrate so many serial killers? Lin Da Shao’s lips trembled whispered cursing.

Realizing that his own life was completely connected with Qin Lun, Lin Feng did not hesitate, carefully trailing a few steps, grinding to Qin Lun.

"Qin Lun boss, do you want to stop first, let me bandage your wounds, just a few minutes!"

Qin Lun no expression, the eyeballs mechanically turned slightly, the remaining light of the corner of his eyes projected on him.

Lin Feng only felt as if he was being watched by a hungry beast. His body was erect, and he lowered his head and did not dare to look at the murderer.

"Get it faster!" Qin Lun glanced at him, then stopped and sat down against the wall of the corridor, closed his eyes and faintly told him.

"These can't be used, let me come!" Lin Feng, who looked at the clumsy and torn his prisoner's clothes, sighed silently, and sighed, and took out a pack of spare bandages from the white coat's pocket. Hemostatic agent. This is her spare in the infirmary, I did not expect it to be used now.

Tearing Qin Lun's trousers, the two men took a breath of air, only to find that a large part of the murder's calf was smashed by zombies, revealing the white bone inside, and the broken muscle fibers trembled in the air, which looked strange. Terrible.

"Already wrapped up, as long as you don't be active, you should stop bleeding slowly!" Xiaolian turned her head and whispered to her facelessly.

"Thank you, Xiaolian!" Qin Lun opened his eyes. It seems that he just woke up from his sleep. A trace of red awns in the depths of his pupils has disappeared. His eyes are clear and pure, and his face has a soft smile.

"Qin Lun's Big Devil..." Xiaolian turned back, and a pair of beautiful big eyes filled with crystal tears again.

PS: The second routine on Sunday is at 12 o'clock in the evening. I want to collect, ask for red tickets, click for clicks, and red tickets have more. Please support me!