MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 673 Close the door and beat the dog

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  The top three in all the wars since the founding of the People's Republic of China, this prediction really surprised Zeng Bo.

Putting aside those border frictions that have never been recorded, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there have been eight foreign wars in total, namely the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the China-India Border War, Zhenbao Island Self-Defense Counterattack, Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam, and the Paracel Islands. The defense war, the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the war against the corpse in the far river and the defense of the southern capital in Beijing.

   To rank among the top three, it must not be as windy and rainy as the southern capital defense battle.

   But, will such a tragic battle really take place in Shanghai?

Cheng Xu stared at Zeng Bo's eyes and said, "Don't doubt, I didn't drink alcohol today, and I didn't talk crazy. Compared with the upcoming war in Shanghai, other than the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, other wars since the founding of the People's Republic of China can't be counted. It’s a war, at best a local battle. Isn’t it hard to believe?”

   "It's really hard to believe." Zeng Bo nodded.

"But the facts can't deceive people here. You have experienced the defense of Nandu. Will those monsters that run out of the cracks in the space stay in place? They are not so honest. If you don't wipe them out in the Shanghai, then they will flow to the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, straight into the hinterland of China, otherwise why build those fortifications?"

Having said this, Cheng Xu grinned and said, "You are the big-headed soldiers now. You have neither experience nor intelligence sources, so you may not see the mystery of those fortifications. Come on, think about it, you have built a total of several lines of defense, Where is the first line of defense, and, in your opinion, is there anything strange about these fortifications?"

   Zeng Bo and his colleagues looked at each other, and actually began to think about these issues. Originally, this conversation was about working on the "stayers", but it went off the center unknowingly.

"I don't know how many lines of defense there are in total, but I guess the first line of defense is from Hangzhou Bay to Jinshan District to G320 National Road, the logistics point is in Jiashan County, the other side is from Dianshan Lake in Qingpu District to G318 National Road, and then up is Baoshan District, Jiading District to S58 Huchang Expressway..." My colleague is a soldier in the Shanghai Garrison Area, and he is more familiar with Shanghai's defense than Zeng Bo. "I only know these things, the rest are military secrets, and I don't know how to ask questions like me. Dare to ask."

   "What about the central areas of Hongkou District, Putuo District, Xuhui District, and Minhang District? Are there defense lines?" Cheng Xu asked.

"Maybe not."

   Zeng Bo must have thought of the key point when he saw his colleague's complexion change.

   "If this is a defensive battle, then the first line of defense will not be placed on the edge of the city and the national highway, but will be placed on the periphery of the central area of ​​the city, you know why?"

   "I don't know." Zeng Bo shook his head decisively. All the content he studied in college were professional courses related to electronic information engineering. As for the military education course in college? That thing is really just a legend. Zeng Bo has never seen it before. Only later did Zeng Bo learn how to use some conventional weapons such as pistols and rifles during the live-ammunition military training of the whole school. Moreover, even when shooting with live ammunition, the bullet casings are counted during military training. How could they teach military theory?

"Well, let me put it this way, don't look at the power of today's rifles and pistols that are not much stronger than 20 or 30 years ago, but the combat capabilities and combat capabilities of the modern army are unimaginable decades ago. The battle of Jiang, from disappearing from the dome to confirming the location and then to being covered by artillery fire, took only half an hour. After that, the Nandu Military Region bombed half of the far river in less than two hours, and burned the corpse sea. clean."

"But there are two prerequisites here. First, logistics must keep up. Under the same conditions of equipment, intelligence collection and analysis capabilities and logistics supply capabilities often determine the outcome of modern warfare. Since the target of this battle is not the enemy's army, It's an alien creature that doesn't know where it came from, so let's put aside the intelligence war for the time being, and only talk about logistics."

"What is logistics? Logistics means that each unit uses manpower, material resources, financial resources, and technical capabilities to meet the needs of combat troops and second-line troops as much as possible in terms of material funds, medical aid, transportation, equipment maintenance and replacement, and infrastructure barracks. , whether it is strategic logistics, operational logistics or tactical logistics, the focus is on transportation capabilities.”

"Transporting troops, equipment, ammunition supplies and individual elites in different ways, so that they can appear in the most important position in time, is the most important ability. Suppose we are going to fight in Shanghai, then what is the most important strategic area? The Pearl of the Orient? The Bund? Lujiazui? None of them. It is the national highway and expressway connecting the inner and outer city of Shanghai City. These rapid transportation systems are the blood vessels of the combat troops, which are used to transport fresh blood, that is, equipment, ammunition, and reinforcements."

"Since national highways and high-speed roads are so important, why set up defense lines next to them? Shouldn't there be more lines of defense in front of them as buffer belts? It's not like the military headquarters and the general staff think that the enemy is an alien creature, even if With ultra-long-range strike capabilities, it won't have the combat awareness to destroy the transportation system, right? As far as I know, we have not been able to determine how intelligent those monsters are."

"Then tell me, why is this? Well, this is a question, I'll ask you another thing, have you noticed that there are many new bunkers in front of and behind the defense line, including in the city? What are they used for? Right? Take a closer look at the appearance of those bunkers, and if you are interested, you can ask again, who built these bunkers."

   "It's not a secret anyway. I can tell you directly that it's not the Army Direct Engineer Corps of the Nandu Military Region that built these safety bunkers, but Zhanyuan Company."

"You may not have heard of this company. It is a security company funded by Yuanjiu Association. It has a lot of energy. Since the mutant crisis caused the panic of nuclear war, Zhanyuan Company has cooperated with the 'Lifan Group', the king of Jiangbei Province. , dispatched a large number of construction teams and construction engineers, and hired foreign experts to set up a subsidiary to build survival bunkers."

"It didn't take long for Zhanyuan to expand its business scope overseas, and established cooperative relations with Atlas and Rising of the United States. Now it is the first giant in the domestic survival bunker manufacturing industry, and the official government they received The engineering, that is, these survival bunkers built in Shanghai City, are all nuclear war bunkers."

   "I said so much, do you understand? This is not a defensive battle at all, this is a war of annihilation with closed doors and dogs! If necessary, even nuclear bombs will be used!"