MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 736 There are guests from afar (thanks

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   The night was fading, and the sun seemed to be frightened by the fierce battle below. After rising from the east, it had been hiding in the thick clouds and refused to come out.

  The morning light brightens the sky. This night, the sky above Shanghai is used as a drawing board for fighter planes and flying monsters. After continuous creation all night, an abstract painting has appeared on the canvas.

The tracks left by the fighter jets when they cut through the sky are the white lines that can be seen everywhere on the canvas. These lines are entangled with each other and become large and small clumps. The remaining thick or thin lines are connected in series to form a meaningless picture. The pictures are like the "precious ink marks" left by some grandstanding "Masters of Chinese Studies" who swayed their brushes indiscriminately.

Below, the once prosperous city is riddled with holes. All kinds of aircraft, artillery and missiles have ploughed back and forth over a dozen times in this area of ​​land and gold. Most of the high-rise buildings that symbolize prosperity and fidelity can't bear it. ravaged and collapsed. If you look at it from a distance of 10,000 meters, yesterday's Shang Hai looks like a hula wood covered with barbs, but today, this hula wood has been polished and smooth, and the "barbs" rising from the ground are gone. What remains is the dense pits and pits.

The smell of gunpowder smoke and the strong smell of blood drifted away from the defense line along the strong winds. The smoke and dust that filled the ruins rose and fell, and fell and rose again. In the part of the area that had just been bombed, the charred black spread outward, and the color It gradually fades, like thick smoke coming out of a chimney, and in other areas, there are also jet-black smoke columns rising straight like wolf smoke. Looking up along these smoke columns, they seem to connect the sky and the earth together, as if forming a Tongtian Avenue.

  Each such black smoke column represents the death of a powerful monster. Only precision-guided powerful missiles can create such a spectacle, and expensive missiles are naturally aimed at high-level monsters that conventional weapons cannot kill.

   The silence did not last long, and an unprecedentedly powerful monster descended from the ruins of corpses.

Under the spotlight of the world, in the urban area of ​​Shanghai, in a crack that is as high as 200 meters and 120 meters wide - both of these data have broken historical records. If nothing else, this record will remain for a period of time. ——Hold out a giant hand with five fingers.

This giant hand is not much different from normal humans in terms of physical structure. It has five fingers, four long and one short, corresponding to the thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger. The thumb has only two knuckles, while The remaining four fingers have distal, middle and advanced segments, which look like a human hand that has been magnified countless times.

However, there are still significant differences between this giant hand and the human hand, not only in terms of size, but also in skin color. This giant hand is completely silver-white and spotless, and the fingerprints and palm prints are no longer ordinary lines, but by One by one, the mysterious symbols and characters are connected into circles or arcs, all over the palm and finger pulp.

Thirty kilometers south of the    crack, in an underground base, Yang Xiaoqian pointed at the image on the screen and was amazed.

   "Is that the 'Silver Giant'? The name is quite appropriate." Yang Xiaoqian turned his head and asked Mohuan, "Are other body structures similar to humans?"

Although all the known information about the silver giant has been reported, Mohuan patiently explained to Yang Xiaoqian: "Yes, other body structures are similar to humans, but the silver giant has no snout and only one eye that can be sunken in the head. ."


"Many aristocratic families believe that the earliest ancient talismans appeared tens of thousands of years ago, but at that time people didn't even have a common language to communicate with each other, and they only expressed their meanings with simple syllables and body movements. We have different viewpoints. We Mohist schools of all dynasties believe that the Tianhuan tribe is not only the origin of the rune civilization, but also the first human beings to use the rune tool.”

"According to historical records, the Tianhuan tribe encountered the corpse of a silver giant during a migration. The silver giant's corpse had residual power, enough to deter other demons, so the Tianhuan tribe set up camp beside the body of the silver giant, and soon after , The people of the Tianhuan tribe discovered that the fingerprints, palm patterns and bone patterns of the silver giant were composed of runes, and they began to study the runes. As a result, the Tianhuan tribe became the first tribe to master the knowledge of runes, and it is also the most famous in history. powerful tribe."

