MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 691 night

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The Yuanjiao Association is going to set up a hunter guild. The mysterious department behind Tang Fei will not only send arms and supplies, but also a group of capable thugs. Although a large number of foreigners join the guild, it will have an impact on the local forces in Yuanjiang within the guild and affect Pei Qingxian and others. The right to speak, but this is not necessarily a good thing.

First of all, these mercenaries are war madmen who rely on guns to eat. Perhaps their ability to hunt zombies and mutants is not as good as that of the corpse hunters in the distant river, but on the battlefield with advanced weapons, their performance will only be better than the far Jiang Corpse Hunter is even better.

   Secondly, they come from all over the world, have different nationalities and identities, and are proficient in using a variety of languages ​​and skills, which are skills that the corpse hunters do not have, so they can better explore foreign markets.

In the end, standing behind Tang Fei must be the Zero One Base. Pei Qingxian brought a group of corpse hunters with no business experience to make the guild bigger and stronger. . But with the help of Zero One Base, all the problems will not be a problem.

   This is a good thing that falls from the sky, Yang Xiaoqian pondered for a long time and made a decision.

There are no talents in the fields of e-commerce and software development within the Yuanjiao Association, and they are worried about recruiting all the outsiders. Pei Qingxian and others may not be able to seize the opportunity, and Yang Xiaoqian cannot put his main energy into the Hunter Guild—even if he invests a lot of money. It may not be useful to put energy into it. It is like a mountain, and Yang Xiaoqian may also be a mess when it is involved in an industry field that has not been contacted before - so this piece of cake will not be able to be eaten by far.

   Anyway, it is to be distributed to other people. Rather than distribution to the second generation of the powerful and the business world, it is better to distribute it to the "World Supervision Bureau" represented by Tang Fei, at least they are sincere.

   Yang Xiaoqian put the cashier's check and letter paper back in the envelope, and said plainly, "Take this cashier's check back, and the arms and supplies you send will be doubled. In exchange, no matter how many people you send, I will accept them all."

"it is good!"

   Tang Fei nodded immediately, without the slightest hesitation, making Yang Xiaoqian feel that he had made a mistake in bargaining.

   It's like buying trousers on the pedestrian street in the second year of high school, asking for 300, counter-offering 150, and the boss agreed. At that time, Yang Xiaoqian struggled again and again, shamelessly put down his pants and did not buy them. After that, he asked Yu Qian to return to the store to continue bargaining, and finally successfully won it at a low price of 60 yuan.

   But this time, he couldn't move out of Qianqian to be a rescuer. Tang Fei didn't give him this chance.

   After thinking for a while to confirm that he should not have been trapped, Yang Xiaoqian walked to the window and stood still, his eyes flying towards infinity.

   A new batch of high-altitude exploration balloons carrying radiosondes is taking off in midair. The sky is overcast with gray, the stars and the moon cannot be seen, only the blinking aircraft traffic lights.

  Most of the light spots are moving away from Shanghai, but some are approaching towards Shanghai, and they will eventually land at Dachang Airport, Hongqiao Airport and Pudong Airport respectively.

After the first batch of transport planes landed at Dachang Airport, the logistics and transport brigade in the airport used heavy trucks to transport the arms and materials unloaded from the transport planes to the station of the Yuanjiu Association. The staff of the Yuanjiv Association's temporary office in Shanghai then pressed their superiors. Order the distribution of weapons and ammunition into the hands of the corpse hunters, arming them to the teeth.

At the same time, international flights from different countries sent many "international friends" who did not have passports and visas to the two major civil airports in Shanghai City. Many of them were entering China for the first time. The cautiousness shown is completely in line with their professionalism, but it does not match their rough and unruly appearance and domineering eyes.

   As mercenaries, they came unarmed to the forbidden area of ​​mercenaries, so it is no wonder that they have to be careful.

The staff of the    Far Rescue Association warmly received the group of international friends who came to support and took them to the temporary office building of the Hunter Guild.

In just one week, it is of course impossible to build a building. Pei Qingxian just applied for the right to use a building in an area not far from the defense line, while Yang Xiaoqian simply wrote a note and circled two for the Hunter Guild. Street - At this time, the evacuation work has been basically completed. The biggest convenience of living in an empty city is to enjoy an incomparably wide space. You can live wherever you want. No problem, anyway, most of these highly representative buildings will be destroyed in the war. Even if there are reservations, it is unlikely that they will be returned to their original owners after the war. It can be seen from the death order to evacuate the whole city, Shang Hai Most likely to become a real magic capital.

  With the participation of many international friends, the team of the rapid response force to the magic tide has rapidly expanded. While the armed force has been improved, personnel management has also become a problem.

Mercenaries who lick blood and advocate freedom and money are not as easy to manage as the regular army. Although most of them have had a period of military experience, if they want to condense these lone rangers and mercenaries into a team in a short period of time. A united wolf pack is as difficult as reaching the sky.

In the end, Yang Xiaoqian decided not to break up these mercenaries and reorganize them, but to keep their original team, and put the lone rangers who are used to acting alone into other teams, or re-form a team, which will be reviewed by the military advisors of the Far Rescue Society. their combat capabilities, and then deploy them in squads, through Jingwei gunships and transport aircraft, and deploy each squad to the location where support is needed.

In addition to Yuanjiang Corpse Hunters and mercenaries from all over the world, most of the awakenings have also been incorporated into the Quick Reaction Force, including the instructors and students of the Super Energy Academy. The first batch of students led by Yang Dong, Shan Yun, Zhou Tianhong and others already have After gaining the ability to participate in the war, they were incorporated into the first-line team, while the second batch of students who subsequently entered the super students were all included in the second-line team.

Two weeks after Shang Hai's withdrawal, the quick-reaction troops were ready, the Nandu Military Region was ready, the Jiangbei Provincial Government and the Central Government were ready, and the whole country was waiting in anxiety, waiting for this match to come. war.

   On a seemingly business-as-usual night, a biological researcher and monster breeder catches the anomaly before the warriors are ready to go.

Except for eating, the magic dragon generally does not get up, because every time it tries to escape, the alloy chains tied to its limbs, wings, neck and waist will release high-voltage current, and the electric shock usually lasts for 30 minutes. Personnel also release biological gas as punishment.

After    tried a few times, the dragon stopped doing any unnecessary actions, perhaps giving up completely, or relaxing the guards' vigilance, secretly gathering strength, and thinking about ways to escape.

   But this night, the researcher on the night shift saw the magic dragon suddenly stand up, a pair of blood-red giant eyes looking in the direction of Shang Hai, and roaring furiously.