MTL - Dashan Makes a Living 1984-Chapter 16 016: Hometown

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   Chapter 16 016: Hometown

  Wang Tianxiao didn't care either.

   To sell this kind of wild thing is to sell a predestined person. There are only two kinds of people who are willing to buy, either they are rich and want to eat something delicious, or they love food and want to satisfy their mouths without money.

   There are many people in the market for this kind of person, and he will definitely meet them.

  His psychological price is six yuan a piece. If he can sell it for eight yuan, he will be very satisfied.

  Three poles per day.

  Other people’s homes sold a lot of things, so Wang Tianxiao waited for the first customer.

  It is an old cadre who looks to be in his sixties or seventies, holding a little girl of four or five years old in his hand. The old cadre is full of energy. She must have been in the army.

   "Grandpa, look at Tutu."

  The old man was about to walk over, but when he heard his granddaughter yelling, he turned his head and his eyes lit up slightly.

   "It's still alive."

  Actually, it’s no wonder that these people are curious, because hares are hard to catch, and they are very timid. Many times, you don’t exert much effort, but it scares itself to death.

  It is very rare that this kind can be brought to the market alive.

  If Wang Tianxiao hadn't been a forest ranger for many years, half a hunter, and knew the habits of these guys well, he wouldn't have been able to catch them alive.

   "Do you want to take a look, sir?" Wang Tianxiao asked

  The old man slowly bent down, looked at the hare carefully, nodded and said, "Is it a real hare, or a snow hare."

  Wang Tianxiao asked unexpectedly: "You know it."

  The uncle stood up again, wiped his glasses, and said proudly: "I have been in the mountains for forty years, and I have eaten eighty if not a hundred snow rabbits. How could I not recognize them?"

Instead, he looked a little lonely, "But since I retired, I haven't eaten it again. I never imagined that someone could catch a live snow rabbit. This little guy is very timid, and he will be scared to death as soon as he hears the gunshots." , sometimes you can frighten them into cramp if you stomp your feet hard."

   "Haha, that's right, old man, you are right, this guy is like this."

   "Boy, how did you catch it?"

  Wang Tianxiao smiled slightly, but did not speak.

The uncle was stunned for a moment before realizing it, shaking his head and laughing, "Look at me, this is all your ability to eat, I ask why. Well, I'll buy you two rabbits, how do you sell them? "

  Wang Tianxiao hadn’t spoken yet, when a businessman who had left earlier just strolled over again and shouted directly: “He, a wild rabbit costs twenty yuan.”

  Wang Tianxiao frowned slightly.

   "Twenty yuan?" The old cadre repeated.

   "That's right, old man, tell me if he is crazy about money, and I say he might as well just put a knife on the side and rob."

  Wang Tianxiao was a little depressed by this guy.

  However, he still refrained from getting angry. Anyway, he has a soul of several decades in his body, so he won't get angry easily over trivial matters.

   This kind of hawker eats this bowl of rice, and his mouth is cheap.

   If you care too much about them, it seems that you are not broad-minded enough.

   "It's a bit expensive, but it's okay. After all, this kind of live hare is more difficult to catch. Just sell these two to me. I haven't eaten authentic hares for many years."

   "Huh?" Wang Tianxiao was a little confused.

  The hawker couldn't believe his ears at all.

   "Old man, you are right, this is 20 yuan a piece, 20 yuan!"

  Even Wang Tianxiao felt a little inappropriate. He asked for twenty yuan just casually. He knew that the rabbit was not worth twenty yuan.

   "Although my grandfather is old, he is not deaf. I can hear it. It costs 20 yuan a bunny, isn't it, Grandpa?"

  At this time, the little girl next to me suddenly interrupted.

   "Haha, yes, you heard me right." Grandpa pampered the little girl's head, took out the wallet from it, took out four old people's heads and handed them to Wang Tianxiao.

   "Just these two, but I didn't bring anything, can you send them for me?"

  Wang Tianxiao hesitated slightly, he still had more hares.

  Seeing that the old man and the young were really hard to bring home the two rabbits weighing nearly ten catties, he took the money and said with a smile, "Of course I can. I'll send it back for you. Wait a minute, I'll pack up my things."

  Wang Tianxiao re-tied the bag and put it on the back seat of the car, pushing the car behind the old man.

   "It's okay if a blind cat meets a dead mouse?"

   "What envy, he just sold two, and if he has the ability to sell all the rest, that's his ability."

   "Dream, and sell all of them. If I can sell another one, I will immediately block the stall and leave,"


  Wang Tianxiao heard someone talking about him vaguely behind him, but he didn't bother to pay attention.

   To live a good life, you have to walk out of your own feet. There is no point in arguing with these people, and it is a waste of time.

   "Young man, where is your home?"

   "Wang Family Village."

   "Oh, I heard that it is a village near Yangziling."

   "Where has the old man been?"

   "I've been there. I'm familiar with the dozen or so mountains in Ziwu Ridge."


  Wang Tianxiao didn't expect to meet the old leader when he came here.

   "However, that happened many years ago. Back then, there were no decent villages near Yangziling, and there were quite few people. Our Forestry Bureau spent a lot of effort to clean it up."

   "The old leader has worked hard." Wang Tianxiao said sincerely.

  People who stay in the mountains know the suffering in the mountains.

  Many people think of the mountains, but they can only think of the interesting places inside, as if the mountains are a paradise, a paradise on earth.

  In fact, only those who live in the mountains know the hardships of the mountains.

   Food, clothing, housing and transportation are very inconvenient, and they have to endure danger and loneliness that ordinary people can't imagine.

  Since this old man is said to be the pioneer in the construction of Yangziling station, he is definitely not an ordinary person now, no wonder he can spend so much money on hares.

  Listening to what Wang Tianxiao said, the old man smiled and asked, "Why do you call me the old leader?"

   "To tell you the truth, I work at Ziwu Ridge."

   "What a coincidence?" The old man suddenly became interested and said excitedly, "I didn't expect to meet a young man from a unit. Tell me, what's going on there now."

  Wang Tianxiao thought for a while, his memory is actually very vague, it has been thirty or forty years, how could he remember so much, so he smiled and said: "It's still the same, there is nothing new in the mountains."

   "That's right." Wang Tianxiao's perfunctory words aroused the old man's emotion, "It's very bitter, and it's not easy when you're young. Then why do you sell wild things?"

  Wang Tianxiao briefly talked about the family's poor conditions, and didn't mention the family's bullshit.

  The old man also sighed when he heard it, and comforted him to take his time, and life will be better in the end.

  The old man lives in an old family home in Xicheng. Wang Tianxiao remembers that this is a family home for cadres, and there are leaders at all levels of the city government living in it. It seems that this old man is still a big official.

  However, he didn't bother to inquire about other people's affairs. He stopped at the door knowingly and helped the old man hand over the hare.

   "This is your hare, it's a bit heavy, please walk carefully."

   "You look down on me, an old man. This weight can't help me." The old man held two hares weighing ten catties in one hand, and showed Wang Tianxiao his strength, like an old urchin.

  A look of reluctance to admit defeat.

  Wang Tianxiao saw that the things had been delivered home, and was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly, a motorcycle drove up from the right side, rumbled to a stop at the gate of the family courtyard, and a young man in leather got out of the car.

  Full-body leather clothing and big-toed leather boots, this kind of person is definitely a trendy youth who keeps turning heads 100% in this era.

  He put his white gloves on the handlebars, and was about to enter the yard, when he suddenly saw Wang Tianxiao who was about to leave next to him, pointed at his bag and asked, "What's in it?"

  (end of this chapter)