After Mo Huan finished speaking, he sighed: "Every child of a noble family will learn this history in the clan school, but how many people can see the real silver giant? I didn't expect to see a silver giant with my own eyes. "

   "Oh?" After hearing Mo Huan's description, Yang Xiaoqian raised his eyebrows slightly, "The number of silver giants is rare?"

"Maybe a few, or a lot, at least I've never seen it before, and no one has seen it in the thousand-year history of the Mo family. Legend has it that the space crack was opened by the silver giant. Every time a world came, the silver giant would collect a lot of silver and then open the crack. , lead the magic tide to the next world, and will not stay in one world for a long time."

   "Where did the legend come from?"

   "I don't know, maybe someone has seen it with their own eyes, or maybe it's just an unfounded conjecture."

   "Yeah." Yang Xiaoqian was full of doubts. Since it was wartime, he first asked the silver giant about its weaknesses.

   However, Mohuan couldn't answer this question. For the humans on Earth No. 4, the silver giant is a legend in the history books, the origin of rune technology, the bearer of the rune avenue, and a god-like existence.

   In fact, many tribes and even aristocratic families have deified the image of the silver giant and formed a religious worship. For the humans on Earth No. 4, the silver giant is not only a powerful creature that is powerless to kill, but also a **** that cannot be offended. Therefore, even Mo Huan, who has read a lot of books, has never seen any information that records the weaknesses or killing methods of the silver giant.

"So, what kind of existence killed the silver giant corpse that the Tianhuan tribe encountered?" Yang Xiaoqian knew that Mohuan couldn't give an answer to this question, so he immediately asked the next question, "I heard you say that the silver giant has fingerprints, palm patterns and bone patterns. I have seen the fingerprints and palm patterns. What's the matter with the bone patterns?"

In Yang Xiaoqian's mind, a tribe that does not know how to farm and only uses simple tools is not much different from the primitive people. Even if they try to imitate the runes on the silver giant, they should not quickly find the trick to know how to use the runes. Engraved on silver, even if you guess, you can't extract high-purity silver.

  Reminiscent of the name of the silver giant and the giant hand that appeared in the city, we can deduce a conclusion: the silver giant is composed of silver. Only in this way, the Tianhuan tribe who encounters the corpse of the silver giant will know that the runes must be engraved on the silver to exert the greatest effect. Batch rune implements.

   But if it is a non-carbon-based life body made of silver, how can it have flesh and blood?

"It is said that after the death of the silver giant, the runes that maintain its life will become invalid, and then the silver layer on the surface of the silver giant will fall off, revealing the inner skeleton used to support the body. The skeleton is also engraved with runes." Mo Huan's tone was a little erratic, not sure, "But this is just a statement passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, and it may not be accurate."

Yang Xiaoqian nodded and thought this explanation was acceptable. Given the size and weight of the silver giant, if it is really similar to the human body structure, then it should be difficult to keep standing, so it is very likely that the so-called silver giant is just made of The rune mechanical body composed of silver and other metals is formed of silver outside, and the hollow inside is supported by a skeletal system engraved with runes.

   Looking up and down the silver giant's arm with interest - at this time, a complete arm has been stretched out from the crack - Yang Xiaoqian asked the last question: "Can you think of any information about the silver giant?"

   Mo Huan thought for a while and then shook his head: "No, but I want to give you, or rather, give you some advice."


"Since your country is so powerful, ten million times stronger than Daming, then immediately order to collect the silver in the world." Mo Huan said solemnly with a serious expression, "Unlike those bloodthirsty demons, silver Giants don’t like to kill, they only collect silver from all walks of life. After the disintegration of the Tianhuan tribe, silver giants have appeared in Rune Continent several times, but they have never actively harmed other creatures.”

   Yang Xiaoqian raised the corners of his mouth, smiled at Mo Huan's suggestion, and smiled indifferently.

   Mo Huan saw Yang Xiaoqian's expression in his eyes, and felt anxious, but as an uninvited guest, he didn't say much, so he could only grit his teeth and keep his mouth shut and watch the change.

At this time, the entire upper body of the silver giant had protruded out of the crack, with two arms, a body as smooth as a flat plate, and a spherical head with a one-eyed on it. An oval eye pattern is inscribed by thousands of runes.

   So far, most of the alien creatures that have appeared in this world are flesh and blood, and even the most peculiar ones are mixed-based creatures with carbon-based as the main body, and the silver giant is the first non-carbon-based life form to appear.

   With such a special identity and incomparably powerful strength, the silver giant naturally attracted the attention of the whole world, and the reconnaissance satellites of various countries chose it as their target. Although the other hemisphere has changed from day to night, the people who can observe Shanghai City through reconnaissance satellites are not sleepy. They are in their offices or small rooms, holding coffee or energy drinks, and staring at Stare into the camera.

   After a while, the silver giant finally got out of the crack and stood on the ruins that had been devastated by artillery fire.

   Its round head spun around a few times, the rune eyes lit up, and then it slightly bent its knees and stretched out its hands to the "giant corpse" at its feet, which was the wreckage of the stairs that collapsed to the ground.

It seems that the silver giant rarely sees an existence taller than himself. It moves cautiously, with some doubts and a little caution. When its fingertips touch the building and determine that it is just a dead object, it presses its palm against the wall. . When the silver giant exerted force, the fingerprints between his fingers, the palm prints between his palms, and the dense runes arranged in rings on his arms all lit up. After the reflection and reflection of the silver, they became more eye-catching.

   And the palm pressed against the wall, like a 10,000-ton hydraulic press extruding an aluminum can, easily crushed the reinforced concrete stairs into powder.

Yang Xiaoqian's chin was slightly raised, and Mo Huan said in his heart that what Mo Huan had said was true. This shocking force alone is not something that a mere giant dragon can contend with. If the giant dragon dares to fight meleely, I am afraid that the silver giant can tear it like a chicken wing. took their wings and slapped them **** like flies.

   Not to mention, the silver giant must have other means, just the rune engraved all over its body is enough to make people tremble.

"It is estimated that conventional weapons cannot effectively kill it. I just don't know if the general headquarters will use the previous round of conventional weapons as a test first, or will they directly use the big killer?" , Ordinarily, it should be tested with conventional weapons first, try to find out the weakness of the silver giant, and analyze its characteristics and capabilities according to the silver giant's response, and then formulate a targeted combat plan. But according to Mohuan's description, the silver giant is far more powerful than other monsters. Perhaps, instead of trying to make it vigilant, it is better to go directly to the final plan, surprise and attack it.

The voice here just fell, and the result appeared on the screen there. The three short-range missiles dragged their long tail flames and flew straight to the silver giant. At this time, there were no high-rise buildings around, and the silver giant was still squatting in place. , so the three missiles successfully hit the target.

The three exploding flames lit up almost at the same time, but the silver giant was not damaged at all. Just as the missile was about to come into contact with it, a translucent film-like protective cover appeared on its body, removing the shrapnel produced by the explosion. Block as much as possible with the shock wave.

Seeing this scene, Mo Huan, who was sitting on pins and needles, finally couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up suddenly and shouted: "I know you are very strong, I have already watched the video of you capturing two giant dragons, but you must understand, A mere giant dragon can be captured alive with the power of a top family, but a silver giant, even if it gathers the power of a world family, would not dare to fight against it... The power of the silver giant is far beyond your imagination! The price is not as good as giving a lot of silver, and the silver giant may open a crack and go to the next world after being satisfied!"

  Yang Xiaoqian glanced at Mo Huan and waved his hand lightly to signal him to be calm.

"Well, don't get excited. Silver, it's worthless, how much you want, but I live in China, a country of etiquette, and when guests come from afar, of course they must be well received, how can I send some worthless things like sending beggars Er, are you in a hurry to drive people away?" Yang Xiaoqian smiled and pressed Mohuan back to his seat, holding up a few china plates with meals and handing them to him, "Eat well, drink well, be optimistic, soon you will be You will find that you can rest assured that everything is fine.”